Week Ending Dec 16

Keweenaw Issues: Responsible Opinions: 2000: December: Week Ending Dec 16
An archive of previous comments

jjarvey on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 03:42 pm:

It wasn't warm enough to lounge by the pool this week; but it has warmed a bit today to bbq.
This normally gets the neighbors looking out the windows when they here me banging and clanging around the grill. They think I'm nuts anyway.
But enough of the Windy city banter; what I'm looking forward to is skiing down Mt. Bohiemia.
What's the progress there? I've got a bunch of windy city friends just waiting to try out a new hill in the UP.
My daughter and young son are eagerly waiting for a chance to watch their Dad tumble down the hill!
Also; could anyone let me know if Mohawk is in the market for a bed and breakfast?
Does US41 through Mohawk have any restrictions for such a business?
Let Me Know

By Lisa on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 05:28 pm:

Hey Paul,
You have as usual made a point, on the fact that if the fools who work so hard to keep progress from coming to the Keweenaw would use their powers for good, hey you guys may have something to boost your tax base and your minimum wage wouldn't be such a joke.
But I have griped about this all before. All I got in return was the reply that hey if the kids don't like it they should leave, and hey they should leave anyway. After all if they do it will leave more property for the rest of the boo birds to have right? And certainly it would take the burden of having to see anyone under four foot tall running around. You know if all the young people left the area all together, you wouldn't have to worry about taxes for school cuz there wouldn't be any kids to be in them. WOW what a thought. You know you could just turn the whole Keweenaw into a gated retirement birdwatchers community.
That should make everyone happy, and the rest of you flakes should just give in now and get the heck out.
HHHHHMMMMM, perhaps I've gone alittle further south in more ways then one huh?
Well anyhoo,
It's kinda like the ol saying you shouldnt ••••• about the outcome of the vote if you don't vote.
Well I guess the same goes for the county etc, you shouldn't ••••• if you aren't willing to do the work to improve it?
But who am I to say anything?, I don't even live there anymore.
Probably a very good thing too.
I'm sure I would be locked up by now.
Take care

By Jon Maninga (Jon) on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 09:31 am:


Thanks for the info. I didn't hear about the delays due to the court stuff....

I stand corrected.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 08:14 am:

Jon, when the action was taken by our county atty. to stop the work yes there were delays, the legal teams had to check all options and the stoppages of work were one or two days at a time. As you know if a project is in doubt that the owners were not putting full scale operations into play. I went there after the vote on the fifth of nov. and then that is when a force of men went to work. I am truly sorry that this project was handled in the manner it was!!!! A lot of small business owners will and are suffering for the delays caused by her mouth. She was in direct conflict of interest and I will prove that to the state board of whoever, I still think that she should be removed and put a person in the position that can be for the people and the best interest of the county.

By Jon Maninga (Jon) on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 07:08 am:


I don't recall hearing that the vote or any other actions taken had any effect on the the construction of the hill.

Could it be that they just plain started late? I recall reading in the DMG that Lonnie said that construction will be compeleted and the hill opened on Dec. 15. Well how is the hill?

If the construction was stopped because of the vote or other actions I would agree with you. But, it wasn't (at least I haven't heard that it was). I think they just plain underestimated the amount of work that had to get done or underestimated the time needed.

Personally I didn't think the hill would open before the holidays. I am sure there were delays, but nothing to do with the vote or other actions. I could very well be wrong. Feel free to email me with the details (of the delays caused by the county board or atty) - better yet post them here. I am sure that everyone would like to hear them.


On another topic, I heard a rumor that the Indians are planning to buy land near LLB with the possiblity of putting in a casino. Can anyone verify or deny that with 100% confidence?

Just curious....

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 11:52 pm:

Lisa, Lonnie and the boys are having a •••• of a time getting things done in all this white stuff. I think they will be lucky to get her up and running this winter. We havn't had a real week long blast yet but you know its comming!! If this county got on board with the ski hill instead of fighting it tooth and nail with my tax dollars the businesses would be enjoying a influx of tourists NOW!!! The skiing conditions are the best here for all types in years right now. It really •••••• me off about our county atty. . She more than Gary screwed things up for those who are depending on the added skiers. I want her to PAY back my tax dollars and also to pay in some sort of way for the misleading of our county boards. I will not stop my drive until I see that 1 million grant that she screwed up taken care of either. I know Crosswinds had to jump high to get all the permitting and stuff,just to have to replace it with a lodge next year. I would be real •••••• off if I were them. This thing should be up and running. I better stop now before the snow melts outside. People are walking to the top to ski down now, I heard they aren't suppose to but what the ••••, Lonnie is probably one of them. I will take my try when I can ride up!! SEEYA PS Houghton has 53 inches so far and Keweenaw has 67 inches. Thats almost six feet for all you flatlanders to enjoy!!!!!

By Lisa on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 09:07 pm:

Hey everyone,
Paul, keep it up and I will drive up there and PERSONALLY give you a good ol fashioned snow job.
You know the kind you can't get anywhere else!
Garys site INDEED!
Well anyway, we finally have a president, I have to tell you I'm glad it isn't Mr. Gore, he wanted to put the kibosh to public access lands, WHATEVER! No wonder he didn't win down here(his home state). Yeah I know it was the party thing, but let me have my moment of illusion ok?
Well seems everyone has snow except me.
Sniff, sniff.
I don't think it's natural to not have a white Christmas. I know how Steve feels.
Paul are those lips givin you nightmares yet?
Sounds like they should.
So anyone been on the hill yet? Have they opened?
What's the word there? I would like some pics.
The view up there with all the white snow shinning in the sun aaaaaaahhhhhhh, preeeeettty.
Oh yeah sorry, hey where has Sandy and all the other people been lately?
Seems funny not to see them here.
Well stay warm keep the layers on, and drive safely.
Take Care.

By Lynn Torkelson (Ltorkelson) on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 09:02 pm:

Tim and Jeff,

I agree that, while the electorate as a whole was evenly divided, it wasn't really bitterly divided. As President-elect Bush pointed out in his victory speech, a lot of the campaign disagreements were about the best ways to do certain things rather than about what things to do. In fact that's one reason some of us were disappointed in the choice (no candidate seemed very interested in my big issue--paying down the debt).

While the electorate isn't bitter, I do believe that there was some demonizing being done by the campaigns over the last 35 days. And I agree with Tim that most of it came from the democrats, much of it directed toward the Florida Secretary of State. But I think there was also some demonizing of the Florida Supreme Court by the republicans. Clearly both sides felt (probably still feel) that they were the true winners, so some feelings were bound to be hurt.

If the electoral process is fixed up as a result of this fiasco, we'll have gained something valuable from the experience. I'm guessing (hoping!) that more people will be voting in future elections. My strong preference is always for the congress and white house to be split between parties to slow them down, but now I'm pulling for Bush and the republicans to do a great job for our country!

And everyone, hasn't it been beautiful outside the last two days with the sunshine and the clean white snow? Days like this help me to remember that this is real life; much of what happens in Washington never touches me unless I let it irritate me.

By Jeff Buckett (Jeff) on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 06:21 pm:

Hi Tim and Lynn:
I don't buy the media line that the American people have been bitterly divided by this elongated election process. There certainly have been the usual hired guns and attack dogs on each side of the divide, but as usual they're really just fighting with each other and don't realistically portray the mood of the country as a whole. Some columnists and media talking-heads from both sides spewed the rhetoric that the other side was trying to steal the election. The real miracle here is that both the electoral and popular vote was actually so close. And that gave us all a unique educational experience we wouldn't have gotten if it hadn't been so close. Election reform is a must now if we truly believe that everyone's vote counts. And if we can reform our system for the better then other emerging democracies around the world will be taught and strengthened by observing the arguments and procedures and machinery we use to achieve that goal.
Personally, in the long run of things, I believe that's a loftier lesson and purpose than whether a "liberal" or a "conservative" president made it into the White House where, one way or another, they're going to have balance the best ideas of both parties if they truly want to serve the American people.

By Tim on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 03:41 pm:

Hi LT,
How are you?

I think you bring up a good thing about this whole mess. It seemed that in the past and with most reasonable people, that differences in opinions were treated as such. Instead nowadays it seems, that if you disagree with a liberal, you are automatically a radical or you have disingeneous motives. For me, I look at the judges in this mess as more having differing ideals instead of having ulterior motives, even the ones I disagree with. However, on both sides of the issue (but mainly on the liberal side), they automatically demonize them. If anything, it keeps me happy. I've come to the opinion that the only way to turn back the tide of our countries immoral and socialist slide is to only vote for conservatives, even if I agree somewhat with what the other guy thinks. I may be wrong, but that will do for now.

By Lynn Torkelson (Ltorkelson) on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 01:20 pm:



It is time for freedom in this country and for we the people to rule ourselves...

Well said. With the new millenium starting next year, let's hope we can get back on the right track. I hope all Americans get into the mode of self-reliance, personal responsibility, and local participation. Let's encourage our new President and Congress to focus on getting government off of our backs, to pay off the national debt, and to defend our nation.

While the memory of this election is still fresh, it would be good to do something to prevent a repeat of that debacle. Since the U.S. Supreme Court has now ruled that the equal protection provisions apply to elections, state and local governments will face a whole slew of federal lawsuits unless a more uniform, reliable method of voting and counting votes is established. Surely the democrats in Florida are going to claim that it is not equal protection for folks in poor neighborhoods to have to vote using notoriously unreliable machines while those in more affluent neighborhoods are using modern, reliable equipment--and the U.S Supreme Court has indicated that it agrees with that contention. I think many people were as surprised as I was about that experiment was done with five punched ballots that were run through the counting machines three times and produced three different results. Surely we can do better than that. And I hope we can do it state by state instead of waiting for the U.S. Supreme Court to force solutions on us.

The way things are going, it seems to me that it's going to be hard to reverse the loss of our freedoms to the federal government. Both liberals and conservatives turn to the federal government for solutions whenever they can't achieve their aims at the local and state levels. So we, as regular citizens, get whipsawed. The President-elect's decision to bring the Florida election to the U.S. Supreme Court is just the latest example of this from the conservative side. But I have no doubt that Al Gore would have done the same thing if the positions were reversed.

People go to the federal government because they sincerely believe in the justness of their positions, but the upshot is a gradual erosion of our freedoms. People who ask the federal government to restrict guns, to eliminate drugs, and to outlaw abortions all belong to the anti-freedom, anti-responsibility movement that infects our country. They just have different issues that they consider more important than freedom, and they all have plenty of strong arguments to support their positions.
Tim Hyrkas on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 11:19 am:

Hello all,
I think I'm done with my shovel today.
While plowing I had some time to think about this mess in the US (alone for hours in a truck has a way of doing that to you). It seems to me that this whole mess is just a larger reflection of the same mess we went through with the ski-hill. Let me eloborate, in both instances we had a divided opinion and within that it seemed that the losing (liberal) side would do anything to win, including half-truths, demonizing of officials they disagree with, and finally twisting and re-inventing the laws that we live by. Is this what our country has come to? Is this what the great Democratic party has become? I would bet that all of the unreasonable anti-hill people voted for algore. And finally I wouldn't doubt our county attorney subscribes to the same school of thought as Boises (interesting that Jask.. had to lower to doing illegal activities as Boises did to try to win).
And, in regards to the courts deciding the outcome of an election, it should be noted who forced the courts into the position to decide the election.
It is time for freedom in this country and for we the people to rule ourselves instead of these whining liberals forcing thier idealogy on us through the courts.

Anyways, I LOVE SNOW. Have a very very merry Christmas. EVERYONE!

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Wednesday, December 13, 2000 - 11:33 pm:

Steve, what a world!! Here I sit talking to one of my old friends. Alaska, I always wanted to go there. Not too late I suppose. You bring back the old AHMEEK school days, what a group. Not too many of us left here but what the •••• at least a few of us have survived this area. I bid a insurance job for your Dad a few years back and that was the last I heard of your name. This site is truly a fun thing for me and others. Seems the true colors are brought out on the site. What do you think of a little development around here? Planned for sure but at least a plan!!!!
Lisa your phone down or are you on Gary's site HEHEHE!!!
Talking about loose lips, I just looked out the window down here in the tundra of the Keweenaw to see if mother nature could do any better with her painting of those natural lips she did last Sunday. WELL- those lips now remind me of my now old wife. PURSED LIPS!!! YIKES looks like I'm in trouble again for something I did or didn't do. Now I kinda wish for a real storm so that the wind will further remind me of our conversations from which I caught many a cold!!! I think that is where I came up with the SWEET AND HOT for one of our CHOW CHOWS!!
Now that shack happy has set in in Eagle River I will bid all of you people out there a good night.One last word we in Keweenaw not only have a ski hill but also a PRESIDENT.


By Steve Cinelli on Wednesday, December 13, 2000 - 04:12 pm:

How about passing some of that snow to Anchorage?
We barely have enough to make the grass white, and the 2 times it did snow it melted the next day.
The whole state has been mild, it seems that the arctic blast hitting the Keweenaw skirts just north of Alaska. By now the weather map ought to be dotted with -50's and -60's, and there is nary a -20 out there.
The weather people are predicting a GREEN CHRISTMAS! I think I lost my shovel.

By PaulEagleRiver on Wednesday, December 13, 2000 - 01:33 pm:

Jack, hows the antique business treating you? Mine is done, had lots of stuff but no buyers, I guess I was too high
? Don't matter though I still got a lot of stuff that is nice that I kept to fill my storage space with. Whats up with you? I suppose your putting sun block on the top of your toes, I'm putting on another sweather, my long Johns, double socks,swampers,a chook and drinking antifreeze to keep my weary bones from bursting!!!! Its been a balmy 5 degrees for the last week, I just got done chipping ice off my cheeks, try standing with your ••• to a mirror and not hitting your knuckels with a hammer, the only plus is the built in chissel holder with easy access!!!!
What are your thoughts about improving the outlook in our area, give us some good ideas to chomp on. seeya

By jjarvey on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 04:49 pm:

This site makes me home sick; but most of all I find a lot of humor from all the rants and raves brought on by all who participate; and am pleasently pleased that a former classmate
(Paul M.) is keeping the nay sayers on their toes.
Keep up the good work; I really enjoy cruising this site.

By PaulEagleRiver on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 02:11 pm:

LMT, I'll tell you what is happening, were up to our ••••• in snow!!! Most are stuck, some are shoveling out, others got their cheeks pressed up against the raditor. Mine are nice and frost bitten, Rosey Red takes on a new meaning. No one seems to want the challange of what is or isn't good for us poor miners sons on these cold and lonely days. I say break out the sleds and come visit. Strap on those boards and let us watch you do this ski hill. I was in Ironwood last night, we have 3 times the snow here. They seem to be in the swing of winter fun already. HUMMMMMMM.
Whatever you do make sure to try one of Charlie's pasties, they pack great when your out sledding, wrap them in tin foil and run your machine, put them on the pipes and woola hot pasties on the trail. Just think some call me DUMB!!!!!

By LMT on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 07:58 pm:

Well I've done the impossible!
I've rendered you all speachless!
I KNEW I could do it!
Where is everyone?

By Lisa on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 08:06 pm:

Hey everyone,
I would also like to add my voice to the praise of this site, I was having a problem not to long ago and for some reason couldn't get into this site. You might have well told me I couldn't have my morning coffee. I was having fits to say the least. Poor Charlie I know had at least two or three emails from me in my distress.
I could not get through my day without hitting this site and finding out the scoop.
Not to mention the great characters that post on here(PAUL!) and on rantings.
Where else can you get such a wide range of subjects and so many different views on all of them.
You know the old saying can't please all the people all the time, but hey who cares about them!
Just kiddin' please don't anyone freak and start spouting at the mouth.
Keep up the good work Charlie and crew, you're doing a great job, and thanks again.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 10:19 am:

Charlie, I think I have a picture for you to take. Come to the far side of the Jam Lady's kitchen, look at the bluff on Jim's property. There you will find a perfect set of womans lips outlined by snow on the bluff. Never before was there a set of more beautiful lips created by mother nature, (at least that I have seen). The snow is comming heavy so you better hurry. A true smile by the snow with the lake as background and the red conglomerate as lipstick. Makes me want to ask her for her phone number.

Sandy, where are you? What is the current status of the Landing? Are the new owners going to open or no?
I'm looking for a automatic snow shovel any help out there?

By Jim Pearce on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 09:38 am:

Good morning Charlie, and everyone else.

I would like to give Charlie a big THANK YOU for making this site available. It is one of the first I check when logging on to the web.Keweenaw Issues along with Pasty.com keep me informed of what is happening in the area. Thanks again Charlie.

P.S. I would also like to note, that I am very happy with Pasty.net as an ISP.

By Charlie Hopper on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 08:31 am:

Every Sunday morning I do a little housekeeping on these discussion pages, retiring the old week and making the new one (for both Responsible and Rantings). This also allows me to catch up on the extremely interesting chats going on here.

Last week George Hite admonished some of the anonymous folks for posting non-Keweenaw poetry, philosophy, etc., citing the use of pasty.com's bandwidth. I must say that I find the anonymous section quite entertaining, and sometimes even thought-provoking. While George's point is well taken about conserving resources, let me say a few words about our bandwidth. We are SWIMMING in bandwidth these days. (For those who don't know what bandwidth means, it has to do with the size and capacity of the pipelines which connects you to the Internet.)

Through a generous corporate sponsorship by SEQUOIANET, pasty.com (and the dozens of domains we host) now resides in a world-class network center, with 24/7 professional staffing, state of the art equipment, using multiple fail-safe connections to the "backbone" of the Internet. By co-locating our servers closer to the major arteries of the web, we now enjoy quicker response, greater visibility, and virtually no down-time.

While the collective "hits" of our U.P. group is approaching 3 million per month, I notice on a status report that we are barely using 3% of our available resources. By the way, we want to share these with other non-profit and service organizations here in the U.P., for more see PastyNET.

Our in-house resources at Still Waters are also being expanded: This week we ordered our fourth T-1, a major direct pipeline to serve our dial-in membership throughout the Keweenaw. In the coming year, PastyNET will enjoy the fastest, most accessible connections to the web than any other ISP in the region. If you know of anyone in Houghton or Keweenaw county looking for dependable Internet service, encourage them to contact us.

We hope Keweenaw Issues continues as a meaningful vehicle for exchanging ideas about land use, public access, government concerns, the local economy and more. We invite you to take part, here in the "Responsible Opinion" section. But if you just have something off-the-wall to share, feel free to visit Anonymous Rantings, like Chads R' Us did last week:

It means something

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