Week Ending Nov 11

Keweenaw Issues: Responsible Opinions: 2000: November: Week Ending Nov 11
An archive of previous comments

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Saturday, November 11, 2000 - 11:06 pm:

George, Your right I think? But all who voted against the rezoning should have been a yes vote on the millage. If this happened then I would thik that the tax increase would have gotten by. One of my main concerns is that we indeed could become part of Houghton county! It has happened from what I hear.
You seem to be level headed and open somewhat to at least looking at opptions. Right now I will do what I have to as a individual to get the illegal spending of my tax dollars back to the county coffers. I also would like to see the grant for Lac La Belle's sewer system reopened. No nothing would be easy but now that the ski hill is here, lets make it the best it can be and work with Crosswinds, maybe just maybe they would work with the residents of Lac La Belle to incorporate their new system with theirs. WHY NOT!!!

On topics to get the county back together look at it from the pro side. Crosswinds has a attorney, LSLC has a attorney, Gary Kohls has a attorney, the people against the ski hill had OUR county attorney on their side. Where did that leave the rest of us who were for the ski hill? I'll tell you where, screwed thats where. Until she steps down from her position how can we trust your side not to use our own money against us. That most of all •••••• me off. It wasn't a fair fight. As a matter of fact Gary and Donna did more to hurt your side than anything, people showed that in the election with a blank vote for her. Gary left you guys high and dry when he got the DEQ ruling to go his way. He also got enough of you to go against the land swap and to badger LSLC into a screw them attitude, now it will take some major knee work to get things back on track!!!!It will take I think sixty days to start the process to remove our county atty. Someone will replace her don't worry!!! If you guys help to remove her maybe then we will all be able to sit down with clear minds. Whats your true thoughts on her behavior in the past months???

By karl kazeks on Saturday, November 11, 2000 - 10:57 pm:

Lynn, i agree with those concepts. is there then, a way to restrict private ownership of say, the first 50 feet along any waterfront (lake or stream)? how about a requirement to design a home that blends into the immediate surroundings. i don't like the idea of fertilizers being used for lawns on waterfront areas as there is too much likelihood for degrading a body of water, much the same as a leaking septic. as for the land in general, it needs a proper mix of open areas, old and new growth and fens, bogs, marshes and potholes in order to sustain and hold a variety of wildlife. i believe that housing can be built to blend in with all of that- it's been done elsewhere.

By Lynn Torkelson (Ltorkelson) on Saturday, November 11, 2000 - 10:12 pm:


I believe that the setbacks and natural foliage along the shoreline are good rules that are used in many places. The natural foliage on the shoreline helps to reduce the runoff from lawns and gardens into the lakes. In addition to frequent access points to the shoreline, it is also reasonable to allow public access along the shoreline in front of the homes built there (similar to sidewalks across property in most cities).

But there should also be substantial parcels of shoreline left wild. If land swap had gone through earlier, it would have helped KC in that respect. But this should still be a primary objective, in my opinion.

By karl kazeks on Saturday, November 11, 2000 - 07:05 pm:

what about establishing a restriction on setback and vegetation screening of all future building, both along roads and waterfront? and how about for every so much privatly owned property, there be a quarter or 1/2 mile of public property? it seems to me that mtu should have soil and hydrologic surveys which would be useful for land use planning with respect to whether a particular piece of land, (or area), is even habitable, or could sustain septic systems and wells. septics are no good if you can't get water. i'd like to hear more ideas from everyone about what should be included.

By Jeff Buckett (Jeff) on Saturday, November 11, 2000 - 07:00 pm:

Walt: What I recall from the MTU shoreline/property value study is that private property adjacent to or near public access shoreline has higher real-estate value. I think the underlying argument(if there was one)is that this data can provide an incentive for those who do have property near public-access shoreline to support keeping it so.
Speaking as a non-landowner in the Keweenaw, I find this economic premise very appealing.

By Lynn Torkelson (Ltorkelson) on Saturday, November 11, 2000 - 06:24 pm:


As far as tax revenues are concerned, all residential developments are not equal. If someone builds a house in a vacant lot in a municipality with a water and sewer hookup available, the additional infrastructure and services needed will be minimal. So the taxes received will more than offset any additional services required. If new houses are built on ten-acre lots on newly laid roads, the taxes received will not usually pay for the additional services needed. If the new houses are very expensive, though, the taxes they produce may be enough to pay for the services.

However, the Michigan property tax caps complicate the picture quite a bit. The way I understand the law (and I could well be wrong on this), it's very difficult to collect all the revenue that would be justified by the total value of the property in the county. That would seem to argue against dispersed residential development as a way to ease money problems.

If you go to www.google.com and search for "sprawl", you'll find a lot of information on these topics.

By George Hite on Saturday, November 11, 2000 - 05:56 pm:

"The same people who voted down the 1 mill increase were some of the same ones who don't want expansion of any sort!" Paul, 11/11/00

The County millage request carried 112 to 96 in Eagle Harbor Twp (where the majority voted "No" on Prop B}, and, I understand,lost heavily in Allouez Twp. where I believe Prop B got a big majority vote.

I suspect the folks who voted "No" on additional millage thought the County didn't need the money because of the windfall promised by the Bohemia promoters.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Saturday, November 11, 2000 - 05:29 pm:

Let bygones be bygones my patullie! Why would I as a tax payer let the money spent or caused to be spent by one or two in power go? Those were my tax dollars, the time is right now before we all forget the counties bills. The same people who voted down the 1 mill increase were some of the same ones who don't want expansion of any sort! Now if the milliage passed and I could rest easy that my county is not going to go under then I might shut up. As it stands now we have a ski hill with no skiers!!! What we need to do is start a county wide support system to promote this new venture. We by far are not out of the woods. We need this hill to be successful to realize the added profits to business. The job opportunities to our young and then the tax base will take care of itself!! This is just the start, we now need the hill to be profitable and be able to expand to its true potential. The time to unite is now not sit back and think it will just happen. To people who have camps get ahold of Crosswinds and let them know you are willing to rent for Xmas on through the winter. You will be happy for the added income to pay for your taxes and the like. 100 bucks a day adds up!!A couple hundred here a couple hundred there, make this hill good for you not a sour grape thing!
The boos should have had more forsight and not forced the issue, as it stands now we lost thousands of dollars on a foolish fight by our power tripping atty.. Lost a new sewer system for a town in need, and got the whole Keweenaw in a uproar!!
It should have read Crosswinds builds ski hill and has beautiful plans for the future. All are happy to see some growth and now plan to limit sprawl. LSLC's select cutting practice gets thumbs up from woodsmen and hunters alike!!!!
Well to get things a little back on track we should remove the power people who steered 40% of the county wrong. I don't want to ever have my tax dollars used against me like they were by our county atty.. Tell me some ways and figures on what was spent ,what to do to remove her and then I'll turn my attentions to the land swap and other concerns the county still has time to correct. I will not follow a bunch of loose cannons to the lake!!! Lets get the( problem) out of control of our county, and also lets never again be led by a individual who has self interests in mind. (SEE KEWEENAW TODAY FOR MORE DETAILS) The two dollar thing was after we as a whole got people tuning into our fray over the net!!! Who was collecting those two dollars? BY THE WAY WHERE IS GARY$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

PS My new computer arrived C.O.D.

By Snowmobiler on Saturday, November 11, 2000 - 05:07 pm:

Does anyone in Keewenaw Land know why John Dee's Snow Central site hasn't worked for 3 - 4 days now? Miss it a lot! Thanks!


John Dee's site is one of several dozen domains hosted by Pasty Central. You can find it directly at www.johndee.com or by following the link off the home page of Pasty Central

By the way, we won't downgrade this note, but in the future please use your real name.

By Jim on Saturday, November 11, 2000 - 04:57 pm:


When you refer to municipalities, I understand that to mean city of etc. I think what you are refering to is infastructure costs. If so this isn't necessarily the case. In Eagle Harber they charged LSLC a fee to hook into their water system. Lslc also had to pay for the pipe and labor. The same holds true for LSLC's Development on the north shore in Calumet Township. In both of these cases the homeowner is required to provide septics for waste water.

I agree, in both of these cases the taxpayer will get stuck with the bill for road maintenance, fire protection etc.

On a positive note. This should make the price per taxpayer less. Since it would be spread over more taxpayers.

These are only my views, and I wouldn't mind being proven wrong here, if someone has a better idea.

By Janet on Saturday, November 11, 2000 - 04:15 pm:

I keep hearing the phrase "tax base" pop up in
justifying development. From what I've read, I
understand that for every $1 municipalities get in
new taxes for residential development, it costs
them $1.20 for services. I get the feeling this
catch phrase needs some explaining to everyone,
and would appreciate a knowledgeable person giving
us a lesson in tax base and its meaning.

By Jim on Saturday, November 11, 2000 - 12:59 pm:

Nick, I agree with you 100%. This name calling and accusations have to stop. The ZBA met Thursday night and made a decision. It is not exactly what I had hoped, but I respect their decision.

These people on the opposition need to clean up their acts, if they want to accomplish anything at all. Their name calling an accusations, trying to get people fired from jobs etc, needs to stop. As it stands right now. I have more respect for and trust, Crosswinds and LSLC far more than them.

Janet, I hope you are true to your post. It has alot of merit. Please try to get others to follow your lead.The way I see things heading, the opposition is doing more to hurt the county, than help it at this time.

By Arlene Gunnari on Saturday, November 11, 2000 - 12:56 pm:

I certainly hope that the behavior Mr. Avery exibited at the polls is not a preview of coming attractions by him. Undoubtedly he should be very ashamed. I only hope he is not going to continue this behavior because something does not meet his ideals. He is giving his ideals very little worth with these types of display.

Just a thought and to prove a point, you are NEVER to old to learn. He should maybe take a good look at Janet's list of things to do.

By Nick Kent on Saturday, November 11, 2000 - 11:16 am:

Art, you were not alone Thursday night. A good friend of mine attended the meeting and was met out side the court house with rude and demeaning remarks. Even I was referred to as traitor as I left a store the other day. I think its time for some people to get a grip and let it go. As far as Mr. Avery goes I think he should hang his head in shame for his actions at the polls. He is a disgrace to the county.

By Walt on Saturday, November 11, 2000 - 05:26 am:

Returning to the penny-scramble shoreline again, and repeating a question Mt. Torkelson asked of Art:Don't you think that the value of inland property will be reduced if the people who live inland lose access to the shoreline?
I recall reading, or hearing about a study being done on property value--related to that question by Mr. Torkelson. A professor at Tech, Blair Orr, was mentioned with this study.

Anyone else recall reading something about that within the last six months?

I remember walking beaches in California and Florida among many people who were enjoying the beaches there. I think that in Florida they have some kind of setback requirements to follow if building close to the water. I remember seeing a commercial on TV--some guy sitting on a lawn chair on a beach, a lady yelling, "get off my beach, or I'll sick the dogs on you."

What kind of beaches do we want? The kind that can be found in Florida and California, where many can enjoy them, or beaches like in the commercial, patrolled by dogs?

At the same time, what sense is there in the rural sprawl that I see happening in Houghton County, where there is a house on every ten acres along every paved or unpaved roadway? Imagine this: A strip of land along every road, on both sides of the road, divided into quarter-mile increments, a house in the middle, a large spread out town with ten acre lots, and miles of woods behind them, inaccessible to everyone else.

By lisa on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 11:46 pm:

Hey everyone,
Well just thought to drop a few lines.
While I'm tickled to death that the zoning issue is now closed, I can not let go the two posts that linger in my mind.
Art, get used to it my friend, if you are planning on putting yourself forth, you will always have some ignorant fool who, is ticked off because of their own beliefs, and will see you as an easy target with which to vent their spleen.
Do not let this get to you though. I myself find it heartening to see someone of your age getting out there and doing something, it speaks well of you and your generation. Good job.
Julie, I will only say that I am ashamed of the idiots that have no more sense of decency than to run off at the mouth about people, because they are people folks, who are at a cross roads hopefully in their lifes. Rather then being an encouraging spirit, they chose the petty hateful course and decided to turn what can only be viewed as a narrow minded attack on the kids themselves. I would only hope no one in their own family ever has to have a troubled teen or child in their own family that has any problems, because I'm sure they would see any defection from perfection as a surpreme insult, and probably revert back to the despicable habit of locking these people up in cages under the house. But they show their own lack of sense by opening their mouth in front of them in the first place, momma should have taught them some better manners, or at the very least sent 'em out to pick a switch a little more often.
The one thing I hope that comes from this experience is that it will make those people tougher, and less vulnerable to idiots like that.
Paul, good posts, I personally loved the thimbleberry I got while I was home, so as usual they show their ignorance.
All others that are walking around in the hair shirts waving the signs that read 'THE END IS NEAR", get a grip already for godsake. Like I've said before, you haven't seen major developement knocking on the door yet or in the past, doubt very much because of this zoning change, that those big ol bad companies will jump right up and say heck yeah boyos lets go, we can go plant us a factory now. Whatever.
Arlene, you got it, you want to play, you should pay. Let us all know what the assessor has to say, I'm sure everyone would be interested on knowing the outcome of this.
Folks, welcome to the present, sorry you had to be dragged here by the head of your hair kicking screaming the whole way, but glad you could make it. Your kids will thank you, and if yours don't I'll make sure mine do.
As far as the lakeshore goes, I would hate to see it gobbled up so public access would be denied, just like it was on a certain beachfront, before it was donated. Guess which one? hehehehehe.
Good work to both sides, you all should be commended on getting out there and fighting for what you believe in, I am very glad you have done so, and only hope this trend will keep up.
Well enough rambling.
Have a good night.
God bless, and take care.

By Janet on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 04:34 pm:

The land use planning phase is ahead of us. Be a peacemaker and advocate of conflict avoidance:
1. Learn to disagree without being disagreeable. It's all right to be assertive, but not aggressive, abusive or abrasive.
2. When someone says something with which you disagree, try not to be judgmental.
3. Maintain eye contact when greeting people and shake their hands (Touching is important.)
4. Be kind and courteous to everyone.
5. Remember that civility is a sign of strength, not weakness.
6. Speak softly. (People tune out loud, angry voices.)
7. Saving face is important. Give your opponent the opportunity to withdraw.
8. Your attitude is more important than your aptitude.
9. Mutual respect is the key to avoiding conflict.
10. Give the other person a chance to be heard without interrupting.
11. The shortest distance between two people is a smile.

By Jeff Buckett (Jeff) on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 03:30 pm:

1)The county Zoning Board of Appeals voted 4-1 to allow narrowly defined ski hills in areas zoned Conservation District-Environmental Protection.
2)The board also decided in a separate 4-1 vote that only things directly related to ski hill operations, such as “ski runs, lifts, lodges and ancillary structures as required,” fit within the definition.

--From the Roger Wickstrom DMG piece on last night's ZBA meeting in Eagle River--

Does anyone seriously believe that ski-hill projects are going to run amok in Keweenaw County because of this decision? That CD-EP is now up for grabs by any developer who whistles a happy tune?
Let's leave the panic-attack rhetoric to those folks at the other end of Highway 41.

By Arlene Gunnari on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 01:58 pm:

Thank you for the information, I really appreciate it. I will now go to the assessor and ask them my questions. It's really a shame if we are bound to outdated assessments and that they can't be readjusted to proper levels. It would bail Keweenaw County out of the financial problems that are facing our county now. It's really unfair to the county to have operations limited in this way.

Thank you again and I will search for some answers and even if I don't like them whatever they may be, thanks. Keep warm.

By Lynn Torkelson (Ltorkelson) on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 01:54 pm:


Even if your vision of progress for the Keweenaw includes a shoreline full of homes built by retired baby-boomers from Detroit and Chicago, you have every right to advocate your position. And you shouldn't have to endure rude comments about it either.

I agree that property rights are extremely important. But no rights are absolute. For example, I shouldn't be allowed to do things with my property that would destroy the value of my neighbors' property.

Don't you really think that something will be lost if there are no trespassing signs posted all along the lakeshore? Don't you think that the value of inland property will be reduced if the people who live inland lose access to the shoreline? Would it really be fair to remove property value from current residents in order to make things a bit nicer for those retired executives? To me, it would not.

By Jon Maninga (Jon) on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 12:02 pm:


Thanks for the info on the landing strips.

From what you said the only way to get a landing strip is with county help. I happen to think if anybody wanted to they could put in a strip. If it is done over time, it would be possible. I believe the Airport west of Munising (SP?) has a grass landing strip (I could be wrong on that).

The FAA would have a say in that. As to the location, a feasibility study would have to be done.

I told Ted that the part that worries me about the zoning change is the inclusion of the wording "and related uses".


In my personal opinion (and after thinking about it a long time) the out come could have been planned all the while. Crosswinds comes in and sees the weak zoning, asks for a change that they want knowing that will be challenged. That way the ZBA would have only one decision, to say that a ski hill is allowed in CD-EP. That opens the door to developing other hills in KC - without the hassels of getting the zoning changed. They can then open more in other areas of the county as they see fit.

That is my personal opinion. I know there are people that will chastise me for that - but that is the nice thing about this country everyone is allowed to have their own opinion....

I also think that Sandy has hit the nail on the head when she said that at the time the zoning was written, a golf course was very environmentally friendly.

By Art on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 10:21 am:

Once again, select opponents confuse me. Oh, it's AOK for us to have all of our houses along the the shoreline, but no one else can build here. We are grandfathered in and we're an exception, we must stop developement. It's AOK for our septics to leak into the lake. We turn down a sewer grant that would better our own back yard's ecology. It's AOK for the majority of us to vote when we spend the MINORITY of our year here. We want to control other people's PRIVATE property.

Someone yelled to my friend and I last night while we were leaving the Courthouse; "You'll be sorry!" Sorry for what? Sorry for letting a new company come into our county to bring MORE jobs and up the Economy? "oh, more jobs I'm sure, you'll be shoveling snow on the side of that hill for $4 an hour, oh sorry I mean $4.65."

People like this make me sick. I was happy with the decision made last night. I said not one thing to ANYONE but "Hi, how are you...." And I get some rude comment from someone I don't even know.

You all started this whole opposition. You all started the petition. You all mis-informed people on important issues. You all got exactly what you asked for, and now the people have spoke, and it's done with.


By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 10:18 am:

Arlene - this is the tax base non-issue. The process of valuing property has several steps, and one big snag. The State prescribes the percentage at which twp. valuation can grow each year. So much new construction is taking place that the rising valuation on it doesn't allow older property to be revalued without exceeding the State mandate. Talk to your township assessor, but I know that in Grant Twp. Matt Arko tears his hair out! The county has a ton of tax base, but can't take advantage of it!

By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 10:05 am:

I must agree with Julie and, if such remarks were made, they reflect poorly on the speakers. Rudeness is not acceptable.

Walt, Lynn hit the nail on the head for a starting list of objectives. Others will doubtless be added by county residents and taxpayers. I don't know the technical mechanisms that set aside open spaces in a CLUP, but that is why expert and qualified assistance is required. We may be able to come to a consensus as to WHAT we want, but need guidance in HOW to achieve that.

A perfect example of why help is needed is the permitted uses in CD-EP. It was written to protect the area, but in such a way as to not exclude common, normal uses. 'Sand and gravel extraction' covered the many small pits used by loggers and contractors. 'Landfills' referred to the dumps then in use outside each town. 'Logging' was the reason it could be kept CD-EP, and select-cut and other Logging Congress goals strive to protect and strengthen the forests. At the time the current zoning was written, golf-courses were considered environmentally friendly, but that view has changed 180 degrees. The permitted uses were 'county friendly' and not designed to cover large commercial uses, but not defined adequately, and the plan has not been updated to reflect current thinking.

I sincerely hope this whole debacle results in a firm resolve on the part of County residents for a professionally crafted CLUP!

By Arlene Gunnari on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 09:58 am:

OOPS!!!! That was supposed to LAKESHORE, sorry about that, I guess I need more coffee.

By Arlene Gunnari on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 09:55 am:

You brought up a very good point and I would be very interested in someone giving an honest answer not just an opinion but factual answer.

A thought that has crossed my mind is that, if all the LAKESHORESHORE PROPERTY TAXES were raised to their REAL value, this in itelf would deter some of the people from buying direct land to the shoreline. Also all of the residences along the shoreline should be taxed according to the true value of the property. I believe that if you can afford to own lakefront property, which is known to be more valuable, then you also afford the proper taxes that go with it. I do not mean any future building but also the existing ones. I think that the taxing should be looked into because Keweenaw County is losing a lot money from the small amount of taxes paid on these valubable properties and really needs to get it adjusted properly. When people are paying more taxes on their home in town with their homestead property tax credit, than they do on lake front propety- do you see a problem here? It would definitely help the county relive some of the revenue problems that exist now. It is only right that the taxes are more on lakefront property as it is the way anywhere else in this state so why not here also?

Just my opinion with some questions I would also like to see answered honestly and factually. Just something to think about. Hope you have a great day.

By Lynn Torkelson (Ltorkelson) on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 09:15 am:


Your observations about the shoreline are 100% right. Unless something is done, it will fill up with homes, blocking access to the lake and increasing the pollution of the lake. Furthermore, as this happens, the proportions of the voting population of KC will continue to shift so that the shoreline property owners will have more and more voting power in the county.

As I understand the CLUP process (I think Steve has emphasized this in earlier posts), the first thing to do is to agree on objectives that the plan should achieve. Those objectives should (I think, anyway) include maintaining access to the shoreline and access to hunting, fishing, camping, and trail areas. They should include keeping areas of the shoreline free of development. Then the plan and the zoning both need to support the agreed-upon objectives.

Economic development is also an objective to be planned for and zoned for. I believe that if certain types of businesses are viewed as desirable for the area--bottling water and building wilderness cabins certainly seem sensible--they should be planned for in a way that will make them attractive to potential investors and to the citizens of KC. Once KC has gotten its plan in place, it might be advantageous to publicize this, possibly on the Internet, so that entrepreneurs would know of the advantages of starting such businesses in KC.

Other important objectives would be (in my opinion) planning to make sure that the existing residents are not forced out of their own area because of drastic increases in property taxes and land values.

By Michele on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 09:13 am:

To Paul of Eagle River,
Zdravo! (That's hi in Croatian) I honestly enjoyed your version of last night's ZBA meeting. Would you like to submit a humor column to Keweenaw Today? I see the seeds of a creative writer in your last posting. You did leave out the tragic element of the tragi-comic. Read Sandy's posting to complete the picture. Sincerely,
Michele Anderson, Editor
Keweenaw Today

By Walt on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 06:46 am:

Well said. The Gazette had a photo and story about Bud Avery challenging the students from YSI voting. On page 3A. Nov 9, 2000

I suspect the challenge to those youthful voters will likely motivate them to vote again, and again.

One student, James H, said of the challenge, "I like it. This shows what democracy is all about--that anybody can challenge a vote. This proves how serious people can get about politics."

23 students registered. 16 went.

By Julie Kent on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 06:39 am:

I want to bring up an issue that has bothered me enough to post a message. This isn't a hill issue, or a zoning issue, or a Keweenaw Academy issue. Its a "people" issue. Those voters in Eagle Harbor township who made their negative opinions known about the YSI youth voting in their district IN FRONT OF THE KIDS, should be ashamed of themselves. I understand there were several comments made, and some of them having some racial undertones. You have every right to question the area that they voted, but voice this concern through the proper channels. This was researched and it was found they could legally vote there. Even if you still disagree with the final decision, fine. But to do this in front of youth who were excited, prepared, and finally doing a positive thing in their life! What a fine message and example you have given these kids. As you continue to fight for your way of life think about the way of life these kids have had and what prompted them to commit the crimes that brought them to the place they are. What happened to good old fashion human decency and compassion.
Shame on you!

By Walt on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 06:38 am:

I guess Lac La Belle and the South Shore and the shoreline from Eagle River north to Copper Harbor
aren't valuable for anything other than a dozen new homes and camps every year for the next twenty years--until all of the shoreline has cabins, cottages, and homes within 50 yards of the water--something that will happen, and would have happened, regardless of a ski hill or not.

How will the CLUP address that issue?

(P.S. to myself. Wonder if that question will see a reply?)

By Walt on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 06:21 am:

"Whenever there is in any country uncultivated lands and unemployed poor, it is clear that the laws of property have been so far extended as to violate natural right." --Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1785. ME 19:18, Papers 8:682

"I may err in my measures, but never shall deflect from the intention to fortify the public liberty by every possible means, and to put it out of the power of the few to riot on the labors of the many." --Thomas Jefferson to John Tyler, 1804. ME 11:33

By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 05:44 am:

On Tuesday the voters of Keweenaw County decided a ski-hill is acceptable after Crosswinds advertising campaign waved big money promises under everyones' noses. Now the ZBA has tossed county zoning on the trash heap and more or less said if you want to build anything we'll be glad to roll over and give you permission. Jim Regis did his best, but the others on the board didn't bother to listen.

IP is selling the east end of the county to the highest bidder and the zoning officials have served notice that ANYTHING developers want is fine with them. CONSERVATION District-ENVIRONMENTAL Protection? Conserve what? Protect what? Not in Keweenaw County! The door is open, and when the tip is carved into neat little subdivisions, and the No Tresspassing signs are posted everywhere, and everyone wonders where the hunting, fishing, and wild area access we loved went, look to the zoning officials and their short-sighted, even blind, willingness to give big money development anything it wants. 57% of the county opened the door, and short of a miracle, KC as we know it will be gone in 5-10 years. And we'll be paying for roads, additional law enforcement, etc. The heritage we'll leave our kids is that KC will be indistinguishable from any other paved-over, fenced-off, sprawl-ridden place on earth. And we'll have only ourselves to blame!

By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Thursday, November 9, 2000 - 10:38 pm:

One man's wetland is another man's swamp. Bete Gris South IS an ecological treasure, valuable as a breeding and feeding ground, a filter area for water flow, etc., but to a developer it is an area with an incomparable view, a swamp to be filled and developed, an undeveloped area with priceless waterfront footage. To some of us, and under wetlands law, it is a priceless treasure to be protected and appreciated. To LSLC it is an asset to be turned into $ for the bottom line. It all depends on your viewpoint.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Thursday, November 9, 2000 - 10:14 pm:

Well one more time it was interesting. We had Mr. Vivian said to be in conflict, we had Mr Westcoat said to be in conflict of interest, both turned away. We had a motion to postpone not supported, we had what a ski hill consists of supported, we had people talking about tomatoes (I WAS A LITTLE LOST THERE), we had pictures of the ski hill as a gravel pit, (ALL AGREED THAT THAT DIDN'T LOOK TOO GOOD) we had some of those fancy movie people there, (I WAS IN A PICTURE MOVIE TOO), we had a lady that looked real impoootant walk right through the meeting place and into a dark room by herself(SHE JUST DISAPPEARED NO KIDDING) that was kinda eerey if you know what I mean! we had a funny guy who had a big smile and said he was qualified ( HE SAID HE MADE CARS),we had one of those newspaper people, (HE WAS WRITTING SOMETHING IN A BOOK) must have been the ending of some sort of real long story cause he was wearing those old hobnail boots and had a piece of copper in his pocket, (HE ALSO DISAPPEARED TOO) we had some nice ladies sitting behind me talking real friendly to me, (ALL THEY WANTED WAS MY COFFEE) I saw right though them read them like a book, we had Mr. every say that the attorney general was comming here to see what was going on and then go skiing, we had a guy who said he was LONNIE and was working on one of those movie show things (I HAD TO FIX IT) well almost it only showed one picture at a time, we had a real pretty movie girl (SHE HAD TO KEEP LOOKING INTO THE MOVIE THING HERSELF) the guy who was supposed to be running it mustof never showed up cause she had to carry it out too! (LOW BUDGET MOVIE), we had some city slickers there too (MY TRUCK COSTED LESS THAN THIER SUITS) we had a butt break, the board members took a break too, then they came back and said WHERES THE BEEF!!!NOW WE GOT A SKI HILL!!!!!

By karl kazeks on Thursday, November 9, 2000 - 09:44 pm:

Paul, ski hill or ski resort?

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Thursday, November 9, 2000 - 09:21 pm:

CD-EP permits a ski hill and all related buildings!!!!!!!Eagle River News Flash !!!!
Just got back from the court house.

By Steve on Thursday, November 9, 2000 - 08:17 pm:

Since adequate language appears to exist already, it may just be that a parcel of land would need to be rezoned to accomodate it.
So, where would it be built? More importantly, how is the county going to pay for it? Even a decent gravel surfaced runway and apron runs about $4 million in AK. Even if construction costs are 1/4 down there of what they are in rural Ak, we are still talking about a million dollars.
Unfortunately, airports aren't like roads. A runway can't be twisted around every little divot like a road. I did a study fairly recently for a local sponsor in southwest AK. They wanted something like CMX. The final tally was $27 million plus.
The point is that the zoning is a relatively minor issue in the big scheme of airport development.

By Ted Belej (Ted) on Thursday, November 9, 2000 - 07:16 pm:


Would all that be necessary even for a private airstrip?

There is already language in the zoning for a landing strip it is CD-LS, on Charles Buck's site right before the CD-ED language (p 13, I think).

But I could not find any land that is zoned CD-LS on the zoning map, would the county have to re-zone to put in a strip, even a private one?



By Steve Cinelli on Thursday, November 9, 2000 - 04:40 pm:

The zoning language for an airport is as simple as "Uses permitted in said lands are airports and aviation related activities". There is some other verbage that might be necessary, such as restricting building heights in certain areas, as well as restricting locations for dumps and sewage lagoons.
Actually getting an airport in KC would require that the county become an airport sponsor, and solict the Federal Aviation Administration for a grant to conduct an Airport Master Plan. The master plan includes forecasts of aviation demand, a site selection analysis for the new airport, a summary of facility requirements, some surveying and topographic mapping, some layout drawings, and maybe a financial plan to pay for the maintenance and operation costs, which are significant. The most significant part of the Master Plan is identifying capital improvement projects to compete for federal funding. Once the projects are identified then they compete with other projects on a need basis. In Alaska, projects compete, in large part, based on the fact that most villages have access to the outside world only through aviation.
Generally, the FAA only provides about 97% of the money for construction projects, the rest comes from the sponsor. So for a $10 million project, the county would need to pony up for $300,000. I believe the grants for planning and design are funded 100%, but I am not sure. The State of Alaska sponsors most of the airports up here, but we have a few local sponsors, such as Juneau and Egegik.
I know there is at least one consultant (other than UP or Hitch) in the area that does aviation work.
I don't know if MDOT gets involved in aviation design on behalf of local sponsors or not. It seems to me that they must have some relationship, but I don't know to what extent.
I still think the best way to provide air access to Bohemia is to solicit a FAR Part 135 operator to get a Twin or Turbine Otter to operate on the lake with amphib floats or wheel skis, as appropriate. At times when that isn't feasable a bussing operation from CMX is the way to go.
If you want to attract business to KC you need to provide a business-friendly environment. Running a developer through the meat grinder is not a friendly environment. Unfortunately, that is what a certain portion of the residents there will continually do (I call them "Haves"). Some communities actively seek out and solicit firms to open shop in their area. The state of Alaska has the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority. Their whole bit is to promote business, they offer low interest loans, grants, businees planning and management help, and various other services. Sitting around wishing that someone will open a plant at the LP site wont make it happen, but some commitment and hard work might. Maybe a volunteer county board that is actively soliciting firms.

By PaulEagleRiver on Thursday, November 9, 2000 - 04:20 pm:

Just got back from the ski hill! I tell you what, these guys are doing a great job. It was different to see Moyle, MJO, and some other contractors working together. Fifty to seventy men, all in all these entry level workers had smiles on their faces. I talked to many and their all more excited to try the hill than anything. I am very happy to see the look itself of the hill, grass is like a foot tall in places!! Seems to me that one or two of those runs I can do without blowing a tire. The attitude of the workers was great, they all seemed to take a lot of pride in what they were doing. I think they are mostly proud of being a part of the project. I almost asked for a job myself, •••• I wanted to pick up a shovel and try to help them. This is the biggest, most beautiful, job creating, recreational, family friendly, project that Keweenaw county has ever seen!!!!!! I hope they put the lodge on top of the hill with a five star resturant so all of the old people can go up there and enjoy a special meal with a five star view. I truly wonder why we didn't do this before when I was younger. I wish the best of luck to all involved.
Tonight I am going to the meeting for the zoning of CD-EP. I think it is about time I spoke up as a concerned tax payer on the amount of money that has been spent and lost by the foolishness of certain people who had self interests and were opposed. I respect those who were against the project, I also realize their concerns, but I don't feel the tax dollars I pay should have been used to try to stop the project. I want totals on this and I believe we as taxpayers are at least due that!!!! SHOW ME THE TOTALS!!!!!

By Ted Belej (Ted) on Thursday, November 9, 2000 - 03:59 pm:


Maybe you can help with a question that Jon and I came up with.

Considering all the current zoning, what would it take to create a landing strip in RS zoning, in CD-EP? What other agencies would have to be involved, FAA, FCC?

I found the zoning CD-LS listed in the definitions but I couldn't find any land that is zoned as such.

Any help you could shed on this would be much appreciated.



By Jeff Buckett (Jeff) on Thursday, November 9, 2000 - 03:32 pm:

Back when we were in our 20's, some friends of mine and I used to spend hours speculating on ways of turning fast-growing tag alder into a commercially viable product(alas to no avail--although we didn't consult with any MTU chemists on possible therapeutic derivatives sellable say, to the Chinese market, like mmm Rhinosceros horn viagra or gingko biloba). I'm afraid the best idea we could come up with was a variation on mequite barbecue chips.
Wood, wood, wood is the first best place to start.
O if only the Gay and Lake Linden stamp sands with all those tiny copper particles could be made into some kind of special high-tech kitty litter, the Keweenaw might really have an economic juggernaut on their hands.
ps to Jon:
In the "it's a small world" category, I rented a house in Pittsfield Township about 20 years ago while working construction in Ann Arbor and we always derived some dubious self-esteem in declaring our "outsider status" to University Town. The house was on Bayliss Street(off Stone School Road just south of Eisenhower Parkway). We always liked it there because it was just a minute away from farm country.

By Art on Thursday, November 9, 2000 - 12:07 pm:

Tonight the ZBA meets to determine whether or not ski hills will be allowed on Brockway, Cliff, the East Bluff, Mt Houghton..... etc. Somebody messed up right around the petitioning, they worded it wrong. Remember, 80% of Keweenaw is CD-EP. They brought this one onto themselves.
See you tonight.......

By Jon Maninga (Jon) on Thursday, November 9, 2000 - 10:14 am:


I live in Pittsfield township.

Don't know about what to do about housing. I did read in the Ann Arbor News a while back that Pittsfield Township could not issue permits to hook-up to the sewer system because they have reached the maximum number allowed (don't know if that has been resolved).

Most of Pittsfield Township (if not all) falls under Ann Arbor schools - which administrators (and most parents) are calling overcrowded...yet more houses are going in (or proposed) - what is wrong with this picture?

If many more residents are built (in Pittsfield) - we will probably have to get our own schools and sewer system. How much would that cost? I do beleive the proposal to restrict development has passed.....

Pittsfield is east and south of A2 - Chelsea is west.

By Dave Forrest on Thursday, November 9, 2000 - 09:21 am:

Sandy, sandy, sandy:
26 houses in a swamp? For months its been touted as a rare Great Lakes marsh, unique, global wetland, one of a kind, only exists at BeteGrise.

Have we been had by Gary Kohs and his minions?

Hmmm....who is really the spinmeister around here?

By Walt on Thursday, November 9, 2000 - 05:51 am:

Steve Cinelli
What do you suggest in the way of creating jobs for those kids in this area who choose not to go to college, who choose not to work for some criminal recidivist corporation as engineers in some other location?

I've suggested some other possibilities over the last six months--from opening a bottled water plant, to building rustic pre-fabricated cabins to be placed in rustic settings, to opening a worm farm.

With one or two of those ideas we wouldn't have to import a lot of other resources.

How does China and Japan do it? Must be a ready supply of plastics/polymers to make talking fish, McDonald's engineered superheroes, and an assortment of other essentials. How'd they figure out a way around supply and demand to accomplish that?

By Walt on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 10:07 pm:

Do you live in that township west of Ann Arbor?
Pittsfield Township. Chelsea?
I've relatives in Whitmore Lake.

What do you think the answer would be to the need for more housing?

By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 09:06 pm:

Interesting that you link the road at Bete Gris South to Crosswinds, which is something that many of us suspect. So far there has been no official link by either Crosswinds or LSLC between the two projects. Their (LSLC) attorneys are busy appealing the DEQ decision now. Pretty intense activity over 26 houses in a swamp! (If you believe that the end result is 26 single family dwellings, the so-far stated objective.)

Did I see that Alaska went strongly Bush? Not too much objection there to exploring ANWAR? Sounds sensible to me. I'm not crazy about depending on Saddam for economic existence.

The need to understand exactly WHAT KC residents want to see in the future is exactly why we need to do a CLUP. That way none of the Boards will have to guess what KC residents want in the future. Once thru a mess like the last six months is enough for any County to have to go thru!

By Steve Cinelli on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 08:34 pm:

Shock awe?
It's good to see the voice of the people was heard on this matter. Perhaps a plurality of KC voters are pro-development? That would certainly make for an interesting Comp Plan!
Let's see, a paper mill on the north shore, an osb plant at the LP site, and an oil refinery in Delaware. Now that the Keweenaw has been raped, hemmoraging from the slopes of Bohemia, the residents may as well go all the way. Maybe Janet Avery can fire up interest in a copper mine at Gratiot Lake?
As Crosswinds goes forth, please remember the ridiculous banter spewed by the anti's. Most of their absurd predictions about environmental impacts simply will not happen.
Also, just because Crosswinds (?) wasn't able to permit their road project before doesn't mean they can't keep trying.

By Jim on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 08:12 pm:

Is everyone in shock awe or what? Important land use meeting comming up tomorrow. Any thoughts, comments, suggestions?

By Joe Skoglund on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 06:27 pm:

Not to rain on your parade but, you are a special interest group! This is such a mis-used term, all people regardless of their position are special interests. Its all how you look at the glass of water...half full or half empty.

See u on the slopes and at the next Co. Bd. meetings.

By Susie LeBlanc on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 05:19 pm:

Congratulations to all of us! I am proud of the achievements of the Concerned Citizen's of Keweenaw County, organized to save the land from uncontrolled Development. We got out the vote, igniting a lot of community spirit; and managed to replace positions on 3 Boards with knowledgeable people, who will communicate with the taxpayer.

We (all of us) saw in action or inaction our DNR, DEQ, Tourism Council, our adversaries, special interest groups, our own government and our own selves.

The sewer grant was stopped, thus assuring the County of no liability. The DEQ and other professionals stopped the road to Bete Gris South, thus leaving the land in its natural state, a home to wild life, the eagle, sand crane, etc.

We surprized ourselves, tapping into time and talent and dedication to our cause. And, even a Picket Party!

Through grass-roots efforts, we organized to save the land for future responsible growth. So we invite you all to join with us and work for Comprehensive Land Use Planning for Keweenaw County.

By Jon Maninga (Jon) on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 04:26 pm:


Could some of those absentee ballots be from people in the military?

I did that when I was in - and I did not have to pay any taxes (military personnell do not pay any state income tax)!!

By Walt on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 02:57 pm:

I tried to ask him, or her, if she, or he, had mailed in his, or her, absentee ballot. But this bird was not talking to me, either.

By Walt on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 02:53 pm:


Around 9:30 this morning, I was heading out of the woods when I saw another new immigrant to the area, a pheasant.

Don't ask me if it was male or female, I don't know. But in Houghton County, about 3/4 of a mile from Torch Lake (T.55N.-R.32W. 'tween Sections 25 and 30).

Mr. or Mrs. Pheasant watched me as I got out of the truck, began to run along the ground, and entered the woods under a sign that said, "No Hunting."

A sign of the times?

By George Hite on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 02:13 pm:

FYI. I've posted the Eagle Harbor Township voting results on my web site. The llink is:

By Art on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 12:15 pm:

We popped a bottle of champagne last night as soon as we heard the results.


I was not very happy with Bud Avery contesting the 14 voters from YSI. Shame on him. If someone like Gary Kohs can walk right in and register to vote without spending barely anytime here, then surely some students from YSI who stay for a year and a half can have a say. Anyway, it doesn't matter too much now since it's all over.

Congrats to Allouez TWP and Houghton TWP since they were the votes that carried us through.


By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 09:13 am:

Congratulations to all those promoting Mt. Bohemia and I certaily hope it all works out as you think it will.

For the record, we changed our voting registration to Allouz Twp. in the process of moving to Mohawk, just made the 30 days. And yes we did vote yesterday morning. It was wonderful to see young people turning out. If nothing else, this whole thing has brought awareness to many that county politics IS something to be paid attention to, and participated in.

Now its time to turn all this energy toward solid, sensible land use planning for our county so that the next time we'll have a clearly laid out set of rules for development and not have to go thru a mess like this again!

I hope KI is such an integral part of KC now that it will be maintained indefinitely. Maybe everyone will say thanks to Charlie by supporting his advertisers and switching to pasty.net for internet access if they're not already there.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 08:52 am:

Who let the dogs out? WHO WHO WHOHOOO!!!
Lets see here, straight tickets are half of them so they don't count. Cut that figure in half and she got about the same number that the opposition got-HUMMMMMMMM
I am going to continue to look into the matters that have passed in time that should have been in my eyes passed as no brainers!!!
First and foremost the sewer grant!!!! That has a million reasons to persue. I truly feel sorry for the grant twp. tax payers that now have to look to the sewer improvements without the help of that very grant. I think this is the issue above all but the hill itself that will be the determineing factor that takes our conflict of interest atty. right out of our county system or maybe out of the legal field altogether!!!!
I once stated in public that the residents would be sorry for their beliefs led on by her. This is no small matter, It could indeed chase out the small guy who has a camp!! (not the home people but the real small guys with real camps). I also will want to receive payment in full to our county the monies spent which were wasted by her!!!!
This above all is a major concern to our county board, or should be. Say grant twp. has 1000 tax payers this translates to 1000 dollars per owner to get this in place ( no interest added). I would be clipping my curled toenails by now!!!! So my views on this are WHO REALLY WAS BEHIND ALL THIS, SURELY NOT THOSE POOR CAMP PEOPLE!!!

ps to the real people I do respect YOU ALL for your beliefs!!! SHOW ME A HANDSHAKE

By Arlene Gunnari on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 07:51 am:

Oh by the way Paul, I thought you may be interested inknowing that Our Prosecutor only got a total of 814 votes. I was given the numbers from all the townships from the clerks office last night. Now that is how how many from the total amount of registered voters of Keweenaw County? I thought you may be interested. Have a great one.

By Arlene Gunnari on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 07:45 am:

Don Keith beat out Lyle Peterson and Eric Bjorn defeated Candise Gagnon but I haven't heard the numbers. Now who is ging to be President of these here United States?

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 07:09 am:


By Jim on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 07:02 am:

WOW, still no president elect.Record turnouts throughout the country.

It is time to bury the hatchet, and get on with bigger and better things. I would hope that Charlie keeps this site open, as a means to communicate ideas, on future land use planning.

I wonder, if there would be room here to post the current zoning rules and maps,if the interest was great enough.

Does anyone have the rest of the results for K. county?

By Jon Maninga (Jon) on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 06:31 am:

Well congrats on the win!

Let's all hope that everyone doesn't regret it later!

By Jeff Buckett (Jeff) on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 11:38 pm:

If the numbers hold true, congrats to those who supported Proposal B. I hope no one begrudges an independent case being made for the loyal opposition. I've learned a lot about the Keweenaw and it's inhabitants by venturing into this debate and I hope to try the slopes out this winter sometime if I can make it up.
ps: Bravo to Sandy for sticking to her political convictions when she had every economic reason not to.
Now that's a Profile in Courage!

By Janet Shea on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 11:37 pm:

I wanted to be one of the first to congratulate
you on the Bohemia win. We're disappointed in the
outcome, we waged a good and hopefully honorable
campaign. Now maybe the dust will clear after
Thursday's ZBA meeting and we can all come to the
table and start working on the land use plan. That
will be the most important thing we can do for the
County for the next 20 years. Hope you will join
the workforce to complete it in record time.
I'm extremely impressed by the number of people
who voted in the election, and I am glad that the
Bohemia issue got everyone involved in local
issues. Please stay involved, the future of the
county is still up for grabs without the land use
plan. Thanks, everyone for your support, either

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 11:36 pm:


By Jim on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 11:17 pm:

Now what are we going to be discussing?
Land use planning?

By Ted Belej (Ted) on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 11:14 pm:

Official Numbers:

Proposal B

Yes 730
No 542

Hope to see you all on the slopes.


By Lisa on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 11:05 pm:

Thanks so much,
Just got the results from the courthouse, it passed.
Congrats folks.
Have a good nite.

By Ted Belej (Ted) on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 10:55 pm:


According to Dick Storm......

Proposal B has PASSED.

Once I get firm numbers, I will post them.


By LISA on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 09:08 pm:


By Art on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 08:43 pm:

This is it you guys, the polls are closed. Only time will tell.

SANDY DID NOT VOTE TODAY! At least not in Grant where she's registered. Maybe she re-registered in Mohawk though. Did you make the 30 day cut off Sandy? Just wondering, just a RUMOR.

Cross your fingers ya'all, it'll be close.......

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 07:40 pm:

The latest on the (off the record poll by Paul) record turnouts, Grandma and Gramppa's by the tens od dozens, all with the same feelings, give our youth what we once enjoyed!!!! A CHANCE
latest prediction YES 82% NO 16%( 2% don't know where the beef is)

By George Hite on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 05:52 pm:

Make that "1996".

By George Hite on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 05:50 pm:

FYI. Eagle Harbor Township has 255 registered voters. The difference from a year ago is almost entirely represented by the newly registered YSI students. At 5 pm, 213 had voted, including the 68 absentee votes. Absentees as a percent of total are apparently less than in 1986.

By PaulEagleRiver on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 05:06 pm:

Well the time has come , Mohawk,Fulton,Ahmeek,Allouez,Copper City, now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party!!!!!
Stand up and be counted. You are the ones to make the difference. Please look to the future and remember the past. Your towns have been hit the hardest of all with no jobs, run down buildings,fewer and fewer children. Your schools which I attended are torn down, the stores are closed, the meeting places are gone, the mines are closed, the small shops are gone, be the ones to make the difference!!!!!
Bring us back to a growing community, bring back the kids, bring back the life we once enjoyed as kids ourself. Bring back our shops, bring back business!! BRING BACK A FUTURE FOR OUR KIDS!!!!!!VOTE YES!!!!!!!

By Art on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 03:23 pm:

A nice documented FACT:

55% of Copper Harbor voters ARE voting YES on Prop B. That is, AT LEAST 55% are YES's. A few I could not get a hold of, a few I didn't even know who they were, and AT LEAST 20% are a Definite NO Vote.

I have the paperwork if anyone is interested.
I'm happy to know that Copper Harbor's majority is a YES.

If there's anyone out there who hasn't gone out to Vote yet today, get out there and


By Ted Belej (Ted) on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 02:27 pm:


I'm not sure where the CD-LS zone is. I found it refered to as a sub catagory of the CD zoning, just like CD-EP. Since it has it's own zoning definition, for an airstrip to be created it would take re-zoning some land to do so. This is what I think, to be sure, we would have to check with Jane Pelto.


By Paul on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 01:48 pm:

Ted, If the businesses in Keweenaw profit just two dollars then its two dollars. TWO DALLA IS ALOT OF MONY!!!! VOTE YES!!!!

By jon on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 01:42 pm:


How far is the CD-LS area from the ski hill?

Walt, no I am not opposed to the $60mil in economic help. I just happen to beleive that the only thing KC will get out of is some small percentage. Can you put a number on what the amount will be to KC only? When people refer to the Keweenaw, I interpret that as the entire penninsula. I have read that $300,000 will be paid to KC. Fine.. Again how much of the 60mil will go to KC? As Paul pointed out there is not much open in CH.

I think that by the time the businesses based in KC see any of the windfall from the resort, it will be too late. The shops that are part of the resort will be up and running and will benefit the most. Who will have control of those businesses? More than likely people from outside KC. More absentee voters?

I happen not to beleive everything xwinds says. That is from reading things in the Detroit area papers. In my opinion they need to be watched closely, if you don't - that is your perogotive.

I heard mention of a conference center. How many business deals can be discussed while going down a hill on skis? How many can be discussed walking on a 18 hole (or more) golf course? I suspect that there will be one put in eventually. That is my opionion - you may disagree but that is your right. The mountain lodge is nice, I think it would need to be much bigger to compete with the Bohemia resort.

If the lodge is expanded, who would pay for it? My suspicion is the taxpayers.

Again I always thought that KC was alot of outdoor fun for families. I can go to my parents house and xcountry ski to the snowmobile trail or make my own trails. Why would I want to pay to ski on someone elses trail? If they put one in I am sure there will be a useage fee....after all making the trails takes money and the resort will be out to make money.

I think on the voter registration form it says that the old address will be cancelled (I don't have it in front of me right now). I can't speak for other states. Yes that is a valid concern. AS I said I agreed that it was not right to have part time residents have an equal say that way.

I think I have stated I am not against the hill itself. I don't believe that xwinds is giving the residents (including the boards) the full story on their plans. Yet they say they want to be a team player. Have you forgotten that they said no sewer grant - no hill? Well no grant and the hill is scheduled to open when?

By Art on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 12:14 pm:

Well, this will be it. After today, the part we've ALL been waiting for will be said and done with. Everyone will be relieved and happy as long as you all get out there and vote,


By Paul on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 11:52 am:

Help give our kids a better future, look at Copper Harbor today, right now is it busy or are all businesses shut down alresdy, the same for all of Keweenaw, we need growth!!!!! VOTE YES!!!!

By Walt on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 11:51 am:

Pro-resort people have been expressing their opinion here. Why should they bother to go to a site that caters to the whims of a select few?

But, yeah, I accept your notion that Keweenaw Today is that, an opinion-place, nothing much more.

By Walt on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 11:03 am:

You sound opposed to the idea that $60 million dollars of economic impact is something we should welcome and your opposition seems based on your failure to recall any sightings of a certain sized hotel in Keweenaw County.

Funny thing is, I don't remember seeing anything advertised with regard to hotels. I saw an advertisement that claimed Mt. Bohemia would provide an economic impact--something that many in this area would welcome--something that because of a lack of an economic impact has caused others to leave, many of whom would have rather stayed.

I take it you are unopposed to the idea that Mt. Bohemia would "create...jobs" as you did not address that part of the advertisement.

Okay, so I shortened it. It said: *"Bring a lot of outdoor fun to the families of Keweenaw County."

Again, are you opposed to the idea of more fun for the area? Or should we all leave the area, vote absentee, and hope everything is here upon our return, hope the 1 or 2 locals we leave behind will run things whilst we're sunning ourselves in a sunnier clime?

While it has been pointed out why the residents of Ahmeek can't vote, I chose to include it while high-lighting the issue of the absentee ballot.

What's your take on the absentee ballot? Any idea on the intent and purpose behind it? Do you think the intent was to allow a part-time resident to change his or her registration status so as to cast a vote wherever his or her fancy desired?

And who is it that will be checking to see if these part-time immigrant (who knows where they came from, anyone?) voters won't also be voting somewhere else?

P.S. I enjoy your use of the tools we have available here to emphasize our messages.

By Ted Belej (Ted) on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 10:52 am:


I thought that you did give me a good example of a use that wouldn't qualify under the other permitted 11 uses, a landing strip. After further investigation I found that there is already zoning for this use in CD-LS.

Nice try!


By Jon Maninga (Jon) on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 10:24 am:


Did someone already tell you that Ahmeek Village residents are the ones that voted to incorporate themselves? Who wrote the law that said they are not allowed to vote on the referendum? Could it have been someone from Eagle River or the State? I don't think this is the first time it has happened!

You said bring $60mil to Keweenaw. I am sure that may true - for the whole penninsula not just KC! Where are most of the larger hotels in the area? I don't recall seeing any 3, 4, or 5 story hotels in KC. Passed several in Houghton and Hancock the last time I was there.

Bring fun to the Keweenaw County? I always thought it was fun in KC!

As for changing the law about absentee voters - your guess is as good as mine. Start with the Secretary of State •••• I don't know!

Maybe to find out where the absentee voters are from would take a call to the state or through the Freedom of Information Act I don't know. I am not a lawyer. All I can do is say the appropriate expert! The county courthouse? Registrar perhaps. I have learned that if a person wants information and has the drive to find it they will..

Ted - I gave you a good example of a possible related use - you even agreed. I did not respond to your last email, but I will say that if they really wanted to make it happen they would.

Why would Pro resort people be unwilling to voice their opinion in an article?

By Walt on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 08:16 am:

I keep asking myself this question over and over again:

What are these absent folk? Do we lump them in with the rest of the tourists that visit the Keweenaw for a week and leave? And how about those
Other tourists--would it be okay if they too had a vote in Keweenaw? After all, they temporarily rent space, a camp-site, for a week or two, so technically, they are property taxpayers in Keweenaw. Or isn't a tax charged for a campsite rental? One of those tax-free amenities I've heard about.

Wait a minute--there are other people who have visited the Keweenaw and have paid one form of tax or another. Should we allow them a vote and a say on what happens here, as well? Sales Tax, gasoline tax, the workers at the hill and in the forest have paid a Federal and a State Income Tax. And what about the residents of Ahmeek--surely they too are taxpayers of Keweenaw County! I imagine some of them stay there the whole year round and pay an assortment of other taxes as well!

Shouldn't they, too, be permitted to vote in absenteeis-orum (Latin, look it up)

By Walt on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 07:53 am:

What advertising are you referring to when you wrote:
As it stands now, with Crosswinds' advertising, Houghton County businesses will benefit, but KC will not. But the fact remains, KC residents will pay the extra bills!

Will they be paying these extra bills from the South of France, from Birmingham, or from some other state? I guess another $.33 stamp is going to break the budget for the return trip, eh? But shoot, with new technology, they'll probably be able to do one of them wire transfer things as they live vicariously by computer in the Keweenaw, eh?

You must not have received the advertisement I received with the Gazette that said:
In just the first five years it is estimated that Mt. Bohemia will:
*add 60 million dollars of economic impact to the Keweenaw economy
*will generate an additional $300,000 in Keweenaw County taxes
*bring…fun to…Keweenaw County

On another note, it's interesting that the boo-birds, as Paul affectionately calls them, are now suggesting that a ski hill would be okay. Gee, you mean the lights from the hill won't keep anyone awake there in LacLaBelle? Or over on the
glorious overdeveloped South Shore? Hey! What kind of feasibility study was done over there? None? Oh? You mean it's okay to do whatever one pleases there? And I thought I heard crying at the mere sight of the cut runs. I'm sure of it, in fact, that someone trucking along there had an outright fit of balling. Raised the lake level two inches, I heard.

So does this also mean that the cabins, resort lodge, and other amenities are okay closer to the water?

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 07:12 am:

Well without a doubt today is the day. No more delays, no more ifs ands or buts. No more should haves, no more should ofs. The one thing I regret is that I'm not that young anymore. This folks is the chance we as a whole will respond, the slams, boycotts, and in general shaky operations of the few that oppose the ski hill will be addressed with a vote of 461 to 1139 for. The winners of this vote will no doubt be happy that this is over and that the Keweenaw has finally moved forward for the first time in 32 years. I am happy that the young will vote. They have a chance to improve their futures. All you moms, dads, grams, gramps, uncles, aunts, and God parents think of the KIDS. If only for the pure reason to give them one more option in their young lives then lets not hold them back. I would love to see the day when some young talent rises from the poor end of town to make it big, lets give our youth a chance to grow with change!!! Change is not bad, no my friends change is good!!! Lets give our youth the chance that they deserve, lets fill that one bus out of Keweenaw with some of the best talent to lead our county into the future with more IDEAS and PROGRESS!!! Lets show the world that we too can change and still stay the same. Lets show them ,lets show them, VOTE AND SHOW THEM!!!!!!!VOTE YES!!!!

By Jim on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 06:54 am:


I hope your right!!!

By Walt on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 06:36 am:

Jeff, Sandy, one and all,
The fact remains and will remain that much ado was made about changing voter registrations from other places.

I chose to make an issue of it.

Prove me wrong. Where are these absentee voters hailing from? I say they are not from the Keweenaw, that there are many who are recent immigrants to the area, and that they do have enough money to be able to leave the area before winter's arrival.

The fact remains and will remain that the poor will always be with us and that many of them live here, in the Copper Country, where many of them have a difficult time making payments on one house, let alone affording a down payment for one house!

140 absentee votes. 20 at YSI. So where are the other 120 coming from. A legitimate question, one that will receive no answer, like so many questions asked before. And the 140 absentee votes are the ones reported by the Gazette.

The fact remains, and will remain, that other people have posted messages either here, or on one of the previous sites dedicated to this debate, that they wish they had their retirement homes here so they could vote, that
they know how they would vote.

And the fact remains that in a previous post by Mrs. Britton, the subtle suggestion was made that Houghton County folk should stay out of the fray.
Why?Mrs. Britton? Because the Houghton County folk that are posting here are in favor of the hill? You never answered my question: Where were the various folk from protesting at the hill?
Sandra Harting, "prez" of AWAKE, she from K County?

I guess Houghton County folk can forget about trying to head north for work in K County. I guess the north-bound lane won't be plowed for them, just that south-bound lane so the noise of sweat falling off peoples' brows won't disturb the birds and the absent in K County.

I wonder if that crack newspaper, Keweenaw Today would report on how many jobs have been added to the Keweenaw County economy over the last year of two. The Keweenaw Industrial Council hopes to add 200-250 jobs to the area by 2002.

How many will the now absent from Keweenaw County forget, permit, and allow?

How likely is it that those 120 other absentee voters are reading this and will tell us how much time they spend "living" in K County? I'm curious. Let's call it a plan. Have them show us their plan.

By Jeff Buckett (Jeff) on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 02:47 am:

Thanks to everyone for their perspectives over the past few weeks. I've learned a lot about how different people think and feel about the Keweenaw's future and it has been very interesting. To Charlie Hopper and the good people at Pasty Central, thanks for making that possible. I hope now that we're about to transcend this YES vs NO debate we can develop some conversations on other issues I believe are more important than Mt. Bohemia. I for one regret the failure of last spring's land swap far more than Bohemia's haircut.
I've already stated that I don't agree with Ted, Jim and Arlene's position that a NO vote on Proposal B will damage the CD-EP zoning. I have faith that the ZBA and the Zoning Administrator know what they're doing and will act in the best interests of all concerned. That's what they're there for. I've based my opinion on what the Zoning Administrator has publicly stated and what is written in the zoning ordinance itself. No more, no less. I trust that they will make the best decision possible on this and any other matter before them. It is simply misleading to state that Black Bear has played by all the rules however. Don't take my word for it, just ask the Zoning Administrator.
Finally, because Walt seems to have a bee in his bonnet today and an "aspiring screenwriter" from LA has chosen to air his "belief" about me, let me just take a moment to set the record straight.
I am not currently a Keweenaw resident(though I have lived for extended periods up there in the past). I have lots of relatives there and a long family history as well. I cannot vote in the Keweenaw. I don't own land in the Keweenaw. I'm far closer to being poor than I am to being rich and I have no conflicts of interest on the Mt. Bohemia project.
I do care strongly about the future of the Keweenaw however which is why I think it's wise to exercise caution with respect to Black Bear and LSLC's larger development plans.
There's nothing to lose by voting NO. The ski hill will still be there and I hope everyone has a great time using it this winter. It seems Black Bear did a great job on it from what I've seen.
That's how I think(and feel) about it all and I hope this is understandable to those of you who disagree.
So vote your conscience or vote your pocketbook, but please vote.
It matters...

By walt on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 11:47 pm:

You suggest we read what!? A feasability study?
What the *** is that?
I'd rather wait for Janet to reply to Ted's question. Or for you to reply to mine.

Tick...tick...tick...tick...and there's no reply at all, there's no reply at all.

By Walt on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 11:34 pm:

What kind of ******* ****##$$$$
abra-ca******** do I have to fight to get the ****** rules changed?

Yeah, right, like the absentee VOTERS are anything other than that, ABsent.

Elitism, pure and simple ********elitism.
The rich ******rds can do what they want, as usual. Nothing has changed here.

I suppose now someone is going to tell me their investments are with corporations that aren't criminal recidivists?

By Ted Belej (Ted) on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 11:07 pm:


Even after reading your articles, I still find flaws in your reasoning. You seem to jumble RS and CD-EP definitions, maybe it's just the way I'm reading it.

I would still like just one example of a business or use that would be permted under #12 that wouldn't be permitted under the other 11 uses (except for a ski resort).


Not all of us are bashful.

Voters of Keweenaw:


Something that Black Bear has done right form the start.


By Karl Kazeks on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 10:07 pm:

I keep hearing about all the K.Co. laws being broken by Crosswinds-EXACTLY WHAT LAWS HAVE, OR ARE BEING BROKEN- GIVE US THE EXACT LANGUAGE!!!!!!!!!!! yes on B !!!

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 09:07 pm:

OOOOHHHHHH WWWEEEEEEE, TWO DALLAR DATS ALOT OF MONY!!!!!!! I'd rather buy a pasty for three!!!!
VOTE YES!!!!!!!!

By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 07:51 pm:

I must join Janet in recommending a thorough reading of the business plan and 1990 study excerpts on KT. It won't take long, and may be informative, and/or enlightening. Hats off to Janet and Michele for all the recent information. By the way, I have personally asked several pro-hillers to write articles, but they seem to be bashful. Crosswind's Lonie has also been asked to present his side on KT, but has declined.

The 1990 feasibility study excerpts make interesting reading. The reference to the area west of LacLaBelle seems to be coming to pass, as the logging roads now being worked follow that 1990 plan very closely. Add to that the continued efforts of LSLC to get the road in thru Bete Gris South, and another piece of the original plan falls into place. Sure this is about a SKI-HILL!

I had read the business plan draft several months ago, and have quoted from it from time to time. I believe it also firmly illustrates that this is about more than a SKI-HILL!

I firmly believe the only way we can get Crosswind's attention and cooperation is with a resounding NO vote!

By Lynn Torkelson (Ltorkelson) on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 07:50 pm:

Best wishes to the voters of Keweenaw County! I'll be voting here in Houghton County tomorrow, but nevertheless will be following with great interest how you folks vote.

Regardless how the balloting goes, you folks in KC have my admiration for being passionate citizens of a beautiful and quite special place. I hope your example encourages us in your neighboring county to get up off our butts and take a serious interest in solving our own problems.

By Janet on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 07:36 pm:

Better late than never, but be an informed voter!
The business plan, feasibility study and Mt.
Bohemia advisory council articles are at
keweenawtoday.com. Please read them before you go
to the polls. This is one of the most important
decisions, not only nationally, but locally as
well that will determine our future direction.
Thanks, for all the good articles. Maybe after the
vote we can all come to the table and start
putting in constructive effort on a land use

By Sandy on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 05:58 pm:

Joe Skoglund - That letter that went out over Bob Riipa's name was paid for by Lonie Glieberman's Committee for......Kew. Economy, not taxpayer expense!

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 05:34 pm:

Well I feel its time to get in one more slam dunk, The boo birds of the county are by far chicken littles!!! The trees are falling the trees are falling, stop the hill, stop the hill, the place will be ruined no one will come here. I just don't think so, I think a 75% backing of the ski hill will bring families with children, little skies and skaters. Girls with dolls and boys with fishing poles, the young people wanting to build their first home here. College grads with some high tech wanting to start high tech companies here, start families here, real cries of hunger from babies that want some more of that warm stuff. We need to bring that average age in our townships down to fifty or so, not 65. Eagle Rivers biggest expansion in the last ten years has been our grave yard!!!! VOTE YES FOR CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!

By Jim on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 05:31 pm:


I'll try to answer your question. I'm by no means a zoning expert. I feel No vote, will broaden the definition of CDEP even more than it is now. I feel, it will slow the process of planning a new revised CLUP. I believe this is the only thing, that will, save the Keweenaw from uncontroled development.

Sometimes I wonder why I put so much effort into eco-friendly tourism based Ideals. I work in the construction industry.Kinda like cutting my own throat.

Thank you all for the ideas and lively discussion.

I now leave it to the voters.


By Art on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 05:18 pm:

Betty and Guy Snider,
Do we see a bit of a trend here??? Don Keith, Gary Barker, Ken Korhorn, Scott Laurie.....
All against the development of Mt Bohemia, hmmmm?
Rich Powers=Good Guy, vote for him
Write in Tom Beveridge for supervisor of grant township.

Vote Lyle Peterson!


By George Hite on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 03:53 pm:

"Sure, George Hite tried to suggest that the absentee voters are all bed-ridden." Walt, 11/6

"Also, one does not need to be absent from the area to be able to vote absentee - just unable or unwilling to get to the polling place. Absentee voters include people who are homebound, in hospital, on business trips, away visiting family, etc., etc. - or in many cases just find it more convenient to vote by mail." George, 11/5


By Joe Skoglund on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 03:47 pm:

Who was it harping on Bob Riipa for the recent mailing at taxpayer expense? Wonder if the letter to Keweenaw voters from Mark Vichich was at any taxpayer expense or time? Did his board endorse his stance?

By Jon Maninga (Jon) on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 03:25 pm:


I didn't say all absentee voters were bed ridden.. You make it sound as if all the absentee voters were from outside KC - well they aren't!!!

I am not wealthy, don't have a summer camp, but I could have voted had I chose to do so.

But honestly it is a shame that people who spend little if any time can have an equal say in issues as full time residents.....but those are the rules. If you don't like them - take the lead to get them changed..

By Betty and Guy Snyder on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 02:32 pm:

To the registered voters of Keweenaw County:


When the Notice of Petition was filed last spring any construction on Mount Bohemia should have ceased. Crosswinds/Bear has been going ahead in outright violation/defiance of the laws of Keweenaw County!



Please vote for Ken Korhorn, Gary Barker and Rich Powers in Grant Township.

Vote for Don Keith in Eagle Harbor Township.

Write in Scott Laurie in Allouez Township.


By Jon Maninga (Jon) on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 01:55 pm:


You are correct I will not be voting in KC. I now live in Washtenaw County (Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti).

I do still pay taxes in KC (administered by my father), however what happens to me in the county which I live now affects me more than KC.

There is a developer that has threatened Pittsfield Township with a lawsuit if the residents approve a referendum to stop his development. This development consists of 1000 houses. However, no work has been done - they are in the planning stages. This issue affects me more than the Bohemia referendum.

It is my personal choice that I did not change my registration - as was it others to do just that.

Walt - the only requirement for voter registration is that the voting address match the address on your drivers license. That is spelled out on the Michigan voter registration application/Michigan drivers license/personal indentification card address change form. Go to the Secretary of State website (I can't recall the address off hand) or get a form from the local SOS brach and read it.

Are the "residents" of YSI considered being in "jail" after being convicted and sentenanced? IF so they should not be registered to vote. That is one of the stipulations on the above mentioned form.

The form states:


To Register to Vote You must Be:
a US citizen
At least 18 years of age (by election day)
A Resident of Michigan and the city or township where you applying to register to vote
Not confined in jail after being convicted and sentenced

Then it says:


Michigan law requires that the same address be used for voter registration and driver license purposes. Therefore, if the residence address you provide on this form differs from the address shown on a driver license or personal identification card issued by the State of Michigan, the Secretary of State will automatically change your driver license or personal identification card address to match the residence entered on this form. If an address change is made, the Secretary of State will mail you an address update sticker for your driver license or personal indtification card.

As others have stated not all absentee voters are from out of the area. My mother is voting absentee because of health problems (she lives in Ahmeek Location).

How do you know that the absentee voters will vote against the referendum? I don't.
By Walt on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 01:37 pm:

Back to the record and the Mendota site (or was it the 1st KT site?). Where were you when the many posted comments about changing their voter registration. In fact, there were many others who also wished to vote, but can't, as they have not immigrated here as yet.

I refer you to the Gazette article I referred to last week--the one that had the number of voter registrations--the difference between March and June of this year. All of that was related to the ski hill/resort/Crosswinds and a good deal of that was initiated by Mr. Kohs and crew.

And finally, I refer you to the Gazette article, which you must have missed, from the 4th of this month, the article detailing the rise in the number of voter registrations, and in particular, the number of ABSENTEE (read absent from the area, rich, can afford to live in two places) voters!

And did you miss my question on where Sandra Harding/Harting lives--is it Keweenaw County. I heard your challenge to me, your questioning my right to voice an opinion, this based on the fact that I am a Houghton County resident.

If I happen to run in that Susie person stopped by my job site last week, I'll have to ask her where she is from. Jenn lives next door, maybe I could ask her, too, as she said she is also friends with Jenn. Where was she from?

And if she is from Houghton County, and if Sandra is from a county other than Keweenaw, what was that you said about Houghton COunty voters trying to sway votes in Keweenaw County?

Oh yeah, I forgot, you always bring people back to the task at hand. Remember Mohawk School?
Well unless it too, like the absentee voters, there is no high school that I'm aware of in Keweenaw County, and since Keweenaw County kids eventually go to high school in Houghton County, (read new buildings in both the Lake Linden and Calumet districts) than I would say that Houghton County voters can •••• well sway as many votes as they •••• well please!

Or was that Vote No! sign being handled by "all from Keweenaw County" as Ms Shea alleged

By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 01:04 pm:

Walt - Just to set the record straight, and speaking only of Grant Twp, the voter registration drive began last winter, BEFORE anyone was really paying attention to the ski-hill idea. The South Shore Association had long since decided the LacLaBelle area needed to be better represented on the Twp. Board and this was the election to do it in, strictly, at that point, township politics, not county.

The Twp. Clerks issue absentee ballots. They must be applied for from, and then returned to the same township clerk. I think this was all discussed pretty thoroughly prior to the primary, and I'm not aware of any registration challenges that stood.

If we're getting excited about poop, what is Black Bear going to be doing with theirs? Has anyone heard an update on the permit application? Seems to me someone did some poop-poor planning by not having these permits in place VERY early on! Seems like a good outfit to say NO to!

By Dan J. Kauppi on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 12:57 pm:

I have the only facts to this matter at this point. NOBODY POSTING ON THIS SITE IS AN EXPERT ON ZONING. Everyone is interpreting based on what they have read, what they know of the area and how they think or fear the future might bring.
Let's go through it.

1. Myself, Dan J. Kauppi - I am an aspiring screenwriter in Southern California. I have spent a lot of my life in Keweenaw, my family owns businesses in Copper Harbor and I hope to someday have a place of own there. However, I am NOT voting on this issue.

2. Art Davis, he is the son of a business owner in Copper Harbor. He has spent most of his life in the area. I believe that he is voting and he is trying to do his part and maybe bring a little excitement and energy to the area.

3. Janet Shea, her and her husband own a small business in Copper Harbor. She lives on a lake along M26. She has her own view on this and will be voting.

4. Jeff Buckett, I believe that he just moniters Keweenaw web sites. I don't believe he will be voting in Keweenaw.

5. Sandy Britton, she worked in Copper Harbor until she was able to purchase the Landing in LLB. She has since lost the Landing and I am not exactly sure what she is doing now. She will be voting on Tues.

(Does anyone see and expert on zoning yet?)

6. Ted Belej, I believe that he works with the schools in Houghton. I don't know for sure if he will be voting.

7. Lisa, she grew up and has family ties in the area. She cares alot and is trying to do her part. She will not be voting.

8. Jon, he asks a lot of questions and I don't believe that he will be voting.

I can keep going but I think the point was made, there are NO experts here, just interpreters. If you think that your view on this the "truth" or the "fact" or whatever your are wrong. And among them, some will be directly affected by this vote and some will not.

I believe that the time has come now for the people of the Keweenaw to really study this, don't listen to people from MN, CA, Lower MI, IL, Canada, Finland, etc.

Keweenaw residents are fortunate because board members, neighbors, etc. are approachable and can help each other understand this issue. It's time for everyone to be a realist on who they are and what they know and if there is a concern, ask someone in authority in the Keweenaw. Then trust your gut, most of the people in Keweenaw a good, smart people that understand the area and if willing to search out answers will make the right choice.

By Walt on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 12:17 pm:

Yes, I think it's right to question the absentee ballot. Who is it that will be checking on whether or not these absentee voters are within the law?

Theoretically, I could own a house in all fifty states and switch my voter registration as I desired.

I question the intent and the ethics behind the drive to change voters' registrations from one area to another. The intent was obvious--to raise the number of "no" votes on Proposal B.

How long do these voters live in the Keweenaw?
Was that a requirement, that one reside in the area one votes for...what was it, over 50% of the year? Let's see...we have a winter that is what?..oh yeah, that's right, I forgot, winter doesn't exist anymore around here, in fact, we no longer get any snow at all.

So for six months we don't have winter anymore and how long is our summer and how long were these absent voters here this year?

That is something that anyone should question.

Or is that something that is okay because they too, are wealthy property owners and at least many will be voting "No", so we can hide behind the guise of voters rights.

Or how about this be taken a step further and award IP votes based on the amount of land they own in Keweenaw--they are, after all, taxpayers and a large taxpayer, at that.

I'm waiting to see how receptive IP/LSLC is toward a use plan for the miles of shoreline they own--considering how much overwhelming concern the people on the shore show for that environment. Gosh, I seem to remember one fellow stating that his "educated" neighbor never had his system attended to, not once, in 25 years.
Or maybe all that talk about Bete Gris being unsuitable for septic was just for that area. Or just that. Talk.

Okay, now someone tell me that residents are really concerned about septic.
And four months from now we can all ask ourselves what the Health Department's recommendation is on frequency of pumping them. I was impressed with how quickly everyone forgot. Really impressed. Or maybe worries about what septic can do are irrelevant. After all, only a few people died in Canada this year, even after officials there knew something was wrong and didn't warn anyone. Oh? Someone say something about a local system overflowing? But then we have noble government officials who aren't too concerned about such things, so why should the rest of us worry.

By Art on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 11:53 am:

Preach on TED!!!


By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 11:34 am:

Paul - great idea on the ice rink! Reggie did quite a bit of work on that a few years ago, and would have info on how to get it going again. If nothing else, this site can mobilize opinion and action, and that's one most of us should be able to agree on. Why not head up a group to get it done? I'm sure lots of us would be willing to help! Dibba also reminded me the public rink on School Street in Ahmeek is always needing help. Its a starting place!

Jeff Buckett's 5:52 PM post on Saturday was classic Jeff, and such a fine compromise idea it took my breath away. That sounds like something we could all agree on, and I suspect a resounding NO vote might put Crosswinds/Black Bear in a more compromising mood. So far they have not been willing to say anything except that 'the project will go forward' regardless of the referendum.

Ted - has it occurred to you that many Keweenaw voters like the life-style as it is, don't want Houghton County life-style, traffic and taxes. They own property in this county, live in this county and just flat resent Xw's high-handed ways. A NO vote is the best way to express that.

Walt - I can only speak for the LacLaBelle area from personal knowledge, but most of the absentee votes from there are from people whose families go back to the immigrants you speak of. These aren't 'immigrant flatlanders', but people coming home, and if they're able to afford two homes, then I salute them. By the way, the change in voter registration drive started last winter out of dissatisfaction with the Grant Twp. Board's actions, long before Gary came into the picture. In any case, that is one of the freedoms we enjoy, being able to vote in the place where our heart as long as we own property there.

If Jeff's idea on compromise finds favor with anyone, perhaps they can discuss it with the ZBA members. Meantime, vote NO if that's how you feel, but in any case, VOTE!

Janet - I don't even want to think of the hours you've invested, but thanks so much for your excellent article on KT. Tips of the hat also to Scott Laurie and Jim Brisky for their insights and articles.

By Ted Belej (Ted) on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 10:29 am:

Susie "chicken little" LeBlanc,

You continually spew "garyisims":

The County HAS done their jobs, they have also been misguided by self-serving legal council.

Janet Shea can't even back up her article with one simple example, can you?

The land company is being responsible.

The developer is NOT doing anything illegal.

Mt. Bohemia is NOT a historic site.

Judge Hood ruled properly considering the FACTS handed to him.

If anyone is being disrespected it is the Developer and the people that you yourself have elected to sit on the County Boards.

Vote using the FACTS not the "garyisims"


By Art on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 10:09 am:

I always take humor in Susie's postings, they belong on the funny page.

Sandy, I'm sorry but I must disagree-
Which zoning administrator acknowledged that a Yes vote would allow "carte blanche"? It certainly was not Jane Pelto who strongly disagreed with that same statement of yours at the informational meeting on Prop B.
Also, it has already been clarified that we WON'T NEED ADDITIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT. There won't be any extra millage increases out of the normal. Bohemia may even keep taxes from going up for a while since they'll be paying so much on their land; a long-needed tax base increase in Keweenaw County.

Let's look at the reality here people. If a NO VOTE goes through, that will send the vote to the ZBA who WILL allow ski hills as low intensity in all of CD-EP, almost 80% of the ENTIRE COUNTY! OOOPS, someone messed up on this one.

VOTE YES!!!! YES!!! YES!!!!

By Joe Skoglund on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 09:40 am:

Perhaps you mis-interpreted my request? I was asking for YOUR business plan, not Crosswinds. Just wondering how public those types of documents are?

By Susie LeBlanc on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 09:23 am:

The stark reality has been brought home to us in the excellent article by Janet Shea on Keweenaw Today. It is frightening to see what is at stake here and what it took to get to this point. If our Keweenaw Board of Commissioners and Zoning Boards had taken their taxpayer jobs seriously, by becoming knowledgeable about zoning and the other rules of the job, they could have not been so vulnerable, if they had informed the people and got their in-put, if we had had a responsible Land Company, if we had a Developer willing to respect laws...If, If, If. A lot of if's. This dishonesty and greed seem to prevail all over and now we in KC are in the trap. Whether you want a ski-hill or not, this was not the way to get here.

So what is the stark reality--we have a hill on a Historic Site, the arrogant Boards forcing their will on the people--even after the Referendum, a Judge who would not uphold the Referendum, a Developer ignoring the law, and our own people after the "hides" of their neighbors who think there is a better way and that is--developing the land responsibly by proper zoning and, who want justice. Proponents choose not to see the deception, the pressure from the LSLC and the salivating Developer who took advantage of all this ignorance and greed. It was so easy.

And, if that is not bad enough, to not even respect the citizens who cry "foul" and only want justice, to even question voting rights, and cry Garyism. You, my friends, are afraid to see the real issue here. You have lowered the bar, and now, you may live with it. A small community should have worked together for all the people's good. This Developer is out of your league, he has buttered you up and now you are on the plate.

CD-EP--Conserve your land and protect the environment. Can we do that? Vote NO.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 07:48 am:

Through this great debate I have posted the most important issue of the Keweenaw. It is the welfare of our children. To get a return of the young to our county we must start to cater to the young. We not only need a ski hill but we need a class skating rink. A return of things to do for our young will pay us back ten fold. I think all of us can agree on one thing, that is the chance of seeing a brand new baby a week old cooing to her or his delight about being happy. Lets try to get that part of our wonderland back. What do we have if we don't have a group of children to watch grow up. Please look to our future for our children. As it stands now we are a outdoor old folks home. Take a child into a old folks home to visit your Gram OR Gramp and a smile is quick to follow. Youth is what keeps us young at least young at heart. Am I so wrong to want something for our kids, I plead my case on behalf of all the children of the area. VOTE YES!!!!!!!!!

By Arlene Gunnari on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 07:40 am:

Well tomorrow is the big day and I hope all get out and vote. Just a point of information about the zoning question. If the yes vote goes through and the 680 acres of Mt. Bohemia is changed from CD-EP to RS and allows the ski hill, all of the land zoned as RS is to change the same way, which is a small portion of land in Keweenaw County, very small. Now if a no vote is passed and the ZBA then finally defines CD-EP and does allow a ski hill, it then affects the entire land CD-EP includes which is the majority of the land we enjoy using for hunting, fishing and such. This would then allow any developpment to go in and we would have nothing to say. Now it would seem more senseable to allow a change in the least amount of land in question for the betterment of Our County. PLEASE remember any changes to any zoning ordinance is not subject to one specific place but to ALL of the land of that classification, all over Keweenaw County.

The main thing is please don't forget to vote and help any of those who can't get to the polls to get there by offering a ride. We need to make all of our voices heard.

Have a great day and enjoy our Indian Summer for as long as it lasts. Vote Yes !!!!!!

By Walt on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 05:43 am:

And anudder tink! (No apology here, I can't stop myself.)

I recall reading the Gazette article about protesters at the hill, you remember, when another individual took aim with his automobile--and as I recall, I thought I saw Sandra Harding's photo there, standing next to Paul Campbell and that Keweenaw Mounty, I forget which one.

Is Sandra a resident of Houghton County?

Was putting a roof on a house in Hancock. This friendly lady by the name of Susie came by, mentioned she was protesting there at the hill, had a couple Finnish people with her. Any idea on where she may be from? I didn't ask her because I really didn't care.

I used to believe that everyone north of the bridge were my neighbors, more so than other people, who are also my neighbors. I realize you can't always chose your neighbors. I'm fairly certain that one of my neighbors wishes he'd never seen me, especially at 630 AM many winter mornings when snow must be cleared cause some people have to work. I'm sure on those days he wishes I was in the South of France.

It's ironic that a "flatlander" developer is highly opposed, while immigrant flatlanders are welcomed with open arms. Nice reversal. But nothing has changed. The rich still have as much say as they always have while the Copper Country poor will continue to do what they have always done.

By Janet on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 12:46 am:

Also, summaries of these documents will be posted
on keweenawtoday.com sometime tomorrow, hopefully,
if technical support is prompt. These are not my
opinions. Read the complete documents if you don't
agree with the summaries. I hope they will shine
some more light on the

By Janet on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 12:40 am:

I would be glad to loan you the business plan,
feasibility studies, and advisory board taped
transcripts. Little late in the day, but they will
all be invaluable when it comes to land use
planning. Just let me know how to get these
materials to you..
I posted the intensity definitions for information
purposes only, "food for

By Jeff Buckett (Jeff) on Monday, November 6, 2000 - 12:25 am:

First, thank you for your kind reply last evening.
Second, please explain to me how a NO vote will open up CD-EP to development? I've now read this same strange scare-tactic premise from both Dan and Lisa, and I've yet to understand how this process you 3 declaim will come into being.
A Zoning Ordinance is like the Constitution is like the Bible. It is open to a flexibility of interpretation. That's why we have elected officials(otherwise a calculator could do it all for us).
If everything is determined by the precise letter of the law, why have people involved at all?
If we can't improvise decisions on the fly with a modicum of common sense, then eveything is already out of control.
I only ask you this: Do we serve the system or does the System serve us?

By Jim on Sunday, November 5, 2000 - 10:50 pm:


I agree, a No vote can still allow a ski hill. This would be a good option, if this was just about a skihill. As you and others have stated. This is not, just about a skihill.

I ask you this question,"What would you rather see?" Cabins nestled on the Mt. in a Wilderness Setting, or Yurts along the road,at the base of the hill, in plain sight of the residents.

Here's another. " What would you rather have?" A Yes vote,which would not force the ZBA to define CDEP zoning,before an updated CLUP can be put in place. Or a No vote, which would open up all the CDEP lands for future developement.

I think Janet hit on something last night with a possible compromise. With a RS zoning theres the possibility of changing "permited uses" to "special uses". With CDEP, theres none.

By karl kazeks on Sunday, November 5, 2000 - 10:20 pm:

In the course of following this debate, i've seen many things and read many opinions. Of all of this, there didn't seem to be that much in the way of FACTS. Here are a few facts to consider: The Keweenaw County Zoning Ordinance, on page 14, under b., CD-EP, number 2), says quote: "Public or private low-intensity recreational uses such as parks, golf courses, conservation clubs, and campgrounds." The examples listed after the words such as are legal to be built today. The words precedent to the words such as, are the definers AND limiters of the examples. A golf course is defined as low intensity recreational use. Now, let us consider a golf course and its impact. First, a golf course uses chemicals; i.e.: fertilizer, weedkillers etc. Coupled with watering, the groundwater is affected, especially in this country. Golf courses, by their nature, require a goodly groundskeeping crew with attendant equipment. Now, suppose we indulge to conjecture that there are 50,000 golfers in a given season. these golfers are either walking or riding in golfcarts, over the ground, in addition to the grounds crew, and how many of these people are whizzing in the rough? Then, lets look at the facts of a ski-hill. There is no chemical useage and very little in the way of a groundscrew. There is however, a very important and obvious difference between a golf course and a ski-hill: All activity on a ski-hill takes place on between 2 and 6 feet of snowbase, therefore not impacting the ground at all, which makes it lower impact than a golf course, which we already know is legal under present zoning language, thus making a ski-hill legal as well! Think about this, and check for yourselves as these things are all fact and can be verified. Number 1) of CD-EP, lists Forestry and number 3) lists Extraction of sand and gravel resources as permitted uses, while section c., Special Uses., allows; 1) Hunting lodges, and 2) Sanitary landfills. Easy to see where a ski-hill fits. I believe that we need to help this project along to an acceptable 'fit' in its environs and then, get together for land-use planning for the future because zoning is only the enforcement for the overall plan. Karl Kazeks

By Ted Belej (Ted) on Sunday, November 5, 2000 - 10:13 pm:


Once again you are WRONG.

This issue will affect Houghton County just as much as Keweenaw County. The two have worked together in the past and need to work together to make this whole mess work.

I am proud to be registered and regularly (even the minor votes) vote in Houghton County.

Can you answer my question to Janet Shea?

Maybe because this is just another scare tactic (garyisim) that ALL the residents of Keweenaw County need be made aware of.

I sincerely ask the residents of Keweenaw County to PLEASE VOTE, and to make sure that you sort out the facts form the "garisims"

The reasonable conclusion will be a YES vote.


By Walt on Sunday, November 5, 2000 - 09:48 pm:

Yeah, I'd say you're •••• right. There is no high school in Keweenaw County that I'm aware of.
Course, maybe there aren't any kids there, either, unless they happen to visit over the summer.

But if there are, and from Paul's concerns wwe can assume there are, they go to Houghton County schools for high school.

SO SANDY! Yes! Houghton County will be affected just as much as the precious shoreline hugging crew.

Welcome to the ••••••• Copper Country.

By Walt on Sunday, November 5, 2000 - 09:32 pm:

I stand by my posts. There was a drive undertaken, initiated if not in whole, surely in part by Mr. Kohs, to have voters change! their voter registration.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. So where are these absent voters?

Novi? New England? The South of France?

I still say it's wonderful, just great, that these new immigrants (Mr. Kohs was not born and raised here. Others? yeah, right.) to the area have it over the immigrants of old. These new immigrants can participate in the penny-scramble shoreline, rest easy over the summer, then leave for who knows where.

Well, there are HOUGHTON COUNTY people who stay here year round and many would welcome MORE opportunity! More alternatives!

Or is there room for all of us to sell jam by the Jampot on the highway?

Oh yeah, and you said it before, taxes can only be raised so much, what with the Headlee Amendment. Taxes? Yeah, right. If they can afford to live in two climes, they can •••• well afford a few more bucks for our children and our schools.

Unless I'm mistaken, a good portion of taxes goes to HOUGHTON COUNTY! schools.

Ne swik thu naver nu!

By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Sunday, November 5, 2000 - 09:07 pm:

Those who vote absentee are tax-payers of Keweenaw County that either choose to spend part of their year else-where, or are tax-payers who anticipated being out of the county for the election. Many have family ties to the area for generations. The point here is that they are KC taxpayers, not Houghton County taxpayers who try to sway KC votes.

Ted, where do you vote? Will you pay increased millage for additional law enforcement for fender-benders, etc. produced by flatlanders driving on conditions KC residents are accustomed to? This is a KC issue, not Houghton County. As it stands now, with Crosswinds' advertising, Houghton County businesses will benefit, but KC will not. But the fact remains, KC residents will pay the extra bills!

As the Zoning Administrator recently acknowledged in Eagle River, a NO vote on Proposal B can still allow for the ski-hill. But a YES vote gives Black Bear "carte blanche"(as originally voiced by Crosswinds lawyer, Mr. Elias), both legally and psychologically. Vote NO for a voice in what happens in KC.

By Art on Sunday, November 5, 2000 - 08:39 pm:

Just a small correction on Janet's article on KT. Judge Hood did not ORDER the ZBA to get experts in there to define low intensity development, he ADVISED them to. Check the minutes you guys, he said "I would also recommend......." Sorry, no ORDER in place there.

Does anyone know where all of the voter stations are in the county? I only know where Grant Twp's is.



By Lloyd Wescoat on Sunday, November 5, 2000 - 08:36 pm:

While I do belive some are massaging the system to achieve their own end, not all absentee ballots should be suspect....

I'm registered to vote in Grant Township and have been for 20 years. I voted absentee in this election because I have to be at work in Calumet at 8:00 am and my children are in figure skating until after 5:30, then in swimming in Hancock until 7:30. This election is important to me, so I registered for an absentee ballot in advance anticipating these time constraints as well as possible weather problems. Thank heaven for Indian Summer. And thank the powers that be for allowing me to register my vote.

By Joe Skoglund on Sunday, November 5, 2000 - 07:44 pm:

I wonder if Janet would be willing to make duplicate copies of her business plan for all to see? And while you're at it...how about financial statements attached?

By Walt on Sunday, November 5, 2000 - 07:20 pm:

The answer, as you should know by now is:

There's no reply at all,
there's no reply at all.

I've asked many questions that were never answered, let alone, acknowledged.

Or if Keweenaw Today is any help, the answer to your question is, a #12 ski resort would open floodgates of development.

I wonder if that crack outfit would take on the issue of septic that isn't pumped.

Of course, if everyone leaves the area and can still vote, what the •••• difference does it make, eh?

Or maybe, since their presence in paradise is fine, just fine, their •••• really doesn't stink.

By Walt on Sunday, November 5, 2000 - 07:12 pm:

It is really ludicrous your suggestion that the other 119-120 absentee voters are bed-ridden. Or weren't you paying attention to the previous sites where Bohemia was discussed.

I believe it was Mr. Kohs who helped initiate the drive to register voters who hadn't voted in Keweenaw County prior to this vote. Mr. Kohs is also voting. And as Paul asked: Where is he?

Regardless, my point was that the people who live here are once again subject to outside forces who believe they know what is best.

Go ahead, someone prove me wrong. The absentee ballots are being mailed from where? Did someone say Novi?

By Ted Belej (Ted) on Sunday, November 5, 2000 - 06:39 pm:


You are still side-stepping my question. I even tried to simplify it for you.

Is it that you are just trying to scare people?


I completly agree with you except for one thing....

I think that maybe Mickey Mouse would be a better PA, either way it is better than Goofy.


By Art Davis, Copper Harbor on Sunday, November 5, 2000 - 03:31 pm:

Hi you guys.
I just wanted to voice a couple things.....

Janet's definitions of low and high intensity, low impact, high impact, are void.
Not only do those defintions have nothing to do with our county or state, they have nothing to do with our country! Those definitions come from Canada! Why would you think Canada's laws could have anything to do with a major conflict going on here in Keweenaw county?
Check your Zoning Ordinance book for Keweenaw County and it states what low and high intensity developement is.

By Jim on Sunday, November 5, 2000 - 02:09 pm:

George, thank you for clearing that up. If I don't ask questions how will I understand?

By Walt on Sunday, November 5, 2000 - 02:02 pm:

Let us all rejoice that 140 voters have decided to take their civic responsibility seriously, and have, this year, decided to vote in Keweenaw County!
O! for a biography of one! A kind of testimony, "I was a person who didn't vote before, then I spanked myself most severely and made myself to stand in a corner, all alone. And after confessing my transgression I made an about-face, a graceful 180 degree pirouette, and now, though I am absent from the area of my second home (or should I say, first home, which is politically correct?) I will dutifully mail my ballot to Keweenaw County, after which, I will finish my pirouette, and continue living comfortably in my second home (err, or should I say my first home?)."

Can someone enlighten us as to the next eleven steps these born-again voters can take to continue on this path of civic responsibility?
Maybe they could enlighten us as to why there is no listed business in Keweenaw County that pumps septic? Is that one business that the "residents" there don't mind going south? Of course, that would entail hauling it somewhere, and where, O! where? Would it be hauled?

By George Hite on Sunday, November 5, 2000 - 01:47 pm:


Just for clarification. I believe it was Ahmeek residents who decided to incorporate, have their own zoning, and thus by statute opt out of the zoning affairs of Keweenaw County. Their circumstance is a product of their own choosing.

Also, one does not need to be absent from the area to be able to vote absentee - just unable or unwilling to get to the polling place. Absentee voters include people who are homebound, in hospital, on business trips, away visiting family, etc., etc. - or in many cases just find it more convenient to vote by mail.

Rather than fret about who's more or less worthy to vote, I find comfort in the fact that people vote. There is no better way to stake out your commitment to our democratic processes and community well-being. The shame is that on Tuesday, less than half of the people in this country who could vote, will vote. Our good news is that in Keweenaw and the rest of the Copper Country, we will have a much better turnout.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Sunday, November 5, 2000 - 12:46 pm:

Jim, your more right than wrong! Both of us know that this area needs to get on track and then get to the fine tuneing. If we stop this ski hill or futher hinder then we are only hurting ourselves. I will be so glad when Tuesday is over and the voters send a clear message to the new commers that we as a old and wise people realize that the change comming is for the betterment of our lifestyles, It also will start a trend of young people to start to think copper country for the place they choose to raise a famly.

VOTE YES!!!!!!!!

By Walt on Sunday, November 5, 2000 - 12:37 pm:

The Gazette article mentioned 140 absentee voters.

You suggested that 21 of them are YSI students.

Where would you hazard the postmarked ballots of the other 119 ballots originate?

Do you think that New England is one possisbility?

What do you think, Mr. Hite--who should have a voice--a part-time, now absent voter from Keweenaw County, or a full-time, Ahmeek Village resident? What about those voters, Mr. Hite?

By Jim on Sunday, November 5, 2000 - 11:55 am:

I don't beleive these voters from YSI are absentee since they are living here. If they were absentee,wouln't they be voting in their home towns?

Walt, I believe these absentee summer voters, deserve a voice on issues in the area.
But, I also believe, that they should take into consideration, the people who live here full time, who must still earn a living. I have met many "part time" residents, and consider many friends.

Since I work in residential const. as you do, I feel these people make up a large part of our business. Don't it seem strange, we would argue for the big developer? Maybe it is because we are arguing for the good of all residents.

By George Hite on Sunday, November 5, 2000 - 10:58 am:

You asked:
"So I find it interesting when I read the front page article of the Daily Mining Gazette
of Saturday, November 4th, 2000, that 77 of 257 registered voters in Eagle Harbor
Township will be voting by absentee ballot.

Where are these absentee voters? New England, perhaps?"

I believe 21 of them are YSI students.

By Walt Anderson on Sunday, November 5, 2000 - 10:36 am:

Over the course of the debate concerning Mt. Bohemia and developer Crosswinds, posters have seasoned their opinions with an appeal to the history of the area. Since the mines closed, very little in the way of meaningful employment has immigrated to the area. While the mines were open, outsiders were taking advantage of the people who immigrated to the area, lured here with the promise of work and wages. Outsiders like some whom owned the mines never cared for the people who lived here. That argument has been heard again:
First, it was a case of Champion not knowing the area even existed, and now that bug must have been contagious, as IP doesn't know the area exists.

So I find it interesting when I read the front page article of the Daily Mining Gazette of Saturday, November 4th, 2000, that 77 of 257 registered voters in Eagle Harbor Township will be voting by absentee ballot.

Where are these absentee voters? New England, perhaps?

And in Grant Township, 63 of 198 people will be voting while absent from the area.

Where would these absent voters be located now? They surely aren't living down in a mineshaft.

Isn't it wonderful that these new immigrants to the area have so much more say in things than those immigrants of old, who came here to live their lives, who stayed here to raise families, who struggled for their daily bread, and who couldn't leave the area for a second home, like the new immigrants to the area can do!

Certainly! We've made much progress! Immigrants to the area can come here to relax in one home, and then leave the area for another home and still have an influence on what happens here for the rest of us, who live here year round!

By Jim on Sunday, November 5, 2000 - 10:25 am:


So can I," here them keys typing."But, seriously, before we can build the places for them to stay, we must have the things to attract them here. Since we are so isolated, these things must be unique. If we were to build another Door County, or Traverse city, we would fail miserably. Why would someone travel 6-10 hours when they can be there in 2?

We must promote our rugged wilderness,and delicate eco-system, as well as our rich culture, and history. At the same time, we must cater to the traveler,and provide them with a means to appreciate our area.

This is going to be a delicate balance to acheive,and the only way we will acheive it,IS TO WORK TOGETHER.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Sunday, November 5, 2000 - 09:33 am:

Jim, I think your right, I also think some more places for travelers to stay is critical to the development of this area. We need a lot mor than a ski hill, We need just about everything to get this place of track!! Our families are more than likely two of the longest in this area who have really stayed here. Why not you and I to head up all these boards and plan this place they way it should be. I can hear the keys typeing out the why nots right now!!!! By the way whos on first today.

By Jim Pearce on Sunday, November 5, 2000 - 09:19 am:


I believe, that " special uses " Under RS might be the way to go here, The only problem now is getting an agreement on it.

From the oppositions veiw, this would give them somewhat of a handle on future development under RS zoning concerning ski resorts.

From the ZBA's point of veiw,this would not force them to open up CDEP zoning.

From Crosswinds point of veiw, This would not force them to build cabins, etc. along the roadside in what is alresdy RS.

I do not feel this is an objective of Crosswinds, but I feel they will, if they are forced to. Here's why.

We are located a long way from any major populations. Ski resorts as we no them are failing. For Crosswinds to make this project fly, they must adhere to the wilderness experience theme. They must make this resort unique. They must use unique marketing strategy. The only way I can see this project succeeding is to NOT over develope it.

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