By pampered on Saturday, October 20, 2001 - 09:46 am:
Nick Adams,
Anthony Lewis's commentary is right on target. Hmmm....haven't the liberals been saying the same thing all along? See Robert Scheer's September 25, 2001 commentary "Falwell Should Have Listened to the Feminists"
Our immediate humanitarian priority should be getting aid to the starving people in Afghanistan.
But the U.S. and the West need to make the connection that the key to aleviating poverty is through empowering women. As long as half of the population in developing countries are denied basic human rights, including reproductive rights, we can expect more of the same—impoverished, uneducated and enslaved women breeding the next generation of angry young men, ripe for recruitment into the terrorist networks.
Unfortunately, the U.S. just doesn’t get it and the very policies we promote today will come back to haunt us. One of Bush’s first acts as president was to reinstate Reagan’s Global Gag Rule, which prohibits overseas family planning providers that receive U.S. funds from even discussing abortion as an option—even if the procedure is legal in the country where the services are being provided. And even though U.S. funds have NEVER been used to perform abortions, many NGOs have foregone U.S. funding, resulting in less money to provide family planning services and fewer women receiving them. As an appeasement to the Religious Right, Bush has missed an opportunity to improve the quality of life, health, and status of women around the world.
And will the U.S. and the world’s countries challenge the Catholic Church, whose obscene policies regarding birth control and condom distribution in AIDS-stricken Africa contribute to a mass epidemic where AIDS has become the leading cause of death? Just how does Kenya’s government respond to the escalating disease and also placate the Vatican? African President Daniel arap Moi has suggested that all Kenyans abstain from sex for two years.
August 13, 2001 Washington Post article “AIDS Challenges Religious Leaders: Opposition to Condoms Is Criticized” by By Karen DeYoung
Washington Post story
I learned a long time ago that if you keep doing things the same way over and over, you’ll keep getting the same results. A world governed by men alone--and where one half of the population is oppressed--will never be a safe world in which to live. It will be interesting to see how many women are at the table when the new government of Afghanistan is formed.
By Nick Adams on Saturday, October 20, 2001 - 01:51 am:
So sorry about the ubiquity of these recent postings(my Christchurch physician has just cut-off the ol’ ritalin supply and now everything seems to be accelerating beyond normal), but here’s another wise editorial well worth reading that I recently came across:
October 20, 2001
The Inescapable World
After Sept. 11 it was said by many that our world had irrevocably changed. That is true in a sense that we have not yet grasped.
Winning the military struggle against Osama bin Laden and his Taliban protectors, if and when we do, will not end the threat of terrorism against the United States. That will require, in the long run, something more difficult than military action: a profound effort by America and the West to ease the poverty and misery of the developing world.
Click here for rest of commentary