By Arlene on Tuesday, November 28, 2000 - 07:55 am:
Did you happen to see the news this morning where it was announced by the commentator that Gov. Engler of Michigan was in Florida looking at the ballots that were counted? It was announced for the national Television that he stated that the votes that were counted would have been thrown out in the state of Michigan? Then in the next breath it was reported by Candise Miller that Michigan does not have any type of problems with our voting like Florida. I find it odd when one elected offical announces the way votes are thrown out and another denies any problems. Very interesting and thought provoking don't you think?
I think it may be a good idea to look at Canada's remedy to their problem but also what the problem was and adapt it to ours. I for one American am very disheartened by the fact the way our votes are cast away and feel I am being denied my representation by this behavior. Also makes me question the intergrity of our Elected officals.
Have a good day.