Week Ending Nov 4

Keweenaw Issues: Responsible Opinions: 2000: November: Week Ending Nov 4
An archive of previous comments

By Jim on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 11:15 pm:


Although you give the only good argument for a No vote. I would still have to say that,the only logical vote to slow unwanted development, would be a Yes vote. Your idea of allowing cabins as a special use under CDEP would only open the door for other developers to pursue the same avenues with the zoning. If the zoning board was to say no to them, they could squeal " discrimination" and we would be back to the same boat where in now.

By Janet on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 11:00 pm:

Jeff, Ted, George, Jim:
Do I see a compromise forming in the wind? Do I see a consensus that a "special" uses would suffice, either in RS or CD-EP? rather than a "permitted" use? The one thing that seems to be overlooked what I've been trying to point out is that this is a "vertical integration" project.....meaning all the amenities from ski hill to time share condos, it's a ski
r e s o r t, not a ski hill, as Crosswinds keeps telling us. I really believe that if Crosswinds had applied for PDD zoning they would have had a lot less opposition. This is the place it really seems to belong, but in conversations with Mr. Glieberman, he would only be willing to consider PDD at this late date if we were to throw out the referendum. Now he says he'll discuss it after the referendum, just like publishing his feasibility study and a lot of other things the advisor council has asked for through the last few months that would give us a better understanding of the project. He isn't required to furnish them, I understand; but if he is truly sincere about working with the community it would have been the prudent thing to do.

By Jeff Buckett (Jeff) on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 08:38 pm:

A NO vote would tell developers the same thing. I'm not talking about altering the process by which a developer makes it's case to the county, I'm talking about a reasonable interpretation for this specific case that fits within the current CD-EP and zoning ordinance rules using the special uses clause. Hunting lodge has a fairly limited circumference of definition. Cabins would fit within that circle. Restaurants and condominiums(among other things) wouldn't.
Developers couldn't "devise" new niches, they would have to adapt to the pre-existing categories now available and get special use approval for their specific requests within it. I have faith in the common sense and wisdom of the majority of county residents on matters like these. Projects that are good for the county as a whole will find solid support, those that appear dubious or way out of character will not.
I see no reason why a ski-hill can't be adapted to the CD-EP zoning particulars. It is an unusual development project and it should be treated as such. Re-zoning Mt. Bohemia to RS isn't necessary to achieve that.

By Ted Belej (Ted) on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 07:27 pm:


It would be great to think that way but what will happen to development? Every developer will be able to devise a niche and make their case special.

The YES vote will tell all future developers that they must present themselves properly to the county and have their project approved through proper channels just like Black Bear did.


By Jeff Buckett (Jeff) on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 06:50 pm:

Ted: Your argument is reasonable. I would like to think however that the only zoning precedent which would be set would not be generic, but rather particular. And, in particular, to deal with each new development project on an individual basis within the scope of the existing map, making exceptions on occasion for creative solutions that find broad common support.
To me, the ski-hill is such a project.

By Jim on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 06:39 pm:

Ok now I understand, Bob was acting as just a citizen, but as an appointed county official he should not have, accepted the mailing of his letter through "A Commitee for a Better Keweenaw Economy". It was a mistake. Thank you for expressing your views.

My hats off to you. Not only have you given me the only good reason,(IN MY OPINION) to vote No. You also came up with a winning comprimise. Are you on the advisory commitee? If not, you should be. Thank you for your heartfelt insight.

By Ted Belej (Ted) on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 06:29 pm:


There are way too many "wouldhave, shouldhave, couldhave's" it this to even try and comprehend. I would agree with you if CD-EP was defined before the vote. Because it is not I feel that a YES vote not only protects the county from litigation, it also sends a positive message to developers that the county is receptive and willing to work with the developers in a responsible manner. In this case we are talking about re-zoning 680 acres out of 15,000 plus. Not a real big area in comparison. It also tells the developers that they MUST play by the rules that the county has decided upon, thus generating a precident. If this goes to the ZBA and they make the exception then they set a precident for future developers to get the same exceptions.

Janet, I'm still waiting.


By Jeff Buckett (Jeff) on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 05:52 pm:


There may be a wiser solution to the Mt. Bohemia Ski-Hill Controversy which would suit all involved, but it could not be implemented unless a majority of Keweenaw County residents vote NO on Proposal B(thereby overturning the zoning amendment requested by Black Bear, Inc).
Let me first reiterate that I like the idea of a ski-hill with cabins. I think it would complement the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge and be an asset to the county. I'm also impressed with the work done on the hill itself. From a skiier's standpoint(at the very least), it is a beautifully sculptured work of environmental "art".
The language change clause in the Proposal(adding #12) doesn't bother me because it seems likely there is only room for 1 ski-hill in the county. Rezoning Mt. Bohemia from CD-EP to RS does give me pause. If the ZBA would treat this as a UNIQUE case, then in my opinion there is no good reason why a ski-lift and cabins cannot be allowed for in CD-EP on Mt. Bohemia (under the special-use categories: lodges and transportation facility). Mr. Glieberman has publicly stated that the request for a re-zoning to RS was so they could build cabins on the hill, so this is a compromise that can satisfy Black Bear's request while simltaneously helping to allay the concern of residents about what the long-range plans of this corporation is. Whether one likes it or not, a big bear one could name "Gulliver" has come ashore on the Lilliputian island of Keweenaw County and it is likely to soon exercise power for its own benefit(and its investors) unless local residents first pin the giant down on what exactly it is he intends to do. As the Zoning Administrator recently acknowledged in Eagle River, a NO vote on Proposal B can still allow for the ski-hill. But a YES vote gives Black Bear "carte blanche"(as originally voiced by Crosswinds lawyer, Mr. Elias), both legally and psychologically. And if there is any logic to that economic feasibility study prepared by LSLC for the ski-hill project, this means there could well be a lot more "development" coming to Lac La Belle over which local residents will have no say.
If the ZBA could exercise the special uses options contained in CD-EP and the Zoning Ordinance(rather than declaring that "resorts" are universally allowed in CD-EP), then they can fine-tune the scope of this particular project. To allow a special-use for ski-lifts and cabins in CD-EP on Mt. Bohemia would not "liberalize" the zoning for the whole county, it would simply make this particularski-hill project possible. Only the most adamant ski-hill opponents could object to approving this. In addition, a NO vote provides the same people-power "precedent" of which Dan has posted. Indeed, some of the logic he used to tea-kettle Janet Shea's argument borders on being Orwellian. YES is really a NO? Black Bear has a vested interest in "strengthening" Keweenaw zoning?
Who will really benefit from the RS rezoning on Mt. Bohemia? Why not apply for special-use in CD-EP right from the start? If it's only ski-lifts and cabins planned for the mountain, that would seems a reasonable approach. And why some of the intimidation tactics reported by locals who have tried to work with you? And let's not forget, Black Bear has already violated the zoning ordinance by proceeding without a zoning permit. Though the Appeals Court decision is still out on this one and the eventual punishment for this violation may be minor, it reveals an aspect of their business character some might find disturbing.
That's why I think a "conservative" tack on this project is the wise one. Balancing Black Bear's economical viability with community concerns about the potentially larger scope of this project is a fairer solution worth working for.

--I now offer this "jeffism" aside for Ted(and anyone else who likes coining vague accusations) as a way of venting some steam on how I "feel" about how this whole affair has proceeded--
If only the Outside Might of Big Money makes Right, then the Keweenaw as we know and love it may well be doomed to become just another cookie cutter project of Big Corporate Planning. It could lose its unique local character and roots. We might as well christen it, McKeweenaw and put up the golden arches if local people have no say in how development occurs and are punished for thinking they do. A YES vote can serve only the big money long-term planning interests of Black Bear and LSLC(and with all due respect to both some fellow posters here and others who are trying to influence the vote, if so many of those beating the YES drum didn't have personal investments in this project I would have more faith in their reasoning.) The Keweenaw can still have its state-of-the-art ski-hill with a NO vote, so there is really no good reason to vote yes unless you have an investment of some sort with Black Bear. Any notion of "Saving the Keweenaw" is dependent on what it is you'd like the Keweenaw to become. And if the LSLC feasibility study has any financial merit to it, then there is more projected development accompanying this project than the people of the county have yet to be informed of. Wouldn't you like a better chance of working with Black Bear on how that will take shape? A YES vote on Tuesday will only tell Black Bear that county resident's knees are already halfway down to the floor, ready, willing and able to ask for more(no personal offense meant, we're all human beings here with different goals and desires, but I feel too strongly about what direction the Keweenaw is headed without voicing something beyond detached economic logic on this matter. Silence, at this point, is inexcusable. Proposal B, as an exercise in public spirit and local activism, seen even perhaps as some kind of people's catalyst for what might someday evolve into a mutually worked out comprehensive land use plan, is much much more important than any temporary promise of easy money for a handful of beneficiaries).

In those words "The Gipper" once chose to address a crafty Russian Bear, "Trust, but verify..."
Having seen what a lack of local control has done to once wonderful places all over the upper midwest, that's the only real estate mantra that I for one can have an honest-to-God faith in.
Considering all that has transpired since last spring, A NO vote for me on Proposal B is simply a matter of personal conscience. All I ask of anyone else is that they think things through and care enough to vote their own.

By Jim on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 05:13 pm:


I agree with your definitions, this is why an updated CLUP is so very important to the future of the County. To be frank though, they do not apply to the current zoning. Therefore are moot in proposal B.

By Ted Belej (Ted) on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 05:09 pm:


The County has already defined golf courses and such as golf courses as low-impact. Are you asking them to re-define the entire CD-EP definition?

You have to play by the rules, you can't change them to suite your needs. Sounds like the way that gary operates.

Quote from gary:

Subject:RE: Committee at Houghton????
Date:Sat, 10 Jun 2000 12:03:40 -0400
From:"Gary Kohs"


Any success I have had in life has come from doing things a little different. This is a classic example....upset with the press...start your own newspaper.

Janet I'm still waiting for an answer to my question.


p.s. If anyone wants the entire text of the above e-mail please let me know.

By Jim on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 05:04 pm:

Your article clearly shows that the only way to vote on this matter is Yes. A No vote will force the ZBA to define weather a ski hill is low impact or not. No matter which way they decide, it will open up a whole bunch of legeal ramifications, because the wording is so vague. If this is a whole county wide issue, and not just trying to stop a skihill, the only logical solution would be to vote Yes.

By Janet Shea on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 04:56 pm:

Here are some definitions of low-impact and high-impact:

High-Intensity Recreation: An area allocated for high-intensity, visitor-serving activities and facilities -commercial and governmental), such as golf courses, recreational vehicle parks, boat launching facilities, Tribal fishing facilities, destination resorts, cultural centers, museums, and related activities and facilities.

Low-Intensity Recreation: An area allocated for low-intensity visitor-serving activities and facilities, such as improved recreational trails, primitive boat launching facilities, permitted campgrounds, and related activities and facilities.

High intensity resource development: those areas identified, on the basis of suitability, for intensive development of resources such as timber, minerals, petroleum and destination resorts. Guidelines for managing other resourve values will be applied in a way that recognizes the resource development priority of the zone; investments in resource development and enhancement are encouraged.

General resource development: These areas are to be managed for a wide array of resource vlaues and permissible uses; guidelines for non-extractive resource values may modify resource development activities; investments in resource development and enhancement are encouraged where these do not conflict with other management objectives.

Low intensity resource development: These are areas for which the conservation of one or more resource values, such as habitat, recreation, scenery and community watersheds, are a priority; resource development activities may be subject not only to provincial regulations and guidelines, but also to more comprehensive resource conservation strategies; these ares are frequently a high priority for the completion of more detialed local plans.

Low intensity resource development - natural habitat: Areas with sub-regional to provincial significance for plant and animal habitat.

Low intensity resource development - scenery and recreation areas with sub-regionally to provincially significant scenery and recreation values; does not include large areas where intensive commercial recreation use may occur-these areas are accommodated in either the high intensity or general resource development zones.

Low intensity resource development - community watershead: designated community watersheds are included in this category.

Protection: Areas protected for their natural, cultural heritage and/or recreation values...Logging, mining and energy exploration and development are prohibited; and, government is currently considering five sub-categories for this zone: preservation, wilderness, natural areas, cultural heritage, and recreation.

I would implore Keweenaw County officials to research these and use them as a possible guideline for redefining our land use development plan and zoning laws.

By Janet on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 04:41 pm:

Dan, you missed the whole point. Go back and read it again, it affects the whole county, everywhere there is RS zoning if given as a "permitted use". If these things are allowed in CD-EP zoning as a permitted use, the county may as well eliminate that zoning classification and put everything in RS right now. I know that is not the purpose of CD-EP zoning, the intent of that classification is environmental protection, not resort development. Why would we want to throw away environmental protection?

By Ted Belej (Ted) on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 04:08 pm:


In reading your previous posts you sure seem to have all the answers, can you answer my question?



By Jim on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 02:55 pm:

George, although I respect your opinion greatly and and look forward to reading your posts. I must disagree with your opinion that Bob Rippa has crossed the line. He simply expressed his opinion in a mailing that was paid for by the committee for a better keweenaw economy. He is not running for an elected position, and does not sit on the Zoning Board of Appeals who will rule on this matter.

LET THE TRUTH BE KNOWN. I've been anxiuosly awaiting Janet's letter, and wondering, if she was ever going to answer Ted's questions. Low and behold, here it is, and not only that, but, it only reinforces Teds arguement for a Yes vote.

I've often wondered if Keweenaw Today would be unbiased enough to print an opinion, that is for the hill, and a Yes vote. Well I guess I got my answer.

By George Hite on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 02:20 pm:

Yes, Bob Rippa used poor judgement in allowing Crosswind's operatives to pay for the printing and distribution of his views on the Proposal B issue. He has, as a result, effectively eliminated himself from any legitimate role in future Planning and Zoning Commission deliberations on Crosswinds matters. I'm confident, however, that he holds the views expressed in the letter, and while I strongly disagree with them, I respect his right to share them with us. I expect he now recognizes he crossed the boundary of appropriate behavior for public officials in their dealings with people and companies seeking their consent in conjunction with their official duties. He made a mistake. I'll accept it as just a momentary lapse in judgement.

The real problem with this sad affair is Crosswinds and its operative, the Committee For A Better Keweenaw Economy. It is hard to believe that there are still business executives around, especially in big and experienced companies, whose ethical standards are apparently so corrupted that they find nothing wrong in paying for a letter advancing their interest on a zoning matter written by a public official sitting on the very commission they have and will seek zoning approvals from. Bob's momentary lapse in judgement pales in comparison to Crosswinds apparent disdain for what most folks, at least up here, regard as acceptable standards of business conduct.

It might be a Committee For A Better Keweenaw County Economy, but, by this example, it is certainly not a Committee For A Better Keweenaw

By Dan J. Kauppi on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 01:53 pm:

I would like to thank Janet Shea on her article in Keweenaw Today and I request everyone to read it. But the interesting part is that, the article promotes a YES vote more than anything else I have read or heard to this point. WHY?

A YES votes shows a "precedent" that the good people of Keweenaw will not allow developers to come into the area and change zoning without them voting on it and "having a voice". A YES vote will not alter the existing zoning requirements but will only extended the numbers of acres within the RS zoning. (Remember - The PEOPLE are deciding this, not the board.)

If you vote NO, it is becoming evident that the ZBA is going to allow a ski hill within CD-EP zoning. This decision will alter 80-90% of the land in the Keweenaw. This will liberalize the existing zoning and this will create a "precedent" that the board is willing to modify its existing zoning regulations for the right cause. Also, if the zoning becomes liberal enough already, no vote will be possible for the good citizens of Keweenaw to decide on their future. Also, by not liberalizing the existing zoning, the people can buy time for a CLUP if the people want it.

I suggest that people really think about this before it is too late.

Dan J. Kauppi

By Ted Belej (Ted) on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 01:28 pm:

I have been asked to clarify my earlier post:

There are currently 11 permitted uses for the RS district. The zoning change in April added a 12th use (Ski Resorts and related uses).

Janet Shea has been very outspoken saying that the addition of a 12th use will open the doors for a developer to do whatever they choose.

Therefore, I posed my question to her (to back up her "chicken little, the sky is falling" statements).

I didn't think that asking for one example was too much, unless her inital statement was false (garyisim).

Vote YES to clarify and strengthen the zoning.


By Ted Belej (Ted) on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 12:39 pm:


You made a statement on this board, I asked a simple question:

I asked for one example of a business (except for a ski resort) that would be permitted by the addition of #12 that would not fall under any of the other 11 permitted uses.

You are evading an answer. If you have done a lot of research then I'm sure you found at least one business that you can mention that fits the above question, or can you?


By Janet on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 12:24 pm:

garyisms, lonnieisms--what on earth are you
talking about? I answer only to myself, no one
Inre to your question, it is hard to give an
elementary answer to a complicated question, it
only adds to confusion. If you don't want to read
an "article", that's your

By Ted Belej (Ted) on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 12:18 pm:


I thought I asked a simple enough question about your statement that the zoning would be "weakened". I did not ask for an article, I merely asked for one example of a business (except for a ski resort) that would be permitted by the addition of #12 that would not fall under any of the other 11 permitted uses.

I couldn't think of one myself.

It seems to me that clarification of the zoning is necessary and part 2 of proposal B does just that.

Vote with the facts not the "garyisims"

Vote YES


By Janet Shea on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 11:52 am:

To Ted B and friends:
Sorry for the delay, I was researching and writing an article which should be available today at www.keweenawtoday.com. I might add that I also talked to the Daily Mining Gazette, but I don’t know if they are willing to publish my comments. This is an article about the county-wide ramifications our vote will have.

At this late date, everyone is sick to death of hearing about this election, most likely everyone has made up their mind one way or the other, and so we await the outcome. Hopefully, by days’ end I’ll post information about the last Crosswinds’ advisory board meeting, information about the 1990 feasibility studies, and Crosswinds’ business plan. I don’t want to give my “opinions” on these matters, but I’ll try to share with you the results of my research which can be verified at other sources.
My intention is to reveal the facts. Admittedly I have been opposed to the Mt. Bohemia project since day one.My position is even stronger today after doing the research, that a NO Vote on Proposal B is paramount. Proposal B and the decision made by the ZBA do have county-wide ramifications. Don’t take my word for it. Read the postings, and if you don’t think I’m being factual, then check it out yourself.

By Janet Shea on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 11:30 am:

We should be outraged that Bob Rippa, County Zoning Board member has violated the trust of the people he is there to serve. He has written a letter to Keweenaw County voters endorsing the ski hill, and the mailing is paid for by the Committee for a Better Keweenaw County Economy, i.e.,Glieberman/Crosswinds’ committee that has been sending you all the yellow postcards. Mr. Rippa is in league with the same companies he is appointed to regulate instead of doing the job for which he was appointed, which is being an unbiased representative of this county, representing both sides. Call Mr. Rippa and let him know that he has crossed over the line.

By Judy McGrath on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 09:54 am:

Dear Paul, I am glad to hear that you realize that you may be out of your mind.The truth can be the first step on the road to change. In my experience being set in your ways often interfers with developing new ideas. Are you thinking of becoming a lawyer so you could join Jeffrey Feiger and the two of you can speak your minds free of restraints together? Judy

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 08:47 am:

A blank vote in the county attorney spot will also send a message. Don't vote for someone who is against the growth and future of our children.

By Susie LeBlanc on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 08:36 am:

Please write in Scott Laurie, who is running against Jeff Turnquist. Scott is a man who is trust-worthy and up-front, he cares about his community. He will be a good replacement for Jeff Turnquist. Write in Scott Laurie. Thank you, and please vote NO.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Saturday, November 4, 2000 - 12:33 am:

Just back from 3 lakes, 11 deer on the roads watch out tonight their out. Speaking of out I must be out of my mind! Keep the shouts of joy down I think it'll pass. Sandy thanks for seeing my side without loseing it, but you know me I'll speak my piece no matter what the cost to myself is. Next time I see you I'll give you a jar of the sweet & hot. No hard feelings buttttttttt, what do you mean buy us time? I was under the notion that thirty years was about all the time we could ever need. You wanted this hill just like me and the rest of the Keweenaw, one reason that I'm glad to see crosswinds here is because they can do things others who may try can't. I believe that they are strong enough to take three years of low snow and still make it.
I met Lonnies dad the other weekend and he is not too far from my own dad. He's set in his ways and has good ideas. I told him what I thought and he listened. That was a good thing, he didn't have to stop and say hi but did. Yes I took his money!!! 12 bucks he wanted to try that award winning cherry rubarb jam of my dads. (PEOPLES CHOICE AWARD 2000) Lonnie took a razz but his dad picked up the tab. Point is that they are just regular people, no special nothing, just people. These are real men who are taking their time and money and trying to make a difference in the Keweenaw. I hope they are successful too. So in the meantime I say VOYE YES FOR A BETTER KEWEENAW!!!!!!!!

P.S. I'm thinking of law school (GUESS WHY)

By Walt on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 11:10 pm:

I've said this before and I will say it again for the last time.

The ski hill would provide those with seasonal jobs with an alternative to a border-line life on unemployment, that is, if they qualify for unemployment. When you put a face on that twenty-year-old native from the Copper Country who wants to stay here, who has married here, who is beginning to raise a family here, any winter options for that apprentice carpenter/mason/electrician/plumber would help.

Vote Yes. The first and only time I've asked that.

By Jim on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 07:57 pm:

I would never want to see K.C. become another Door County. But then again I would never want to see it become another Huron Mountain Club either. I do agree that a CLUP is a very important facter in this. I agree it will take time. But, at the rate things are going right now, I fear it will be too late by the time it is ever agreed opon.

The Concerned Citizens of Keweenaw show in their mailings, No tresspassing, No snowmobiling, No camping etc. I feel this is misleading,I have never seen no tresspassing signs on LSLC property. I have never known them to block snowmobile trails or stop camping. Crosswinds is building a facility for people to enjoy. In fact they're counting on it.

Now where I see private property signs and no camping and hunting etc., is on property's owned by small land owners and conservancies. No, Im not refering to the Nature Conservancey.

I'm not saying that Crosswinds and LSLC are these grest neighbers. I'm just saying that I don't believe they deserve the rap their getting.

I hate to see the Keweenaw being developed. I hate to see things changing. But, the sad truth is it is.

I for one would rather have some development, that caters to the public, than a Privately owned wilderness, that caters to the few.

Crosswinds did not destroy a Mt., only altered it just as the anciants did 5000 years ago, or the LacLaBelle Mining Co. did 150 years ago. Mother Nature will reclaim the land.

Oh, and Sandy, I know you do not mean "Its my way or the Highway" It's just that the way it looks from the outside.

By Ted Belej (Ted) on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 07:33 pm:

I'm sorry if I'm getting impatient but, my question still stands:

How will voting YES on Tuesday "weaken" the zoning? (as Janet Shea claims)

I asked for one example of a business that would be allowed (excluding a ski resort) that would not be allowed under the existing 11 permitted uses.


I have not yet received an answer, I wonder why?


By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 06:10 pm:

Jim - when people speak of 'saving Keweenaw County' I assume they refer to keeping it from becoming another Door County. The only way to do that is with a CLUP, which will take time. And is something we didn't even realize we didn't have or need, until this whole controversy started.

I certainly didn't mean that this should be a 'my way or the highway' thing. I do mean that we need to send a message to one and all that we WILL be treated with respect, as a County and as individuals. Lonie's reply to the question of what would be the result of a NO vote shows absolutely no respect for the wishes of Keweenaw County when he maintains the 'Project will go forward'.

Along the same lines, Lyle's letter was a very nice one, informative, etc. It certainly conveys a different impression than his assorted comments during and after Board meetings, which have been lacking respect, to the point of rudeness, for the opinions of his constituents. Perhaps its time for him to retire? Don Keith is not only well qualified to be on the Board, he understands the words respect and courtesy.

Mr. Riipa's letter was well written, but I take serious issue with many of his statements. The most obvious is that 'Mt. Bohemia is the first major project...since the mines closed'. Excuse me, Bob, the return of the Base to Keweenaw County ownership and securing of YSI as the County's tenant, had far more impact on the County economy that Mt. Bohemia will. It brought 100+ full-time, year around jobs with benefits to the economy, and sucked the labor pool dry.

This brings me to the issue of creating jobs. Where will the people come from to fill these jobs? The jobs, for the present at least, are mostly mid-December/mid-April, and any employer north of Mohawk will tell you how hard it is to fill jobs then.

ANY weather-dependent industry is fragile. The current business difficulties would have been no different with the ski-hill. Three low-snow winters in a row couldn't have their seasons lengthened by a ski-hill without snowmaking equipment.

Please vote NO, send a message, and then get involved.

By Art on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 06:09 pm:

Hi Susie,
New motels, hospitals, Tech expansion, computers in every classroom, senior homes. I like these new establishments, they bring more to the economy.
Adequate $$$ in Keweenaw County? Nope, we are the poorest county in Michigan. As far as the harbor goes, the new fire hall and boardwalk/downtown development came from GRANTS, you know, those pleas to Lansing to give us some $$$$ because we don't have enough? Not enough money because our current economy bites and we need something like Mt Bohemia to boost it!
Some of the work on the fire hall was volunteer too. I helped raise the radio tower. It was like an Amish barn raising, about 15 people went to the hall and threw up the tower in about 30 seconds and that was that.
I would respond more to your earlier post, but LISA took the words right out of my mouth.
Lisa, you go girl.

By Art on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 05:53 pm:

I can give you my view on saving the county.
Myself and many others feel that a "YES" vote on Prop B WILL help the county. As I stated in a TV commercial promoting prop B, Mt Bohemia will bring a needed increase of tourism to Keweenaw County. An increase in people coming here will enable people to make a living here year-round rather than 3-4 months seasonally out of the whole year. This means better economy. More jobs, more tax $$$, more over-all income, and no needed millage increases in the future.
Bohemia will give people in the Keweenaw a close recreational facility, rather than going somewhere else to spend $$$ on someone else's economy.
Copper Harbor School is a perfect example of a hurting establishment in the Keweenaw. Schools in Michigan get money by a per student basis. This is sad for the Copper Harbor School. I feel this school boasts a better education than most schools for elementary grades since there is so few kids and it's a more one on one teacher/student experience.

By Jim on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 05:19 pm:

Sandy my question was," How will voting NO help to save the county." Not how voteing no will send a message to other developers,at the expense of Crosswinds and anyone who will benefit from their being here.

This is not about "David vs. Goliath" this is about what is best for the county as a whole. You say you want to send a message, that you want to work with developers. To me your sending a message that it's "Your way or the Highway." This is no way to start a working relationship, or even draft up a working C.L.U.P.

By Lisa on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 04:42 pm:

Still thinking?

By Lisa on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 04:39 pm:

Do the citizens get to decide whether they even want a Clup?
Another vote perhaps?

By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 04:29 pm:

Jim - legal implications aside (I'm not a lawyer and won't go there), I think a NO vote would send the strongest possible message to developers, not that we don't want development, but that we want to work with companies that are up front and that demonstrate (not say) they take our concerns into account also. Crosswinds has treated Keweenaw County officials and citizens with contempt, and I for one think we should put our foot down and say we don't appreciate it with a resounding NO vote!

I also think it would buy us the time to find out where we want this county to go, what the possibilities are for the future, and implementation of a plan to see that it happens.

My personal feeling is that when the courts shake all the details out, it will be decided that Crosswinds is not in compliance with current zoning regulations, and where from there, I have NO idea.

By Susie LeBlanc on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 04:13 pm:

Hi, again. Did you ever see such political action! One day you get a fragile economy from Rippa, the next a letter from Lyle Peterson on the great accomplishments in Keweenaw County. Who do you believe? Well, it is election time and they're huffin' and puffin'.

Is this the same Lyle that is totally ignorant and uncaring of the citizens concerns by inviting the Developers to town and letting them go ahead without proper zoning or permits? The man who signed up 2l YSI Students to vote in his election--who gave 2000 feet of Bete Gris shoreline to the needy, instead of applying for a Grant to purchase all of Bete Gris for everyone to enjoy? And, Ventures--are they the ones that don't qualify for YSI? And, the man who got a sensible suggestion for the Mohawk site after the citizens' pursued other alternatives to the Ski-Hill, which will bring meaningful employment to Keweenaw County. No, Lyle, you are not concerned for all of Keweenaw County citizens. But, there is an alternative--it is voting. Vote NO.

By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 04:00 pm:

Thanks for the votes of confidence! I admit Paul's post got my attention, but then, as Mom said, consider the source. I did and shined it on.

Paul - I'd like to lay to rest this of Gary and the Landing. We had many discussions on the subject, both wish things had taken a different course, but they didn't. I understand why and have no problems with the outcome. I'd think you knew me well enough by now to know that if I had any ill feelings on the subject, I would have said so publicly! And its really nice to have a life again! Now to serious business. Where can I get your chow-chow up here?

Paul's comments on who should be on the planning committees perfectly illustrate why the more people involved, the better. Creative minds working together can do wonderful things, and the wider the variety of experience of those involved, the better the outcome will be. Anyone that truly cares about Keweenaw's future will want to be involved, and should be.

I hope everyone read Scott Laurie's KT article. It was excellent in bringing out points many of us had never realized or thought about. As many of you know, Scott is doing a write-in campaign for the seat held by Jeff Turnquist on the KC Board. I think he would do an excellent job for the County, and ask all of you in his district to give serious consideration to him as a candidate.

Steve - your points on air travel in are very much to the point, except in one fairly small detail. The ice on LacLaBelle doesn't tighten up enough to support anything until about early to mid-January, its an ice/slush mess early. After that, you're right, its a 3,000 acre airport.

By Jim on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 03:53 pm:

Could someone kindly explain to me how voting no will help to save the county?

On the same note,will someone explain how voting yes will help the county?

Thank you for any help.

By Ted Belej (Ted) on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 12:49 pm:

Janet Shea,

It seems you missed my earlier post:

By Ted Belej (Ted) on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 08:50 am:


I am confused by your statement that the zoning will be "weakened" by addition of thelanguage that specifies that a Ski Resort is a permitted use in the RS district. Don't you think that if it had already been in place, we wouldn't be going through this whole mess of clarification that has been tearing Keweenaw County apart?

Do you or anyone else have an answer to this?

Or is it that another example of a "garyisim"?


By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 11:54 am:

George, open minded, good planner, what the Keweenaw needs, and friendly? Yes friendly but were talking about more than a resturant here. I would like to see people in the planning dept. with a good knowledge of business, business after all is what we all deal with everyday. I don't care if you own a business, work 8-5, retired or on welfare! Business is involved. A few bad ideas go a long way in a counties future. The last thirty years have been that way here. Tasteless I my be, to the point is another thing. Do you think Gary is laughing or crying as he counts his two dollar bills? Business is a funny thing, I feel he used Sandy then hung her out to dry!!!! My own brother worked for Sandy, he is not a business person but would come home from the landing scratching his head. He told me the way it was and it wasn't pretty. My being outspoken on these matters is a bad business decision but someone has to stand up and call a spade a spade. I like Sandy personally but not on the planning side of things. She no doubt feels the same about me. Believe me I know her and her response will be lively!!!
As for our atty. well now that just takes the cake, even you must admit that she does not have the people of Keweenaw in mind, but rather just a few tree huggers and boo birds. Don't worry I will hear about my rantings in court I am sure of that but in the meantime it is a free country.
Here are a few answers to questions you may have,
yes I like crosswinds, yes I want this place to grow, yes I want more of your bird loving buddies to settle here, yes I want more jobs, yes I want a new county attorney, yes I want Lake Superior Land to continue to select cut, YES I WANT A FUTURE FOR OUR CHILDREN RIGHT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!! VOTE YES FOR A FUTURE!!!!!

By Arlene Gunnari on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 11:09 am:


Would you please tell me where all these things are you have stated that exist the Keweenaw County area. I know there is Mohawk school for the BHK head start and kindergarden classes, YSI of course on the air base site and of course the snowmobile trails but where is the rest? It would seem you are confusing Houghton County with Keweenaw County. So maybe you should reconsider what you are thinking is helping the economy of Keweenaw County. All of the things you have listed is helping Houngton County.

As far as your furnace goes it would seem you did not select a regular furnace man since he is working on the HILL. He must have been doing side jobs until regular employment came along. You could always call Manderfields or Kauppis for furnace repair they could help you and are located in Houghton County but do service Keweenaw county also.

Have a great day and keep warm.

By Lisa on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 11:05 am:

Goooood Moooorrning Keeeweeenaaaw!
Well how we all doing this fine morning?
I'm doing great, I got to sleep in to an unheard of hour of 9 o'clock! Ah the simple things.
Now to the business at hand.
Paul, I'm sure you are properly chastised now HMMMM?
Susie, while I feel for you and your furnace, what the heck are you talking about?
"Adequate", Barely, hardly, and which businesses, can you tell me, are going to go out of business because of the hill? I assume that is who you are talking about when you refer to the big boys.
I'm sure there are alot of people out there that do not agree to the statement "you have more up here then any city or suburb and you don't even realize it." Since I have lived in both wrong again honey. What do they have, pray tell, that the city and suburbs don't have? Small business? Empty houses? For sale signs? Tell me what they have, because the next time I'm home I'll make sure I stop and see this attraction.
Quality of life is suffering? Please, why not talk to people like Paul and Sandy, and A LOT of families about quality of life, lack of funds even in the winter to even have the basics, let alone anything else, so while you appreciate these families why not see the whole picture of the Keweenaw and not just, as always, what you want to see HHMM?
Yes, everyone needs to see both sides of this issue, they also need to see both sides of the economy up there don't you think?
The ones who say it's not bad and then try to rationalize the very real problems that people struggle with day after day have got some major tunnel vision problems. If everyone intends to keep the blinders on there is no hope of working towards a future in the Keweenaw.
I will ask that when you next ride through that glorious place, really LOOOK at it please, and see it, in all it's glory, the good and the bad.
You know the old saying about walking in other peoples shoes, if you all could switch places with each other, perhaps you could see better the struggles of everyday life that your neighbors contend with everyday.
Thank you have a nice day.

By Susie LeBlanc on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 09:32 am:

Mr. Rippa's letter was good but shallow. Keweenaw is not fragile--to say "the Keweenaw" hasn't grown, and it is "the Keweenaw" you (pro-hill) want to align yourself with, is wrong. I see new motels, hospitals, schools, Tech Expansion, senior housing, social programs that satisfy every need or want, computers in every classroom and laps, a YSI, and snowmobile trails groomed by the taxpayer. You have more up here than any city or suburb and you don't even realize it. Try to get personal care in a big city--never happen.

There is adequate money in Keweenaw County--firehouses, boardwalks, etc. OK? Anything necessary there? Maybe. You can be assured that when the "big boys" come to town, you'll see more "out of business" signs. EXAMPLE: Discount stores and malls have hurt downtown Houghton and Hancock. Does the Elm's Motel in Calumet hurt when the AmericInn came to town? Another EXAMPLE" I have been waiting, after repeated phone calls, for my furnace man to service the new furnace they installed, all summer..They have been on the "Hill". Am I suffering? Is my quality of life suffering? It's getting cold!

Business's fail due to poor management, lack of need, a vice or two, who knows.

So recapping, the letter says it is Economy and Kids. Our young people can seek employment anywhere in the great country of ours, America--we are just one small part. I say Keweenaw County is beautiful, bless the families that live here and have stayed to keep it vital, we appreciate them. Vote NO if you are happy and content. Save the Keweenaw, save it's beauty, it's heritage and your way of life.

By Jon Maninga (Jon) on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 09:28 am:


Well said - there are posts on the ranting section that kind of echo Paul - they are from Oorleena (sp?) Sam asked simple question and got no answers (at least that I could see).. Is that typical of supporters of the referendum? I have contacted other supporters have not recieved very definite answers... Life will go on....

Janet - I read Pauls posts, mostly for the entertainment value.

By janet on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 09:17 am:

Thanks, George for your kind words about Sandy.
She is probably going to play a major role in the
development of a comprehensive land use plan since
she is an excellent mediator and looks at both
sides with an open mind before placing her vote
one way or the other. Paul from Eagle River has
continued a "one-note song" for so long that I
don't think anyone even bothers to read much of
his messages anymore. Negativity never prevails.
Thanks again! Sandy, we're with you!//////////

By George Hite on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 07:59 am:

Paul. Your posts have always been a bit wacky, but entertainly so; and your torrent of tirades about our county attorney, while tiresome and tasteless, are simply the to be expected ill-fortune for people serving in public office (I know from personal experience); but your cheap shot at our good neighbor Sandy Britton in the last paragraph of your Nov. 2nd, 7:24 pm post is inexcusable.

No one in this little world of posters and involved Keweenaw citizens has been more civil, more articulate, more conscientious, and more responsible in her conduct and commentary than Sandy. She's made some business mistakes, which she has publicly acknowledged, and has weatherd some tough times, but throughout it all has maintained a positive and thoughtful demeanor. Even those who disagree with her positions on public policy, commend her motivation and dedication to the Keweenaw. No one doubts the value of her many contributions to the needed public discourse about the future of the Keweenaw.

Your suggestion that she is simply in search of company, and is ill-equiped to remain a constructive voice in planning for the future of our community is off base, mean-spirited, and offensive.

Perhaps I am alone in challenging your poor judgement and just plain bad taste in this matter. I hope not.

By Paul_EagleRiver on Friday, November 3, 2000 - 06:09 am:

Art, it sounds like we have some young blood comming to town, thats great! I have said it right along that the young will get what we old leave. I am not that old but old enough, (46). I as you will have to deal with the problems we grow into. My young days were crap, I went into high school in 68. No jobs, strike by C&H union, mines shut down. At the time no infrastructure to speak of anywhere, pollution running amock, tourist trade not even thought of and no entertainment for the young. The movie houses were closing, businesses were going out of business by the tens, my friends and family were moving away, heck the army was about the only thing a young person could join. Think of this , The wolverine platoon joined the service in 73 I think, 20 or so young men from this area. That should give a big clue on the outlook for the young. Not to say the service is a poor move but twenty young men at once!!! I posted the class sizes comming out of Calumet from the sixties on and they are almost cut in half now. That is a clue too. Back in my childhood there were plenty of tres and fields to go with them, now just trees and no fields. All grown in, that is bad for all concerned. Even the animals need new growth. If we don't select cut mother nature will reward our keep it natural look with a natural forest fire!!
That is the way it is and was. I hope you keep up with your tracking system of this debate and stay with it. I FOR ONE AM HAPPY TO HEAR YOUR COMMENTS. If you know anymore young people get them to the polls and let the young peoples voice be heard. I want to leave you people with more than a empty bar stool. VOTE YES!!!!!!!

By Jim on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 10:45 pm:

Thats just another plus for how crosswinds will help the economy. CPH will have to hire more ER staff.

Seriously I think this younger generation is a little shy of the top floor. These kids in town have jumps behind my house, and are always breaking bones. Here I thought I did stupid things on bikes when I was younger. Oh well, they're the ones who will suffer when they get older.

By Ted Belej (Ted) on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 10:02 pm:


I'm glad you are studying the lingo thi make it necessary for you to communicate the next time you go to LLB.

Seriously, I would like to invite anyone to contact me if there is ANY question about the safety precautions taken to insure that the Skiiers of Mt. Bohemia will have a SAFE Ski Resort.



By Art on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 08:22 pm:

Hi everyone.
There is no reason for DJ to challenge Jim Vivian's appointment to the ZBA. It is all legal. I did a bit of homework. Contrary to some beliefs, Michigan law says that you ARE allowed to hold more than one elected position. (check at the courthouse) Besides, the ZBA is an appointed position, totally different. Either way, it's sound and just. If she were to challenge his appointment, I think the above would be her reason. Isn't it sad that an uneducated 21-year old like myself can find this info before a County Prosecuting Attorney? Ok, so maybe I'm all wrong and she has already found this info. Maybe she isn't even going to challenge his appointment, rumors, rumors, rumors. That's ok though, if for some reason DJ finds some way to boot out Jim Vivian, be sure I'll be the first to show interest to get appointed to that board, ski hill issue, or no ski hill issue. You gotta start somewhere in politics right? DJ did mention a conflict of interest on the ZBA though.
Of course, none of this will matter because the Majority will speak, and a YES vote will go through on the referandum.
Then we can all sit back and laugh at all this while sipping some hot cocoa at the base lodge of Mt. Bohemia. hehe

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 07:24 pm:

Lisa, this is a joke, a mockery of our legal system! Our county atty. has gone a little bonkers I think. She seems to be one french fry short of a happy meal. You along with me and the rest of the real people are haveing a time with just keeping up with her new tactics. Last I heard she is going after the appointment of Mr. Vivian to the board of appeals. I don't know this for fact but a good source is a good source. If she has a friend left after all this it will be short of the second comming!! It seems every move the whole county makes is challanged. Could you just see the mess if there weere five different boards of tree huggers. Save the birds, save the deer, save the trees, save the water, save the land, save the wind!!! It just isn't real. Man pollutes no matter what we do, now I go along with select cutting and clean water but if I own a piece of property I own it.
Sandy now that I am sure that the landing will never again be yours, don't you see that you were had by Khols? For once just admit it, he's been crying wolf right along. Your mighty leader is not anywhere to be found and his voteing rights should be challanged just like a few more of the soup type.
You are trying to take a leadership role and you are out of gas. Don't make things worse cause you want company. I don't think a sign would have kept you going either. Poor planning was the cause of your failure and now you want to plan the Keweenaw's future? Whats wrong with that picture? VOTE YES!!!!!!!!!

By Jean McGrath on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 07:22 pm:

I ran across this and thought I hope the hospital will be ready for all of the new business if this catches on.

On a Roll: Mountainboarding Picks Up Speed in Popularity and on the

Azell Murphy Cavaan: Boston Herald

It's like a snowboard on speed.

Equipped with off-road tires, cutting-edge suspension systems and unique
V-brake technology, mountainboards are becoming the hottest craze in the
world of extreme sports.

``There's nothing like it. It's the best sport around,'' said 22-year-old Joe Bonan,
who teaches mountainboarding at Gunstock Recreation Area in New

Gunstock is one of five New England ski resorts that made the sport available to guests for the first
time this summer.

The fad quickly caught on at recreational facilities such as Killington in Vermont, where guests rent
about 150 mountainboards a week, according to spokeswoman Amy Phalon.

``We sell out each weekend,'' said Phalon. ``We plan to ramp up for next season by adding more
boards to our rental fleet.''

But this sport isn't for the timid.

``It's pretty intense,'' cautioned Andrea Dowdy, marketing vice president of Mountainboard Sports Inc.

Mountainboarding involves racing down steep grassy slopes on a gadget that resembles a snowboard
with foot binders, shock absorbers and four pneumatic tires jutting out on the sides.

Manufactured with a suspension system that can simulate gliding in fresh snow, mountainboards also
can be raced on single-track bike trails and terrain parks.

The design eases the stress of maintaining balance during tricky maneuvers such as ``spinning'' and

``I can do 180s easily,'' Bonan said, adding it's virtually impossible to perform the same trick on in-line
skates. ``Grabbing is a piece of cake - it's all so smooth.''

Mountainboarders, mostly males from ages 12 to 25, can wear a basic sneaker with good tread,
Dowdy said.

``And definitely a helmet,'' said Bonan, who recently added a pair of butt pads to his mountainboarding

Sports fans are not the only ones excited by the fad. For resorts, the hot new sport is the latest means
of making money during summer and fall, when ski lifts are typically left unused.

``The implications are great,'' said Rob Linde, marketing director of the National Ski Area Association.

``Five or six years ago, resorts weren't too interested (in mountainboarding). But more and more have
now added it for guests who want to enjoy mountaintops long after the snow season.''

Mountainboarding started coming together about seven years ago when a couple of snowboarders,
Patrick McConnell, then 28, and Jason Lee, then 24, were racing down the mountains of Lake Tahoe.

Fresh snow crushing beneath their feet, the pair began fantasizing about a board that would produce the
same effect after the snow had melted.

They put wheels on a snowboard, and mountainboarding was born.

The pair later formed Mountainboardsports Inc., based in Colorado Springs, Colo.

Today, after enduring years of underground status in Colorado and Southern California (where it was
introduced in 1997), the fast and furious sport has taken off across the nation.

In Providence, R.I., last month the Summer Gravity Games featured a mountainboarding exhibit, and
the sport has become a regular attraction in the Extreme Team College Games, a competition held on
campuses nationwide.

Mountainboarding also has garnered the attention of world-class athletes - the U.S. Olympic
Snowboard Team trains with mountainboards during the offseason.

Meanwhile, mountainboard suppliers hope it will catch on among everyday sport enthusiasts.

So far, the numbers are promising.

Since 1996, the company has sold more than 16,000 boards. Sales jumped 71 percent from 1998 to
1999 and another 88 percent last year, Dowdy said.

``This year, our sales will come close to the number of boards we sold in the first five years of
production,'' she said.

Ron Galipeault, who has sold mountainboards for more than two years out of Andy's Sport Shop in
Fitchburg, said getting the word out about mountainboards has been an uphill journey until this summer.

``I keep an instructional video playing (next to the mountainboard display),'' he said. ``People used to
come in all the time and ask, `What the heck is this?' Now they're coming back to buy one.''

The boards come in six designs with skill levels ranging from beginner (small riders) to intermediate and
advanced, and carry price tags from $269 to $399.


You might have the hippest mountainboard with color-coordinated gear to match, but to really be the
coolest boarder on the mountain, you've got to talk the talk.

To make sure you're not left out in the cold, get to know the mountainboarder's lingo. Here's a sample:

Deck: The platform part of the mountainboard.

Cobra Coil: Mandatory at resorts, the coil keeps the rider connected to the board, preventing runaway
boards on the steep terrain.

EggShock System: Custom-designed urethane dampener inside the springs to provide resistance in a
turn and increase the board's stability. Various densities are available.

Carve: The art of making a turn.

Grabbing: The act of jumping in the air, while reaching down and grabbing the board.

Spinning: The act of spinning yourself and the board in midair. There are three kinds of spins,
180-degree, 360-degree and 540-degree spins.

Freeride: Resort riding. No particular trail is mapped out and the focus is on carving.

Freestyle: Trick-oriented riding. The focus is to catch ``big air'' and perform tricks such as 360s, grabs
and flips.

Boardercross: A head-to-head competition style, typically with four racers in a heat. A sloping dirt
course is built with turns, jumps, berms and rollers.

Wind boarding: Using an attached or hand-held sail, the rider can ``sail'' on land with a mountainboard,
performing tricks similar to a windsurfer.

Information provided by Mountainboard Sports Inc.

©2000 Boston Herald. All rights reserved.



By John Shulstad (John) on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 06:41 pm:

I just don't understand why anyone would be against the new ski area. I live in Wisconsin and plan to ski Mt. Bohemia as soon as it opens. Many ski areas are located in National Forests and I believe a ski area is much better for the environment than snowmobiling (no noise and no harmful pollution). Let it snow!!

By Lisa on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 05:47 pm:

Hey everyone,

Well it's true, the ZBA is going to meet on the 9th. Two days after the vote.
I reread the article in the DMG and it does say that Mr. H would not hold the meeting because of Ms.J's appeal, even though four of the other memebers wanted to meet before the vote.
Now they are going to meet TWO DAYS AFTER THE ELECTION!!!!
Some one please let me in on the facts here, because I'm missing some I'm sure.(probably due to the rose colored glasses I wear?!)
Now I'm sure some will say this is a moot point and not that big of a deal.
This is just not how things should be done folks.
It's O.K. for them to meet NOW?
AFTER the vote?
Curiouser and curiouser.
I will leave the rest for Paul as I'm sure he will have something to say about all of this.
Someone give me a clue here on why NOW they can meet?
This is absolutely ridiculous.

By Steve Cinelli on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 05:01 pm:

CMX has a CAT 1 ILS, the pavement strength is 100,000 for double wheel aircraft, and RW 13/31 is 6500 feet long. Now that I think of it, I believe one of the earlier variants of the B737 was the design aircraft for CMX at one point.
Soon the skies over Keweenaw will the thundering!
I love aviation.

By Steve Cinelli on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 04:42 pm:

You could be right, it might be a good time to buy a tow truck. I think it may have more to do with the quality of the drivers than the condition of the road. We have all seen how the maniacs from Detroit drive.
As far as not being able to fly to LLB, why not? I couldn't imagine driving there from Detroit for a weekend, especially when travel by charter aircraft is so affordable. Part 135 operations could be accomodated at CMX, direct from MSP, DET, Flying Cloud or any other airport in the region. If I remember correctly, CMX has a primary runway that is about 5500 ft long, and supports multiple non-precision approaches. Given the reliativley light loads related to passenger air charter, I don't see any reason why a Boeing 737 couldn't operate under reduced loads at CMX. The FAA exit limit for the 737 varies, but could be as much as 150 passengers.
The other option is a FAR Part 135 operation direct to LLB. This could be accomplised by a DeHavilland Twin Otter on amphibious floats in the early season, and on wheel skis in the winter. A trip to Bohemia for a Minneapolis or Detroit resident would be a short drive to the airport, and then a hour flight to LLB. Shuttle bus service could take skiers to the lodge. A Twin Otter seats 19 passengers, and costs about $300/hr to run profitably. So, we need 2 hrs airborne and an hr of standby for each trip. Let's say $700 to transport 19 skiers from MSP, DET or another airport direct to the hill. So, $700/19 is $36 per person. And it's too expensive to fly to Bohemia?
Now all I can see is a fleet of Twin Otters with a big capital "C" on the tailfeathers.

By Lisa on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 04:36 pm:

Hey everyone,
Is it true that the ZBA will meet on the 9th?
I thought they were going to wait until the appeal was heard by the courts?
If this is true I can only think that it will add more fuel to the already out of control fire that is this issue.
Can someone please tell me if this is correct?
If it is, well then I will have some opinions to voice on it then. You will probably see them in the ranting side of this message board.
Thanks again,

By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 10:56 am:

Lisa - You are right, I meant nothing unkind about anyone sending their kids anywhere, there are lots of circumstances, and lots of fine public schools (my kids attended excellent ones in Texas). My only thought there was that home schooling does make a positive statement about the parents that choose that alternative. Yes, the Landing was only the newest part of LacLaBelle Resort.

The trick for the businesses along 41 north of Houghton will be to get any of that traffic to stop and spend money. Somehow I don't think the residents along 41 are going to appreciate it much, especially in winter driving conditions.

Does anyone else feel the 'Mt. Bohemia Ski Area' sign at LacLaBelle Road on 41 is a tad premature? Frankly, I think they should have waited to see if the Ski-hill wording and zoning are allowed by the referendum and/or the ZBA. By the way, I tried for a year to get one of those TODS signs for the resort, but was unable to find out who to contact locally the get it approved for installation on a Heritage Highway, didn't know which questions to ask of whom. It could have made the difference for the Resort. Anyway......

To anyone attending the last Advisory Board Meeting it was abundantly clear that this is about much more than a 'ski-hill'. George Hite was right on the mark there. Inclusion of section 31 west of LacLaBelle and Mt. Bohemia in the project area speaks directly to this.

By the way, Channel 5 (10 on Cable) will have an interview on this evening's news with Paul Freshwater of Eagle Harbor, an articulate and informed KC voter. Once again, hats off to Channel 5 for presenting both sides. Also a quick hats off to WMPL for air-time for both sides of the story. Fairness is deeply appreciated in Keweenaw.

By George Hite on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 08:57 am:

Sorry, Bob. I know it's "Riipa".

By Ted Belej (Ted) on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 08:50 am:


I am confused by your statement that the zoning will be "weakened" by addition of the language that specifies that a Ski Resort is a permitted use in the RS district. Don't you think that if it had already been in place, we wouldn't be going through this whole mess of clarification that has been tearing Keweenaw County apart?

Can you give me just one example of a use or business that would be allowed (under 12, Excluding a Ski Resort) that wouldn't be allowed under the other 11 permitted uses?

George, I believe that the RS zones were strategically placed to help promote logical growth in the county. Are you saying that the land where the LacLaBelle Lodge (Landing) is should never have been zoned RS?

Vote YES, the logical choice.


By George Hite on Thursday, November 2, 2000 - 08:22 am:

I wish Bob Rippa was right - that this is just about a ski hill.

Unforunately, he and other County officials have created a 900+ acre commercial (Resort Service)zoning district in Lac La Belle. A "No" vote on Proposal B would get rid of the last 680 acre addition. (One wonders what County officials thought would happen when they OK'd the initial 260 acre Resort Service zone along the shore of Lac La Belle in 1988. Probaby not the expansive parking lot and "yurts" now going in.)

If County officials just wanted to OK a ski hill they could have (and still can) set it up as a special use in the CD-EP zone and saved us all this trauma. Apparently they, or someone else, wanted, and got, a lot more than a ski hill.

Voting "No" does not mean we don't want a ski hill. It means we don't want a 900+ acre commercial zone at Lac La Belle. Who's confusing who?

By Lisa on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 - 11:43 pm:

What "resort" are you talking about? The landing?
Homeschooling is very good in the cases that I have seen, but I don't think that parents that choose to send their kids to public schools are not good parents or do not do a good job parenting. But I'm sure that is not what you ment to infer.
I'm sure the businesses in the area that you get to by 41 will not complain about all that traffic.
Anyhoo, have a good nite.

By Joe Skoglund on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 - 11:01 pm:

Not sure where you come up with your facts, but obviously you have never spoken with anyone at IP.

"A dead end job, so they came up with the idea of a ski slope?" Please, where did this come from? Your bong?

By Mark Oviatt on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 - 10:47 pm:

Taxpayers Should vote NO!

For once let us be honest. When Bete Grise South got stopped by DEQ, Lyle was not happy. Why? He knew that the County and Township would need the tax revenue generated by the high priced spreads that would have been built there. Why the need for drastically increased taxes? Read the posts starting with mine some time ago. Basic reason - no infrastructure.

Why the problem with Lonnie? Simple. The Mt. Bohemia Ski Slope is a power grab by some middle and low level company managers who are trying to make themselves look good to upper management. If you think that IP even knows the Keweenaw exists, think again. If you think that IP cares what you think, think again. IP doesn't even know you exist. This is all about power, money and status. For employees of IP, the Keweenaw is a dead end job with no future so they came up with an idea to make themselves look good. A ski slope.

I ski. I have never opposed a ski slope. I have been to Colorado, Utah, Switzerland, France and Italy. I know what ski slopes look like and how they operate. What is being proposed for Mt. Bohemia isn't realistic. And for once, in these continued days of high oil prices that aren't going to come down, where are all the people going to come from? I can fly into Aspen. I can't fly into LLB. Buses from Calumet aren't going to cut the mustard.

Why the taxes? First to cover the infrastructure improvements that are necessary. Second to cover the costs when the hill goes under and the "yurts" look like the houses next to 41 in Delaware.

As voting taxpayers, you have the right and the ability to control what is or is not built in your neighbohood. It is done all over the country. It has not been a Keweenaw tradition because of the back room politics and "company town" traditions.

I pay taxes in Keweenaw County. I spend money in Keweenaw County. Even though I'm not a resident of the County, I still went to dances at the Armory, pumped gas for Jake & Alma, repaired outboards at Bob Lamerand's and listened to Woodtick's stories.

The slope is not going to put money in your pocket. It is going to take money out of your pocket. It is going to take money out of my pocket too. I can't vote. You can. I may not have my primary residence in the County, but how you vote will affect me too.

Please vote no. For once, stand up to the "Company". Does that mean no slope. No! What it does mean is that you don't want to be taxed for their profit/loss.

By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 - 10:38 pm:

A comment or two.


Lisa - I don't know about a new motel, but the resort has been, or is being, bought by Troy and Kathy Westcott, from near Grand Rapids, a very nice young couple with 3 intelligent, articulate and polite youngsters they home-school. I don't know about anyone else, but all the home-schooled youngsters I've run into are really neat kids, maybe because Mom and Dad care enough to REALLY parent! I wish them nothing but the best of luck, and if there is anything I can do to help them be successful, I will surely do it. We'll keep everyone posted as to the reopening of the resort, henceforward to be known as LacLaBelle Lodge. I believe they are planning on adding more lodging faciliies.

Re; Telephone survey. Asked how many persons will be polled, the Marmen rep stated about 1500. There are not that many phone lines in Keweenaw County, nevermind voters. Do they not realize part of 337 exchange is in Houghton County? Flatlanders!

Ron - pertinent questions, especially about the millage increase! Our millage should be going down if Crosswinds will be giving that much to the economy.

Hats off to Tom Scanlon (with whom I have not always agreed) for his editorial comments on the YSI student vote! It may be legal, but my question is if it's ethical for 20+ young men to vote on issues in a county where they have neither a future nor a stake.

Jim - the answer to your question about how open spaces will be preserved under a land use plan is the perfect reason why we need EXPERT help in the planning. I have no idea of the legal mechanisms, but I know they exist.

Steve - 6333 trips/weekend, say 3000 trips/weekend day. That works out to about 250 cars/hour based on a 12 hour day. On Highway 41 that's not too bad, but on LacLaBelle Road it is downright scary! Sounds like a good time to buy a wrecker!

By Lisa,LMT,pain in the south on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 - 10:21 pm:

Thank you Paul,
Always the gentleman.
Hey have you all heard a weird noise?
It's really buggin' me.
Kind of like a grinding sound?
I can't figure it out.
I'm sure I have heard it before.
Well I guess I had better get used to it, I'm sure it will be around for awhile.
Have a great day.
See you in the funny papers

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 - 09:31 pm:


By Lisa Trevathan on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 - 08:41 pm:

So what's this I hear of a new motel going in in LLB?
Guess if it's true,that it isn't the out of towners everyone should have been looking out for huh?
So hey go and Vote Yes!

By Ron Trapp on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 - 08:39 pm:

During the famous 'debate' Lonnie made the comment he will be Keweenaw's Saviour. As far as Keweenaw County goes, I have a few questions.

1. If Crosswinds is going to be giving the county $300,000 in taxws in the next five years, why is the county asking for a millage increase? We can vote NO on that one because our Saviour is here!

2. Why do we never see ads in the Gazette for these jobs Crosswinds keeps filling? Word-of-mouth or favors?

3. Why had a Keweenaw County fuel oil supplier and excavating contractor never been approached?

4. Why is the office located in Hancock? There are vacant commercial buildings in Keweenaw County that would be suitable, closer and allow local - not long distance - communication.

By Janet on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 - 06:33 pm:

Hi, Art
Thanks for the conversation this evening on the
telephone. I thought that you were really
interested in hearing our concern over the issues.
Susie is a resident of Keweenaw County also, her
opinions deserve to be voiced without your gettin
personal. And your respect for her opinions. It is
not buggery. If you heard ANYTHING we talked about
tonight, I would hope your feel your comments
against a good group of people are totally out

By Janet Shea on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 - 06:29 pm:

Just received a call from Marmen Research--you
know, the ones in Menominee hired by Lonnie
Glieberman--they are asking the same deceptive and
misleading question as last time...PROPOSAL B is
Lonnie, quit misleading the people of Keweenaw
County! You can't fool us again, we've got your


By Jim on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 - 05:40 pm:


I agree that a updated land use plan is an important item on the county agenda. But please answer me a question.

How will a land use plan guarantee that lands stay open for public use?

By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 - 05:39 pm:

FYI - Word is that Channel 5 out of Calumet will have a story tonight at 6:00 PM on the YSI students voting in the election.

By Jim on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 - 04:54 pm:


I must say I do agree with all of your points except one. The part of Indian artifacts being found on Mt. Bohemia. I do agree that it is highly probable that an artifact could be found there. But, if you are refering to the pieces of pottery and quartz that were shown on the news. They were found in Bete Gris, in fact I looked at some of them a year ago. At least some pieces from the same area.

By Steve Cinelli on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 - 04:46 pm:

76,000 visitors in year 5. Assume a 4 month ski season. 4 weekends per month is a 16 weekend ski season. Let's assume all of the skiers are out of town weekend skiers. 76,000/16 is 4750 skiers per weekend. So, that indicates that 4750 people drive to the hill, and 4750 leave the hill each weekend. That means there would be 9500 trips each weekend to and from the hill. Ok, let's allow for carpooling, say 9500 trips/1.5 is 6333 trips.
So, lets make a huge overestimate and say that the average daily traffic attributed to the ski hill is 6333. Briefly checking the traffic map on my office wall indicates that the ADT of the 2 lane road a block from my home is about 12,000. This road (Jewel Lake Road) is nowhere close to being at capacity, and is comparable to the road to the hill.
So, it seems unlikely that major improvements are necessary to this route. Pavement rehab may be in order, and some pedestrial safety amenities would be good, but it doesn't seem that realignment or widening is necessary based on traffic.
So much for the unbearable traffic theory.

By Art on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 - 03:32 pm:

Please, spare me the whining. I guess nothing that this company does is good enough for you.

To all:
Lonie has tried his hardest to sit down and work WITH the comunity. All you opponents do is constantly complain and whine. You want this, you want that. Me, me, me. And they call me selfish for wanting to stay here and make a living, selfish for wanting to help the local economy. You all should feel priveleged that Crosswinds/Bear will even listen to all of your nonsense. They could've walked right in and built the hill without saying a word to the public. How would you all feel then.
I'm sorry, I'm just sick of the constant buggery put out by the opponents. Nothing is good enough for you guys.

By Ted Belej (Ted) on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 - 10:26 am:

Garysims VS. Fact:

Garysim: The petition to stop the zoning change was properly filed.

Fact: The petition was incomplete, by having the petition improperly filed, the door has been opened for a legal (court) battle.

Garysim: The county is not liable.

Fact: By having the Prosecuting Attorney attempt an injunction, the County has opened itself to liability of trying to block a developer.

Garysim: The work done on Mt. Bohemia is Illegal.

Fact: All the work done to date on Mt. Bohemia is within County, State, and Federal guidelines. If the work had been illegal, Judge Hood would have granted the injunction.

Garysim: There are Indian Burial Grounds on Mt. Bohemia.

Fact: There was some evidence of Indian relics in the AREA of Mt. Bohemia, However there were no human remains found.

Garysim: The ZBA Closed session meetings were not illegal

Fact: The LAW states that there must be litigation that is currently pending (in the courts) for the ZBA to go into a closed session, the meetings were ILLEGAL.

Garysim: The residents of Keweenaw County should be able to vote on if a Ski Hill is built or not.

Fact: The residents will not be deciding if a Ski Hill goes or not. they will be deciding a zoning change.

Garysim: The zoning change will open the door to a developer to "rape the land"

Fact: The zoning change is for a small portion of land in LLB adjacent to current RS Zoning.

Garysim: The zoning language change will give a developer "carte blanche" to build anything.

Fact: Retail Sales (Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Adult Bookstores), Consumer Services (Restaurants) , Professional Offices, Trailer Parks, and Motels are already permitted uses.

Garysim: There is a LOT of land in the Keweenaw that is zoned RS

Fact: The RS zones are in strategic places to promote growth of the County. Only 1-3 % of Keweenaw is zoned RS.

Before you vote, please separate the Facts form the garyisims, once you do it is clear that a YES vote is an intelligent one.


By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 - 10:21 am:

Whoa, Paul! The Planning and Zoning Board felt the best way to start a land use process was at the township level, with committees of volunteers in EACH township working for their area, then coming together to work on a county level. Paul, if you had bothered to come to the P&Z meeting you would understand and not go off on a tangent! I hope you will be on the committee in your township, taking part, contributing to the process, or will you just sit on the outside and whine? ALL Keweenaw County citizens should applaud the P&Z board for this action, and then join in the process.

The reason for a land use plan is to assure that land will remain open for hunting, etc., public access, and to have growth proceed in an orderly manner, in a way acceptable to ALL KC residents, taxpayers and land owners. By the way, as a resident of Allouez Twp. that is where I will be active.

Walt - The L-P site north of Mohawk has been awaiting remedial action, which has now been taken, and the process is moving forward. The County has been pushing this for several years.

Private development has been moving forward quickly, to the extent that finding a contractor to build a home in Keweenaw County means scheduling many months in advance. Again, the reason for a land use plan is to direct growth, while preserving areas for public use. And it will be directed by the people most affected, the residents of KC.

I repeat, go to the polls on Tuesday, vote what your heart tells you to. Mine says NO, but that is my opinion, to which I am entitled, just as everyone else is entitled to theirs.

By Susie LeBlanc on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 - 10:02 am:

I especially like the touch of flowers on the Hill--the souls buried there are remembered at last. I would like to see an arrangement of flowers (even nose-gays) on top of each lift-pole in remembrance of those who have been blown to "kingdom-come". Thank you, Mr. Glieberman.

Mr. Glieberman says, in the WHININ' Gazette, "The place is not going to turn into a huge development. It'll be cabins like you see at the (Keweenaw) Mountain Lodge, and it'll grow with the community." I would say "grow" is the operative word here. So let us control the word "grow", by voting NO. Remember the Feasibility Study (paid by the taxpayers) which includes GROWTH and more GROWTH. The road even moved to accomodate this GROWTH. More taxes to support GROWTH. Do you have any idea of what you are in for when you don't vote NO.?

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 - 06:56 am:

Sandy, I can see where your going with all this township stuff. You guys are pulling out all stops. Never mind the rest of us residents and business people. If I am right you people want five different zoning boards right? Just like I posted before. I knew that our county atty. had something up her sleave. Now before this goes any futher get her out of this fray. I as others will find it difficult to trust any futher action by your group. You people are next going to want the bird hunting stopped, no more saunas, no more fishing, no more logging, no more anything! You got yours so no one else allowed right. WRONG.
By even trying to split us futher as a county you are making our points even more clear, we need something to happen now. How many more down the tubes you people want? You figure that the south shore •••. will be able to control the point and surrounding area, just come out and say it. Never mind townships like mine HOUGHTON TWP.. We need help now, not in five more years. Don't forget you need five townships in the black to be a county, and we are not the only township hurting! Now it becomes clear that this was your master plan from the beginning. Donna is way over her head and if there is a way to prove it I for one will be in line to say my piece.
Our county can't afford all these new boards for one, they come with needing a atty. too. So that would mean that donna being the only one who is active in the county would run all five townships. What a hair brained idea. If you still can't see the conflicts growing maybe the STATE will. I hope they do.
First you wanted all the residents to vote on the hill, you see there is few in support of your groups wants, then Ahmeek is kicked out, now you want four more townships to lay down. You must forget we are only about 2000 voters all in all.
Do you hear Houghton township crying cause we have almost no shoreline in our holdings, NO cause we are smart enough to see we are one as a whole. So before you start further divideing into little selfish groups look at our county as a whole and we,

By Walt on Wednesday, November 1, 2000 - 05:46 am:

Your post suggests it is perfectly okay for individual after individual to enter the kingdom of Keweenaw and build thereon the lakeshore, house after beautiful house, to make it their

Or is that something, too, that you are opposed to?

Perhaps Ms Shea, in her anticipated column detailing some more of Crosswind faults will comment on whether or not it is okay for an
individual to build in the Keweenaw. I'm sorry. I meant Keweenaw County.

This is one Houghton County resident of the Copper Country that is •••• tired of hearing anonymous posters who tickle our fancy with their largesse. Perhaps that anonymous poster would fancy writing a grant proposal to help bring in some jobs to the North End? The Gazette article failed to mention any sort of grant money being awarded in the kingdom of Keweenaw County such as those that were awarded in three other local counties.

Of course, maybe another pulp mill will be proposed in...ah, where? Houghton or Baraga Counties, and would anyone from Keweenaw County raise all sorts of ••••?

We've heard about an individual who took aim with his automobile. I'd suggest he is but one out of many who are •••• tired of not having a large enough say in things, too. And if an individual like that does not vote then maybe that is saying volumns about our system as well. And maybe that in itself is saying something about what one believes possible in this country we live in.

How much energy has been expended on doing any •••• thing about making that site north of Mohawk an industrial zone? Oh, I forgot, that's just a lot of talk, too. Someone say something about Crosswinds? Certain people in this area may actually want to continue living here after high school. 120 spooks came to the door last night. How many will be here five years after they graduate?

Oh, I forgot, every kid wants to leave the ghetto.

By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Tuesday, October 31, 2000 - 10:11 pm:

A few comments relative to the issues at hand.

George Hite's analysis is, as usual, to the point and insightful. Carry on, George, you do good work!

Flowers on the ski-runs - nice thought. Unless I'm mistaken, Mother will take care of that issue in a major way, with her own hardy perinnials taking over any open space, as they do on any landing or logging road.

I accept that Crosswinds is an innovative and creative mass developer of housing. THAT is exactly why we are opposed to Crosswinds holding the future of KC in their grubby little paws. Stay tuned for the upcoming guest column on KT by Janet Shea, in which she addresses Lonie's refusal to comment on the future development surrounding the ski-hill. His prior comment about it 'just being about a ski-hill' was directly contradicted by his comments, or lack thereof, at the last Advisory Board meeting.

Hats off to the P&Z Board for their decision to go forward with a land use plan! Their call for the townships to initiate the process is logical and practical. Now it's up to us to get involved, each in his (her) own township, volunteering to serve and contribute to the process. Lets shock the 'powers that be' by being active and vocal, contrary to past history when no interest made this a dead issue.

Above all, whatever your feelings, go to the polls and vote on Tuesday. My comment to the Gazette was slightly misquoted, in that I said if you don't vote, you can't ••••• about the outcome later! This is OUR county, OUR home, and if we don't care enough to become involved and to vote, then the shame rests on us if it doesn't grow in the way we wish!

A NO vote sends a clear message to ALL developers that we require a voice in what happens to our home and our taxes!

By Art on Tuesday, October 31, 2000 - 05:54 pm:

Susie, I'm happy to see that you are cranking out some facts.

See you all at the meeting.

By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Tuesday, October 31, 2000 - 05:44 pm:

Planning and Zoning Board meeting at Eagle River Courthouse, 7:00 PM. See you there!

By Susie LeBlanc on Tuesday, October 31, 2000 - 04:41 pm:

Patrick E. Martin, Ph.D. in his archaeological Survey of LacLaBelle-Mt.Bohemia Site advised Lake Superior Land Company to place this Site in the National Register of Historic Places. They did not. Patrick E. Martin, Ph.D. recommended that if the Site were to be developed, the Developer respect this finding, and develop appropriately. Crosswinds did not. They blasted the "natural cave", mine entrance, Indian artifacts to "kingdom come" and Mr. Glieberman said they found nothing. This survey was paid for by you, the taxpayer. Now, someone is lying.

Congressman, Bart Stupak answered my first letter to him--"it is a local issue and should be settled locally" Mr. Stupak ansered my second letter to him concerning Indian Burial Grounds--"I understand that the KBIC supports claims that Native American burial remains were found during excavation work on Mt. Bohemia in early July. While no definitive answer has verified the remains as those of a Native American, it must be noted that burial remains found on private property are protected by law."
As no investigation was done on these remains and never verified, we really have no case. But then again, they were blown to "Kingdom Come". And, Mr. Glieberman denies any bones. Can we believe him?

We spend money on Survey Grants and it looks good on paper, but what do we do with the information? Did you see this survey, when it was paid for by your money and do you even care? When you say you don't care, it's good for the economy, we need the business, etc.--what you are really saying is that we can throw our money away and throw law and order out the window and have fun. For a Nation to survive, law and order must rule. A "Stop" sign must mean Stop. A Developer must follow the rules. Please care and Vote NO.

By Jon Maninga (Jon) on Tuesday, October 31, 2000 - 02:25 pm:

Dan, from what I remember both KT and DMG qualified the listed numbers as skiers (I have yet to see two people on one set of skis) - they said nothing about weather they were repeat visits or unique visits. In my opinion that is the number of people who will go to the hill - in year 5 that is 75,000 PEOPLE.

As for your Mackinac Bridge example - that would be the number of cars (and trucks and motorcycles) that crossed the bridge.

By Dan J. Kauppi on Tuesday, October 31, 2000 - 01:51 pm:

I would like to add a little note. From the beginning I have seen people really get upset over the projected numbers for Bohemia. To this I would like to make a couple of points.
1. Most often, the projected numbers would be based on USAGE or TICKETS SOLD and NOT the number of people. When the Macanac Bridge releases its numbers every year, Do you think they represent different people or just number of crossings.
2. I know Fort Wilkens State Park(A low intesity camp ground) has released numbers as high as 200,000 visitors a year. Does that mean 200,000 DIFFERENT people went through or stayed there or does it mean they had 200,000 visits.
3. One last example, If Keweenaw Today said that they had one million hits. Does that mean one million different people went on the site or does it mean that the site was hit one million times.

Lets put things in perspective.

By George Hite on Tuesday, October 31, 2000 - 01:27 pm:

Is, as its promoters claim, the Mt. Bohemia ski hill to be, "Next to Michigan Tech, the biggest contributor to the Keweenaw Economy"? Or. is it to be, as they also claim, simply a business activity of such little impact that it should be allowed in a Keweenaw County zoning district (CD-EP) created for the preservation of open space and low-intensity recreational uses? It's hard to believe it could be both. Are they trying to have it both ways?

Most likely, it's neither. Perhaps a plus for our all too snow dependent winter tourism trade, but hardly worthy of being hyped as in the same league as Tech. That's a bit like promoting the beautiful little Eagle River Bridge as "Next to the Portage Bridge, the biggest of Keweenaw bridges." Tech with its nearly $400 million physical plant, its $164 million annual budget, it's nearly 1,500 well paying jobs, and its 6,000 resident students is clearly the champ of the local heavyweight economic impact class.

In contrast, the ski hill promoters hawk an investment in ski facilities of less than 1% of Tech's plant, and proclaim a seasonal job base that is probably less than employed at just Tech's Student Union. The ski hill's economic punch would be the new money it attracts to the Copper Country; i.e., lodging, meal and entertainment dollars spent by skiers who don't live here. No one has publicized the estimated number of these snow season, mostly weekend, out-of-town visitors, but it's hard to imagine the dollars they might spend as more than a tiny fraction of what Tech's 6,000 students plunk into our Copper Country economy in the eight or nine months of their daily residence here - not to mention the dollars spent by their visiting families and friends.

Second only to Tech in economic impact? Makes one wonder about the relative economic impact of our forestry industry, our public schools and governments, our medical service systems, our summer vacationers, the snowmobilers, the "color season" travelers, yes, even the wave of retirees building and living in our community. Surely they have more impact than ski hills.

P.T.Barnum would be proud of whoever came up with the all too clever "Next to Tech" nonsense.

That's not to say a ski hill won't have impact. Indeed, the promoter's claim that the facility will attract nearly 76,000 skiers to the Lac La Belle slopes by its fifth year of operation suggests that this is hardly an activity that few would notice. That's a lot of people, a lot of vehicles, a lot of commotion in and about the Lac La Belle community. By comparison, the Porcupine Mountains ski hill attracted less than a third as many skiers in the last big snow year ('95-'96), and has since averaged just a bit over 16,000 skiers a season.

A ski hill on Mt Bohemia of the scale proposed may not be the economic bonanza it's promoters hype, but in terms of its operational impact on neighboring public and private facilities, it's hardly, as its promoters claim, a low intensity use of land.

A few recent visitors to the ski hill construction site have commented on how well the facility seems to be blending into the host hill - concluding that the facility is indeed a low intensity use of the land. That's akin to making an intensity of use judgement about a football stadium or a fair ground based on a visit to the site on a non-game or non-fair date. The key word in the zoning phrase "low intensity use" is "use". "Looks" are important, but the test of a facility's impact on the use and enjoyment of neighboring properties, its impact on local public facilities, its impact on nearby natural resources; and, as importantly, its consistency with the purposes for which the zoning district in which it is located was created, is what's going on when it's in operation.

The prospect of 76,000 skiers, their vehicles, busses, and scores of maintenance, supply and waste removal trucks and equipment all milling about Lac La Belle over the three, possibly four, months of a good snow season hardly fits a rational definition of a low intensity use. Nor does it seem consistent with the purposes for which the current zoning was created. It might be a good idea, but lets not fool ourselves - a ski hill is a busy place.

So, if we are not to blindly swoon at the economic impact hype excesses, or be lulled into indifference by pastoral mountain scenes, what are we to make of this ski hill proposal? Is it a good thing, or not?

Probably good, certainly for those of us who able to enjoy downhill skiing. And, for all of us if it's well planned, with adequate public oversight to assure that appropriate measures are taken to mitigate any possible adverse operational impacts on nearby private properties, and on public facilities and resources.

It's important to note that a "ski hill" is not the same as a "ski resort". A ski resort, with its attendant restaurants, bars, retail shops, conference facilities, and rental and for sale housing, etc. is a very different and much more intrusive use. The "Porkies" and Ripley are ski hills. Indianhead and Boyne Mountain are ski resorts.

The proposed ski hill's economic impact is insignificant compared to Tech's, but, nonetheless, important. Our collective economic well-being is increasingly dependent on the accumulative effect of hundreds of smaller investments in new businesses, recreational projects, public institutions, and housing. There are not likely any "Tech league" blockbuster economic impact investments in our future.

Our economic strength, as well as our strength as a livable community, depends on how well we plan for, how carefully and critically we review, and how skillfully we coordinate the development of these smaller individual investments.

Adequate public oversight, comprehensive planning and coordination of individual effort are exactly what have been missing from the Lac La Belle ski hill deliberation. That's correctable.

Keweenaw County voters can start making these corrections next Tuesday.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Tuesday, October 31, 2000 - 07:30 am:

Walt, I hate to rehash but as luck goes I got a chance at getting a almost new set of radon tires. This guy doesn't want me to tell who he is but assures me that anyone who knows race cars says these are really good in cold weather. I think the name brand is FREESTONE!!! Says they are the best for cold, I can hardly believe the price and my on going luck!!!He must be doing good cause the pile of these tires is huge, some had big chuncks out of them, I asked why was this, he told me that the factory was looking into why they hold up so well up here. Talk about state of the art.
I have a paint job going too, my painter says that low temp 35 paint can't be applied in sunny weather, says it will buckle up. He said today and tommorrow is supposed to be sunny so he's going hunting again. One more case of people watching out for my welfare. I might go hunting too cause I would hate to screw things up by painting today. By the way , can I use buck shot for bird hunting?

By TED SULLIVAN on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 10:58 pm:


By Jeff Buckett (Jeff) on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 10:39 pm:

Apparently this is one of those political years where the night-sky is revealing alien constellations. If you think the ski-hill vote ramifications are more complicated than they at first appear, you are neither alone nor a single-issue fanatic. What you may think you're voting for on many issues is not necessarily what you might finally get in the end.
The following is excerpted from George Will's Sunday column in the Washington Post:

"Political astronomers adept at charting conflicting forces in the social solar system should study Michigan, where Bush could be hurt by a conservative measure--a splendid school choice voucher initiative targeted at failing inner-city schools--that could enlarge Michigan's turnout. It is supported by the Catholic hierarchy, whose schools would benefit from an enlargement of the pool of pupils empowered to exercise choice. But this initiative may increase the turnout of Catholics, including Democratic Catholics, and African Americans, who will vote for the initiative and for Gore."

God Bless America!

By Art on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 10:19 pm:

Anyone else see the new commercial launched by the Commitee for a Better Keweenaw County Economy? The spots are running aroung the 6 & 11 o'clock news'. I'd like to hear what you all think of it..........

By Walt on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 09:02 pm:

A recap of a Gazette article, June 17,2000.

The article detailed a voter registration increase;
Grant Township went from 169 3/23 to 185 6/15
Allouez Township 1,159 3/23 1,148 6/15
Eagle Harbor Township 220 3/23 223 6/15
Houghton Township 109 3/23 110 6/15
Sherman Township 52 3/23 51 6/15
Total ……………………….1,709 3/23 1,717 6/15
Note: Allouez Township, that includes the Village of Ahmeek, the village where residents do not have a vote on Proposal B, had 11 fewer registered voters between March and June of this year.

Grant township saw the biggest increase between March and June, with an
Additional 16 registered voters--a number that offsets the loss of the 11 registered voters in Allouez Township, that includes the Village of Ahmeek.

Anyone else curious?

By Walt on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 09:00 pm:

Some other grant money awarded this year.

An $82,000 CDBG sewer-extension project in Chassell, expected to create 10 new jobs at Anderson Welding--a costy to taxpayers of $8,280 per job

In Baraga Village, a $105,000 CDBG for road work, utilities and engineering at K&D Fabricating Inc. should create 12 new jobs at a cost of $8,750 per job.

In Ontanagon, a $191,700 Industrial Park Loan will build a road and extend water and sewer service to the White Pine Industrial park with the hope of creating 50 or so jobs.

The above were reported in the April 22, 2000 issue of the Daily Mining Gazette.

By Joe Skoglund on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 08:58 pm:

Jon and all:

Note on the MI Skier link referenced by Jon in earlier message, the paragraph below Searchmont reads:

(October 2- Wakefield, MI) -- A group of investors led by Roger and Brett Stangeland
has agreed to purchase Indianhead Mountain Resort. The group won the right to take over the ski area with a winning bid of $2.375 million in federal bankruptcy court last week,
according to the Ironwood Daily Globe. The Stangelands have said they intend to reopen the ski area for the Thanksgiving weekend and are reportedly about to begin interviewing former employees to fill positions. The year-round resort filed for bankruptcy this past May, listing
assets of $4.2 million and liabilities of $4.3 million. Stay tuned for further developments."

The glass is either half empty or half full, its all what you choose to believe in. Focus on the positive for the U.P. economy folks! VOTE YES!!!

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 07:10 pm:

Jim, thanks for clearing that up. I am waiting for this vote to happen in the worst way. You as I have lived this story and have seen the chances for a better future go by one by one. We are not getting any younger. I am glad to see you on this site, its better than the other one and no problems. Sometime I get kicked over to the ranting side but no big deal. Have you heard where Gary is? I can't believe this guy, he'll show up stir the pot and away he goes!
What percent of people you talk to are going in favor of the ski hill?

By Jim Pearce on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 04:56 pm:

I would like to address a few myths here.

1. This developer Crosswinds didnt just fly in this spring and want to build a ski hill. They were invited here by folks who were looking for eco-friendly tourism. They invested at least 2 years looking at the area trying to meet folks and get input. Most people just blew them off saying, " It'll never happen." Now they've spent all this energy and money putting this deal together and people expect them to just stop. GIVE ME A BREAK.

2. People are saying that this hill will bring development. I agree it will bring some. I do not believe it will bring more than what is comming anyway. The problem is people have had blinders on for years. Only now they have a major corp. for a scapegoat. David vs. Goliath everone likes an underdog.

3. People are saying, crosswinds is building illeagally. My question is, if this is so why cant they be stopped? Are our judges and courts corrupt?

4. The opposition to Crosswinds is saying they're corrupt for wanting a grant for the sewer. An Economic Development Grant, which the state says is rarely ever turned down. My question, Why not ask for a grant to help defray the huge risk Crosswinds is taking? Yet, the opposition claims the only reason Crosswinds is doing this is for development. Sounds like a contradiction to me.

5. Susie askes, why doesn't anyone care about the Indian sites. Because, there is no proof or any substancial proof that they exist. Furthermore the Lac La Belle site that Dr. Martin refers to is darn near under the Lac La Belle fire hall. This would tell me that the South Shore Assoc. and Grant Township, have done a further injustice to the peoples and history of the Copper Culture, than Crosswinds ever thought of.

6. I'm not telling people to vote one way or the other. I'm just asking people to be informed and don't believe misconceptions.

By Jon Maninga (Jon) on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 02:27 pm:

To all:

Here is an article about another ski destination: http://www.michiganskier.com/news.htm#SEARCHMONT SITUATION DIRE Who says the hill will be a success. This one is well established! Granted there are few details but if this one failed......

Note: you may have to click on the link for Searchmont to be able to read the story.

By Art on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 02:14 pm:

I wanted to add a nice update also.
Yesterday I hiked the back country with one of my friends who works up there. It was amazing. The Bohemia back country will bring expert skiers from all over. Of course, I won't be shooting those cliffs anytime soon, give me a year or two. The view was AWESOME.
Destruction of the Mountain? NO WAY JOSE' Every hardwood tree has been preserved in the backcountry. Just the brush has been cleared. See you all on the slopes,

By Art on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 02:04 pm:

Ken Pierson: Correction
Crosswinds said they would bring in $60,000,000 to the Economy in the next 5 years, not the hill alone. This includes all businesses Houghton and north.

Susie, here we go again,
Prove to us ONE THING that Crosswinds/Bear has done illegally on that hill.

Tax increases? Taxes will always increase in the future, no matter what happens in the county. Ski hill or no ski hill, taxes WILL gradually go up. We all know, there is a limit on how much they can be increased every so many years.

Who were the people that added on to there house down that way without any permits? I heard they got caught and got slapped with some fines. Talk about doing things legally and illegally.


By Ken Pierson on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 01:20 pm:

A little math quiz:
Crosswinds claims they will bring $60,000,000 to Bohemia over 5 years. Let's assume they hit full capacity from opening day. That's 12 million in the first year, but that has to come in during the ski season (150 days). Today on WMPL Lonnie Gleeful-one said the hill would never have more than 500 people a day. Let's assume they average that every day.

How much will a daily pass cost?

By Susie LeBlanc on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 01:09 pm:

Down to the wire, so give it your best shot! A Developer comes to town and talks to some greedy opportunists and builds a ski-hill. This Developer, Crosswinds, ignores the peoples' concerns, ignores the DNR, DEQ, etc., ignores the definition of CD-EP or even RS and builds his ski-hill. Why? Because he wants to--to make money.. He builds the hill illegally and convinces the needy and the greedy that it is just what they need. $$$ & have lots of fun. Now when he says they will pay taxes and bring you tax relief. A lie. All new development raises land values and thus, you pay more taxes. Special Assessments always follow new development (Motels, Marina's, golf courses, RV'ing, kayaking, homes, condos). Why did he want that sewer grant? He did'nt want to pay for the maintenance and liability when the overload contaminates LacLaBelle. Simple, isn't it?

As quoted in Patrick E. Martin PH-D, Houghton, Mi.: "the presence of an extensive assemblage of copper artifacts, and the relative lack of high quality scientific information on the prehistoric inhabitants of this area combine to make this site complex, important. This significance has been formally recognized in a nomination of the LacLaBelle Site to the National Register of Historic Places. As of this writing, the site has not been added to the Register, and the landowner (Lake Superior Land Company) has objected to listing" and, "Incorporation of historic landscape features, such as the original mine road, can enhance site development. And, recognition of the developer as a responsible "corporate citizen" can provide great community and public relations benefits. In this instance, preservation is not only desirable from the citizen's perspective, but also from a business perspective."

Why has Crosswinds ignored this EXTENDED PHASE ONE SURVEY? Because he doesn't care. Why didn't the Keweenaw County Board, Native Americans, Keweenaw Tourism Counsel, DEQ, DNR, etc and Community care? It's not too late to care, so VOTE NO.

And, Mitch, WMPL, Thanks for our spot on the radio, but you practically fell all over yourself in your interview with Mr. Glieberman. Did he give you a rough time? I liked the way he brought Gary Kohs into it, some political strategy. Gary Kohs is a Concerned Citizen of Keweenaw County and no more or less than that. Why would he need to talk to you, when he can express his voice in his vote. Good SHOW, though.

By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 10:41 am:

The reason KC is in the current turmoil is that we didn't have a clear, comprehensive land use plan and zoning in place, for whatever past history reasons that are irrelevant now. Our job now is to send a clear message to Crosswinds that we want oversight on what happens to this county, and a NO vote will do that.

The next job is to put in place such a plan and firm zoning, developed by and agreed to by KC citizens and taxpayers. That will place sensible limits and controls on the next developer that comes in here wanting to dictate to us.

I am not anti-development or anti-growth, I supported YSI while on the EDC and firmly believe the L-P site north of Mowhawk should be utilized for a value-added manufacturing or processing operation. But I do believe we must take the future into our own hands and lay out a plan that assures access to, and preservation of, undeveloped land for hunting, fishing and recreation. It will be hard work, and only to the degree we are willing to participate will we achieve a plan agreeable to all.

Responsible future investors in the county can then come in, assured that what they see in the zoning ordinances is what the citizens will permit and not worry about the type situation we are now in the midst of. Would this not be a win-win scenario for all concerned? Vote NO!.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 08:31 am:

You know, I mean that with all the changes happening so fast in my life I must amit that I have been really blessed with good luck! My old truck wouldn't have looked as good with those new radon tires you brag about, so last year as in the past I have picked my tires up at Patricks junk yard, he was more than willing to give me a deal too. Three were kinda like new and one was new cause it had wire grips comming out of one side. He told me that was for tracktion on cornnors. He only had one of those but said as long as I stayed off the five mile point road I would be fine. As for the air change last year it must have been done by my kid. Hes always thinking too. So once again thanks for filling me in on another winter tip, Like I said before if everyone would look at the facts we would all live better. VOTE YES

By Walt on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 06:28 am:

Actually, what may have happened last year, in your case, was the gradual acclimation of the summer air in your tires. You'll remember that the past several winters, winter was slower in coming around--so the summer air in your tires was able to adapt.

Or, it could be that the attendant at the gas station made the change for you, without you realizing it--just another great service for which the kind people of the area are known!

If folk will be sticking around for the vote, perhaps we should get the word out about winter air. After all, we can't be guaranteed winter's gradual arrival.

P.S. Winter air is a relatively new concept. Prior to the need for changing from summer air to winter, and back again in the spring, the air was changed with the changing from summer to winter tires. While technology has come up with the radial tire, safe under most conditions, it failed to foresee the matter of air.

In fact, unless I've been misled, there are three characters over in anonymous who will be setting up shop on side of the road with a portable compressor to offer winter air to the new tourists. I guess they're anticipating a need for winter work.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Sunday, October 29, 2000 - 11:43 pm:

Walt, being that I want to be ready for anything that winter has to offer I went out and got my air changed. It took awhile to find the gas station with the air I needed so badly but finally got some,(reasonable). The four stations I tried before I found that winter air had none but the attendants were smileing and told me where next to try. The old BUCK at the station which was for sale told me that I was lucky to have gottten what I did cause he was running low. I thought two bucks a tire was a deal and that included a pressure check, thanks again for the tip. I must have been living right last year cause I got by with the summer stuff. Some people are just lucky I guess. By the way vote YES!!!!

By Walt Anderson on Sunday, October 29, 2000 - 07:26 pm:

With winter fast approaching, it isn't too late to stop at your local service station and have the attendant put winter air in your tires.

Remember, it's important to change over to winter air in your tires before the snow falls!

By Ken Pierson on Sunday, October 29, 2000 - 06:50 pm:

Some subtle "Mount Bohemia" humor over in today's Pasty Cam.

By Jean McGrath on Sunday, October 29, 2000 - 02:15 pm:

Thanks Art for the report about the northern lights, last night I posted a alert that I picked up off the web, here is the link to the site.


By ted sullivan on Sunday, October 29, 2000 - 01:32 pm:

note! while walking on the main road in central -- this afternoon i saw a person[his name is not important] closing down the homes on the east side of town for the owners who left for the winter-when the hired hand hollered out to my dog--i stated they are people dogs -they cause no problem--he then informe me that he had set out dishes of anti-freeze on the ground around the camps to poison the rodents-after informing him of the fact that there are a lot of pets walked in central not just mine--he said he did not think of the danger--and removed the containers-just a bit of informationand and reminder that one should not leave such poisons open--

By Art Davis on Sunday, October 29, 2000 - 01:20 pm:

The Northern Lights were out last night for almost 11 HOURS!!! They started at sundown, I could see them at 7:30pm and lasted until 6 this morning my neighbor tells me. They were beautiful green, and slight hints of pink when I watched them.

(a new saying I picked up from a future reference)

By Arlene Gunnari on Sunday, October 29, 2000 - 01:15 pm:

My husband has to use a blind to be able to deer hunt because of a heart condition. There was an old one there that he was going to remove when he replaced it with a new one. He went this morning to check it and it was burnt down to the ground along with some one else's who was in the area. The police are going to be notified.

Now I realise some people don't like deer hunting but to start something on fire when the bush is so dry is completely insane, someone could have been killed. Had the other one gotten out of control it would have burnt the whole bush because it never would have been detected in time.
Then people wonder why the land companies are having fits, with this kind of behavior can you blame them. They are not only forcing their beliefs on other people but they are also endangering the public with their recklessness. They should be run out of here on a rail if we still had any but I can't believe anyone of this area can in any way justify this stupidity.
Go check your blinds and hopefully you won't find what he did and above all else enjoy the woods. Our grandson that was with him sure got a good lesson of how you are suppsed to respect the bush now didn't he. If the person responsible is out there thank you for the damage you have caused and could have caused. We have had some wind that would have really set things to going.

I will close here and I apologize for my rambling but this is completely insane and unforgiveable by anyone's standards.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Sunday, October 29, 2000 - 09:10 am:

What beautiful weather! If this alone is enough than so be it. A word or two about the twisted web we weave.
Being a early morning person I sit and reflect on years past, wondering if the change that is comming is too early or too late? I think just maybe it is right on time. YSI to this point has been the one company to bail us out for the last three years. Some at the time thought that this place would create a criminal crop of misfits, and the like. Well to this point it has created about 125 jobs for a lot of people in the two county area! 4 people from Eagle River alone, about 15 % of the total population here. I know that sounds funny but 4 secure people are four more than 4 years ago. Point is Eagle River held its own in year around residents. The people that left us were Alan Long, Ray Bant, Florence Mihelcich (my Mom), The lady from the general store in Eagle River just threw in the towel, out of business done and gone. No more ice cream cones for me and my daughter Julia. I really used to like those cones after a walk on the beach!
To make a long story short we as a county need not only the flatlanders to come and retire we also need the young and fertile to replace some of the old but not forgotten, so the moral of the story is A BIRD IN THE HAND IS BETTER THAN TWO IN THE BUSH!!! VOTE YES FOR THE YOUNG AND OLD TOO!!!!

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