Week Ending Nov 4

Keweenaw Issues: Anonymous Ranting: 2000: November: Week Ending Nov 4
An archive of previous comments

By humored on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 07:25 pm:


Are you postsitive that the mason/electrician or other skilled trades person actually WANTS to work during the winter?

If so would they want to work a ski hill? To me that would be like a skilled tradesman (machine repair, electrician or hydraulic repairman) in a auto factory going to work on the actual assembly line putting on a nut on a bolt - that is NOT likely to happen. FYI - that is a big pay cut!

By J. Higgs Boson on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 01:16 pm:

I've finally been outed.
Yep. Some gaggle of physicists at CERN in Geneva.
It's been a weighty matter holding back the truth all these years but boyoboy, this sudden release of testosterone tension has made every millennium of the wait well worth it.
I am not alone!
Just don't get me started on molasses-field theory. That's a flap-jack I wouldn't even try cover in less than a light-year!

Well, best be getting back to work now.
Who else can provide gravity and substance for a weightless world so lost in space and time?

By Dr.'s Huxley and Hilarious on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 11:23 pm:

(11:15 pm Eagle Harbor Lighthouse)
We found young Jack curled round the commode this morning having apparently coughed up his scrambled eggs into the clogged receptacle. By his side lay a copy of The Journal of Albion Moonlight and on the wall, in bits of blood-stained tinfoil, he'd messily written:

Where my stag-antlered love moves

Where my stag-antlered love moves
Across your warmspringing hills
In lengthening music to enter your cave
Is my world

Where my wet coin bears the stamp
Of an architecture as incredible
As His in Whose image it is

Kenneth Patchen 1960

Worry not, PETA! By dinnertime he was chained comfortably back into his rocking chair, peering painlessly out towards Isle Royale, following a gull's flight across the water.
Beanie Baby Ruth Ann(or Scarlet O'Hare as it's corporate manufacturer calls her) is once again resting comfortably in his lap.
We expect great things from our time-traveler for Voyage #2 and have even considered his advice to update our in-flight movie menu by adding Vertigo to the current choice list of Time Bandits and 12 Monkeys.
It seems he has a problem with the g-forces.
Ahh well, it's science you know...and we may be dealing here with a living embodiment of Murphy's Law.
Until next time,
Your Masters of Ceremony

By Dust in the Wind on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 11:14 pm:

Leader of the Band

An only child
Alone and wild
A cabinet maker's son
His hands were meant
For different work
And his heart was known
To none --
He left his home
And went his lone
And solitary way
And he gave to me
A gift I know I never can repay
A quiet man of music
Denied a simpler fate
He tried to be a soldier once
But his music wouldn't wait
He earned his love
Through discipline
A thundering, velvet hand
His gentle means of sculpting souls
Took me years to understand.
The leader of the band is tired
And his eyes are growing old
But his blood runs through
My instrument
And his song is in my soul --
My life has been a poor attempt
To imitate the man
I'm just a living legacy
To the leader of the band.
My brothers' lives were different
For they heard another call
One went to Chicago
And the other to St. Paul
And I'm in Colorado
When I'm not in some hotel
Living out this life I've chose
And come to know so well.
I thank you for the music
And your stories of the road
I thank you for the freedom
When it came my time to go --
I thank you for the kindness
And the times when you got tough
And, papa, I don't think I
Said 'I love you' near enough --
The leader of the band is tired
And his eyes are growing old
But his blood runs through
My instrument
And his song is in my soul --
My life has been a poor attempt
To imitate the man
I'm just a living legacy
To the leader of the band
I am the living legacy
To the leader of the band.
-- Dan Fogelberg

For my own reasons, it's appropriate today.

By xmarksthespot on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 09:10 pm:


Thank you for expressing the feelings of many local people. We've lived the "thick and thin" you write about and know that Copper City is a heck of a lot closer in culture and attitude toward Ahmeek than it is to Houghton County...arbitrarily drawn markers of a century ago. No one I know from KCo. would have anything less than commendable words for Rinne's fuel. They've been with us "forever"...I have never considered purchasing winter fuel from anyone else, nor have my family members. Old loyalties run deep and they run true. Those are the values I treasure and you gave them a real voice. We know when push comes to shove and we're hard up, we can still count on Rinne's to come through for us. Since Ray has a place at the Belle, has another shop in Kco, I cannot figure out why he wasn't give the contract. He does excellent work. He's a local fixture and he's an honest man. Political clout? Maybe not with the slippery folks, but certainly has what political clout is measured by here where we come from...personal integrity and character. Local values, local worth, local loyalties.


By Weatherman on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 06:16 pm:

Bravo, Idiot Wind!
An inspired piece of work!
Here's a cheery poem I found called Ode to a Ski Hill by I. Seymour Snow(published in mid-19th century under the inscrutable pseudonym H. W. Longfellow).
I believe it may be just the thing for Winter 2001 in the Keweenaw.

The shades of night were falling fast,
As through an Alpine village passed
A youth, who bore, 'mid snow and ice,
A banner with the strange device,

His brow was sad; his eye beneath,
Flashed like a falchion from its sheath,
And like a silver clarion rung
The accents of that unknown tongue,

In happy homes he saw the light
Of household fires gleam warm and bright;
Above, the spectral glaciers shone,
And from his lips escaped a groan,

"Try not the Pass!" the old man said:
"Dark lowers the tempest overhead,
The roaring torrent is deep and wide!
And loud that clarion voice replied,

"Oh stay," the maiden said, "and rest
Thy weary head upon this breast!"
A tear stood in his bright blue eye,
But still he answered, with a sigh,

"Beware the pine-tree's withered branch!
Beware the awful avalanche!"
This was the peasant's last Good-night,
A voice replied, far up the height,

At break of day, as heavenward
The pious monks of Saint Bernard
Uttered the oft-repeated prayer,
A voice cried through the startled air,

A traveller, by the faithful hound,
Half-buried in the snow was found,
Still grasping in his hand of ice
That banner with the strange device,

There in the twilight cold and gray,
Lifeless, but beautiful, he lay,
And from the sky, serene and far,
A voice fell, like a falling star,

By Good Old Boy NOT on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 05:38 pm:

And your point being?

By factman on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 05:34 pm:

Your missing the point!

By Good Old Boy NOT on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 05:21 pm:

Fact Man:
Well well, Ray employs a kytta from mohawk part time, and a man from Gay. Are they both in Houghton County? R&R employs one, from ahmeek location. So next time fact man get your facts straight. Yes ray and his wife do live in houghton County. Do they pay taxes in Keweenaw on their business? Does R&R pay taxes in Keweenaw on their calumet and laurium locations? Facts my petooty.

By fact man on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 04:50 pm:

good ol boy not,

Just to set the record strait. Rinnie's shop is in kew he lives in houghton county.he employs people from houghton county. Rowes is in houghton county they employ people from kew county, and you can't find any buisiness better to deal with.

By GoodOleBoyNOT on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 03:13 pm:

Hmm, in response to Ron Trapps post. I wonder why Rinne's fuel was not given the contract to haul the fuel to the mountain? Seems maybe elboe can get breakwinds some votes. Those machines must have guzzled many a gallon. Rinne's is in Keweenaw County, employs K County people. R&R who did deliver is in Houghton County. Employs houghton county residents. Seems to me Ray and Carole would have appreciated the additional income that delivery would have brought into their family income. Rays father ran that business through thick and thin. Stood by the locals, yes the local miners, know many people that could not afford to pay right away due to the strike but dont worry, Eino gave them credit. Back then our neighbors could be trusted. I seriously wonder if we can anymore. Frank, what a friggin fool you are. I suggest you do something about that ____hole you have in ahmeek, broken down skidders, slasher, pickups, logging rigs etc etc. Oh forget it In keweenaw it does not matter, look at the mess that greets us when we approach the town of Mohawk. A town where the people take pride in their houses and yards. See many run down houses in mohawk? Guess not, so why is Mr. Patrick allowed to get away with his BS? IT is clearly in the zoning regulations about junkyards, eight foot fence or berm around it. Why you ask? Why? Why? Why? Why?

By An Idiot Wind on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 12:26 pm:

Near the bottom of the hill they are surprised to find
A ten-year-old fire station, built in two-thousand and ten
Dedicated to the voters who were so kind
To blacken the yes oval with a pen

They had this vote, over the summer
when all the residents were here.

So somebody else's rest is easier now in sunnier climes
Unlike the devastating winter of double-O nine
When a disgruntled local down to his last dimes
Started his snowmobile and followed the coastline

While a winter snow fell and not a soul was in sight
Cottages were left while mansions were set ablaze
The volunteer fire departments couldn't put out that light
And though the sleeping in Houghton County all were raised
The insurance adjuster had fifteen foundations to appraise
When the culprit was caught many were amazed
'Twas a she, not a he.
Before they sent her away she quote another's phrase:

Cash your dreams before they slip away.
Dying all the time
Lose your dreams and you
Will lose your mind.
Ain't life unkind?

The fifteen quickly recouped,
They sold stock in Exxon, Warner-Lambert, and fluent Teledyne
Corporate trenchcoats, criminal recidivists, unheard of Columbines.
But when the Health Department wouldn't stoop
To permitting "septic" that would allow poops
To lick the water by the penny-scramble shore
A new state representative was called for
And the Health Department is now kinder and gentler, like before.
(This station is but one out of four.)
Their motto in brass, right over the door
We'll open floodgates to fight fires, cause we're needed, fer-sher.

Ray Don: Surely the jobs are a plenty
If they need fire fighters with a pedigree.
Roy: The hour is late though it appears all are awake
Over thither must be why. Look! Another flare-gun snowflake!

(A Voice Whispers Clandestinely: The character of Walt has been replaced with another, K. Phillip Sofgs. Walt's contract was not renewed, as he wanted more than he was worth.)

K. Phillip Sofgs: And o'er yonder yet another walker
By the movement of her lips
It appears she'll be another talker.
And this one doesn't shoot orange snowflakes But is throwing flower petals to each side in her wake.

The Walker: Plan! Plan! Plan 'for the Apocalypse!
Clup cluppy cleary! Cluppidity clip clip
No time for dewdrops.
Let 'em fall down a well.
Clup clup, our crew!
Nothing will be right unless we tighten the screws

Ray: Who are you? Throwing flower petals on our path
And what's that trailing from your gown so black?
The Walker: Susi Nainen. And my gown was once red
'Til a Brazalian black-tongued leech upon it fed.
K. Phillip Sofgs: I am new to this strange winter debate-land. We three are to awaken folk in this watery wonderland.
Susi Nainen: My petals are soft and greatly in demand
We planted them before heads buried in sand.
Do come again along my fair way.
Here we are awake though we still try to club
All ghostly apparitions, any nightmare Beelzebuub.
But they're few and far between
Since we exercise the land.
K. Phillip Sofgs: Ah! The better then to taste the delightful morn
When you waken fresh in open-windowed rooms
And look outside at the trees your eyes to adorn.
Susi Nainen: Now ya got it, you misplaced three
As I said before, come again, come again.

Footnote: As Ed Sullivan said when they appeared on his show and sang, "Satisfaction,"
thank you, boys, that was really bitching.

By humored on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 12:07 pm:

I meant to say the resturant at the hill....

By humored on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 12:05 pm:


Are you discriminating against multiple pet owners??

I will bet that once the restruant (if one does open) the Landing or what ever will close up again. The skiers may go there until that time, but once it opens they will stay at the hill and the sledders will have been forced out due to the skiers. So much for jobs....

However I hope that that does not happen - but it could.....

By Paul on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 11:58 am:

Alicia, your earlier post. I have apts but not for lots of pets. One is enough.

By alicia marshall on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 08:05 am:

Paul, I have no idea what you are talking about.I have a friend who is looking for a place that will take multiple pets.I lived in apartments back in the early 70's and in looking at some of them now, they have'nt changed too much in appearence.If someone trashed a place that you own i would take them to small claims court.Some people have no respect for others property.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 06:28 am:

Alicia, where did that come from?I don't know the case your talking about but being a landlord I would think that there are two sides to that comment. I have a unit right now that is due their deposit back, they will get it even though they broke the lease, you know why cause at least its clean!!! I bet the case your talking about has damage and the people who should pay are the people who want their deposit back. Go rent a steam cleaner with the suds, sixty bucks and a days work. Do you think the party left it as they got it? Oh and also about thirty bucks for the garbage and grandmas old matress that was shot before the tenants finished it off. On the subject of deposit refund I would have to see the apartment (before&after). VOTE YES

By Tripping over Lot lines. on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 04:14 am:

Not too long ago the issue of taxes and CFR land was raised.
Rich •••••••• (bass-tids) have always figured a way around taxes. There's a local lawyer not too long out of whatever law school who helps rich retired •••••••• hide their money from Uncle Sam.

All perfectly legal, of course.

But the difference you pay in taxes and what the Academy pays is a drop in the bucket compared to the tax break afforded owners of CFR. (read rich ••••••••)

In fact, one chunk of CFR land I came across has the small, 4" diameter plat/lot surveyor markers on its shoreline acreage. Used to be wooden stakes by the 4" diameter concrete stumps with words like Plat 13 and an arrow, plat 14 and an arrow. Platbook says it is CFR.

Now what in the •••• does 4" concrete shoreline lot markers have to do with CFR!!!!

Like I said, rich •••••••• have found a way around taxes. Always have, always will.

The point on CFR? If CFR in platbook can have 4" shoreline lot markers, what the •••• else is labelled CFR and how's about EVERYONE get interested in THAT and let's find out of they have their ducks in a row. I believe they also need some type of timber management plan.

By xmarksthespot on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 10:49 pm:

About the students at the Academy...of course a for-profit corporation with business savvy (remind you of anyone you know?) will take advantage of every federal and state hand-out, every tax advantage to house the young felons at their facility.

Whether this is illegal? I don't know. It's certainly unethical and I would question the motives of any corporation that encouraged or supported or in any way approved of such actions.

When a "student" lives away from a home district, the logical choice is to vote with an absentee ballot. After all, aren't there "local" issues to consider? Factors which will have an effect on their lives when they return home, wherever that may be..

Regardless of the vote on the referendum, I think that much of what we thought of as "true" copper country behavior has gone by the wayside. What happened to the old values?

Where are we living after all?

By alicia marshall (Alicia) on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 09:27 pm:

Let's hear it for responsible landlords that do not have to be taken to small claims court to give the deposit money back to their tenants!!!!
And to those who keep their apartments in GOOD repair.

By Overtaxed on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 08:18 pm:

Just a few observations and questions I have about the (students)(inmates) or what do we call them at Keweenaw Academy voting.
1. Are these (students)or (inmates)?
2. Do they pay taxes?
3. If they are part of the criminal justice
system then are they legally allowed to vote?
4. I pay over six hundred dollars for a modest home in K county that I paid between thirty and forty thousand dollars for. Keweenaw Academy pays $2700 per year in taxes. How many homes are up at the former air base? How many other buildings and what is the equalized value of them? What profit does Keweenaw Academy bring each year to it's parent corporation. Which by the way is for profit corporation traded on the stock exchange?
I pay approximately a little overone fourth of the taxes KA does? Does this seem a little unfair to you out there? A for profit corporation making money while we subsidize their profits? And county officials are crying we need more tax base? Shoot with them only paying that much wonder how we will get the screws with the ski hill?
Just observations and questions. Nothing personal against the academy or students. Just would like others to know how we subsidize a major for profit corporation.

By sam on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 08:01 pm:


If you aren't to answer questions - why don't you answer...The question I asked is not personal - like yours (by the way the answer is none). By you not answering my question, I assume you are from outside of KC.

The number of sleds served was last year - we will see what happens this year..

I have talked to several friends that ski. If they had to choose where to go to ski - they would choose Colorado, or someplace else out west.. Yes they do know where Bohemia is located. They have visited the area.

If they can't get the height of the hill right - what else have they got wrong??????? Most pro hillers have not answered that question....goes to show some people (on both sides) have blinders one.

If they want a ski hill fine - but I feel that they (xwinds) have not been honest with the people of KC. That is my opion.

Why is it that you feel I am nitpicking? Because I questioned one of the most basic details and pointed that it was not right?? As for scrounging up details, I happen to grow up in KC and didn't think that height sounded right so I checked......you call that scrounging? Get a life...

I have many other more important things to do than do some of the things you mentioned. I can't help it if my chosen occupation requires me to qestion things.......

By Ooleeana on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 07:25 pm:


Informational purposes, hey. I think that which county I live in has nothing to do with what we're talking about. And being afraid, I don't think so. I would consider it more like none of your business. So what color underwear are you wearing right now? Informational question only, of course. See my point?

The only issue I am here to discuss is the point of facts. As far as the butt kissing, that was meant to be coming from your way. I assumed that your end was thinking that, not mine.

And if you would please re-read your message, it all seems to be about nit picking other people's business. Why do you feel the need to scrounge up details of everything? Does this make you feel better? Do you not have anything better to do than look so deep into this project to find every single flaw? Have you seen proven studies that show that people are already against driving up there to enjoy the hill? I don't think anyone is not buying gas because the prices are up. How else is everyone getting to where they need to be? I feel with the amount of snowmobiles alone that travel up there is enough to suffice. I heard that Sandy had 80 sleds alone in one shot last winter, so that shows me that people are coming from afar.

By Underpaid Informant on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 06:36 pm:

The ZBA will meet on the 9th of November and conclude that a ski-hill is allowable under CD-EP. Another good reason to vote NO on Proposal B. The rezoning of Mt. Bohemia to RS will serve no one except perhaps stockholders in Black Bear, Inc.

By sam on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 06:30 pm:


I asked which county you live just for informational purposes. Why are you afraid to answer????

As for the KC people not getting hired - maybe they were not given the same chances... I can't say for sure I am not there I have not and will not try for a job there... and are you 100% sure there was no butt kissing? I did not say any one was kissing butt - you ASSUMED that is what I ment.... Seeing you brought it up maybe you know something....

As for not knowing both sides - you're right I don't know both sides. I do know that xwinds can't get the height of the hill correct. Check the website and then check a topographical map. I found the two don't match..... That and some stories I read about them in the Ypsilanti project they have tells me they need to be supervised - very closely...........

If you think I am whining - I'm not. I don't want the taxes I pay in KC because someone had a bright idea to put a development someplace people may not travel too. This could be due to fuel prices or time involved to get there.

ON the side of this board Steve suggested some ideas - could this be a related use??????????

By Ooleeana on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 05:58 pm:


Another message full of assumptions. Just because I feel the need to defend someone means that I am an outsider or attend a certain church? Hmmm. You certainly are misjudging me and know absolutely nothing about me. You are correct that I do know this person, which is why I also know that they are more than qualified for this job. I was just correcting a few people who apparently had no truth to what they were writing about in the first place. And why should Sam be discouraged at what I write? Because my writings have truth to them? I think that some of you on here spend too much time wondering about other people and their business.

By George Hite on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 05:05 pm:

To everyone concerned about Keweenaw County officials and commission members getting jobs or big contracts with Crosswinds.

No problem. Any Keweenaw company should be free to hire or contract with whomever they please. And Keweenaw residents, including public officials, should be able to work for or have contracts with whomever they darn please.

It does raise a few eyebrows about selection criteria when development companies hire or award contracts with folks who review or act on their public permit or zoning requests, but if they choose to carry on their business that way, so be it. We can all make our own judgements about their scruples, but let's not fault our neighbors.

What does matter is how a public official handles this employment or contractural relationship. For sure they should disclose their relationship when matters related to their employer or client are before them for review or action, and abstain from from participating in the review deliberation or action determination.

My guess is that our public officials, our neighbors, understand this and will act accordingly. We can deal with the exceptions when, and if, they arise.

By Angus on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 04:58 pm:

Dont be discouraged. OOleanna sounds like a Keweenaw County Wannabee. Live somewhere south of the countyline. Might even be related to Fred. Or attend the same church.

By Ooleeana on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 03:57 pm:


Well then I guess you can find it interesting until you're blue in the face. Unless you get both sides of the story, then what you believe about this person is only hearsay or one sided. One of the pro hill board members got the job because they were qualified for that job. Point blank. Qualified is the word, not kissed butt. And if other local residents (not just men) didn't get jobs on the hill, then maybe they weren't qualified enough or didn't try hard enough. Not my problem. The whole point here is I read some of the stuff that people are writing and it sounds like a bunch of kids whining. But I do believe that others have a valid point. Stick up for what you believe in, but base it on facts.

And why does it matter to you if I'm from HC or KC? So you can blast me either way?

By sam on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 03:38 pm:


I don't give a rat's butt who has the job...I just find it interesting that one of the pro hill board members got the job......

How many other local men (KC residents) have jobs at the hill?

One of the two top men are from Houghton County, for all I know the other one is too.

The mighty xwinds who care about the local economy put thier LOCAL headquarters in Houghton County.....or don't you care about that? Are you from KC or HC????

By Ooleeana on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 01:31 pm:

This response is in regards to Wonderings message from Oct 30. It would probably be in your best interest to find out facts before you open your mouth. Spewing BS doesn't look good on a person! The person in question is definitely a licensed water system operator. So that would make two local men that have the full qualifications to do the job. Know what the funny thing here is? Those two men are well aware of each other and it only seems to be bothering you! And really....what difference does it make to you who has the job, how they got the job and why they have the job? Maybe I sense a little jealousy here? Or is the jealousy towards the fact that this local man actually has the kahuunas to sit in public on two boards and voice his opinion? But I guess typing on a public message board suffices for some people.

And it seems like Sam deserves the same. So...ditto to him too!

By The Hills Have Eyes on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 11:17 am:

Looking Back - except that Kohs is a private citizen and taxpayer, not a public office holder.

Cousin Jack - I'm pretty dense sometimes, but there do seem to be parallels between your 1649 song, past KC history and current KC events. Interesting.

By Gilberte O'Sullivan on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 04:10 am:

O He is an English man
He is
He is
He is an English man

By Cousin Jack on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 01:58 am:

(1:35 am Eagle Harbor Lighthouse)
I've returned safe and sound now from 1966 and can empirically verify two unforeseen aspects of time travel that many film-makers and writers neglect to mention.
1) You can't take your body with you!
Imagine that! Not only does this mean that you can't "effect" change on the past(ie you can only helplessly watch it from above), but for those purest-hearted believers in some kind of Afterlife: you can't take IT--or anything else but your imagination--with you!
2) One's visual acuity is even better than a Bald Eagle's!
Imagine that! A high resolution satellite camera right behind your eyes!

At first, Time Travel is like hovering helplessly in orbit (except that you have complete freedom as to where you go and what you see). One can, in fact, view it all. But there is also a steep personal price. You are impotent to do absolutely anything about what you painfully witness.
This is the mournful aspect I've brought back about my vain notion of manipulating events in the past. I could not lower some cosmic Rapunzel's braid and lift Ruth Ann Miller back up to light from the black depths of Tamarack #4 on that sunny Saturday morning of July 16th.
It was a week during which the whole Copper Country held its collective breath; when a Gemini 10 astronaut prepared for America's first space-walk(Michael Collins was his name, and in 3 years to the very day, he would blast off for a series of lonely lunar orbitals while Neil and Buzz bounced joyfully on the moon).
Meanwhile, on the darker side of things, Richard Speck played possum in a dank Cook County jail just weeks after being seen drinking it up locally at a South Range bar.
In the end, all I could do was weep with Ruth Ann's family when the sad news came.
I watched despondent as she and her brothers approached the mile-deep shaft. I spied the small opening eroded near a corner of the concrete cap. I saw(and tasted) the tiny wild strawberries they picked and popped into their youthful mouths. I even witnessed what her brothers did not(that bespectacled white rabbit with a pocket time-piece who hurried down into Tamarack #4's deep black hole like a Halloween ghost before her).
On nearby Extension Street, I oversaw my cousin and I venture out back after breakfast and hike helplessly east down the railroad tracks, tennis-shoe balancing our iron-tight railrope toward the old Albion fire tower and an apple orchard abandoned by some farmer long ago, surveying some natural thrill of the Great White North's rural magic I cannot now recreate as we crunched down on poor rock that first surfaced a century earlier and was even then an undeciphered memory of a receding frontier.

"Follow me, I'm the Pied Piper, I'm the Pied Piper, and I'll show you where it's at!"

It was in the Albion apple orchard that I first heard her sing.
It's from another time and place her funeral bells now ring.
I cannot turn the past now back into today.
I cannot save Ruth Ann, the 60's or JFK.
I can only cry you my song of a time long since passed.
When heroes were heroes whose magic still lasts.
I return now to thank the good men then craned down in a makeshift steel cage to find sweet dear Ruth Ann(and if they can't bring her back, then nobody can, no one from the future, no one on C-Span...)
True Diggers they were each day of the week, when working was dangerous and wages were bleak.
So raise your glass high and sing with me men.
A toast to the miners who dug up their friends.
And may pig-tailed Ruth's pony-ride never end.
May pig-tailed Ruth lend to all an Amen.

The Digger Song
(by Gerard Winstanley and Leon Rosselson--circa 1649)

You noble Diggers all, stand up now, stand up now,
You noble Diggers all, stand up now,
The wast land to maintain, seeing Cavaliers by name
Your digging does maintain, and persons all defame
Stand up now, stand up now.
Your houses they pull down, stand up now, stand up now,
Your houses they pull down, stand up now.
Your houses they pull down to fright your men in town
But the gentry must come down, and the poor shall wear the crown.
Stand up now, Diggers all.
With spades and hoes and plowes, stand up now, stand up now
With spades and hoes and plowes stand up now,
Your freedom to uphold, seeing Cavaliers are bold
To kill you if they could, and rights from you to hold.
Stand up now, Diggers all.
Theire self-will is theire law, stand up now, stand up now,
Theire self-will is theire law, stand up now.
Since tyranny came in they count it now no sin
To make a gaol a gin, to starve poor men therein.
Stand up now, Diggers all.
The gentrye are all round, stand up now, stand up now,
The gentrye are all round, stand up now.
The gentrye are all round, on each side they are found,
Theire wisdom's so profound, to cheat us of our ground
Stand up now, stand up now.
The lawyers they conjoyne, stand up now, stand up now,
The lawyers they conjoyne, stand up now,
To arrest you they advise, such fury they devise,
The devill in them lies, and hath blinded both their eyes.
Stand up now, stand up now.
The clergy they come in, stand up now, stand up now,
The clergy they come in, stand up now.
The clergy they come in, and say it is a sin
That we should now begin, our freedom for to win.
Stand up now, Diggers all.
The tithes they yet will have, stand up now, stand up now,
The tithes they yet will have, stand up now.
The tithes they yet will have, and lawyers their fees crave,
And this they say is brave, to make the poor their slave.
Stand up now, Diggers all.
'Gainst lawyers and 'gainst Priests, stand up now, stand up now,
'Gainst lawyers and 'gainst Priests stand up now.
For tyrants they are both even flatt againnst their oath,
To grant us they are loath free meat and drink and cloth.
Stand up now, Diggers all.
The club is all their law, stand up now, stand up now,
The club is all their law, stand up now.
The club is all their law to keep men in awe,
But they no vision saw to maintain such a law.
Stand up now, Diggers all.
The Cavaleers are foes, stand up now, stand up now,
The Cavaleers are foes, stand up now;
The Cavaleers are foes, themselves they do disclose
By verses not in prose to please the singing boyes.
Stand up now, Diggers all.
To conquer them by love, come in now, come in now
To conquer them by love, come in now;
To conquer them by love, as itt does you behove,
For hee is King above, noe power is like to love,
Glory heere, Diggers all

(ps: I am not nor ever have been nor ever will be a member of the Communist Party)

Just for the record, click here and read about the Summer of Love's Baby Boy born less than a year later:
The Birth of Digger Batman

Trumpeting the Charge of our New Light Brigade
Crying out our rainforest tears
Drumming up the thunder that let's us lose all our fears

By Looking Back on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 01:24 am:

Eyes in the Hills:
Just like that arrogant letter from Gary Kohs to all Keweenaw Co. residents

By The Hills Have Eyes on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 - 09:53 pm:

Also the same Robert Riipa that moved his business out of Keweenaw County for tax breaks in Houghton County! Now he whines about the Keweenaw County tax base! And about No Trespassing signs in his bird-hunting spots! How does he think the people feel who have been dispossed of their Deer camp, since the 1950's, because it is where the lagoons are going! Who picked another spot nearby, only to be told that was reserved by Black Bear for a 'buffer zone'!

I don't know if sending out such a letter paid for by Black Bear was illegal, but my feeling is it was in very bad taste to say the least!

By Cheap Trickster on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 - 07:21 pm:

Sincere hats off to Robert Riipa. The same Robert Riippa from the zoning board. Cheers, and thank you for the biased letter that was paid for by

Thanks Bob.
Get your season passes already for your employees?
Dave don't you feel slighted?

By JC Fogarty on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 - 06:04 am:

Come away, come away if you're goin', leave the sinkin' ship behind.

Come on the risin' wind, we're goin' up around the bend.

By Fly-on-the-wall on Tuesday, October 31, 2000 - 10:49 pm:

This of signs is becoming a comedy. The sign at the Mohawk business is gone again! Perhaps they realize it will cost customers and $ if allowed to stay in place? Perhaps YES signs are being placed without permission of property owners? And, signs in Houghton and Baraga Counties? And intimidation in Houghton County? The vote is in KEWEENAW COUNTY, but Crosswinds doesn't seem to realize that. Oh well, add that to the list of flatlander things they don't seem to understand. Just like they don't choose to hold press conferences, etc. in Keweenaw County. Houghton County is the major recipient of Mt. Bohemia largesse, has been since day ONE, and yet some KC residents and business owners still think XW's are their saviour! HELLOOOOOOO!

By Dr. Hilarious on Tuesday, October 31, 2000 - 10:46 pm:

(10:30 pm Eagle Harbor Lighthouse)
Speaking for my colleague, Dr. Huxley, and myself, it seems our brave and noble patient has successfully thrown his cap o'er the orchard wall and transcended this New Frontier of Time. He was last seen rotating at very high rpm screaming the word "Trystero"(which unfortunately dopplered its way across the peninsula to strange effect), while holding to his breast a copy of the following paperback:

Sorry, image was lost

Re-entry has been roughly calibrated to the Summer of 1966(apparently pivotal to our patient in question)and we hope to report more upon his safe return.

By Tax Man on Tuesday, October 31, 2000 - 10:42 pm:

What could possibly be driving the Prosecuting attorney and her lighthouse friends to such lengths in opposing a ski hill? Fear of increased taxes perhaps? Only if they are currently paying a disproportionate share around the LacLabelle shoreline.

Stay tuned, the tax man cometh, and will find out if all "camp" properties are being properly assessed.

By Rain on Tuesday, October 31, 2000 - 10:22 pm:

Does the word "incarceration" mean anything to you?

By Waino Ihmetella, Oneco Location on Tuesday, October 31, 2000 - 09:58 pm:

I bin tinking about dis whole controversary at Bohemia and dis issue of "related uses". I tink dat maybe sume of dem related uses could be sumptink like one of dem Bass-Pro Shops. I tink dat wold be one weally guud related use for da area.
One udder tot I had was dat maybe anudder related use wold be to hav one of dem Cabela's, like they got in udder places like sude of Minnieapplesis.
Or even like dat Gander Mountain like they got over in Duluth. Dat would be weally weally nice if we culd hav one of dem here.
I tink dese kinds of tings wuld be related to ski hills cause after people gets done with da ski-boarding, dey can go fishing or sumptink and dey could find all der supplies at one of dese places.
Tank you for dis opertunity to giv my views.
I dunt know. Wats udder foks tink?

Waino Ihmetella, Oneco Location

By Gertrude Steinbeck-HasenWaffles on Tuesday, October 31, 2000 - 09:11 pm:

Oh Billy,
How so sweetly advantageous to all concerned!

Why, I'd hazard that this would solve the dilemma of too much development in our back yard--I'm here so everyone else can stay away, even if we are a tourist destination, ever hear of overcrowded campgrounds in Yosemite, Yellowstone? and that other group, those needy greedy riff raff ford and chevy driving lumpy pro-secretariets

I can't tell you delighted I am with this completely sensible and crowd-pleasing alternative to what has become quite divisive.

Simply marvelous!

By Billy Blastarded on Tuesday, October 31, 2000 - 09:05 pm:

News Flash:
Huge deposit of gold found on Bohemia. A large corporation, known for environmentally friendly strip mining, has
taken the lead and will soon commence removing the mountain
from Keweenaw County.
Fortunately, the area is zoned CD-EP, which as you
well know, allows for "extraction of sand and gravel resources".
The corporations, Incredible Solomon Solutions &(Totally Healthy Investor Service, Opulent Kingdom ISS & THIS OK, INC is willing to settle the Bohemia debate once and for all by removing the contentious site, lock, stock, rocks and barrels.
The corporation has the backing of a large group of
various (or is that nefarious?) investors who see this as an opportunity to cash in, and cash out, as they will soon be retiring to the Copper Country, and their investments in this environmentally friendly corporation will make their retirement that much easier. One was overheard as saying he would like to make amends for his life of white-collar thievery by devoting his life to the birds, as birds do not demand much, are happy with seeds, and are usually quiet.

By Ghost of Robert Traver on Tuesday, October 31, 2000 - 03:06 am:

In my Eye-for-an-Eye Poetic Justice OT Local Local Family Authority God Bless America Column, here's one juvenile idiot's Supreme Court Nominee Wish(as if anyone give's a furry platypii's arse):
Consider closely its simple BiCentennial Design:
1) Judge and Jury decide only Guilt or Innocence
2) Family of Victim decide and execute the punishment
ps: Ahh, sweetnsour revenge, what mere mortal can supernaturally resist it?

By Siskel&Ebert on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 10:55 pm:

This is a response to Art and his question about the commercials on TV 10. Aren't we just a little ego maniac.

Vote no and send the bums back to NOVI.

By Money Bags on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 10:10 pm:

To all K County Residents. When you are driving to or through Mohawk. Take note at which business you see a yes on bohemia sign. I have and know where I will buy my gas, fuel oil, subs, candy, etc. etc. from. Allouez Amoco, Mohawk Superette here I come. My own personal choice, do what your heart tells you. I will take flak, but not to worry, my armor is thick.

By Cousin Jack on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 09:12 pm:

(9:00 pm Eagle Harbor Lighthouse)
I've been informed by Radio New Zealand that Nick Adams has begun archiving his Keweenaw Today posts and images (including the censored ones) from July 4th toward the Present(up to Page 4 and Post #138 so far).
If you're into a really disjointed conversation thread concerning recent local history, here's the freaky link to click on:

Keweenaw County Almanac

Now, having disposed of that old news nonsense, it's zip-boom-bah off to our future.
Did you see Al Gore on the Network TV News tonight standing in front of the lighthouse on a Muskegon beach? Though I expect no more acknowledgement than the Inventor of the Internet, guess where he got that little idea!
Still awaiting my launch codes from Doc Huxley, but I've been told that Liftoff #1 is scheduled for tomorrow night. I've sewn together a space-suit from the roll of Reynolds wrap and short snips of package ribbon made available(though I had to tear it by hand into its final shape because they won't even give me a plastic scissors). I've no mirror to check with(again, not allowed under the "sharp glass" category according to that memo which fluttered down from over the transom this morning), but they tell me it's quite flashy(though a bit crinkly to walk in, I'm afraid). Fortunately, the "white-suits" have assured me I'll be strapped tighter than a test dummy to the lens frame when they increase it's rpm for a centrifugal force test run later this evening.
I can't wait for my inaugural voyage on Halloween...
(Hmmm, I wonder if HG Wells sported tin-foil when he traveled through time?)

By Optimist on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 02:57 pm:

Jon and all:

Note on the MI Skier link referenced by Jon in earlier message, the paragraph below Searchmont reads:

(October 2- Wakefield, MI) -- A group of investors led by Roger and Brett Stangeland has agreed to
purchase Indianhead Mountain Resort. The group won the right to take over the ski area with a winning bid of $2.375 million in federal bankruptcy court last week, according to the Ironwood Daily Globe. The Stangelands have said they intend to reopen the ski area for the Thanksgiving weekend and are reportedly about to begin interviewing former employees to fill positions. The year-round resort filed for bankruptcy this past May, listing
assets of $4.2 million and liabilities of $4.3 million. Stay tuned for further developments."

The glass is either half empty or half full, its all what you choose to believe in. Focus on the positive for the U.P. economy folks! VOTE YES!!!

By Cousin Jack on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 04:25 pm:

(4:15 pm Eagle Harbor Lighthouse)
Per my Oct. 28, 11:24 pm post:
Be scared, be verrry scared...

A s t r o A l e r t
29 October 2000
... as if Halloween night isn't already strange enough...
A moderately energetic solar flare (narrowly escaping a "major" category
event) erupted from active sunspot Region 9209 at 01:54 UTC (9:54 pm EDT) on 29 October. This solar flare was fairly "loud" at many radio frequencies. For instance, the burst of radio energy at 1800 MHz was almost ten times louder
than the Sun normally is at that wavelength. This flare event was also associated with a coronal shock wave that propagated through the inner solar
corona at a velocity near 1,200 kilometers per second (roughly 2.7 million miles per hour), marking the boundary of what is thought to be an outwardly propagating coronal mass ejection (CME). Although there has not been any confirming imagery from the SOHO spacecraft regarding the CME, the evidence is fairly strong that a portion of the associated CME should have been directed Earthward.
If this holds true, the Earth may see the impact of another coronal mass ejection disturbance during the mid to late UTC hours of 31 October. This anticipated disturbance will follow on the heels of the CME that impacted the Earth near 09:00 UTC on 28 October and produced periods of moderately vigorous auroral activity for many middle latitude observers across Canadaand the northern United States.
This anticipated Halloween aurora display on 31 October has the potential of being more energetic than the event observed during the last 24 hours, particularly if solar wind conditions within the CME present favorable properties.
A Middle Latitude Auroral Activity WATCH is being issued for the UTC days of 31 October and 01 November.
This should be a fairly good opportunity to observe auroral activity from many middle latitude locations. The moon should not interfere with attempts to view activity (it sets in the early evening hours as a small crescent). If the disturbance materializes, periods of active to brief major auroral storming may grace the skies of many middle and high latitude regions on Halloween night.
** End of AstroAlert **

...i sees what i sees...

By JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 03:15 pm:

Here we go again jumping to conclusions.

First of all said operator is also a lisenced water operater he held that licence first.

Second of all who said he was hired? Maybe he volunteered the position, since this type of system does not require many hours of maintenance.

By sam on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 11:53 am:

Wondering, good question!

It is funny how Paul is screaming conflict of interest toward the county atty. - yet has been deathly silent on this very obvious one! Duh - that's right that person was FOR the hill. Funny how that works hey? Don't worry Paul I know both sides are guilty of the same thing...

In this case I can see that it is a case of do as I say and not as I do!!!

By Wondering on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 09:25 am:

A nasty question crept thru my head in the wee hours of the morning. Why hire a sewer system operator who isn't also a licensed water system operator? There is at least one local man who is both. Because the one hired sits on two KC boards?

By Arlene on Sunday, October 29, 2000 - 09:49 pm:

We have spoken to the land company and they are not in the practice of tearing down or burning deer blinds. They had no objection to it being there only some other people did with no brains!!Thanks for the thought but not the case.

By Emil on Sunday, October 29, 2000 - 08:31 pm:


Buy your gas where it counts...in Keweenaw County. Let's add:

SHOP THE ALLOUEZ AMOCO (formerly, and to us old-timers...) EFFINGERS!!!

Let's keep the cash local...REALLY LOCAL>

By Angus on Sunday, October 29, 2000 - 07:58 pm:

Just a few words for Arlene and your post.
I do not support the burning of deer blinds by anyone. Have you checked with the land company. They do and will destroy structures left on their land. Just a thought.
Paul:YSI helped us out how? They pay $2,700.00 in property tax. Dont you think that what is up there is worth more than that? Helps when you have the Grand Poopah and Sly one running the show doesnt it. Wish My evaluation was based like theres. My taxes would only be about $150.00 per year. What a joke. YSI I know of three Keweenaw County, real Keweenaw County residents that work there. Get real.

By Swampy The Crusader on Sunday, October 29, 2000 - 07:22 pm:

Our heroes quickly rush
Back into the leafless brush
At the approach of another nocturnal traveler
The figure is shouting and firing flares in the air.
He is marching down the center of the road
A singular parade one strange episode:
From his neck a pair of binoculars
Across his shoulders two wooden spars.
From the end of one spar a cotton windsock
From the other a horse and buggy weathercock
While this strange patriot pause to ignite
Another streaming explosion into the night
Our heroes wonder if they've been spotted
And they're afraid with his banner they'll be swatted
Our heroes remain as if frozen
This patriot's path seems chosen
When it looks like he'll continue his pace
He abruptly stops and executes a left face
And his two spars he plants on the terrain
The cotton windsock and the copper weathervane.

Ray Don: Wondering if his two buddies
Are alert to the possibility,
That this modern day Paul Revere
May not be entirely there:

(Ray Don in a whisper) Is he aware of us?
Roy G Biv: Quiet, and don't make a fuss!

The man in the middle of the road
Raises his gaze now to look at his poles
The windsock hangs soft
The horse and carriage remain frozen
The man as if reading a code
Begins to load his fiery pistol
And fires a starburst aloft
And with a bent finger points like he's chosen

"Puppy dogs! Dunghill churles!
Away! Squibs of Scurrilitie!
Ice Cream. Tulips or daffodils.
Murine for the eyes!
Downloadable smiles!
Winds! Spit fire! Spout rain!

His eyes both piercing and blazing
Stare at them though they're not sure he's seen them.
His finger pointing and trembling
Suggests they be meant for this requiem.

Ray Don: "I think this be how it will start
Deceived by this silly old fart.
Roy G: "With that I whole-heartedly concur
Let's look around for another stir."
Walt: "O'er yonder I see some white!
Naw, just a deer's tail"
The other two: You're s'posed to rhyme!
So we all three can look quite sublime!

Whereupon this aging patriot,
After balancing spectacles on his nose,
Begins shouting words as if he forgot
Additional words of illogical prose:
"Touch not the ankles!
No one else can walk with feet in the air,
His Achilles is quite contrary.
He'll be all-alone! That, you can trust!
Methinks it'd be cause he must,
He'll have been kept quite busy, 'tween two-tone hirsuties
And a hitch
In rooms with dry air!
Or leave him there!
Recite excuses why we should care!"

And with that the man shouldered both staffs,
holstered his pistol,
and threw his spectacles up at the moon.
Then he went away,
this starburst-shooting dragoon.

Our heroes dumbfounded, completely befuddled,
Chagrined and slightly amused,
Crawl out of the brambles, their thoughts all a shambles,
Bits of wet leaves stuck to their shoes,

Ray Don Gass requests to comment:
"Can't you trot out that local resident?
You're becoming oblique, the tale now strangely hewn
Couldn't you have left us back there in June?"
Where it will end I do not know
But we know by now to stay tuned.

By Emil on Sunday, October 29, 2000 - 01:58 pm:

The silent majority of Keweenaw County will speak in the election, regardless of legal entanglements, delayed hearings, propagandistic, evasive tactics by Crossbear and their friends with beaucoups bucks invested in this superficial "ski hill" enterprise. I would hope that there are more subscribers than TEN to Harper's,the oldest publication continuing on record in the good old US of A, the New Republic (conservative and thoughtful, logic prevails here!), Rolling Stone or Vanity Fair, the New York Times online site, the Trib,and any other publication that takes a well-written, intelligent position and encourages its readers to think. A well-rounded citizen is a thoughtful citizen. A thoughtful citizen is a literate reader of print venues from all points of view. An open mind is a thoughtful mind!

Remember the Freep is only fifty cents per week-day and can always be purchased at Koskis' new state of the art supermarket located in the heart of downtown Mohawk. If you don't do a considerable amount of your shopping there and claim to be a Keweenaw County diehard, I suggest you reconsider. Take a look at the fantastic job this young local couple is doing to restore a nearly defunct "grocery" to its historical heyday. Hat's off to da Superette!!! Everything you could possibly need to fill your table, located in your community. Let's support the tried and true locals who believe that with or without Crossbear, they will not only survive, they will thrive! Great meat selection for you anti-vegans, fresh cut USDA choice, to be correct. The re-arrangement of the store hearkens back to the Illikainen days. Very good! Open shelving and a long view to the back of the market. I would say, stop the shopping south of the county line. Anything you want can be found right here in the heart of our own county!

Let me not forget Arbutus and the Phoenix store. Many are the days when I shop there in summer. This woman is incredible. Up at dawn, opens the store by 8:00 a.m. and is pleasant to everyone. Aside from fresh meat and veggies, Arbutus stocks anything anyone might need over a week or a long week-end. Stop in for pleasant conversation and don't forget to leave your gastank empty until you get to Phoenix. It's a good philosophy. Spend your money where your mouth squacks! Besides, the best ice cream cones north of the Big Mac can be found at Arbutus's store. The wonderfully restored, historic ambiance will keep you thinking you're in paradise. Way to go Arbutus!

Congrats to the local supermarket, the Mohawk Superette and to Arbutus, local-make extrordinaire!

Shop there or be square!

By A local yokel on Sunday, October 29, 2000 - 04:01 am:

While we're on the subject of animals--it's that time of the year again when deer hormones are raging and the male of the species are out recklessly driving their sports cars in and out of the backwoods, hooting at females, not always looking where they're going. You'd think evolution would have eliminated the careless road-crossing gene by now--look how far we've come since 4 P.M., Tuesday, October the 4th, 4004 B.C., when God began it all by creating earth-consuming machines and placed them on the coastline, there in Eden, where over-development threatened the locals, who were there first, after which the earth-consuming machines have been building their own private 10-acre Eden's where they can shoo off anyone attempting to gather apples from their tree.
So while you're out there driving around taking snapshots with your state-of-the-art 3 kilogram brain, trying to break the sound barrier, if you happen to see a deer on the roadside, know this--a gentle tap (that causes a slow painful death for the deer) will affect your outlook on life, with or without insurance, so slow down and be prepared for Bucky to chase that pretty deer with the big brown eyes into your path.

P.S. I wonder if those Australian beavers have any dam ability at all?

By Running Imperialist Dog on Sunday, October 29, 2000 - 01:48 am:

(U.P. EYE) 2:45 pm Christchurch, NZ

i said WHO!
i said WHO let Da Cat in!?
Who let Da Cat in!?
Who let Da Cat, who let Da Cat, who let Da Cat in!?

Affectionately Yours,
Ol' Shep

By cfaber on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 11:05 pm:

I sure hope that Mr. Keith had his information a little straighter when he spoke to the kids at the Academy than when he spoke to me. He pulled a Professor Kory, if you know what I mean. I do not think he lied. You can only lie if you know the truth. He had his message prerecorded and someone else is pulling his string. Lyle is a trip but at least he is a die hard Keweenaw supporter.

By Forest watcher on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 11:55 am:

And while you are dialing the phone, call Donna J. and tell here to resign. She is wasting taxpayer's money for her own ego. When did the County Board authorize her to proceed down the path she is blazing?


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