Week Ending Oct 28

Keweenaw Issues: Responsible Opinions: 2000: October: Week Ending Oct 28
An archive of previous comments

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Saturday, October 28, 2000 - 11:02 pm:

Sandy, your reasons for not wanting a hill or anything else are weak at best. If you want a true land plan useage then only a few of us who have been here all along deserve the pen. You paint a one sided picture that is at best far fetched. What this county needs is people who are willing to step forward and make things happen. Yes just like Crosswinds, they have enough base to carry through with a project till it can make a profit. My hats off to them just for not telling us all to go jump in the lake. Your business failed for many reasos not just one season of low snow. I believe you over did things and were too stubborn to shut down at the low times of the year. Crosswinds will fill in some of those blanks when they put up the snow making machines. I wish they would put them up next year. You know as well as I that man made snow will carry the season a month longer than just the natural. Heck maybe there will be sking in April, now wouldn't that help out a lot. Yes we will see when the votes are counted. I bet our county atty. won't get the support she is looking for. Her weekends at Lac La Belle won't be upset at all. The snowmobilers make more noise than the swish of skis. Sometime it is not the best thing to want everything, but all most for the hill want is something!!! I do not want to live my whole life and have nothing new in it, I want to leave my kids at least a base to carry on the lifestyles we have. I also want more flatlanders to come here and live too, we need more year around residents period. There is plenty of land being saveed for the birds and such. This development will help to stableize the county,it may not be the cure all but at least it is a start towards a secure future for our children. How does that saying go (YOU CAN'T LIVE ON LOVE ALONE) VOTE YESSS!!!!!!!

By Jeff Buckett (Jeff) on Saturday, October 28, 2000 - 10:47 pm:

The Michigan Court of Appeals won't hear a Mount Bohemia-related appeal on an emergency basis before the Nov. 7 referendum on the hill's rezoning, a court clerk said today.
"The order reads that this court cannot schedule this matter for case call prior to the Nov. 7 referendum," clerk Barbara Wysong said. "We'll still hear this case as an appeal, but we won't be expediting it."(italics mine)
Wysong wasn't sure how long it would be before the case would be heard by a three-judge panel, but said it could be heard sooner than the normal 18 months(italics mine) because the necessary paperwork from both sides is expected to be submitted in full soon.'

From a recent Roger Wickstrom story at on-line DMG

Has anyone else thought about the probable implications of Clerk Wysong's statement? It could well be months before the County Prosecutor's "appeal" is heard by the State Appellate Court. The injunction against construction at the ski-hill is on hold until this court rules.
According to the Zoning Ordinance, punishment for the alleged violation of the zoning permit law is a $100 fine or up to 90 days in jail. Some representative of Black Bear may have to pay up or serve time, but it won't likely be anytime soon.
There will be a ski-hill this winter whether you vote YES or NO.
A NO vote will at least send a message that the people of Keweenaw County are not pleased with Black Bear's behavior and that they are mobilizing to determine their own future before some corporation(s) does it all for them.
I still like the idea of allowing a ski-hill under CD-EP with special uses granted for cabins and ski-lift. It is a doable and reasonable compromise that could serve everyone's interests in this matter.

By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Saturday, October 28, 2000 - 09:28 pm:

Lisa - I think its going to be interesting on Nov. 7th to see WHICH silent majority speaks. And whichever one it is, I will say 'so be it'.

Wish I could post on the commentary at KT, but it kicks me off the site. In the Brinkman issue, I think justice prevailed. There were many ins and outs, many grey areas, but I think (for whatever that is worth) the correct decision was made. Also, many, many thanks to Charles Buck for posting the septic applications on the Keweenaw Liberty Library (see anonymous rantings). He does a great service to those seeking truth!

By LISA on Saturday, October 28, 2000 - 09:14 pm:


By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Saturday, October 28, 2000 - 09:05 pm:

Paul - there is no 'right' or 'wrong' here, only two very different perceptions of what the future of Keweenaw should be. As for watching a company being bullied out of the area, I'm afraid my perception of and reaction to Crosswinds is that they've tried their best to bully us, and I don't like it, and I'm not alone!

The County Boards have been trying for years to get the L-P site north of Mohawk for a small industrial park, and now that remediation has been started, that may come to pass shortly. We are not against logical growth, where infrastructure is already in place to serve it.

All we want to see is protection from additional development until ALL Keweenaw County residents and taxpayers have had the opportunity to contribute to a master plan for the county, delineating areas for whatever uses ALL the interested parties deem important. That means you, me, IP, everyone.

Art - this would be a most wonderful world if we could ALL get along. In the meantime, I think we should do the best we can, and even tho many of us have varying opinions, that doesn't mean we can't be civil, polite and respectful to each other. And, trust me, you don't want to take a loan to open and operate a business at the end of the world! Short winters don't make mortgage payments!

Related uses for a ski-hill usually boil down to, among other things, residential development. Section 31 west of LacLaBelle is included in the project area, but is not part of Mt. Bohemia as such. What is your guess as to its eventual fate?

Food for thought?

By LMT on Saturday, October 28, 2000 - 08:49 pm:

Hey everyone,

Well you all seem to have been busy lil beavers since I saw you all last.
Walt, here's your reply,
Everyone that has been having a bloomin' fit about controlling developement wants to hold off on the ski hill, so they can have responsible developement. They are all havin' nightmares of the UNCONTROLED developement that will surely follow the hills birth.
I will say this here as I have said to a few others, "I don't see a heckava lot of big business beating on the door, they aren't now and haven't been for the last 20 or more years folks," people are using this as a scare tactic to keep ANY DEVELOPEMENT from coming; or should I say any developement that these saviors of the Keweenaw don't approve of, can't get in on, or didn't think of.
Give it a rest the holier than thou image is tarnished with lack of polish folks. (Except around the noses that have a distinct brown cast to them).
If you all are willing to go to the polls and again let these little feifdom owners dictate to you what is best, then you deserve what you get, I personally think they cannot stand the thought that the silent majority has now got a chance to stand up for their future and the future of the community that they live in.
If you all are tired of not having a chance to break the cycle of browbeating, not to mention just plain using their standing in the community, whether it is as a resident, business owner, elected official, neighbor, transplant or part-time resident, I urge you to do the right thing, the smart thing, and GO TO THE POLLS AND VOTE YESSSS!!!, and if I was there I too would leave a blank in the spot where you would have no choice but to vote for someone who will be elected just because no one has chosen to run against her.
Now I will get off my soapbox, and let someone else take the floor, hopefully not to dust it with me, and the concerns I feel so strongly about.
Just my opinion after all.
Ms. Pelto, addressed the related uses at the meeting in Eagle Harbor, when it was brought up, she said I believe that it would be related uses as in a ski hill or resort. I would think the boards would have a say on what is put in there?
Speaking of conflict of interest as far as Frank is concerned, there is a memeber of the board who works for the Keweenaw Today site as a business manager and is also on the board, why no one is saying anything about that I haven't a clue.
I have said it before, it's easy to find a conflict of interest up there, look around you can find them for everyone. I know it is easy to do, but you should be wise when saying so don't ya think hey?

By Jean McGrath on Saturday, October 28, 2000 - 06:08 pm:

Hello to all the good people of the Keweenaw, tonight has the promise of a very good show of the Aurora Borealis - The Northern Lights. So go outside this evening and enjoy the stars and if you are lucky one of the special treats of the Keweenaw. As a person who enjoys only a couple of weeks a year of this special place, I can only hope and pray that the majesty of this precious place will be preserved for all of our children and grandchildren.

By Walt on Saturday, October 28, 2000 - 03:16 pm:

Jon, Sandy,
What words precede "and related uses"?

I thought one aspect of the vote would be to add ski something and related uses to RS Zoning, to add this something as item #12 in a list 11 items long.

My question is: How is item #12 ski something and related uses going to open floodgates of development that have not already opened with the preceding 11 permitted uses?

Or am I wrong to assume much of the above, wrong to assume "and" means something other than it does?

And there's not reply at all
There's no reply at all.

By Jon Maninga (Jon) on Saturday, October 28, 2000 - 02:09 pm:

To all,

Can anyone say what is a related use will be for a ski hill?

In my personal opinion, it can be just about ANYTHING that the developer wants...as long as they can justify it. But in RS that does not have to be done right????

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Saturday, October 28, 2000 - 01:19 pm:

Sandy, why would I chill out? I plan on staying here for the rest of my life. I lived this last thirty or so years with my friends going out of business one after another. What are you trying to prove? I find it hard to believe that the landing could not have used the extra business that will be created by th new ski area. You are on a mission for what you believe and so am I. I refuse to lay down again and watch another company be bullied out of this area by all of the save the Keweenaw for me people. You know in your heart that this area needs Crosswinds to help get us at least get something going here. Don't mistake me for a person who will shut up cause of legal scare tactics. Nope I am through watching the save Keweenaw people stop jobs and industry. I along with a lot others who still pay taxes are concerned that we are too few to handle the riseing costs of maintaining this county. Heck I can't believe that we are spending our tax dollars on atty. costs that could be going else where. I will not die on the vine like a lot who stood mute to opposition. I am sick and tired of your side crying foul when you are the ones who are in the wrong. Our atty. on this matter should have removed herself a long time ago and you know it. I will no longer look at county matters from afar like a TREE FULL OF OWLS. Take growth with new ideas to improve what we have and not to push it away. You should grow up to the fact the hill will open and stop wasteing your time with foolish self interests along with the rest of the boo birds. Don't forget it is WE the residents of Keweenaw County NOT I! I! I!


By Art on Saturday, October 28, 2000 - 01:16 pm:

No signs missing in the harbor yet, can't we all just get along?

By Art on Saturday, October 28, 2000 - 01:14 pm:

You do need change for a community to survive. You need development also. People aren't going to keep coming here to see the same things over and over. Younger people have totally different views than their parents, I'm a perfect example. The wilderness will always be here, there will always be people to make sure of that. Crosswinds has done their best to keep as much wilderness as possible on the hill. How many runs are there this year? 17. How many can you see from the base? Maybe 5 at most. That mountain looks ten times more natural than clear-cut hills like MQT and Ripley.
We'll be lucky if at worst this thing falls through, that someone doesn't buy the property and clear cut it, blast the whole mountain away and use it as a gravel pit. This is allowed in CD-EP, and people are saying a ski hill has a bigger impact on the land. I don't think so.
The past 3 years in summer tourism have been down in the harbor. We need new attractions and new job opportunities to get people to come here and enjoy themselves.
The main reason I'm all about the ski hill is because it will bring "A needed increase in tourism." I assure you that you all will hear this phrase many times in the future. This hill gives my sister, brother in-law, and I a chance to expand our family business and make a living here YEAR-ROUND. The keweenaw is where I want to stay, and I'm positive I will GROW and CHANGE with it. Call me greedy, but before you do, how greedy are all of those who are trying to control someone elses land? How about people that are trying to vote down a great opportunity for the county?
I just had to get all of this off my back, forgive me for rambling on.

I'm staying here this winter, and I did find a job, at the ski hill. That's proof right there that it's already going to help the local economy.
As far as a "good time, rock & roll party", I think I'll take out a loan and build a nice night club on some already-zoned RS property right along the roadside in Lac La Belle. I'll name it Bohemia Nights. :-) (smily face)
That's all I have to say for now.

By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Saturday, October 28, 2000 - 10:34 am:

Arlene - I have to agree with you, some twit is getting his jollies by ripping off signs, in total disregard of citizens' right to express their opinions. Last night we did a quick tally and found that between 40 and 45 VOTE NO signs had been removed all over Keweenaw County on Thursday night. Do you have any numbers on the VOTE YES signs? If caught, I'm sure the sheriff will have choice words for the perp! By the way, the unauthorized placement was in Gay, e-mail me privately for details.

Paul - one more time, the ski hill would have had no effect on the Landing, because the ski season is even shorter than the sledding season without snow-making equipment. The actions of the County Boards are ruled by the LAW, not any one person. As for your silly conflict of interest, the lighthouse sale was in Donna's aunt's branch of the family, not hers. Chill out already!

To give Keweenaw County the time to create a land use plan agreeable to all, VOTE NO. Remember the last phrase of the amended language "and related uses"!

By Susie LeBlanc on Saturday, October 28, 2000 - 10:22 am:

Who set the bounty on the "NO" Signs? 39 Signs are missing and trashed from Phoenix to LacLaBelle, to Lil Betsy, to Gay, to Mohawk. The cost of these signs is approximately $5.00. Money is hard to come by at this grass roots level, but also, more frightening, is this "trashing" is against the law (illegal); it takes free speech away. Our Nation has fought many wars for this and many good men and women have died for this.

The Sheriff has been notified, and we have a description of the truck that went through the South Shore at 4 in the morning. A dog barked, woke up the owner and she has even a partial license #. The signs in Phoenix were trashed by a 4-Track. We are asking all citizens of Keweenaw County to be on the alert and report any suspicious happenings.

I think the "BIG DEVELOPERS" of this world have an effect on people--some good, some bad. The good has brought people together to fight for a common cause--their land and free speech. The bad has bred arrogance, greed and disregard for one's neighbor. Remember, our cause is only for free speech and upholding the law. If a permit is needed, get a permit. Vote NO on B. Vote no to threats, intimidation and big development.

Art: You don't read very well or spell accurately! Yes, I cheated on the "Star" ditty, but am confident my wish will be granted. People have to realize what's at stake here. It is not a ski-hill, it is development. $$$ Why can't you see that? That is one thing we should come together on, why do you want to throw this land away? Why did you stay here if there
was no jobs or you wanted a "good time, rock-&-roll" Party? We can argue about politics all day, but the basic issue is our way of life. If you are bitter, frustrated, move away. But, anyway, let's let it up to the people, it is the democratic way

Please prove to me Crosswinds has permits and doesn't plan to develop LacLaBelle. My proof is in the Feasibility Study that Crosswinds has not denied being presented with. No Ski-Hill pays for itself without Development, that is where the inflated "Gazette" figures come from. Mr Glieberman has also refused to answer a question on that development at his Advisory Bd Meeting, many people were there. More on that later...
So, good people, open your eyes and let the sun shine in.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Friday, October 27, 2000 - 11:22 pm:

Where is Gary? I wonder if any of this B.S. would be happening if he didn't show up. Don't make sense to me.
O.K. lets look at facts for a minute. Sandy lost her business cause lack of business. If the hill don't go who's next?
Our county atty. is one card short of a full deck,conflict of interest is screaming at us but still she rules the boards. Whats next
The ski hill is built but is being hindered by no other than red next
Our local ecomony is going to be dead next

VOTE YES NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By Arlene Gunnari on Friday, October 27, 2000 - 06:45 pm:

Cousin Jack2,
Why don't you place the blame where it belongs, with some self serving individual who is taking both the pro and anti signs down and not just destroying them but taking them period. I have had signs taken right from private yards, where they actually drove into the yard to do it. They are having their kicks getting all to point fingers but they are not being select but to both. For what reason we will never know but it has been this lack of respect for others property that has gotten us to where we are now.
We all have our right to think what we want but this display of ignorance should not be tolerated by anyone.

Hope you have a great day.

By Art on Friday, October 27, 2000 - 06:37 pm:

Cousin jack,
Tire tracks are one thing, bent frames, and signs lying a few feet from where they were are another.
I have replaced many signs that have been blown over, as most of us sign posters know, it isn't exactly easy to push them down between the rocks and gravel. Who says I'm trying to pass on BS? All I said is what I was doing in replacing some signs. Mafor weather in Mqt. forecasted gale force winds and gusts up to 40mph today.
Hurricane force winds? PLEASE..........
A quick 20mph gust could blow away most of the no signs since they're so cheaply constructed. hehe
By the way,

By Art on Friday, October 27, 2000 - 05:24 pm:

Last night late, and today has been very windy, my friend and I straightened out and re-posted 16 yes and no signs alike.

By art on Friday, October 27, 2000 - 05:14 pm:

Ok Sue,
I have to respond to your posts because I find them very inacurate. You have contradicted yourself in your last two posts, I will point them out if you like. Remember, I have friends on both sides of this, and it's nothing personal. I don't want any enemies in such a small community.
Everything crosswinds has done, has been within the law, permits and all. There are no mention of golf courses or condos in Bear's plan. Lac la Belle already has a marina, why would Bear build another one? Also, a funny little superstition I learned when I was little, you said "star light, star bright,"...... Don't you know if you tell people your wish, it doesn't come true?

By Arlene Gunnari on Friday, October 27, 2000 - 11:18 am:


In whose yard were these signs placed without premission. I would like to know because I have placed some out myself, with the permission and urging from them and only to have it taken from their private property. So please let us know who has been used in this way. Thank you for the clarification.

By Arlene Gunnari on Friday, October 27, 2000 - 10:58 am:


Judge Hood denied Keweenaw Counties Prosecuting Atty. injustion to stop all advancement on Mt. Bohemia because of her lack of evidence, lack of any professional representation and nothing to back her up but but HER opinion which took her almost 2 hours to do. He did tell the Zoning Board they Shall meet and Do their jobs by defining the zoning laws. He did not tell them to change the laws but to DEFINE them and to Clarify them which was causing all the concern. This has not been done yet because of her advice. This is completely unfair to the Citizens of Keweenaw County. It has caused a great deal of unnecessary confusion to all.

I will agree with you on one point however, and that is Quote, "we know we need to WATCH our resentatives of the the people much more closely--we do pay their salaries". I for one have not been in any way impressed by the behavior of P.A. and will most definitely leave the space for her vote vacant. I do not feel she is serving the people of Keweenaw County by inhibiting the ZBA from doing their job which the people are entitled to expect them to do.


By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Friday, October 27, 2000 - 10:29 am:

Is it a sign of panic or just the same old "We know what's best for you" mentality that is prompting removal and running over of VOTE NO signs, and even placing VOTE YES signs in yards without asking the owner? I find it disgusting, not to mention that removal of signs IS theft and thus a misdemeanor.

By Susie LeBlanc on Friday, October 27, 2000 - 09:51 am:

Good Morning: Crosswinds has done one good thing, it has brought awareness into the community, we know we need to watch our representatives of the people much more closely--we do pay their salary.

LYNN: Judge Hood neglected the petition filed by the Prosecuting Atty which was: An Injunction to uphold the Referendum, filed by the people of Keweenaw County, which was to define zoning. This Referendum should have stopped all construction in the interim. Judge Hood ignored the issue, and ruled on the Zoning Board's closed door session, thus allowing Crosswinds to build a ski-hill.

WALT: You prove my point. We need Zoning and awareness.

The Village of Ahmeek cannot vote, because they chose to be an Village, Inc. Why they agreed to this, who knows. It was their decision, maybe legally they can get back on track, with some help. And, of course--Vote NO.

By Walt on Friday, October 27, 2000 - 05:35 am:

Was your woodshed light on or off when you gazed up at the stars?
Not too long ago, in an ocean far away, I walked out on the weatherdeck and looked up. There were more stars visible than I ever thought possible.

I can think of all kinds of construction that has happened in the past here without permits. And I don't have to look very far into the past to find it. Try yesterday.

Or even longer. Shoot, after grandpa built the woodshed, he put in a 250 gallon drum for a septic to serve that sometime camp, now a full-time residence. So who wins. Who is right?

By Sue on Thursday, October 26, 2000 - 09:42 pm:

Yes, the Village of Lake Linden is incorporated. We were allowed to participate in the Houghton County Jail issue too.

By Walt on Thursday, October 26, 2000 - 09:12 pm:

I'm not aware of any issue in Houghton County regarding zoning that has been as contentious as the issue surrounding Bohemia.

Perhaps the jail issue. And the people all had a vote on that.

Does that help?

By Walt on Thursday, October 26, 2000 - 09:09 pm:

I don't know if the residents of Ahmeek would have been able to vote had a request been made soon. I don't know how they would vote, nor do I really care. I do care, however, that they can not vote, while a part-time resident can.

Now, who are the rich people taking advantage of who? Someone say something about carnival-barkers?

When placed alongside the drive to register part-time residents, and they are part-time residents if they only reside there part of the time, then the whole process stinks to heaven.

Back whenever the talk about the vote began, I kept waiting for someone to ask why the residents of Ahmeek could not vote--especially when a drive was undertaken for part-time residents to have a vote. No one asked. Or if they had, I missed it.

I fail to understand how in this country we claim is a democracy, we can be content with a part-time resident having a voice (fine, they have it apparently) while at the same time a full-time resident, a resident who lives here year round, a man or woman whose daily struggle is here, cannot vote, does not have a say.

So if everyone is happy with that, then I pity our children's future.

And if more jobs are a possibility, why shouldn't every citizen of the county have a say, a say for jobs that may provide that laid-off 20-year-old apprentice with a winter alternative, and if your life is so well-off that you could not possibly begin to understand that 20-year-old apprentices's life, then I suggest you stick around some winter, go to the grocery store and hang out. See how many anxious faces you count.

Or how about we allow a vote only street by street?

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Thursday, October 26, 2000 - 08:47 pm:

Does this make any sense. Our county atty may be trying to split our county into five seperate zones. One for each township,each to vote on their own zoning rules and laws. This would come after all the stall tactics are dragged out. The vote we are all looking forward to would then be void. Only Grant township residents would vote on the hill. I think this process has been started with the notice to the villag of Ahmeek. If the residents of Grant were the only to vote then maybe the boo birds would win. I think that the twisting of the law by our county atty. is not only in conflict with her wants but also AGAINST THE LAW. I say let all residents vote on the hill! VOTE YES AND WRITE IN YOUR CHOICE FOR COUNTY ATTY.

By Jon Maninga (Jon) on Thursday, October 26, 2000 - 11:08 am:

Walter N. Anderson,

Is the Village of Lake Linden Incorporated?

Can the residents of Lake Linden vote on Houghton county zoning? Or are there similar rules to what Ahmeek Village is facing?

I don't honestly know.

By Jon Maninga (Jon) on Thursday, October 26, 2000 - 10:56 am:


Ahmeek Village only covers its side of 41 (isn't it the west side?) Ahmeek Location is the other side.

By Lynn Torkelson (Ltorkelson) on Thursday, October 26, 2000 - 09:55 am:


The law that keeps Ahmeek from voting on the zoning sure doesn't seem right. Either everyone should be voting on just the zoning that affects his or her immediate surroundings or everyone should be voting on the zoning for the whole county. But I wonder if it would have been possible for this to have been fixed after the referendum was approved even if the Ahmeek folks had jumped on it right away. Can you change who the voters will be after a referendum is approved? Maybe a lawyer can post the answer. But this sure should be fixed along with any zoning law changes in the future.


I agree that no one should be building without the proper permits. But I don't recall that Judge Hood ordered the ZBA to make any particular decision. Didn't he just want them to get some input from citizens and some advice from experts before deciding whether CD-EP allowed ski hills? It seems to me that the straightforward approach would be to do exactly that. It would surely make the whole picture much clearer.

By Glenn Parks on Thursday, October 26, 2000 - 09:38 am:

Every city, village and township is required by state law to have a zoning ordinance in place. The zoning is usually set by the local governing body/residents, Keweenaw County is one of the few counties in Michigan that has county wide zoning, most anywhere else each township would have their own zoning seperate from any neighboring townships, cities or villages which would mean under typical setups only Grant Township would vote on the zoning change for the ski hill, but being Keweenaw has county wide zoning any resident covered under the county zoning gets to vote. The way I understand it, Ahmeek has their own zoning which they alone control, so the zoning change does not effect zoning within the village limits, therefore Ahmeek residents do not vote on the pending county zoning change. If I've missed anything will someone please correct it.

By Susie LeBlanc on Thursday, October 26, 2000 - 09:19 am:

I suppose if I had a home in LacLaBelle and wanted to sell it or rent it for mega bucks, I would be in bed with Crosswinds, too. Let me get this straight--Keweenaw County must cringe in terror because Crosswinds and the "honorable" Judge Hood threaten suing Keweenaw County because they don't get what they want, when it was so greedily given to them by most of the Keweenaw Commissioners, who did'nt take the time to define Zoning in their eagerness to be "good ole boys"? Judge Hood goes to his benevolent limit to save us from the Big Bad Wolf, excuse me, Big Bad Bear. He tells us we have a big-bad referendum, but unfortunately your little referendum is not good for you, so go back to the wood shed and try again. In the meantime--hello Crosswinds. This sounds like the U.S.S.R. or the Copper Country in those good old days. You citizens be quiet, behave yourself, while we take away your way of life, your freedom, control your income and raise your taxes.

These are the facts--now who can sue who? --Lake Superior Land wants that Ski Hill & Development with its marinas, condos, golf courses, lodges, homes, etc. so that its land values go up, so they can sell all of its land in Keweenaw County for mega bucks and get out. Crosswinds approached HUD a while back for money for this area because a ski hill was needed by the poor and down-trodden people up here. They got kicked out the door. Then, the grant, which we threw out the door and if they were thrown out the door, they would not build a ski hill. Of course. They have no State of the Art Septic System--the DEQ is still evaluating and could very well reject it as it is by the Montreal and the watershed goes into the Montreal. And, so they haul to Calumet. Get out of the way, the "honey cart" is coming!! Their figures are not based on facts. Remember "Mom and Pop" business goes out the door when the "Big Boys" come in. Logging will surely become limited when the land is in private hands.

So who will sue who? The Concerned Citizens of Keweenaw County filed a legal referendum. We successfully through the sewage to Calumet, legally. Legally, Crosswinds hides behind Black Bear. But, illegally, they took advantage of a mis-guided board - and, didn't they know it?, illegally they ignored the Referendum, and constructed the ski-hill after the Referendum was properly and legally filed. The Prosecuting Attorney's legal right for an Injunction was challenged by Judge Hood and was not ruled on. Judge Hood said go back to your "Wood Shed" and come up with zoning that will be in Crosswind's best interests. Construction goes on without the legal permits.. So add it up and tell me Crosswinds threatens you, with your illegality.

I took a ride along the South Shore, I saw a bald eagle, perched in a tree on side of the lake, overlooking an undeveloped Keweenaw Point. The view touched my heart and soul. On the way home, it was dark, I got out of the car and looked up at the sky. The stars were bright, they almost touched you. Remember, Star Light, Star Bright, the very star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, to get the wish, I wish tonight. Guess what that was? No Development without responsible people. Please, vote NO.

By Walt on Thursday, October 26, 2000 - 05:50 am:

I stand by my estimation of affairs regarding the voting issue of Ahmeek residents and part-time residents.

It's a sad day for the United States when other citizens of this great country of ours can argue, and argue forcibly, for words that exclude another county citizen from taking part in a democratic process. It's a sad day for us when a part-time resident can have a greater say in what happens in the environment where a full-time resident lives.

The Zoning Ordinance:

As zoning shapes the County, it also shapes the immediate environment of the individual. Zoning affects the revenue-producing capacity of the County, the status of the County economy, the provision of the County services, the physical pattern of land use, and even the type and number of neighbors that an individual will have. Zoning is important to the development of both the quantity and quality of the County.

Zoning is a part of our democratic process and, if adequately understood and properly administered, will do much to preserve our concept of DEMOCRACY."
page viii

Before the experts on land use planning spoke at the school, I asked for information on them. I asked in particular about one. No info came my way, other than where they worked.
I questioned at the time whether their advice would be like a convey, and along with those who want to revise The Zoning Ordinance, would consist of the philospophy of ain't nothing going to get in our way. Interesting, isn't it, that The Zoning Ordinance becomes a valuable tool when convenient? Or maybe that part that excludes the residents of Ahmeek really doesn't need revision?

I worried that some voices, full-time voices, would not be heard, either because of complacency, or simply because ain't nothing going to get in our way.

And I thought this way because as we know, the board met behind closed doors, for less than legitimate reasons, and if I understand what I read regarding Judge Hood's decision, the results of that meeting were thrown out. But we had citizens who are avowed watchdogs of Keweenaw politics. Apparently they did not raise their voices with regard to the closed session.

In much the same way, the residents of the Village of Ahmeek have been willingly swept aside.
They have no voice on Proposal B.

And many are content that it is so. In fact, opponents of the ski hill willingly turn to The Zoning Ordinance to substantiate their almost gleeful satisfaction that county residents living in Ahmeek will have no democratic voice on Proposal B. They quickly refer to Section 2.1.

One even warned another when the issue was raised: Don't meddle!

Don't meddle full-time residents of immigrants who came here to live and work, who were probably told, don't meddle, roll over and play nice. Somebody else knows what is best,
and they really don't care if you speak up or not.

ain't nothing going to get in our way.

Raise your voice when you have a chance, for there are few who will raise it for you.

By Jeff Buckett (Jeff) on Wednesday, October 25, 2000 - 11:41 pm:

I remember reading a letter to the DMG back in late July or early August from an Ahmeek woman who complained that the County Prosecutor had stated that Ahmeek residents couldn't vote on Proposal B in November. My instinctive reacton was something to the effect of "That can't be right". Shouldn't every resident of the county be able to vote on a county-wide issue? Until I read Mr. Vichich's guest column I didn't understand the reasoning behind it. An "incorporated village" is a legal corporation unto itself, and therefore, as best I understand it, ineligible to vote on the proposed rezoning of Mt. Bohemia for "legal" reasons. It seems counter-intuitive to me as well, Walt. I have to assume from this that there are no other incorporated villages or towns in Keweenaw County or we would have heard about it by now, right?
What I don't understand(and not being a lawyer, there's a lot I don't fully understand about how this whole zoning amendment and referendum process has evolved), what I don't understand is why Crosswinds lawyer(other than in their own business self-interest) would try to persuade Ahmeek's village president to sue Keweenaw County over this legal technicality. You would think they might figure this might backfire on them as it seems to have done with the village president's opinion on this tactic.
As I said, my instincts on this tell me that Ahmeek should be able to vote on Proposal B if Alloeuz and Mohawk can. Apparently however, some legal mind in the past has determined that "incorporated" entities cannot vote in this instance and it is still on the books for better or worse.
Does anyone know what percentage of Keweenaw voters live in Ahmeek Village? Perhaps, as an exercise in democratic protest, they could take a straw vote there anyway to determine if their participation in the booth would have any meaningful effect on the final tally come November 7th.
In any event, as the Zoning Administrator Ms. Pelto stated in Eagle River, a NO vote on Proposal B doesn't mean there won't be a ski hill for "meddling carpenters" or anyone else to work at if they so choose.

By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Wednesday, October 25, 2000 - 11:19 pm:

Because I am no longer a resident of LacLaBelle, not by my choice, I cannot speak for LacLaBellle. However, I believe no resident of LacLaBelle would want to see it polluted. I have never disagreed with the premise septic tanks should be maintained, and Jim's Septic can testify we had ours pumped on a regular basis.

Our zoning seems to want spot upgrading. I'm certainly no expert, but one who is says we have better zoning than we thought. I do not believe anyone should be deprived of their right to vote, but because Ahmeek Village is an incorporated area, they abrogated their right to vote on zoning issues. That is the law. I can do nothing to change it.

As to Mrs. - I haven't been a Mrs. in many years, and I detest Ms., so please, feel free to call me Sandy. Even my grandkids do, and I feel no offense at this, we're friends above all.

By Jim on Wednesday, October 25, 2000 - 11:18 pm:

Walt I would like to ask a couple of questions to elaborate on your post.

1. Does Ahmeek villiage have their own zoning ordinance? If not, why can't they vote ,it affects them as well.

2. Do residents of Ahmeek villiage pay taxes to Keweenaw County as well as the villiage? If so, wouldn't they be liable to share in the counties troubles if sued.

3. Do residents of Ahmeek villiage vote for county officials? If so, why do they not have the right to vote on something this important.

4. Does Ahmeek villiage include both the north and south sides of US41 ?

By Walter N. Anderson, Lake Linden. And I live here year round. on Wednesday, October 25, 2000 - 10:39 pm:

Mrs. Britton,
I apologize ahead of time for calling you Mrs.
You see, I am more comfortable calling you Mrs. I've eaten at the Landing. Enjoyed your establishment. But you are still older than me and I am more comfortble calling you Mrs. Britton. I've never talked with you one on one, on-line, yes. And yes, I've called you Sandy before. But my respect for those against the ski hill has waned. My words below will explain why,

That said, I would like to ask you why it is okay to use the Zoning Ordinance, which I believe you say needs revising, to argue against the residents of Ahmeek having a vote?

At the same time, I would like to ask why it is even more okay, for that is what was pushed and argued for--to have part-time residents having a vote?

Am I missing something here? Why is it okay to argue against many full-time residents, who no doubt love the Keweenaw just as much as you, why is it okay to say The Zoning Ordinance must be enforced to disallow them a vote.

At the same time, why is it necessary to change the Zoning Ordinance? Or is it a case of changing the Ordinance where it disagrees with what we perceive?

As before: I've asked many questions on the Mendota page, questions on the first Keweenaw Today, questions here, and on the new Keweenaw Today.

One last question: Over the summer I repeatedly brought up the question of septics.
You said at one time that the people there (I assumed people were meeting at The Landing) were talking about septics, your words, "ad nauseum".
Yet, when the issue of septics was brought up again, particularly, how often they should be pumped--everyone seemed to have forgotten that the May 12th issue of the DMG quoted Mr. LaFleur from the Health Department as saying, "every 3-5 years."


Is there something you san say that will cause me to see something other than complete and utter hyposcrisy on the part of those who claim to love the Keweenaw, who claim to be looking out for Keweenaw by opposing the ski hill, while they disregard what their own inactions, or in the case of septics, their own inaction, is doing to the Keweenaw?

And am I wrong, or what exactly is it when we can be silent as to the voting status of the residents of Ahmeek? Or don't they live in the Keweenaw?

Incorporated, bull-•••• (bull-taco). The ZOO Ordinance still says on page viii: "Each citizen should have a voice in zoning decisions."

WHat the Ordinance does not say is: "Only those who can afford to leave the Copper COuntry for the winter can also vote here, where they live part-time."

In the words of Ferlinghetti,
"I am waiting....
I am waiting a perpetual rebirth of wonder...."

Or, as the song goes, as has been in the past:

"There's no reply at all,
There's no reply at all.

By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Wednesday, October 25, 2000 - 09:39 pm:

A few comments, if I may. Lisa - I was not aware that any Vote Yes signs were missing. My comment still applies, no matter who is removing or defacing signs, I'M NOT IMPRESSED. We all have the right to voice our opinions, regardless of where they lie, and to remove ANY signs is the WRONG thing to do, regardless of orientation. For anyone, feel free to e-mail me privately if you would like Vote No signs or bumper stickers.

Ahmeek village is an INCORPORATED area, therefore ineligible to vote on the zoning matter.

To those kicking our County Attorney - If the Appeals Court didn't feel Donna had just reason for filing the appeal, they would not have accepted her case. We are not lawyers, nor are we privy to all the details in the filing. Let us wait for their decision before passing judgement on matters we know not of.

As far as Crosswinds leaving, so be it. The vocal citizens of Keweenaw County are speaking not against development, but against unplanned sprawl. Given a chance to put in place STRONGER zoning than we have now, with a degree of oversight into what happens in our county, we will vote for that. As the gentleman from Ahmeek Village points out, the scary thing is not the ski-hill, but the RELATED USES. And as the DEQ points out, Crosswinds' timing is none too sharp. This strikes me as a company either sloppy or arrogant in their approach. I do want to salute the DEQ for holding their feet to the fire, and to urge a public hearing into the latest sewer application. Also, why are the water lines already laid? Are permits in place for water?

Any private individual that violated everything Crosswinds has would be stopped in their tracks. It is high time Crosswinds should be!

By the way, my ignorance of legal matters shines clearly from what I said about Judge Hood. I didn't realize he ruled on issues not laid before him. I stand before you red-faced, but admit I was in error with that statement. We all take our turn!

By lmt on Wednesday, October 25, 2000 - 09:01 pm:


By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Wednesday, October 25, 2000 - 08:46 pm:

Lynn, I think it had something to do with growth at the time. Back then Eagle River had somethig like 7000 people and the surrounding communities had a lot too. This year Eagle River will have 27 people in town. We had 28 but Mr. Bant passed away. I see room for some growth here in Eagle River.
The piece in the Gazzette by a resident of La Lac Belle spelled out what I thought I heard at the county hearing on the hill. Our atty. is playing with my tax dollar, I don't like it.
If she gets her way and Crosswinds leaves the county, no law suit or nothing just sick of the B.S., I am sure that no other business will be willing to stick thir neck out to make something happen. Heck no one will even consider taking a second look at our package!!!
Well one thing for sure at least our atty. can't stop us from not voting for her, My ballot will be blank for that position. I wish someone would have run against her!!! I still can vote can't I?
By the way where is Gary????????????????????

By Walt Anderson, Lake Linden, Michigan. And I won't back down. on Wednesday, October 25, 2000 - 08:29 pm:

I think it is a sad day for this country when other citizens of this country can argue, even forcibly, that it is okay for another citizen to be denied a vote.

I refer to the citizens of Ahmeek.

They cannot vote on the approaching referendum regarding Proposal B in Keweenaw County.
A Mr. Buck, who as I understand it, has provided the on-line public with documents related to Mount Bohemia, Keweenaw County politics, and an assortment of other documents.
And for that I sincerely thank him.

Mr. Buck readily referred to the Zoning Ordinance to substantiate, yes, to even argue against the residents of Ahmeek having a say on what happens in their county.
He referred to section 2.1 of the Ordinance.

Yet, on Keweenaw Today, he believes it is okay that Ahmeek residents cannot vote on the issue. He refers to The Zoning Ordinance to substantiate his claim. Yet the same Zoning Ordinance clearly indicates on page viii that "Each citizen should have a voice in zoning decisions."

Thank you, Mr. Buck. I had asked quite some time ago if the whole of the Zoning Ordinance could be put on line. Eventually that became a reality. Apparently someone else had more clout than moi. So be it. That, my friend, is familiar territory.

So what do we have here. We have opponents of the ski hill, opponents of Keweenaw County politics who have argued loudly for a comprehensive land use plan--the Zoning Ordinance is not good enough, not legally binding enough.
Yet, at this time, they are using the same Ordinance to argue against year round country residents from having a say.

In fact, they are arguing forcefully against it!

At the same time, we have a registration effort that was undertaken so part-time residents can vote!

Am I missing something here?

By Lynn Torkelson (Ltorkelson) on Wednesday, October 25, 2000 - 03:11 pm:

History buffs, please help me out. Does anyone know why it is that the Keweenaw County line stops at Allouez instead of continuing to Portage Lake?

I do know that Eagle River was originally the county seat of Houghton County and that in 1861 Keweenaw County was formed from the northern part of Houghton County. But I'm wondering why they didn't choose the more natural looking boundary at Portage Lake.

By Art on Wednesday, October 25, 2000 - 12:57 pm:

From what I hear, Donna's reason for appeal was that Hood had no authority to rule the ZBA to hold a meeting to determine the CD-EP issue. She said the hearing was for the injunction and not about the ZBA. She is also appealing the injunction because she felt he made a wrong decision all together.
Donna- QUOTE
"The appeal stays the order of Judge Garfield Hood until the matter is resolved before the Michigan Court of Appeals. Therefore, the ZBA shall not meet to discuss the matters as addressed by Judge Hood until the court of appeals renders their decision. To do so now at this time would negate my request and furthermore would expose the County to liability because of Judge Hood's improper vacating of the ZBA metting.
Furthermore, pursuant to a request by a constituent, I have requested an opinion from the Attorney General's office regarding the membership of the ZBA and any conflict of interest pusuant to the Incompatible Public Offices Act. If a member of the ZBA would be deemed in violation of the act, any action by the ZBA may be improper, mute, and an exercise in futility.
Therefore, I strongly recommend that the ZBA take no further action at this time." END QUOTE

Ok, you were at the hearing Paul, so you and I both know Donna has no clue what she's doing in this. Sandy even agreed with me that Hood did what he was supposed to do within the law. (look at the archives around the hearing) She didn't have anything to prove her case. And now she threatens the ZBA with a conflict of interest issue? Who is she to talk. My feelings are that the judges down state are going to throw out her appeal and laugh. She wasn't granted the emergency hearing. Like Elias said in yesterday's Gazette, "the appeals court action reflects a low opinion of the case."
All this information can be found at the courthouse. I also have been doing some homework.

I know she'll be re-elected but voice your opinion on the matter. I'd like to hear how many votes Donna gets after she's embarassed her career.

By Jon Maninga (Jon) on Wednesday, October 25, 2000 - 12:10 pm:


If you go to the website maintained by Chuck Buck, it has the county zoning ordinance.

It says in part:


Section 2.1, Jurisdiction," of the county ordinance states: "The jurisdiction of this Ordinance shall include all lands and waters within the unicorporated areas of Keweenaw County."

Thanks Chuck for pointing this out to me.

The websit is: http://www.crosswinds.net/~keweenaw/

All you have to do is click on the county zoning ordinance. Then click on Jurisdiction then section 2.1 .

I hope I got it right (I tried to verify but the site is not working properly - could be the server or browser I am currently using - it worked last night). Chuck can correct me if I am wrong....

Hope this helps.....
By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Wednesday, October 25, 2000 - 09:35 am:

Jim, no thats not all to post but does it not all reflect on what she is doing. The boards want to meet as they should and are told not to? The grant monies are refused by her say so, The conflict of interest is up front, her family sold Gary the lighthouse, she appeals the judges ruling, why even have a legal system if nothing goes but what she approves? This is a small Hilter tactic! I just want to know as a resident of the Keweenaw what my vote is really doing if anything at all! I am truly amazed at the poorest county having to stay poor so our rich can stay the same and have the people bow to one persons approvals. The election vote will tell all. 80% yes 20% no Vote Yes FOR A BETTER FUTURE FOR OUR KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By LMT on Tuesday, October 24, 2000 - 11:49 pm:

Jim, Janet, posters at large,

Well I took your advice, and went to KT, which I choose not to do for my own personal reasons, and I read the articles mentioned.
Mr. V, while very insightful, has said nothing that we all didn't already know.
What seems to be the chorus of a few people lately is that they want to hold the development on the hill off until a CLUP is put together.
Not gonna happen folks.
Sitting down at the table has already been offered by Crosswinds and was refused, Ms. Shea, I believe you know this to be a fact.
As far as the atty is concerned, I believe that the courts will decide what is what.
As far as reading KT's articles goes, I go there infrequently.
And as far as being an informed VOTER goes, I believe that is what everyone on this site is trying to do, in one way or the other.
And last I looked we can post what we like, if you don't want to read it, you go to KT and reread the articles there.
Thank you have a nice day:)

By Jim, Ahmeek on Tuesday, October 24, 2000 - 10:47 pm:

I find it amazing that all you want to post on here is about the county attorney. Why no comments on the two recent stories on KT? DEQ and the permit application. And Ahmeek Village Presidents insight into the behavior of Crosswinds attorney? Well?
Like it or not, since the appeal has been accepted by the Court of Appeals,and they did agree to hear it. That is a dead horse. Move on.

By Janet Shea on Tuesday, October 24, 2000 - 10:45 pm:

Here are some very in-depth articles you might
want to read:
1. Mt. Bohemia sewage discharge application to be
resubmitted, and
2. Referendum's rezoning has more ramifications
that ski hill

both at www.keweenawtoday.com
Be an informed VOTER on November 7!

By Lisa on Tuesday, October 24, 2000 - 08:23 pm:

To anyone concerned,
Go to the stays section of your zoning ordinance, it will clear up the appeal vs. stay issue in regards to the attys request.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Tuesday, October 24, 2000 - 07:32 pm:

Jeff, I read your post. As for the answer to my question I guess no one knows what the motives are. Seems to me that there are no issues. I was at the hearing for the referendom and the judge told our atty. that she had no grounds for him to grant a stoppage of work on the hill. What I want to know is what was added to the pie to get a appeal hearing. I think the egg is pretty well all over our atty's face. If anyone knows what the appeal is based on please tell me.

By Jeff Buckett (Jeff) on Tuesday, October 24, 2000 - 01:45 pm:

Paul and Lisa: Did you read Roger Wickstrom's story on the Eagle River Meeting last week? Contained therein is the answer to your question on why the ZBA hasn't met. The County Prosecutor's appeal puts on hold Judge Hood's order for the ZBA to reconvene. You can read whatever motives you choose into it I suppose, depending on your ski-hill position, but it apparently is the proper legal procedure.
Just FYI, here's last week's DMG piece:

Vote won't necessarily decide Bohemia fate: Official
Gazette Writer
EAGLE RIVER — The upcoming Mount Bohemia ballot referendum will determine its zoning but not necessarily its fate, a Keweenaw County official told a handful of people at a question-and-answer session here Thursday.
County Zoning Administrator Jane Pelto told about 30 people that Proposal B will determine whether the entire 980 acres being leased at the hill is rezoned to Resort Services and if a special allowance for ski resorts is added to that zoning category.
A "yes" vote would make that happen; a "no" vote would leave the land as it's currently zoned, meaning 680 acres would remain in Conservation District-Environmental Protection and 300 acres in Resort Services zoning.
What the vote doesn't do is determine whether the ski hill, most of which sits on CD-EP land now, can continue under that zoning category.
"That would still be up to the determination of the Zoning Board of Appeals," Pelto said.
In July, Pelto had asked the ZBA to define whether CD-EP allows ski hills. On the advice of Prosecuting Attorney Donna Jaaskelainen, it didn't, but 12th Circuit Court Judge Garfield Hood last month ordered it to do so.
On Oct. 4, however, Jaaskelainen appealed Hood's ruling to the state Court of Appeals and told ZBA Chairman Jim Heikkila in an Oct. 9 letter not to define the matter until after the appeals court decision. She said the appeal stays Hood's ruling.
Despite Jaaskelainen's advice, the other four ZBA members asked Heikkila to hold the meeting before Nov. 7, but Heikkila told them in an Oct. 13 letter that he wouldn't do so.
"Pursuant to (Jaaskelainen's letter), I will not be scheduling a meeting relative to Permitted Uses on Mount Bohemia at this time," Heikkila wrote. "I know you feel Judge Hood's Order overrides any other order at this time, but the prosecutor has appealed that Order and the appeal stays any action by that Order including the order to hold a meeting."
Even if the referendum passes and the land is rezoned to RS, Pelto said the ZBA would have to convene at some point to define what can happen in CD-EP zoning.
"CD-EP has to be clarified for future uses as well," she said.
So in response to a question at Thursday's meeting about what the "no" vote really means, Pelto said that "is up to you."

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Tuesday, October 24, 2000 - 07:27 am:

Lisa, what if anything could be wrong with the board meeting? If the purpose of this latest delay is indeed a stall tactic then is it not breaking the law by delaying due process? I still do not know what the issues were for the state rejecting the appeal? I have been real busy and must have missed that part. Does it not become clear that a conflict of interest is present here. How can one person stop a elected board from doing their job when it was clear that the Judge ordered the clarification of the zoning to make it clear on what the vote means? I wonder if this direction would be taken if our county atty. had someone running against her? It seems pretty clear that she will do anything to stop the hill for what I think are personnal reasons. This has to stop or our votes will mean nothing. I doubt if anyone thinks that this will be over if the YES vote carries. As a matter of fact I think that this is just starting. It is too bad that the county has so few to challange her position.
It also is too bad that people are afraid to speak out against her for fear of their kids having to go before her in a legal matter, I know the long arm of the law is there!!!!! Who will be the proscuting atty. when her actions are being reviewed? All of this hoopla is costing our county a lot of money that we don't have.

By Lisa on Monday, October 23, 2000 - 11:26 pm:

I can only assume that the actions that the county atty is taking are within the scope of the law.
While I certainly do not like them, she is within her rights to take the course she has set her feet upon; now whether the courts, or anyone else will put up with much more is open to bids.
I was assured by Ms. Pelto that the ZBA will meet after the referendum, I believe her words were, the board will meet after the election, but they will meet.
Now, I have a question for the community as a whole, why hasn't the board met, it is my understanding that the atty has asked them to wait until her appeal has been heard.
I believe if I'm not mistaken it is in the zoning ordinance somewhere, that if an appeal is filed it puts all appeals on hold, now, does that also include court orders? HHHHMMMM?! I'm sure someone will clarify that for her if it doesn't.
Also, I have heard that the board memebers have resubmitted a signed letter to the president of the board, in it it says they want to meet.
Now why hasn't he let them?
The attys presence at these meetings is not necessarry, her presence is on a request basis, if I'm not mistaken, I will have to go back and do some more reading; my brain is still a little foggy.
I would urge anyone that has any questions about this subject to read the ordinance, you can find it in Keweenaw Todays library, (thanks guys)
It is where I have found all pertinent info in regards to this.
Paul, I believe that all action or inaction by county officials is public information, it is the publics inaction on voicing disapproval that is also a big problem here.
(I'm not tellin' ya'll to form a linch mob)but to keep all this in mind when the referendum is voted on, and the actions that follow.
Stay on your toes, and hopefully no one will stomp them for you.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Monday, October 23, 2000 - 10:08 pm:

Lisa, it was a nice chat we had. Thanks for stopping by. As you could see I was too busy with the project to go to that meeting. Do you think something is stinky about the way things are being handled by our county atty.. I just can't think why this insane behavior is being carried out by her. I truly think that there is a money motive here, but where? I can't wait to see what the state has to say about all this, much less Judge Hood!!!!! I would think she has cooked her own goose if she ever has to defend anybody in his court.

By Lisa on Monday, October 23, 2000 - 09:15 pm:

Hey everyone,
Well I didn't want you all to think I was just posting about the signs.
I finally made it home this morning about six your time. Believe it or not I got turned around in Kentucky, which seems to be my fate every time I try to get home.
I was asked recently by someone if I thought the trip was worth it.
I will definetly say yes.
Coming home to me is always worth it to me.
The eighteen hour drive fades. Like pains of labor, when I see the familiar landscapes.
I enjoyed my time spent with people I had got to know recently but had never met.
The open house at the hill I enjoyed and still can't get over the views. Mr. and Mrs. Greg(sp) I found charmin.
The meetings I did attend were eye openers for me.
I will not get into those though.
I perfer to seek the good things in people where their actions are concerned, although at times some of them make it very, very, hard.
I think that in my own opinion, that the pro-hill, anti-hill, people are at the mercy of things out of their control.
It will, in my prediction, come down to the referendum, and then the actions taken there after.
I find it disturbing, that this is the second time though that I have heard that it will invalidate the vote because of Ahmeek, it is in the ordinance, that they are incorporated thus can't vote, Ms. Pelto enforced this at the meeting in Eagle Harbor.
Even though they let their zoning be decided by the board if I'm not mistaken, that was also brought up at said meeting.
Anyhoo, like I said, it was worth it to me.
I feel the people will decide, but either side, will have their own reactions.
It ain't over till the fat lady sings, and honey I haven't even started warmin' up yet.
To all the people I finally met, so nice to see you. Rich, Paul, Art, Barb, Sandy, Janet, all the folks at Crosswinds, Great to meet you.
Well I'm goin to spend time with the children now, I was given ten minutes by them to tap this out, it's up now.
Well take care and let the count down begin.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Monday, October 23, 2000 - 08:54 pm:

Why not? They pay property tax, gas tax, tax on tax so why not. I think this stalling is now going to the election itself. The part I don't get is why the stall at all? Sounds like a money thing somewhere but where.
Why would a person go out of their way to fight a court order, the law, the will of the people and a project set up to have fun on. It has to be big money involved and maybe someones slice is tooooooo thin eh!!

By Lisa Trevathan on Monday, October 23, 2000 - 08:50 pm:


I must let you know that, signs my father and I put up in yards, with the residents permission, not to mention their urging, that these signs were taken out of the yards.
As well as a sign that was on the side of the road that we noticed on the way to breakfast. It was gone when we came back not even thirty minutes later.
So to say they are not even being bothered is wrong.

By Walt on Monday, October 23, 2000 - 08:43 pm:

Are you saying the residents of the Village of Ahmeek can vote on Proposal B?

I'll reverse one argument made when the concrete surveyor stumps were dug and pried and pulled from the ground and suggest another possibility:
Was it really pro-hill folk responsible for the pulling of "vote no" signs?

I believe most people by now have made their decision as to how they will vote Perhaps there are a few in doubt.

I had asked Mr. Kohs the question as to why the residents of Ahmeek could not vote. He answered my question and as I recall, it was what you said earlier, something to do with being incorporated.
I believe there was more to it, but I've always had this problem of forgetting much of what I learn. It's been a problem for me. I'm glad most people are patient and understanding.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Monday, October 23, 2000 - 08:14 pm:

Thats it! our county atty. is setting the election up for a invalid vote. First the residents of the village can't vote then its found out they can therefore the vote is invalid. But why this stall tactic? My personal thoughts are that something stinks with the motives of this delay. We have all missed something here, but what!!! Walt what is she up toooooooo eh!

By Jon Maninga (Jon) on Monday, October 23, 2000 - 07:59 pm:


I did not write the law. I have been trying to find the actual wording (but have struck out so far).

In my opinion, if there is an issue that involves the county, ALL RESIDENTS should be able to vote on that issue. No the Village should not be exempt from the county zoning.

When I find that information, I will pass it along.

One of the residents up there - maybe even one of the county election officials can spell out the details better than me........

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Monday, October 23, 2000 - 07:41 pm:

What are the four most important things in our lives?
1. Our Children
2. Their health
3. Their happiness
4. Our desire as parents to give them all of the above!!!!!! VOTE YES

P.S. Give them skis for Xmas and they will love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By Sandy Britton on Monday, October 23, 2000 - 07:09 pm:

A couple of things have struck me the last few days. The Mt. Bohemi ads talking about Highway 41's capacity ignore the last 5 miles of the trip on the LacLaBelle Road, NOT a highway, and a bit hairy in winter driving. They keep saying the traffic will be no more than summer traffic, ignoring the difference between summer and winter road cnditions.

The other thing worth noting is that while yard signs asking for a NO vote on Mt. Bohemia are being pulled up and run over, the 'ribbon terrorists' have not damaged or removed any pro-Bohemia signs. The right to express opinions is clearly not being respected by one group, and I am not impressed!

By Ted Belej (Ted) on Monday, October 23, 2000 - 02:52 pm:


I do not belive that it was I that swerved into the protestors, so you will get no apology from me.

Did everyone get out to see the race this weekend?

It was strange having nice weather for the POR.

Vote YES on proposal B.


On Saturday there was coverage of the Pro Rally on the Pasty Cam

By Walt on Monday, October 23, 2000 - 02:47 pm:

Dear Jon,

Would you hazard a guess about the qualifications of the residents of
Ahmeek to vote on any other future zoning questions? Would I be correct in assuming by your post, that the residents of Ahmeek cannot vote because they are incorporated, that, therefore, the Village of Ahmeek is
immune from any County zoning, even though it is within the County?

The next sentence in the Zoning Ordinance, could help: "As zoning shapes the County, it also shapes the immediate environment of the

So the Village of Ahmeek, then, must be like its own little country, a kind of "neutral" Switzerland in a war torn Europe?

I thought the vote is zoning-related. If that is the case, why do you(or anyone else for that matter) think the people are willing that
the other people of Ahmeek cannot vote? Would the people of Ahmeek be able to vote, say, if the ski hill was being built a quarter-mile
out-of-town? Would the people of Ahmeek have a chance to vote on a referendum that would affect the Village limits?

Or, if a resident of Ahmeek had a weekend cabin north of Ahmeek, and said they spent a good deal of time there, say, when they weren't in Ypsilanti or Ann Arbor or Birmingham, perhaps, would they be able to vote then? We're registered by County, though?

I'm trying hard to understand this democratic process of zoning.
I would have thought that questions of zoning, and The Zoning Ordinance's words: "Each citizen should have a voice in zoning decisions," would be one way in which the voice of the mass of people would be heard as loud as the voice of the opulent. But the mass of people in Ahmeek will have no say on the outcome of something that will clearly affect them?

Maybe there are residents of Ahmeek who have weekend cottages north of the village and will vote? I don't know.

This last sentence from The Zoning Ordinance is interesting, considering our democracy, and our obvious diligence in ensuring the voice of all its citizens are heard:

"Zoning is a part of our democratic process and, if adequately understood and properly administered, will do much to preserve our concept of

By Jean McGrath on Monday, October 23, 2000 - 02:42 pm:

Susie LeBlanc re: the person who drove in a reckless manner at the open house for Mt. Bohemia the following came from Keweenaw Today last week.

Keweenaw County Sheriff Ron Lahti said earlier this week that County
Prosecutor Donna Jaaskelainen has reviewed the case and a warrant for
reckless driving will be issued for the 43-year-old Mohawk man who hit the
signs with his vehicle.

By Susie LeBlanc on Monday, October 23, 2000 - 12:55 pm:

I am glad Houghton Schools are doing a good job. Makes you wonder how many good schools and colleges there are when 600,000 immigrants have to be naturalized to take the jobs in Silicon Valley, Ca. They say America isn't qualified. This is the Year 2000, where have we been in education?

I still think a bridge over the cities (Houghton-Hancock) would have been the way to go. But, the progressive "city fathers" considered it a detriment to business. So, we have the "wind-around the town" traffic.

Also, the picketing helped the "show-train" going back and forth up the Hill, we slowed the traffic down so your entrance onto the highway was safer, as your entrance was in a precarious spot. Good thing you had no accidents. The intentional incident was scary, but was that OK with you, as we still are waiting for an apology.

By Jon Maninga (Jon) on Monday, October 23, 2000 - 10:44 am:


I think it says somewhere in the election rules (?) it says that people living in an incorporated city or village can not vote in the referendum. That is the reason the people can not vote on Proposal B.

People living in Ahmeek Location will be able to vote.....

Hope this helped...

By Walt on Monday, October 23, 2000 - 09:15 am:

From the Zoning Ordinance of 1975 by G R Justus

page viii: Zoning affects [nice] each individual in the County and the zoning process should not be too far removed from the scrutiny of the County
Each citizen should have a voice in zoning decisions.

I've forgotten the reason why the residents of Ahmeek will not be voting on Proposal B. The question was covered before and my asking again should alert you that I am none too quick. I apologize.

By Jeff Buckett (Jeff) on Monday, October 23, 2000 - 03:06 am:

Stock Tip:
GE* acquires HI** for $45 Billion!
*"Nation's largest old time conglomerate"(courtesy of NY Times)
**Honeywell International

ps: And you thought that UPS's going-public Wall Street Auction was a God-Send to employees and stockholders!
Lick your chops, bond-holders, investors and amateur inventors! This is the Buy of our Baby Century!


By Jim Pearce on Sunday, October 22, 2000 - 09:05 pm:

Mr. Hite,
You got my curiosity going here. What former C&H building might this buisiness be in,and what is this buisiness called?
I am aware that MTU, and the citys of Houghton and Hancock, have just approved the start of some sort of Techy project. Which I personally think is a good idea, but I never knew of such a project in the Calumet area.
I do agree with you completly that we need a diversity and balance of tourist related, as well as eco-friendly industries. There is also the point of our rich culture, and history,which need to be preserved.
Thank You,

By Walt Anderson on Sunday, October 22, 2000 - 08:45 pm:

It is my understanding that some of the jobs that the ski hill will offer will provide another alternative to being unemployed over the winter. The electrician/carpenter/mason with twenty years of experience may not work there. But that 20-24-year-old apprentice mason/carpenter/electrician/plumber with a new wife and a young child who finds himself laid-off over the winter may opt to work for a few more bucks than to try to make it on an unemployment check.

I hear this talk of "entry-level" jobs and I wonder exactly what is that?

I know of one person who will be leaving Keweenaw Memorial at $9/hour to work at "The Bluffs" for $7/an hour. Is that entry-level? And no, she won't be cleaning.

How many vacant homes are there in Mohawk and Ahmeek that could be utilized by a young couple who wants to live in the county?
More alternatives and other opportunities can never hurt, especially if it is a seasonal (winter) opportunity for someone with a seasonal (summer) job.

What is entry-level?

If digging a ditch makes you happy, dig it.

By Dan J. Kauppi on Sunday, October 22, 2000 - 08:05 pm:

Mr. Hite,
One more thing, do you realize that there are two
parts of the Chamber of Commerce? I haven't been up there in a while so I don't remember the exact names but one is more industrial and one is more commercial. You might want to look into it more.

Dan J. Kauppi

PS - I spent about a year on the chamber. I'm no expert but I do have an idea whats going on.

By Dan J. Kauppi on Sunday, October 22, 2000 - 07:45 pm:

George Hite,

My name is DAN J. KAUPPI. If I am the person you are refering to.


By Dan J. Kauppi on Sunday, October 22, 2000 - 07:41 pm:

In the note which follows this one, "Dan" is mistakenly referred to as "Don"

I don't have a problem with it on this site but this is curious.

Dan J. Kauppi

PS - Janet, I must be out of the loop but can you explain uncontrolled development to me? Refering to this project. I also have a couple of questions for you that I will direct to your email. Thank you

By George Hite on Sunday, October 22, 2000 - 07:35 pm:

It's been interesting and insructive to follow the
thoughtful dialogue between Janet, Art and Don about Kewwenaw job opportunities. I sense there is little disagreement between them about the ultimate objective - making it possible for men and women of all ages to live here; enjoying the beauty, rich culture, and exceptional recreational opportunities of our lake and wilderness setting, while at the same time being gainfully employed in meaningful and well paid jobs.

They differ,only slightly,in how to achieve this objective. Don and Art argue that new businesses which might in themselve offer primarily "entry level" jobs, not only make it possible for local kids to stick around while they attend Tech, Finlandia, Northern, or a good vocational school - thus preparing themselves for career jobs - but also create a market for businesses that employ people in good paying career jobs, like accountants, skilled tradesmen, etc. Janet argues that the tourist focused economy of Keweenaw already has an oversupply of such entry level job businesses, and the focus should be on encouraging the businesses that supply the "career" jobs.

Both arguements have merit, but I'd guess that Don and Art would agree with Janet that the announcement of the arrival of one good "career job" business in town, would be more important than the news that another primarily "entry level" tourist focused business plans to set up shop in the Keweenaw.

We do have such "career job" business growth in the Keweenaw. They don't run around issuing press releases like the tourist and recreation focused businesses do, and frankly don't get the support from our Chambers and Tourist Councils that the more glamorous "attraction" businesses get, but they are here, and in my view are the real key to achieving the objective that Janet, Don and Art would probably agree with.

One such business is located in one of the old C&H buildings in Calumet. It's a "brain" business, engaged in very sophisticated research for government and private clients around the world. A small staff, less than twenty, but with a local payroll that probably exceeds a million dollars a year. Its product is developed and shipped electronically. A bunch of mostly Tech guys and gals who have found it possible to pursue active and well paying careers in the Keweenaw. When asked, "Why here?", they reply, "Why not? We can do what we do from anywhere, and there is no better place to live and raise a family." This is just one of many such "new economy" job creation businesses we enjoy by having the good secondary schools we have in the Keweenaw - and the unique environment we all too often take for granted..

What do we need to do to have more such "career job" opportunities? First, nuture and leverage our assets: Tech, Finlandia, Northern, good public schools, fine medical facilities, great work attitudes, intriguing cultural history, people who are open and trusting, and, above all, the one thing we have that few others can match - a natural environment that is second to none.

Secondly, let's get to work and correct some of our deficiencies. Antiquated communication facilities; expensive and uncertain personal and goods transportation services, especially air; an "extraction" rather than "added value" industry preference; a probably harmless, but nonetheless unwelcoming facade towards newcomers ("trolls", "flatlanders" etc.), local governments inexperienced and ill-equipped to accomodate and manage change, and an all too cavalier attitude about the unique value of our natural environment.

I'm also struck by the "How are we going to keep them down on the farm?" view of many of the posts on this subject. Are we so insular that we don't recognize the value of our kids leaving home, tasting differnt cultures, making new friends, exporing careers not available here? I left my home and hometown, never to return, as have my own children, and we have all enjoyed and benefited from the experience. Most people do. The task is not to keep the kids "on the farm", but to keep the farm viable, so that anyone, including our kids if they so choose, can live productive lives here.

Thanks Janet, Don and Art for getting us focused on the important questions. Ski hills and all that stuff are not what is really at issue

By Janet on Sunday, October 22, 2000 - 06:58 pm:

Hi, Dan
Glad to hear from you. But I think you have misinterpreted my post. My point is that education is the key to the future for our young people. Sure, it's okay to have level-entry jobs as a starting point, but $7.50/hour or even $11/hour is now becoming a minimal salary on which to raise a family. Keweenaw needs jobs, but as I said, they will come with the technology revolution and from the academic community. It doesn't happen overnight. We do need appropriate development that preserves the character of our communities, not uncontrolled development in exchange for more level-entry jobs--we have plenty of those already here. Get your education and then come back and contribute in a much more beneficial way to the community. I applaud you for getting your MFA.

By Dan Kauppi on Sunday, October 22, 2000 - 04:40 pm:

I would like to thank Mrs. Shea for opening the door for my story. First off, I am ONE SEMESTER AWAY FROM MY MFA. I also spent 3 out of the last 5 years working in Copper Harbor. So, I suppose I am lucking that the ski hill was not there or I would still be living there. RIGHT! Wrong. I left because I grew to recognize that a person CANNOT fully take advantage of what Keweenaw has to offer unless they make money elswhere and return. I want to build a home on my own private lake. I would like to own my own business, etc. The truth is, my family business, is too expensive for me to purchase on a bartenders salary. That is the truth!

So why do I support the hill, the area needs a new energy. I would like to see new families arrive, new businesses, new events, etc. All of these things contribute to the quality of life and growing up. Since the ski hill is the first potential business coming to Keweenaw, in the 23 years of my association there, that would allow new opportunities, I SUPPORT IT. Sure there may be a cost but I don't think it is as drastic as some believe.

Mrs. Shea, do you honestly believe that the area should keep lacking opportunity so the kids would leave. PLEASE. I left because my experiences with local events and businesses gave me the confidence and my ability to recognize opportunities gave me the motivation.

I know Art and I have faith in him. He is probably going to learn more valuabe lessons dealing with this issue than any class right now. If he decides to go, he will. If he decides to stay, I hope the area will give him the chance to prosper as much as possible.


PS - My girlfriend, who rented a room from you, is working to take advantage of an opportunity with the Nature Conservancy in Keweenaw. I don't see any problem with that.

By Art Davis on Sunday, October 22, 2000 - 01:44 pm:

Copper Harbor

By Art on Sunday, October 22, 2000 - 12:17 pm:

EDITOR'S NOTE TO ART: On your first message on any new week, please include your last name when posting, as the previous message writers have done.

Art ???'s message:

Not defending myself, well, kind of, but I'm just doing a little explaining.
I'm happy to say that all of my basics in college are done, (except 2 humanities classes).
After all of my roommate troubles, I figured why not stay a winter in the Harbor. If I'm not sure what I want to pursue in school, why waste money taking classes for nothing? I think this year would be a good one to stay and make some extra $ while I have fun on the ski hill. I'm also looking forward to working with Don and Peg at the Mariner.
Ever since I was little, I begged my parents to stay for a winter. Now I get the chance. "WE CAN KEEP OUR KIDS HERE" (Janet Shea, 10-22-00).
Correct me if I'm wrong, I heard Bohemia is offering jobs STARTING at $7.50. That's not a bad wage at all. It's more than most "entry level jobs" pay in the the Keweenaw. It's also more than most Copper Harbor businesses pay their employees from out of town.

By Jean McGrath on Sunday, October 22, 2000 - 11:33 am:

Janet Shea, I agree with you 100% entry level jobs are not the great hope of the Keweenaw that some folks seem to think. Education and training are what will lift the income and living standard for the good people of the U.P.

By Janet Shea on Sunday, October 22, 2000 - 11:07 am:

I’ve heard people say they are going to vote for Proposal B because of the level-entry jobs that Mt. Bohemia is bringing to the area. There is a young lady that worked part time for us for the past three years, plus carrying another full-time job with level-entry pay. She is also working on her college degree and has so far completed her AA. She is from lower Michigan, boarding in exchange for housework with a family in the area.

OUR KIDS HAVE AN ADVANTAGE over this ambitious student who came from out of the area. They are already home. They have two of the best colleges right in their own back yard. The level-entry jobs are already plentiful in the area, just ask the merchants how hard it is to get good--any--workers and they’ll tell you it is getting more difficult every year to fill openings because no one is applying for those level-entry jobs.

WE CAN KEEP OUR KIDS HERE by not offering them level-entry jobs--which they all leave to escape from anyway--and instead encourage them to concentrate on getting a good education that will elevate their salaries, make them more eligible for the GOOD JOBS that are beginning to filter in to our community through technology and the academic community.
Why would you want to harness your child to a low-paying, seasonal job just to keep him “home”? Why do we expect so little achievement from our children? I was saddened when Art (he posts here) said he had cancelled his plans to go to college in Marquette in exchange for a seasonal job at Mt. Bohemia, which just delays his journey. Education--not level-entry jobs--is the most important thing we can give to our kids, whether they stay in Keweenaw or not.

By Scott Laurie, Mohawk on Sunday, October 22, 2000 - 12:23 am:

Nice,red&white,signs. VOTENO!!!!!!

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