Week Ending Dec 2

Keweenaw Issues: Responsible Opinions: 2000: December: Week Ending Dec 2
An archive of previous comments

Lisa on Saturday, December 2, 2000 - 07:33 pm:

Hey everone!
Guess what?
Now of course if is only a few inches but it's still here!
Big fluffy wet flakes, HOOOORAY!
Of course it will be gone by tomorrow afternoon but I will enjoy it while I can.
The kids are lovin' it.
So nice to be so happy over the little things in life isn't it.
Have a great nite all

By lisa on Friday, December 1, 2000 - 02:01 pm:

Hey Walt,
Just a little info for you on site hits.
I started a club when the old format for this site went south, started it on yahoo.
Well it was started the 20th of Sept. and we have already had about 15,000 hits, now most of those are probably from members etc, but just think if it was a more popular site?!
You know what I think is cool?
That through the modern sciences the founders of this site are able to help their business while providing us with a place to voice our thoughts etc.
More power to em I say, and hope everyone is stopping to shop. After all x-mas is just around the corner, I would not turn away any gifts from them, hahahaha.
But either way a win win situation for all don't you agree?
After all business is business. We should help out who we can up there.
I personally can't wait to try a pasty from them, since I'm way down here, and can't get my mother to send me any(heheheehe) still trying.
Well anyhoo,
just my opinion.

By Walt on Friday, December 1, 2000 - 05:30 am:

But nothing much was reported on the issue other than the warning label in the Gazette that such a house may be in the works, followed by comments from illustrious leaders of the area opposed to the idea.

What exactly does his idea entail?

By lisa on Thursday, November 30, 2000 - 04:02 pm:

Hey everyone,
Well a new controversy brews. Well two if you look over at rantings too.
On the topic of the housing of criminals in the area. HHHMMMM.
Questions on the subject, what will the security be, what are the extent of the crimes these people have been convicted of, who will be responsible for these people, will they be allowed to mingle with the community freely, or on a monitored basis?
On the religious aspect of this topic, I will say
even the good Lord forgave criminals while on the cross. That does not mean you should welcome a mass murderer into your home now does it?
It also does not mean in your own way if these people are brought into the community, that you can not extend a hand of compassion to them.
I've always heard you are judged on your good works on this earth on your own day of judgement, so maybe this should be between you and the Lord?
Human compassion, and understanding is a awesome thing and should be given as much as possible, but with care.
I would like to hear the answers to the questions above before rendering any decision, wouldn't you?
By the by, two subjects that will always bring heated emotions to a head are religion and politics so tread wisely when going there.
So is it snowing?
Last day of deer season. Wonder who will take the prize this year.
Well have a good day folks,
Talk to you soon

By Paul Taylor on Wednesday, November 29, 2000 - 07:11 pm:

Tim and Walt--It's admirable that you both have such faith in God and mankind, but your just the kind of trusting person these criminals are looking to make victims of. Most criminals don't want to change. That's why they keep going back to prison. A lot of people do foolish things when they are young and realize that they made a mistake and straighten out there lives. These aren't the kind of people the Reverand wants to bring up there. He's going to bring street wise hardened criminals that look at the people of the Keweenaw as easy marks. Any sign of compassion is looked at as weakness. If you don't belive me, just ask any of the many Corrections Officers that live in the Keweenaw that work in the prisons. They can tell you about the mind set of these people. It will scare you to death. Lets say your right, and all these people can be saved, except one. Will it all be worth it if any harm comes to that little girl next door? I don't think so. If he thinks they can be saved here, then he should be able to save them on the streets where they came from. Please go there.

By PaulEagleRiver on Wednesday, November 29, 2000 - 05:26 pm:

Walt heres where we differ. I have a hard time myself with the convict for hire thing. I feel that this area is indeed a perfect place for a person to get his •••• together but I don't know about right after he is out of prison. I feel that maybe after a year or two of being under strict watch and having met his conditions of parole then come here to improve his life, then I would be in some favor. I really do think that these people need a watchdog for some time before they can be trusted with our children and old folks. I hope that you understand where I am comming from. Yes everyone should get a second chance but when is the real question? This is a very touchy subject, I will follow the conversation before I make a call but right now from what I hear I would have to say no.

By Tim Hyrkas on Wednesday, November 29, 2000 - 04:08 pm:

I must say well said, well said indeed.

I like to look back at when I was a wee youngster and the way I thought back then. People DO change. I applaud this gentleman for what he is trying to do.

You know, if the People by YSI spent the same amount of time helping those kids instead of complaining, imagine what they could do. Imagine what those kids would think 'Boy there are some people out there that really do care about us'. Imagine how many lives they could help.

FYI God put us all here for a reason and some believe that hel is a place your mind goes after you realize you did not do what you were intnded to do. I pray everyday that I am doing all that I can.

"Hel is truth seen too late - duty neglected in its season" Edwards

By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Wednesday, November 29, 2000 - 09:51 am:

Until the election on November 7 we all had personal opinions as to whether Black Bear and the Mt. Bohemia Ski-Hill were a good thing for Keweenaw County or a negative thing, and properly so. On the 7th Keweenaw County, as a whole, expressed the opinion that they are more good than bad. So be it, for better or worse. The true answer will reveal itself in due time.

In the meantime, as a member of the Advisory Committee I now feel it is my duty as a Keweenaw resident to abide by the choice made on the 7th, and to do all I can to help this be positive for the County. It doesn't mean that privately I now agree with the way things have been done or some of the decisions made, my personal opinions haven't changed. Nevertheless, Keweenaw County and Black Bear are now 'married' and I think we have to make the union the best it can be. I will continue to ask hard questions, but in a constructive way, and will certainly offer ideas and suggestions on operation, such as extending backcounty snow-shoe and ski trips into April as a way of lengthening the season, etc.

I'm sure that we'll have thorny issues to deal with in the future, and I think that while what happened in the past has left a bad taste in many mouths, IF we sit down and speak truthfully to each other, and IF we listen carefully to each other, we will at least understand where each group is coming from. That will be a major step forward, and perhaps can lead to consensus.

On a personal level I will also offer to work with or for Bear in whatever capacity. 17 years experience in tourism, 12 of it in Grant Twp., and 20 years experience in various phases of construction prior to 1983, perhaps give me a background that would be valuable.

The issue of additional development associated with a ski resort may or may not arise, depending on many factors. In the meantime the challenge before our County now is Comprehensive Land Use Planning. Granted we're all rank amateurs in this area, but I'm sure we all have a picture of what we'd like to see happen here in the future, what heritage we want to leave for our children and grand-children. Hodge-podge sprawl, unplanned and sometimes incongruous, or well thought-out, sensible growth? The way to do this is to work with first the township boards, then with the county boards in putting together a plan.

The more input, the better. Sure, some ideas will sound hare-brained, but thoughtful consideration of each idea should bring out it's merits or lack thereof, and no-one will be able to say they were left out of the process. If you don't participate, you can't ••••• about what we wind up with. It will mean many evenings spent in meetings, long and sometimes contentious discussions, a lot of hard work. I personally feel the end result will be worth it!

Another avenue worth exploring is being opened by Public Access Keweenaw with a public forum held on Monday, Dec 4, 7:00 PM at the Calumet Theater. This is not aimed at KC per se, but at Keweenaw Peninsula as a whole, and public participation is crucial. As the biggest landowner in Keweenaw, I truly hope IP will be represented. Preparatory to the meeting go to www.publicaccesskeweenaw.org for an on-line survey. See you on Monday evening!

By karl kazeks on Tuesday, November 28, 2000 - 09:30 pm:

walt, i believe that God has the power but, He has given us the power of choice. the power of choice is our downfall- it's called, human nature. because we have the power of choice, as planned by God, we can •••• ourselves by our own actions, and He allows us to suffer the consequences of our own actions and choices-what a GREAT concept!! karl

By Walt on Tuesday, November 28, 2000 - 09:01 pm:

Recently, we learned that a man wants to open some kind of house for people who have served their time for the crime they were convicted. We've heard that he wants to open this facility on U.S. 41, near the entrance to the airport. I've yet to hear anyone come out in favor of this endeavor. The people who have spoken publicly about this man's wish have either been opposed outright, or they have said something like, nice, good intentions, but we need more information, and until then, we are opposed to the idea.

I think the man's idea has merit. What bothers me is the lack of faith exhibited by those opposed to the idea. I guess a God who can part the Red Sea and raise Jesus from the dead cannot change the life of a person who was convicted of a crime, and who has done time for that conviction. The assumption here, I take it, is that once a person has been convicted (accused, really) they will always be labeled as such, criminal; I understand now why that student who never did well, never did well because that was expected of that student. The underlying assumption, again, that a person cannot change, that they should be resigned to whatever life society has cast for them.

I know otherwise.

It's been twenty years, lacking but four months, since a man I'd known a week told me that he had murdered another. He had done time for this murder. I didn't ask him for details as I found it difficult to believe that this friendly, out-going man had taken the life of another. I didn't ask him for details and he didn't volunteer many; I recall that he said something about a robbery. He had taken the life of another during a robbery. He seemed genuinely sorry that this had happened. While I was around him, I felt no fear--I never thought that this man would consider taking the life of another. He had changed. Though I didn't know him before he had gone to prison, I had no doubt he had been a different person, different enough that he could take the life of another. He had changed because of his faith in a man named Jesus.

I'm not going to argue the merits of a home for people released from prison. I ask: If you were opposed to this idea, do you also believe there is a God who raised Jesus from the dead? And if you believe that, do you think He has the power to change lives?

Merry Christmas. Here's wishing you a Happy Holiday Season.

By Walt Anderson on Tuesday, November 28, 2000 - 08:59 pm:

I think Mr. Engler would have a negative impact on our environment as he has had on the environment here in Michigan with some of his decisions.

By Sara T. on Tuesday, November 28, 2000 - 01:41 pm:

I'd like to hear some opinions on Gov. Engler. I know at one point he had been in consideration as Dubya's running mate. John McCain from here in Phx was also. The national opinions of someone can be different than the "home state"- as Tennessee just showed us all- so I wonder what you all think about Engler. Possibility for office in 2004 or in Bush's administration? Or- if Cheney's heart causes more problems and someone else needs to be chosen. I like McCain- he is also respected by democrats- may be a good up and coming choice. What about Engler? The little I hear on national news sounds like he has done quite a bit for MI- property tax cuts, etc.

By Arlene on Tuesday, November 28, 2000 - 07:55 am:


Did you happen to see the news this morning where it was announced by the commentator that Gov. Engler of Michigan was in Florida looking at the ballots that were counted? It was announced for the national Television that he stated that the votes that were counted would have been thrown out in the state of Michigan? Then in the next breath it was reported by Candise Miller that Michigan does not have any type of problems with our voting like Florida. I find it odd when one elected offical announces the way votes are thrown out and another denies any problems. Very interesting and thought provoking don't you think?

I think it may be a good idea to look at Canada's remedy to their problem but also what the problem was and adapt it to ours. I for one American am very disheartened by the fact the way our votes are cast away and feel I am being denied my representation by this behavior. Also makes me question the intergrity of our Elected officals.

Have a good day.

By Jeff Buckett (Jeff) on Monday, November 27, 2000 - 10:21 pm:

Arlene, Sandy, Lisa and Paul:
Since we seem to be the first five into this week's "responsible opinion" kitchen, I'll try to stick with what's cookin'.
Arlene: Gotta agree with you. If we've learned one lesson from this year's election, it's how badly we need ballot reform. How many years have thousands and thousands of "The People's" votes been thrown out because of "technical" problems like punch-hole ballets? I saw network coverage on the Canadian election today and they seem to have corrected this flaw at some point in the past. Their voting-technique standards might be a good source to emulate in 2002. Perhaps, looking beyond the Bush/Gore dilemma, America dealing with ballot-reform might do more for "real democracy" around the world than anything we've undertaken in a long long time.
Sandy: I'm with you. I love the "Big Snow" as much as I love the "Big Lake".
Lisa and Paul: GO COPPER KINGS!

By Lisa on Monday, November 27, 2000 - 07:21 pm:

Well I must say I'm surprised how slow this site has been last couple of days!
Must be because of hunting season.
Great job to the winners of the COPPER ISLAND CLASSIC! Dad was there and came home beaming!
Said it was a heck of a game, and quite the turn out.
You know the delay with the start of the ski season is starting to remind me of the election fiasco, I would just like it to get going already!
But of course the powers that be always seem to have to have their dues paid somehow, someway.
Truly sad.
Heard about a 24 point buck someone got, 16 legals and the rest not quite there yet, WOW!
Have to ask Mom about it she knows names and stuff.
Only three days left for the avid hunter to get their last shots off.
Well take care if there is anyone out there still reading.

By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Monday, November 27, 2000 - 03:13 pm:

Hi Lisa - Sorry about taking so long to respond, but I've been a bit busy. If you read Michele's articles on Keweenaw Today, the answer appears to be inadequacy of the permit applications, filed by UP Eng. I'm a bit surprised by this, as I've always looked on them as a pretty professional outfit. They certainly did a good job on the work they did for us on the Landing construction.

We still have a few inches of snow on the ground here, soggy now, but white. The sledders were blowing past the house for several days, but seem to have stopped now that the road is bare again. I remeber living in Texas, watching hopefully for sight and smell of snow, tho all we usually got was freezing rain or ice. I'm one of those weird ones that always hated to see the snow GO, and still haven't changed. At any rate, I'd rather see white ground than the dead browns of our usual falls.

By Arlene Gunnari on Sunday, November 26, 2000 - 03:05 pm:

Good Day Keweenaw!!!!

Well today is the day for Florida to do her thing. It will be nice when it's over but I'm afraid it is far from over. Would also be nice if some of the people running this election show would realise where the problem lies and at least let us know that they intend on addressing the it. That would be our total dependence on machines that don't function properly. Like someone else said " a situation looking for a place to happen." I can't help but wonder just how long these things haven't been working right and the decisions made because of them, and I'm not foolish enough to think Florida is the only place. It seems the medias only base the news on what this party thinks and that party wants and never address the problem itself. Wonder why. Just a thought to ponder.
Hope you enjoy our break in the weather and have a great day.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Sunday, November 26, 2000 - 12:30 pm:

Calumet beat the Hancock Bulldogs 7-6 in a two game most goal series!!!! The cup sits just right in Eagle River. What a series. Can't wait till the skiers of this county shine on . About ten bucks found their match here in Eagle River. 10s 8s 6s and 4s. Spikes are left for seed. One spike is reported to have two single twelve inch thines. That will turn into a big one.
THE COPPER ISLAND CLASSIC HOCKEY CUP IS BACK TO CALUMET for the 19th time in twenty five years!!!!
I am a proud father !!!!!!!

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