By Arlene Gunnari on Monday, November 20, 2000 - 03:45 pm:
Hi All,
Not sure how you feel about our latest National election but I am really very concerned about the lack of concern for the actual votes of people of the United States. Since they are having such a problem of counting the first votes for one reason and another, they should throw out the first vote and then another vote should be taken with no other voting done but for president. This would have saved the time they are screaming about and have cost a lot less money than what has been spent already. It would seem this could be done and done in such a manner as to elimate confusion for the voters as to who they are voting for.
Since it appears that their electonic voting machines do not work properly then use the kind where they fill in the circle. No confusion there.
I very much resent that they want it done, no matter as to what the actual count is and votes that have been thrown out, but just take the numbers now. What about the other peoples votes . This I can only see that it shows that the vote of the people does not matter. With the count as it stands the majority of the electoral votes go to Mr. Bush. Another example of each vote does not matter. To let the people know they do count is to get rid of the electoral college and go back to popular vote. It only causes me to wonder how many other elections have been decided this way. With our communications as they are now, we no longer need the college and it should be elimated.
Sorry for the ramblings but all the delays that have taken place to try to stop the counts infuriates me. It appears these delays have been done to keep Mr. Bush ahead no matter what the public voted. His insistence at stopping the counts shows me , at least, how much he thinks of the people of the United States, and he would be OUR supreme leader?
By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Sunday, November 19, 2000 - 10:58 pm:
Well so much about the not enough snow!! Right now we have near blizzard conditions in Eagle River. Looks like one of those times where you say its going to warm up and it doesn't. I say 8 inches tonight, so that would translate into 5 inches. Has anyone seen if the ski hill has much snow on it yet? I would think if Crosswinds had the equipment in place there would have been Thanksgiving day downhillers around. What a boost for our local business in the future. Now how do we get the word out about the comming winter wonderland!!!
By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Sunday, November 19, 2000 - 02:27 pm:
GO LIONS !!!!!