By Charlie Hopper on Sunday, December 31, 2000 - 09:58 am:
Although these discussion pages normally switchover Sunday morning, we will make the natural break on January 1, starting a new year in the Keweenaw Issues archives. By the way, if you have never discovered the handy "word search" features and other benefits of this site, take a look at the framed version of Keweenaw Issues and follow the documentation links.
Thanks for all the wonderful support the Keweenaw has shown to Still Waters in Calumet, which started this Internet project 5 years ago. The online sale of pasties, our Internet dial-in membership and web hosting all help to keep housing and living assistance available for the low income elderly of the region. Know anyone in the Keweenaw looking for fast, dependable Internet service? Or a business looking for an effective web presence? Have them contact us.
By the way, if you are a Michigan taxpayer, here is a quick way to get $200 of your taxes back in a direct credit: If married, filing jointly, a gift of $400 to Still Waters would qualify for a $200 "Homeless/Food Bank" tax credit on the Michigan form. Together with the federal deduction, it gives you some leverage to help a worthwhile service to our community, rather than sending all of those dollars to Lansing or Washington. Still Waters is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Still Waters
600 E Elm St
Calumet, MI 49913
Any gifts received during January with a 2000 date will qualify for the credit/deduction. (Single taxpayer credit is up to $100). And to all who make such a donation, we will send a 2001 Pasty Cam calendar as a thank you.
On behalf of all the staff and residents of Still Waters, we wish you a Happy New Year.
Charlie Hopper
By Walt on Sunday, December 31, 2000 - 06:03 am:
And I fail to see how even a $.50 raise in the CFR rate would "hurt" a small owner of CFR. The increase would still be incredibly below the average for non-CFR property.
And I suppose trees are not a resource that belong to all of the people, unlike the fish and game that populate this state?
An increase of .$50 an acre would increase the tax bill on a 40 acre parcel (there are some private 40 acre parcels not owned by IP or others) by $20.00. You put more than that in your gas tank every time you fill up. You put more than that into your vehicle in gas.
I think if anyone looked at the history of properties in the Copper Country, they'd easily discover that CFR has been removed from that status and sold to other properties. And I don't think CFR land would be sectioned off and sold in massive quantities. It is already being sold, has been. The properties that LSLC is selling are lakefront properties and that is already non-CFR......I wonder if it was ever CFR?