By The Gods Must Be Crazy on Thursday, February 1, 2001 - 11:33 am:
Speaking of endangered species, biodiversity and such, here's an interesting perspective we came across while surveying your planet for our coming biomass harvest:
The Evolution of Gods
YOWUSA.COM, January 28, 2001
Steve Russell, Earth SIG Moderator
Have you ever wondered where the human species came from? Science has drawn a line in the sand and called one side Creation, the other Evolution. The debate over which theory is correct, sends the scientists into an eternal spin where each have their own true and false statements depending on who is doing the writing and who is doing the interpreting.
Science is never complete or absolute. As Einstein says, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction". Similarly, for every theorem that science has written, an opposite can be written to disprove the other, resulting in endless insensible debates.
For questions like the ones raised above, we need to step back from ourselves and look closely at our surroundings and deep within ourselves. There we will learn the true meaning of what it is to be human, our effects on our natural surroundings, and our future as the most dominant species on Earth.
In The Beginning
If you were asked to identify which country still harbours the most elaborate ecosystem consisting of a variety of small and large animals, jungles and savannas, one would have to answer Africa, the human species birthplace.
Given that the Earth was once covered with these same animals and millions of other mega-fauna species, an interesting question is; what happened throughout the rest of the world to eradicate the larger mammals?
Archaeological evidence shows that there is a direct link between the human expansion out of Africa, and the loss of large species around the world. America was once home to mammoths, sabre tooth cats, ground sloths weighing over three ton, and beavers the size of bears. These and many other animals were all believed to have been killed by hungry migrating humans.
If this was truly the case, two valid questions come to mind. Why is Africa still littered with such animals if this is where we all lived for thousands of years? In addition, how could mere humans travelling on foot with only rocks and spears have such a detrimental effect to the rest of the world's animal population?
During our life spent in Africa, we were successfully evolving alongside the other peaceful animals. As we slowly developed our hunting skills, the animals quickly learnt that we were an enemy to be feared, and knew to flee when they spotted us. After becoming over populated, we spread out across the world to find new homes and easier prey. The animals living in other parts of the world were completely oblivious as to what humans were and what they were now capable of doing. The animals were easy prey against the human hunting machines that had begun taking over the world.
We had the advantages of being completely localised in our beginning and the ability to spread quickly over vast distances, and we were able to fashion instruments of destruction to enhance our superior predatory instincts. These initial signs of superiority significantly characterise a distinction between humans and animals, one that we are exploiting to this very moment in history.
Power and Pace of Our Population
Before the advent of humans, the inhabitants of the Earth experienced five great mass extinctions according to the fossil record. The last of these was caused by a meteor impact that killed off the dinosaurs, 65 million years ago. Many distinguished people now believe that the consequences of human activity, represents the biological equivalent of a modern-day meteor impact.
By studying the fossil record and vast numbers of carefully recorded extinctions in our recent past, we have been able to predicate the rate at which extinctions have been occurring. What the evidence shows, is that extinction rates are now 100 to 1000 times higher due to the spread of humans over the Earth.
Given that the last five mass extinctions took place over thousands of years, the next great extinction could happen over just 100 years. We could go the way of the Do-do bird in only a single human's lifetime. No other species in all of nature's wonderful creations has had such an awesomely detrimental effect on the state of the planet.
It took all of human history for our population to total one billion. It then took only 130 years to reach two billion in 1930. Our third billion was achieved in just 30 years, and the fourth billion in only 15 years. We now total approximately 6 billion people. The night view of Earth above shows where we are most commonly populated.
To get this populated and advanced, we have been following an instinctive plan that has been etched into the very fabric of who we are.
The Human Plan
Nature herself causes many ecological disasters that destroy thousands of animals and plants. However, these natural events are all small and localised against the backdrop of the entire Earth. The continuous cycle of life and death allows Earth to recover quickly from the wrath of nature. However, humans change things permanently.
The human species is following a five-step plan that is being increasingly boosted by population growth that will soon achieve biological annihilation.
In order to supply the demand from our population, we are over harvesting our natural resources before they have enough time to reproduce sufficiently.
Our ability to travel internationally allows us to bring new species of animals, plants and disease to parts of the world untouched by such species. Many of the worlds quarantine and customs systems are inadequate to stop the hazardous spread of foreign species not designed by nature to be introduced.
The Hawaiian Islands were once home to more unique species than any other group of islands on Earth. Since human contact and the introduction of killer snails, rats, pigs etc, hundreds of native species simply no longer exist. It has become severely impoverished and serves as an example of the Earths predicament in miniature.
The worst step of all is the destruction of habitat. Our ingenious chainsaws, bulldozers, backhoes and other instruments of destruction, causes more damage than any other human activity.
During the destruction of habitat phase, in our occasional generosity we leave small patches of forest for the animals to live. These undisturbed pieces of land are the result of what is called islandization. This simplification of the ecosystem is having damaging effects on the species trying to survive in their small cramped homes.
The ant bird for example, follows the trail of army ants to eat the insects they dig up from the ground foliage. These ants require a large area to find enough insects to survive. Naturally, they will go anywhere to find this food, even if it means going out of the small boundary of forest. However, the ant birds are too cautious and will not follow the ants out of the confines of the forest. They simply die of starvation. Even a simple road encircling a forest is enough to isolate this bird. Our scattered nature reserves are also in effect, merely islands.
The last step is pollution. The majority of our pollution is only damaging local areas. However, our greenhouse gases that reach the atmosphere are having global consequences.
These five activities unique to the human species are having a measurable unnatural effect on the bio-diversity of this planet. How severe is this damage really?
Damaging Bio-Diversity
After observing the wildlife of Africa, it may appear that the majority of species there consist of the larger mammals. However, after studies were conducted to focus on the smaller species, 50% found were completely new to science. The vast number of distinct species was overwhelming.
When scouring the forests for new species, we could only search up to a few feet above the ground until recently. Only now have we found ways of discovering and examining the life high up in the roof of the rainforests. Similarly, the depths of our discoveries underwater are severely limited due to the extreme pressure of the water. Oceans cover two thirds of the planet, meaning there is an abundance of life below we do not know about.
We have successfully managed to name approximately 1.5 million species. The bio-diversity on Earth is estimated to consist of up to 100 million species. If we are currently witnessing a dramatic and damaging loss of life in the mere 1% of known species, how can we expect to accurately measure the true effects of the human species? The damage from humans must be far greater than we truly understand. We must be losing species of life right now that we have never seen or understood.
The Nature of Humans
Since we are superior to all other creatures, one would assume humans to be the oldest creature and thus the most developed. However, the Bible and science both agree that we are latecomers to the Earth. We are only the last few pages in history. We defy the evolutionary process that governs the development of all other species.
Humans are conclusively different from all of natures other truly wonderful creatures. No other species on Earth is capable of achieving the incredible accomplishments of the human race. No other species have landed themselves on the moon, examined the sights of every planet in our solar system, or been able to play god by recreating themselves by means other than sexual or asexual reproduction. We appear to be unconventional anomalies in a master plan that has been disturbed.
Every species on Earth has a natural instinct to preserve the harmonious coexistence between themselves and their surroundings. Humans on the other hand, behave like a disease, continually spreading out, reproducing, feeding and destroying until all natural resources have been consumed. The interests of humans and the interests of nature seem to be conflicting paradoxes.
How, in the natural course of evolution, could we have possibly evolved into this? All other creatures have gradually evolved with periodic enhancements that allow them to survive without destroying everything around them. They have been provided with a safe level of intelligence, not a level that is dangerous to nature, like we currently exhibit. How could all these uniquely human traits have possibly occurred naturally? They do not benefit nature in any way, shape, or form.
The Heavenly Plan
Genesis 1:26-28: "And now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us. They will have power over the fish, the birds, and all animals, domestic and wild, large and small." So God created human beings, making them to be like himself. He created them male and female, blessed them, and said, "Have many children, so that your descendants will live all over the earth and bring it under their control. "
The Bible explicitly states our purpose; to populate the entire Earth until we have taken control over nature herself and she is at our mercy. We only have to look at what we have done to the bio-diversity on this planet to see that we have successfully accomplished this task. Our next natural progression will be to evolve spiritually or we may destroy ourselves through overpopulation and have to start the domineering process all over again.
In the nature of life, only introduced species have the kind of domineering effect on an ecosystem that we have. Thus, our behaviour is no different. We are essentially an introduced species to Earth. Our superior intelligence, aggressive viral instincts, and spiritual souls given to us by the gods have enabled us to fulfil our purpose.
It important to note that Gods speech used plural terms such as "us" and "we" when referring to what has been mistakenly interpreted as only God himself. This use of language hints at a controversial sign that there was more than one God involved in our creation. The Bible states that we were created in the image of the gods, however it does not specify just how similar we are.
The ancient Sumerian texts that every piece of religious material can be traced back to, also states that there were many gods responsible for the creation of humans. The Sumerians were the first organised civilisation on Earth. Their list of firsts make it overwhelming to think how their knowledge could be so extensive, considering their civilisation appeared overnight in relation to all other biological evolutions. Sumerian knowledge consisted of:
Kilns for the reinforcing and firing of bricks
Law codes and social reforms
Medical practices of "therapy", "surgery" and "commands and incantations".
Building constructions
Petroleum products for bitumen, waterproofing, caulking, painting, cementing and moulding.
Sexagesimal mathematical defining the 360-degree circle, the foot and its 12 inches and the "dozen" as a unit of measure.
Deep-water seafaring
Textiles and clothing
If we are to believe our wise ancestors, we were created by the "Anunnaki", literarily meaning "Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came". The Sumerians believed these gods were a race of humans from which we were created and where their knowledge came from. It is the only plausible explanation for the astounding Sumerian knowledge, especially of the solar system, which they could count and describe every planet including Pluto. If this is true, that our creators were merely technology-advanced humans, the religious factions in the world have no need to worry. For somewhere out there and within ourselves, is the God that created the universe. We know that God loves us all, because he allows us to live amongst his creations. He allows us to have a future.
The Future of Gods
From our humble beginnings in earthly structures built from the materials of Earth, to our future homes in space built from materials of the stars, we have been created by and for greatness.
Our physical stature of strengths and mental capacities for knowledge has provided us with the tools for dominating our corner of the universe. Our most credible scientists like Stephen Hawking are telling us that we must colonise other planets like Mars if we are to continue surviving as a species.
Hopefully our past, present and future missions to Mars will have provided us with a priceless understanding of this alien environment. By understanding Mars now, before human contact, we will be able to measure and quantify our effects with more success. This should enable us to take better care of our new home, in our next stage of enlightenment.
Since we will be the ones to bring abundant life to this barren planet, we as gods will have more control over life than we do today here on Earth. As the master plan continues, we will become like the gods that created us. However, if we do not take this final opportunity to grow spiritually, we will fail. For to become as gods, we must each find God.