By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Sunday, November 12, 2000 - 12:05 pm:
Lynn, Whatta ya mean man? We don't need no stinkin growth!!!! We like having new store owners every year, Yes the icecream shop with those double dippers went out of business (SHE MADE THOSE ICECREAM CONES WAY TOO BIG ANYWAY) so she was done like a Thanksgiving Turkey right off the bat. I liked the bakery IDEA the year before, now that was a good IDEA, with all the dough from those doughnut holes they doubled their profits right off the bat!!! Not to speak of the people who tried to run it as a general store, I knew right off again they were in trouble from the start, (THEY STOCKED MILK & COOKIES TALK ABOUT DUMB)!!! Well let me take that back, that was really DUMB both kids in town liked waffels & orange juice! Then Dougie and Empi I thought had it made, they catered to the old with DEPENDS & that glue stuff for teeth, no more clicking teeth in that era. Things were going fine then they JUST QUIT, thy retired and moved south, pretty young too 85 & 86. They were sucessful for those 3 years. My DAD still talks about the good old days when we had it, we had everything including the POST OFFICE in it, talk about success, I remember when there were twelve of us kids in town, all of us used to borrow things from MOMS stuff, penny candy, caps for our cap guns, chips, and the like we were called the (DIRTY DOZEN). One day Dad said screw this and went back to mining, Mom moved the post office into my bed room, Moved me to Grams house, and told us kids that they had made a killing in the retail business, (I KNEW THEY DID CAUSE DAD BOUGHT A SECOND HAND CAR)!! Yes I was pretty smart even way back then!!! You know what, I'll tell you what, I think the next store owners will make it cause, well just cause!!!! GO LIONS!!!!
By Lynn Torkelson (Ltorkelson) on Sunday, November 12, 2000 - 10:41 am:
Jim and Karl,
Yes, if the public can actually reach the beach it is available. But it would also be nice if KC residents could take a quiet walk on the cliffs near the lake even where no beaches exist. I do think it is legal and proper to declare a limited pedestrian right of way along the lakeshore.
Also, if the homes near the lake fit in with the terrain and foliage, the view from passing boats, as well as from the land, is definitely more attractive and more of a tourist draw.
Walt and Paul,
Condominiums have the advantage of permitting a very efficient delivery of services, so they should be a net plus for the tax base. Some people shy away from living in condos because they might be disturbed by loud noises from the neighbors, but other people prefer them.
In any case, it's better to channel residential growth into existing communities instead of spreading it thinly across the countryside. Paul's community, Eagle River, for example, is an incredibly beautiful town and could handle many more residents than it has now. This approach gains tax revenue and preserves the quality of life of the area. Plus, it fosters a much stronger sense of community.