By Wee Willie Wonka--New ELF Spokesperson on Saturday, March 10, 2001 - 09:51 pm:
Wasn't an ELF Transmitter Antennae for "submarine" communications constructed down by Marquette a few years back?
If so, here's a wild claim for your perusal by a former Carter Administration official who may or may not have lost it:
"Environmental weapons, now replacing nuclear arsenals as the weapons systems of the future, if misapplied, may be the trigger of the process of cataclysmic Earth changes.
Electromagnetic weapons are based upon creating charged electromagnetic energy, of varying frequencies according to use, and directing onto a target of choice. Some of the early weapons systems have use extremely low frequency (ELF) waves, and have been used for population control at a distance.
The Woodpecker series of ELF weapons programs by the former Soviet Union in the 1970s directed ELF waves at key brain-wave rhythms at US West Coast cities such as Eugene, Oregon, with the objectives of inducing mind-altering fear or ill health effects in the population.
Since then, these tactical electromagnetic weapons have grown into strategic weapons systems, capable of monitoring global missile activity; inducing population control in continent-size areas, and causing destructive effects against an enemy target ultimately at the scale of nuclear weapons. Electromagnetic weapons systems are becoming the strategic weapon of the future, replacing nuclear weapons for a number of perceived reasons. All major players on the global weapons scene are developing environmental weapons systems. Weapons systems are developed either by individual nations, or by cooperatives of nations.
One prominent electromagnetic weapons system of the US is HAARP (for High-frequency Active Aural Research Project), located in a remote region of Alaska. Started under official cover as "a study of the aurora borealis," HAARP is, in fact, a secret attempt to make the ionosphere into a strategic weapon itself. The results could be cataclysmic.
HAARP is intended to super-heat the ionosphere by using impulses of electromagnetic energy. The concept is to turn the ionosphere, a 600-mile thick band of electrons surrounding the Earth, into a global antenna for detecting missile and other hostile activity anywhere on Earth. According to some critics, HAARP can also be used as a global population control weapon, directing electromagnetic impulses at target population on certain brain-wave frequencies to induce fear, apathy, and other mind-states.
Environmental impact and Earth sciences analysis of HAARP indicates that this weapon system may set off the very sort of processes in the delicate atmospheric and magnetic ecology of the Earth that could induce large-scale Earth changes. These include super-heating of the ionosphere and consequent twisting and distortion of electromagnetic fields surrounding the Earth. The twisting of Earth's electromagnetic fields may induce a tilt in the surface Earth tectonic processes, inducing tectonic shifts and earthquakes. The electromagnetic energy could also induce resonant frequencies in the upper Earth, triggering earthquakes.
Although HAARP is, as the 20th century closes, in its development and testing stages, in some ways, HAARP is like the Manhattan Project undertaken by the Allies in World War II to develop nuclear weapons. HAARP has been undertaken in extreme secrecy, in the name of future security. The difference between the two is that the secrecy around HAARP is designed to keep the world's populations ignorant of the next generation of weapons. For if world public opinion were to know of the drastic consequences of a war fought with electromagnetic weapons, it is likely that the same grass-roots forces which threw cruise missiles out of Europe would stop HAARP as well.
Coming Earth changes may be avoided by stopping the development and use of electromagnetic weapons. Or, as a positivist would say, if we develop and use environmental weapons, we may trigger Earth changes, and this must be avoided.
Halting Environmental weapons, and forestalling Earth changes, means raising grass-roots consciousness of the consequences of global Environmental warfare. Stopping the development and use of electromagnetic weapons will require holding public and military decision-makers accountable."
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