U.P. EYE(Christchurch 10/07/00 5:00 pm) New Zealand's High Court, upon consultation with local zoologists, has summarily decided to throw out our smuggling arrest. What Christchurch custom officials mistakenly thought were Australian platypii, was clearly in fact a home-canned jar of lamprey sushi(clearly legal under New Zealand law--though an impromptu tariff was eventually bartered between us). "Anything that sucks on Good Ol' Mother Superior Lake Trout is good enough for me!" barked Ol' Shep in his peculiar U.P. accent. Don't ask me to explain my pup's culinary preferences. It seems that lamprey make for a great pickled pasty condiment . Well, after some reflection, I've decided to remain here in Christchurch and retain my U.S. citizenship while Naomi jets north to Wellington to help design a new Galadriel hair-do(apparently some nude shower scene that Mr. Tolkien stupidly neglected to include in his Middle Earth fantasy opus). It seems that Mr. Sam Gamgee has no need of a "personal assistant", by the way. He's doing quite well all by 'imself, thank you very much. I emailed back this short retort: "GOD BLESS THE HOBBIT THAT'S GOT HIS OWN!"
Your Intrepid Correspondent, Nick Adams
ps: Keep the woodstove warm, Keweenaw! We'll make it back as soon as we can ...
By Nick Adams on Friday, October 6, 2000 - 11:12 pm:
Perhaps the lift-towers are being painted neon-green as a visual alert to the eyes of our lower-skill skiers. If the towers were painted the color of treetrunks or grass or another hue just as "natural", some poor soul, sooner or later, perhaps in a state of intoxication or high altitude oxygen deprivation, might be more likely to crash into one of them like a bird into a window, misperceiving it as just another part of the Keweenaw scenery. My advice? Don't paint them white!
By Peterpinguid on Friday, October 6, 2000 - 08:40 pm:
Well reasoned, Eye to the Future! Perhaps it would be helpful indeed if the ZBA could clarify the CD-EP zoning language before November 7th. Perhaps they may choose to allow a limited # of cabins(per space available) or none at all. Or perhaps only a certain kind of cabin and/or other facilities(per sewage issues). Personally, I would prefer that the Mt. Bohemia zoning remain CD-EP with specifically written restrictions on what can and can't be there, giving the present developer some common-sense leeway. A ski-hill, after all, is a unique kind of development project and could be financially viable in many different kind of ways that won't have a deleterious effect on the local character
By Eye to the Future on Friday, October 6, 2000 - 02:32 pm:
U.P. EYE (Christchurch 10/05/00 3:37 pm) On our American Way to Athens, the Birthplace of Democracy and Sponsor of the 2004 Summer Olympics, it seems we've been detained by New Zealand customs officials and charged with platypii smuggling. "Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie, Oy Oy Oy!" From the frontier zone of New Cornwall to Christchurch, Ol' Shep has loyally carried his nanobot vaccine. Naomi now says she's in love and wants me to renounce my American citizenship to join her in the film crew of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings as Sam Gamgee's personal assistant( while she does Galadriel's hair). Yet still the Keweenaw calls...(more when events warrant)
By orkilla on Wednesday, October 4, 2000 - 11:41 pm:
Hi Fellow Anonymees! I'm scant of rant so I'll wax poetic:
Indian Summer has come Kindling for November's democracy-in-action When woodsmoke streams from cabin chimneys And an early snow brings satisfaction To some...
By Nickadams on Tuesday, October 3, 2000 - 02:45 pm: