Just One Funky Historical White-Boy Dance-Step beyond Shem and Ham lies Japheth's Lost Theology of the West!
MTU's got it!
So does MIT!
Stanford and MTV!
What if that Titanic 3rd Son of Noah(with his trusty-busty sister Sibyl), Japheth(or
J(I)apetus--see Kubrick's 2001), Turn-Turn-Turn's out to be a God-Fearing Secular Humanist?
He whom the Greeks christened the "Father Of All Mankind"!
Just Think, Beyond that Contemporary Biblical/Koranic Millennium-Plus Time Warp, Might Lie...2001 TODAY!
By Bill Bradly on Thursday, November 1, 2001 - 11:16 pm:
Great News Article Editorial:
America must stop publicly apologizing for civilian casualties in the Afghanistan war.
It's playing directly into the hands of its enemy who, with far less regard for human life, are hoping its allegations of civilian casualties will weaken the resolve for war of the American people. The enemy is not stupid.
It knows the sanctity we in the West place on human life; it knows TV images of dead and maimed civilian adults and children will tear the heartstrings of the American populace.
It believes that we -- those of us with no clue about the dirty realities of war and the deviousness of many enemies in war -- will, out of our inherent goodness, naively swallow any and all propaganda.
It knows we are prone to a psychological need to beat up on ourselves to assuage the sub-conscious guilt over our golden lifestyle relevant to the world's less fortunate.
We do not need to account for who we are, what we are, and what we have.
How sickly ironic that the Taliban, this rogue regime that perverts Islam for its criminal causes, and supports and gets financial support from the terrorist Osama bin Laden, is weeping over the U.S. "genocide" through "civilian casualties."
Right, Taliban. Tell it to the some 6,000 "civilian casualties" deliberately murdered in cold blood in a couple of hours one morning. Including, by the way, some 700 of your Islamic faith.
How would you react, Taliban, to the bombs of the United States' aircraft deliberately murdering some 6,000 Afghan civilians in a couple of hours tomorrow morning? Oh, we can imagine.
Civilian casualties are a terrible reality of war. War is not an exact science. But, one thing we do know: There are Muslim fanatics who feel killing "enemies" and dying in the name of their faith will put them on the fast track to a loving God.
You show, Taliban, for Western consumption, TV images of adults and children supposedly killed by American firepower, and perhaps it is so.
Or were they really victims of your own weapons, your own placement of civilians in harm's way, your own placement of targeted military installations in close proximity to civilians in the hope they will be killed so as to subvert the will of the American people?
You must be pleased at the U.S. government officials going on TV and wringing their hands apologetically over civilian casualties, and the lap-dog media enhancing your pleasure.
This ludicrousness must stop. Multi-thousands of civilians were killed in World War II by allied firepower; the American politicians did not go before the media and the world apologizing for every single act of civilian death.
U.S. officials say the small number of Afghan civilian deaths were "accidental." Some perhaps, some maybe not. The subversion of will can work on both sides.
Hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed in the allied deliberate fire-bombing of Dresden and Tokyo in World War II. And by the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. War is a dirty business.
But that was then in a more gung-ho, de-sensitized era. That, and knowing the evil mindset of this current enemy, I choose to believe "accidental" more so than "deliberate."
A final asininity serving the enemy: Those howling for the end of the bombing because in three weeks the war hasn't been won. Or they're "disappointed" in not seeing combat footage on TV.
Excuse me? World War II lasted six years. The Vietnam war, much longer. If you want war to end nice and tidily and victoriously in two hours, go rent the Hollywood war movies you've been foolishly conditioned by.
By SpreadSheet on Thursday, November 1, 2001 - 12:34 pm:
Soumi College changed its name to Finlandia University to be "politically correct" it would seem by presenting a public forum on what is wrong with America. Did they use these Muslim students to express their views or did the Muslims use them to downgrade America. I guess both. These students came off as innocently ignorant and naive. They didn't see any difference in killing 6,000 people on Sept. ll, because "human life is equal". They say America supports dictatorships. Where, may I ask and how did they get so smart and name the dictatorships, please. F.U. is there to give higher education to the students. 60,000 young immigrants are granted student visas each year. Remember, it is the taxpayer who funds the growth at F.U. through student grants, here and abroad. Do you here any appreciation? any Patriotism? Colleges have turned into big business, with an eye for the money it would seem. Will these students go back to their countries and bring them their talent, or will they stay in this country and take advantage of our great freedoms? And, possibly, trash America as they enjoy its money and power. We do need to "educate each other about what" America "is all about. Rev. Bucky Beach should make sure there are student on the podium that will sing "God Bless America".