Week Ending Oct 21

Keweenaw Issues: Responsible Opinions: 2000: October: Week Ending Oct 21
An archive of previous comments

Art on Saturday, October 21, 2000 - 06:45 pm:

Vote YES on
Proposal B

By LMT on Saturday, October 21, 2000 - 05:55 pm:

Mr. P
I ask that you go back and look again at the proposal, I ask that you do this because I don't think you have understood it.
It clearly says, subsection b.Permitted Uses be amended with the inclusion of item 12)Ski Resort, including base lodges,lifts,storage and maintenance buildings, restaurants, and related uses?
Now that does not jive with what you posted.
This is taken off of the propasal directly.
This does not give developers a free hand to do whatever they want. All it is doing is adding it to Resort Service. Just as golf course is listed under CD-EP, it is also used as a guideline for the zoning board, as I believe Ms. Pelto pointed out at the meeting in Eagle Harbor.

By Ken Pierson on Saturday, October 21, 2000 - 04:10 pm:

Did you know that Proposal B is asking for approval or denial of two actions by the zoning board? They changed the zoning of Bohemia from Conservation District to Resort Services. A no vote would make it go back to CD. That's the obvious point most everyone knows. But the second action (also included in Proposal B) which the board took last spring was to define as a "permitted use" basically anything the land owner/lessee chooses to build.

Even if one is in favor of the ski hill, it was obviously a poor choice in making related development a "permitted use" rather than a "special use". "Special use" would have enforced accountability to the County for the nature of future expansion. "Permitted use", as stated elsewhere, is a blank check for the developer and relinquishes control of the County's destiny to outside forces. It is easy to see why there is such broadly based sentiment against Proposal B.

Whether one is "for" or "against" the Ski Hill, the zoning authorities' action was flawed. The logical conclusion is a NO vote on Proposal B.

By Michele Anderson on Friday, October 20, 2000 - 05:37 pm:

Sat., Oct. 21, is Community Awareness Day at the Copper Country Mall. Local community organizations will have booths to inform people about their work. Candidates for public office will be there to meet the public. If you're shopping in the mall between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. introduce yourself to candidates and find out what their views are. I understand Rich Brown of Bessemer, Democratic candidate for State Representative of the 110th District (the seat to be vacated by Mr. Tesanovich), will be at the mall at noon. Does anyone know at what time other candidates will be there?
U.S. Senator Carl Levin and Rich Brown, will both be present at the Democratic Party's pot luck brunch -- open to the public -- from noon to 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 22, at the Copper Crown Motel in Hancock. At 2 p.m. Sunday they will be in the Calumet Theatre Ballroom, and from 3 to 4 p.m. at Slim's Cafe in Mohawk. This is a chance for voters to learn more about the candidates.

By Jeff Buckett (Jeff) on Friday, October 20, 2000 - 01:33 pm:

Thanks to Lisa for her eyewitness report on the meeting in Eagle River for those of us who couldn't be there. I recommend as well Roger Wickstrom's piece on the same meeting now up at the online DMG. In it is explained in more detail why the the ZBA has yet to convene to clarify CD-EP. First, the County Prosecutor's appeal to the State Appellate Court overrides Judge Hood's order for the ZBA to convene. That's the proper legal procedure. Second, as I understand it from the DMG story, when the ZBA does reconvene to clarify CD-EP zoning, it will effect CD-EP for the whole county of Keweenaw, not just the ski-hill. That means there are a lot more environmental particulars to consider. Better to take the time for a comprehensive review of CD-EP throughout the county than rush to judgement because of political pressure over Mt. Bohemia. A NO vote on November 7th doesn't mean there won't be a ski-hill facility on Mt. Bohemia. It also means that the ZBA will have to clarify CD-EP for the county which, in the long run, will clarify and strengthen the overall zoning ordinance. Taking those two points at their face value, it convinces me even more that a NO vote is the wisest one for Proposal B. Thanks to Mr. Wickstrom for his clear concise writing on this matter.

By Lisa on Friday, October 20, 2000 - 11:51 am:

By the way nice to finally meet you.
I will say one thing in regards to this swerving issue etc, the protesters were, on the shoulder, but they also were going into the road and I know for a fact that they were sticking there signs out into the road at cars.
Now I'm sure that's not smart. Let's move on shall we.
I'm sure Ted was not overcome with road rage or some other such thing. So let's chill out for a minute hey.
I'm sure the picketers were very uneasy in the roadside but no one put them there but themselves.
And no one told them to stick signs out into the road way, or to move into the road itself, which they did, because they did it in front of the vehicles I was in going to the top then back down not to mention coming and going. If you don't want to be at risk don't put yourself at risk.
And I'm sure your mammas were only kiddin' when they told you to go play in traffic.
Just kiddin', trying to lighten up the situation.
Have a good day.

By Lisa on Friday, October 20, 2000 - 11:43 am:

Hey everone,

Well, I won't even go there as far as the LeBlanc post is concerned. I believe that sensible people will take it for what it's worth.

I wanted to touch on a few things from the meeting that Charlie was talking about.
I went to the meeting and was surprised at how small the turnout was. This was a meeting that could have cleared up many questions for voters.
I would like to clear up one misconception that has been put out though, and that is the fact that the referendum would not affect the zoning in the rest of the county, and that it would just be for the Mt. Bohemia project. Not so. This is a change to current RS zoning. It will allow under permitted uses, a ski hill and all other buildings such as restaurant, maintenance buildings etc. It was brought up several times that some people do not believe the county did the right thing by allowing this under permitted uses and it should have been under special uses, that would have required hearings etc.
It was also brought up that a map should have been sent out with the proposal, so the people who are not able to figure out all the coordinates in regards to the areas that would be affected on the hill in regards to this change. That would have been a real good idea.
Jane Pelto answered alot of the questions that had to do with the zoning ordinance, and in my opinion cleared up alot of gray areas in regards to what the ordinance will and will not allow under certain classifications.
I certainly have a new respect for this woman she has a tough job in this community, and is finding it hard to do her full time job, as well as the zoning admins job. My hat off to her, she answered all questions put to her in a professional, patient manner. Even when in my opinion some of the questions were made in a accusatory manner. Not to mention the fact that she had to listen to people tell her and other memebers of the zoning board as well as the commisioners, that they didn't do their job and that they have let the community down.
Now I do not agree with the fact that the boards have not met, and I believe that alot of this could have been avoided if they had just defined the zoning in the begining. But from what I saw, I do not wish to be in their shoes for anything in the world. Like I said I may not agree, or like the fact that they have not met etc, but I will give all of them the respect that they deserve as officials of this county.
It's very easy as a person to point fingers and say they should have done this, and should have done that, but you know the old saying about walking in other peoples shoes.
I also noticed a very passionate concern about the situation with IP selling all their holdings in the area, everyone is very worried about this situation, I just hope that it is not left as long as this issue before action is taken.
It was also brought up that this issue was proposed along time ago and it was approved by everyone. Funny that it is having such problems now.It seems to me that some factions truly want to have a say on the development in this county, as not to be over run etc, but some just want to control all the development, especially Crosswinds development.But hey, just my opinions.

Hey have a good day.

By Ted Belej (Ted) on Friday, October 20, 2000 - 11:11 am:


When I was driving up and down the mountain there were times that I HAD to drive onto the shoulder to be able to make the curve. There were protestors there and they made no effort to yeild, in fact they did just the opposite. I do not have a problem with free speech but to place yourself in a dangerous position to express your views is just plain stupid. If the protestors thought that I was trying to swerve just to scare them they are WRONG.

I agree that using a vehicle as a weapon is wrong, it is illegal. However I think that in this case the protestors are as much to blame as anyone else.

I'm not sure that I'm even the one that people are complaining about. I was driving a black Jeep Grand Cherokee (licence LWK 411) if anyone reading this thinks that I did anything deliberate I would like to know what I'm being accused of.


By Jon Maninga (Jon) on Friday, October 20, 2000 - 10:44 am:


You said:


Appoligize for what? I said the picketers placed themselves in danger by being on the shoulder of a road. Anyone with common sense knows that a road can be a dangerous place, why put yourself at risk. Also anyone placing themselves in the direct path of a vehicle (on or off road) becomes just as much at fault if an accident occurs

I disagree, the drivers should respect the people on the side of the road, especially if they were exercising their right to free speech. If indeed the drivers swerved to "scare" the protestors, what kind of message does that send to any young people that may have been witness to the incident? My opinion is that it would say it is fine to intimidate (or at least try) anyone that does not agree with your point of view.

Last I knew Keweenaw County was part of the United States and therefore free speech is allowed....unless it jeopardizes national security.
Ted Belej (Ted) on Thursday, October 19, 2000 - 10:43 pm:


Once again you force me to point out many inaccuracies in your post.

The bridge that was built in the 50's crossed an existing waterway, therefor, according to maritime law (law that is older than you and I combined) boat traffic has right of way, no matter what. If a bridge is placed over a waterway it MUST accomidate any boat traffic at ANY time.

It is unfortunate that with the construction on the bridge (resurfacing work being done) that there are some traffic delays. These have never so bad that even us "good time rock and rollers" haven't had any more than a 10 minute wait (ok, so once I went through Don McClain's American Pie twice).

Houghton, is one of the finest places to live. Our School system is one of the best in the state. We have accpted the most school of choice students in the 4 county area. Why do you think that people want to send their students to Houghton? As a parent I know I want what is best for my child. The city has also taken extreme measures to make Houghton "winter friendly", the snow removal is exceptional, they have constructed parking decks and walkways to help aleviate the snow burden. One thing is for sure, we get a LOT of snow here. That's why my Father moved here in the first place. We all do our best to deal with it, and remember, if it gets that bad, just say to yourself "God put it here, let him take it away".

Hancock, I grew up there, lived most of my life there, it was a difficult choice to move to Houghton. I still own property there, the Fishery Building. A lot of people will see that and say "what a dump, you should tear it down", Others might say "that used to be the powerhouse that ran the trollies in Hancock at the turn of the century, you should save it". I tell them all, it is MY property, when and if I choose to develope it is MY choice.

To take people up and down Mt.Bohemia last Sunday was very much a pleasure. I only had one person out of 10 carloads that was opposed to the development, Michele Andreson. She and I were able to rationally discuss the matter and I think that she now views the safety precautions that have been built into the hill in a diffrent light.

At tonights meeting there were people that wanted a CULP that would curb any and all development (Paul and Anita, I belive). The problem with this is that if IP sells off the property that they own in the Keweenaw then it becomes PRIVATE. sure you could limit uses of the property, but without easements there woud be NO ACCESS no matter what your CULP says.


You certainly seem not to care about the negative consenquences you imply by speaking out in your County.

Appoligize for what? I said the picketers placed themselves in danger by being on the shoulder of a road. Anyone with common sense knows that a road can be a dangerous place, why put yourself at risk. Also anyone placing themselves in the direct path of a vehicle (on or off road) becomes just as much at fault if an accident occurs.


By Charlie H. on Thursday, October 19, 2000 - 05:31 pm:

Tonight (Thursday) at the Eagle River Courthouse at 7pm there will be an informational meeting presented by Michigan State University Extension in regard to Proposal B. Later this evening we invite feedback from that meeting.

By Susie LeBlanc on Thursday, October 19, 2000 - 05:30 pm:

Ted, and all Neighbors to the South and Lackies of Crosswinds: Please look at this objectively, it is constructive criticism: I would have thought you had more pressing things to do than drive up and down a destroyed mountain. Let's look at Houghton--I came out of the dentist's office and walked the streets of Houghton--store fronts were dirty, sidewalks gritty with sand and it just looked pretty pathetic to me. In winter the spots to park are never shoveled, can't even go in the stores without wearing swampers. And, the bridge--Look at the misguided officials in Houghton County that built the lift-bridge. A better higher bridge was proposed but Houghton greed took preference. And, common sense would tell you that the lift bridge should be raised on a specific time schedule. Other cities do!! Then you would not have that wrap-around car track a person gets subjected to. Your level of progress is giving a Contractor another grant job and you puff up like roosters. I'm waiting for your citizens to ordinance your snow-mobilers out of the cities, so they can have peace and quiet. No, No, noise and pollution - never care about your own people.

And Hancock, you have junkyards along your vista-view canal. Now, if you people would get a grant, really clean up your backyard, you wouldn't have to send the tourists to Keweenaw County. Really, I mean it, you could make a beautiful village and shops where the junkyards are. Also, I've been down the Quincy Mine, it is awesome--but, you throw dirty old skull caps and mining hats, and dirty old jackets, probably used in the "hayday". Out of 5 cities in the Copper Country, Houghton is last in snow removal--the last in clearing its streets.

There are consequences in speaking up in your own community, but none to the North (Keweenaw County). I really think you have crossed the line, now you used to use Keweenaw County, now you are exploiting it. Please, come together and join us in fighting this good fight to keep out this questionable developer, and we can get together and make the Keweenaw (you even took our name) a beautiful place for all of us and the tourists that come here. Vote NO on B.

And, I'm still waiting for an apology. It doesn't cut it to say we had no democratic right to picket. It's like saying the U.S.S. Cole had no right to be in Yemen.

By Jon Maninga (Jon) on Thursday, October 19, 2000 - 12:37 pm:


Are you the one that runs the CH water treatment facility?

I have some questions, but I would like to ask them through e-mail. If you will provide me with your e-mail address, I will send them to you.

If you are not the operator, please disreguard this.


By LMT on Thursday, October 19, 2000 - 10:44 am:

Hey all,
Well how's everyone doing?
Just a little FYI for you all.
I just visited Keweenaw Today, and to my surprise
flashing across the top of the screen was a garish banner(nothing new)that read hey send me some cash and you can get rid of these here banners!
Now I could care less what is advertised on that site, but I found that it fits right into the format of that site,SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!
Well hope to see everyone at the meeting in Eagle River tonite at the courthouse.
Should prove interesting.

By alicia marshall on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 - 10:33 pm:

You are giving credit to the wrong person.It is the local Cornish Society that is doing all that great work.I am just a hunter of geneology information.I have been recording the information on the grave markers while i was looking for my greatgrandpa's, which i never did find.Kathy Atwood also helped me out in the recording.I am getting an informal list together for the Schoolcraft cemetery.We did the Northern section first as it is in the worst shape.We could not get to them all as there are too many trees across the graves or the brush is too thick.
I was asked what i have i been up to lately as they had not seen me for awhile.. i said hanging out with dead people.
Geneology before housework..

By Walt Anderson on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 - 10:05 pm:

Mr. Torkelson,
Thank you for inquiring about the MG definition. Elsewhere in the DEQ pages, there is a list of past and present permits to discharge. There are other abbreviations. I saw several MG abbreviations with a third letter listed. Copper Harbor had a permit listed, as did Krist Oil in several places.

The DMG article from May 12th, that mentioned the Oct. 1st DEQ posting, quoted Paul Lehto, Calumet Township Supervisor, who said that even when there is runoff, it's not cause for alarm...and the article mentioned two overflow stations, though it did not say where they were located. The article said that the overflow stations "chlorinate the overflow during periods of heavy sewer runoff."
So Chibboy's jackass will be safe, and parents won't have to worry about their kid's mucous membranes.

It must be a ••••••• chlorinating process if it can complete the process while millions of gallons are running through it.

The Gazette article ran in May. I wasn't aware of where the overflow sites were located. As I said, the article did not say where they were. So I guess the North Houghton County Sewer system doesn't just overflow into Beggun Creek, but into two creeks that must eventually find their way into the Traprock River. And like I said, the Village of Lake Linden wants to build a new water tank/well somewhere in the downstream area of this million-gallon overflow.


And I was worried about the old Laurium dumpsite and the other old dump north of Calumet, both up the hill from the potential water site for the Village of Lake Linden. I don't think either of these dumps had the proverbial clay-liner.

A side note on landfills:
(I read some interesting info on a Superfund site in Illinois. An old landfill. Seems several large corporations didn't want to take the credit for dumping all of the hazardous waste there and so they were willing to share the cost of the cleanup with any local business that happened to send debris to the landfill. And since the landfill had the "weigh-in and weigh-out record" of all the businesses that brought their trash to the landfill, instead of the back forty, there was a handy list to disburse the share of the cost of the cleanup.
Anyway, as I remember, many small businesses had to go out of business because the dollar amount of their share was to great to bear. Wouldn't it be ironic if one day the landfill near Ontonagon was declared a hazard, and the local businesses, which faithfully dumped their garbage there, instead of on the back forty, were made to share the cost of the clean up?)

By LMT on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 - 09:14 pm:


I wanted to tell you how wonderful the cemetary is looking, so much progress since I was here in July.
To all who have helped in this worthwhile progress, I applaud you.
This is an effort true to the spirit of the Keweenaw that I remember from my youth.
I would urge everyone to please donate some time to this effort.
Again it looks great and hats off to you all.

By Jean McGrath on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 - 07:18 pm:

Lynn Torkelson (Ltorkelson) Thanks Lynn I spent a fair amount of time on line trying in vain to clarify MG, it seems that every discipline has its own set of abbrevitions which makes it difficult for anyone outside of that group to make sence of the data presented.

By Lynn Torkelson (Ltorkelson) on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 - 05:47 pm:

Walt and Jean,

I got the following response to my inquiry to the DEQ as to the meaning of the abbreviation "MG" in the volume information being reported for local CSOs. According to this clarification, on August 7, 2000 the overflow of untreated sewage amounted to 59,600,000,000 gallons! Now that's what I call a serious problem--almost 60 billion gallons.

I'm responding to the note you sent to Mike Durgan.

MG stands for million gallons. We'll attempt to clean up some abbreviations when we revise the database and internet access in the near future (next couple of months, hopefully). Because of space constraints, there may be some. Unfortunately, they cannot all be avoided.

Peter Ostlund
Shiawassee District Supervisor
Surface Water Quality Division

By Jeff Buckett (Jeff) on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 - 02:14 pm:

I just read at the on-line DMG that both birth-rates and student enrollment are in significant decline throughout the Copper Country(with no perceived coming reversal in this trend) after 15 years of slight increases. That tells me it may be getting harder for young couples to raise a family here.
That's all the spin I'll put on this one.

By Ted Belej (Ted) on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 - 11:09 am:


I am assuming you are speaking of the signs that were knocked down at the open house.

Were the signs that were torn down on your property?

If the signs were on either on private (Black Bear) or public land, then it is NOT illegal to tear them down.

I was one of the people that was shuttling people to the top and back that day (Black Jeep). I know a couple of times it was difficult to make the corner without encroaching on the opposite shoulder. The added congestion that the protesters created made for quite a safety hazard. The protesters were very fortunate that they didn't get injured. Anyone that is along the shoulder of the road should always be watching out for traffic and not trying to get as close to it as possible.

The zoning issue should have been clarified a long time ago. Now there is a developer that has INVESTED millions of dollars in this project and opponents are trying to pull a "last minute" fast one to derail the project.

This needs to be resolved in a rational, unemotional manner or people will be hurt either financially or otherwise (this is not a threat, but an observation, please do not take it the wrong way).

The rezoning will change the zoning of Mt. Bohemia only. It will not change any other zoning in the county. It will clarify the language of the zoning that will make Ski Resort a accpted use in the RS zone. It will not bring any golf courses to the Keweenaw. It will not bring any Casino's to the Keweenaw. It will not bring any "Cruise" ships to the Keweenaw.

Vote YES


By George Hite on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 - 10:24 am:

Walt, I agree it is a mess. A product of poor planning, an out-of-date zoning ordinance, inadequate development reviews, almost non-existent zoning enforcement, and the absence of broad public participation. We are on a slippery slope, especially with development pressures building. I'm hoping County voters will reject Proposal B, thus sending a strong message to everyone that we need to get our house in order. There is no reason we can't have commercial, recreational, and housing development that serves our needs without adversely impacting our residents and resources - but that won't happen without the major changes I'm confident a prevailing "No" vote will stimulate. This isn't about a ski hill - it's about our future as a community.

By Susie LeBlanc on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 - 10:06 am:

"Me, Jane--you Tarzan" The Burma Shave signs--
1. Mt. Bohemia, 2. We mourn your fate, 3. Taxpayer's, 4, It's not too late, 5. Vote NO!! Let me assure you these signs were nailed in with aluminum nails and sprayed with an environmentally-friendly elixir called LONNIE's LAGOON MIST, guaranteed odorless, will not contaminate ground water and will make the forests lush and green.
Seriously, it was illegal to tear the signs down. Three acts of illegality were done--tearing down the posted signs for an election issue, and 2 incidents of cars deliberately threatened the picketers, one more vicious than the other. These were done by the proponents of the Ski Hill. Crosswinds owes us an apology and explanation.

Crosswinds Gazette Ads: State of the Art Wastewater System--Is that the system near the Montreal River? Highway 4l can carry l2,000 cars--Traffic!! It will take that many and more to bring 60 million dollars into "the" Keweenaw Economy in just 5 years--does this include the whole Development? $20,000 in taxes--was a penaltypayment. $300,000 in local taxes in five years--how many skiers, golfers, lodges, parking garages, marinas, atv's, etc. will it take?

Wake up, Keweenaw County. Save your land and we can all swing from tree to tree, together! And, that cruise ship, get real. Vote NO.

By Charlie Hopper on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 - 07:42 am:

During a scheduled outage on October 17th, one of the larger bandwidth vendors upstream from Pasty Central accidently caused a blackout to a major Internet pipeline. We see this morning service has returned to normal.

Our logs indicate for every person who posts a message on this site, there are dozens more who observe, but never leave a note, never express your opinion on the issues. Give it a try; registration is NOT required, just leave the "password" field blank, but be sure to use your name.

By Jim Pearce on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 - 07:42 am:

Walt, you are right, this zoning thing is one big mess. I sure hope the vote in Nov. will decide once and for all.
I agree, it is good to be concerned about waste water disposal. The trouble is, it is not a cut and dried matter.
These figures in the paper are only engineers estimates. Bidding these type of jobs is still a very risky undertaking. A contracter cannot see what is in the ground to cause delays, and cost money.

By Jeff Buckett (Jeff) on Monday, October 16, 2000 - 10:58 pm:

As I've previously posted, I don't like the position that Ms. Pelto, the zoning administrator, has been put in. I expect she's been getting pressure from both sides of the ski-hill debate since last spring.
Ted Ted Ted:
As you know, I agree with you on clearly defining CD-EP before November 7th, but please keep the mud off your throwing arm and simply address the 1990 feasibility study mentioned by Susie or you'll start looking like an LSLC "minion/robot"(re Rich's post)and a rhetorical disparager of women.
In the name of fairness and just to return your mud-sling concealed in that SNL reference, the poetic analogue "troglodytic gigolo" comes to mind.
Please don't take it personally, Ted. I've been seriously encumbered since childhood with the "knight in shining armor" syndrome and after years of struggle have been unable to overcome it's debilitating effects.

By Ted Belej (Ted) on Monday, October 16, 2000 - 08:02 pm:


It would not surprise me one bit that if the ZBA is not allowed to make an announcement to meet by Wednesday (the 20 day "window" date before the election), that Black Bear would have enough legal grounds to have Judge Hood rule the entire referendum process improper (pettion collection, lack of description, Zoning Board illegal closed meeting, ignoring a Judge's order, no clarification before the election, etc.) and throw the whole mess out.

Susie, the only thing that comes to mind when I read your post is a quote from Dan Akkroyd to Jane Curtin in the debate portion of an old Saturday Night Live Newscast, Point - Counter Point (just substitute Susie for Jane)


By Walt Anderson on Monday, October 16, 2000 - 07:32 pm:

I would like a ski hill opponent (or two) to address a question I keep asking myself: What is wrong with a ski hill? Or, is the shoreline beautiful from Montogomery Point to Bete Gris North with the development there? Does that pass muster?

I have heard, as you probably have, the expression: last man in paradise syndrome. How about it? Why is it okay for you to be there and not a ski hill?

I've been hearing that from shore to shore the land will be overrun by condominiums. For that matter, what is wrong with a condominium? That building on the left as you head north, just before Patrick's there in the suburbs of Mohawk, that building with many doors? Let's call that a condominium. What's wrong with it?

I would like to address another issue. In the "Analysis of Keweenaw County Zoning Ordinance" as commissioned by Gary Kohs,
The request has been made that the zoning administrator take action on violations--the analysis says that work done at the hill is in violation of the zoning regulations.

It seems inherent in the analysis that a ski hill must, therefore, be permitted, somewhere within the current zoning.

The analysis repeatedly asks the Zoning Administrator to take action on the alleged violations.

Am I wrong, or did the Zoning Administrator ask for a definition of the zoning? Didn't the Zoning Administrator ask of the Zoning Board to define where a ski hill/resort is permitted?

But I thought Mr. Kohs and the other people opposed to the ski hill wanted the people to vote on the issue (a word that will find its way to a list at the end of the year).

I thought the anti-hill people did not want the board to say where a ski hill could be located. But the analysis contained within it the implied threat to the zoning administrator that the administrator "arguably would be in violation of the Ordinance" if no action is taken.

So what does anyone else think about this?

By Dan J. Kauppi on Monday, October 16, 2000 - 05:50 pm:

I must say that things are really changing in the Keweenaw. I didn't hear anything about "cruise ships" coming to Lac La Belle. Could somebody please fill me in on that.
I'm also unaware of any "supermarkets" in the Keweenaw. Will somebody please clarify some of these comments. I've only been gone for a little over a year.

Dan J. Kauppi

By Susie LeBlanc on Monday, October 16, 2000 - 03:41 pm:

"Go High on That Mountain" and what did you see? Everyone said, a beautiful view, even you proponents of the hill. A "Beautiful View". You probably felt like touching the sky! And, God said, "What did it take to get here to the top of the Mountain--destruction, you destroyed a mountain to see a beautiful view. Wasn't the Mountain a beautiful view?" We all have a "Pie in the Sky" at the end of our rainbow, but, what will it take to get there? Do we destroy, or build up?

Close your eyes, now....see a motel by the lighthouse, a marina, a cruise ship & watercraft & noise: look to the left and see another ski-hill, look to the right and see homes, cabins, gift shops--more traffic. Can't see Haven Park for the water tower and 3 septic systems scattered about, and more "Wilderness cabins" (l3 miles wide and 50 miles long). Did I forget 3 golf courses? Hallucinating?? Please check the Barnhart Malcolm, Inc. Feasibility Study done by Barnhart Malcolm, Inc. Denver Co. date February 8, l990 that you the taxpayer paid $55,000 for, with a stipend from Lake Superior Land Co. This was presented to Crosswinds and you think it will be only a ski-hill? You aren't that tunnel-visioned, are you?

Keweenaw County citizens, please do not be used by unscrupulous developers. You like knowing your neighbor, visiting at the post office, in the aisles of your supermarket.. . I do. Loggers, where will you log when the land is sold? Where will fish and hunt and berry pick? We can cross-country ski, we can snowmobile, we can ice-skate, build a snow-man, it is a beautiful place to live

All we need is to define zoning which will protect this land.

Picketing was fun, we had the older generation, younger generation, but we didn't have you? We got thumbs up, thumbs down and the "finger". We were much frightened by the threat of injury by two cars, which swerved into us. What amazes me that we have no other agenda but to save the land, and you would blackball us, call us names. Well, it really doesn't matter. We ask you to know we are sincere, we need your help at the polls to save all of our land. Vote NO in November.

By Walt Anderson on Monday, October 16, 2000 - 06:19 am:

Mr. Pearce,
I'm sorry, I meant to address your post earlier and I didn't. Yes, the DMG article mentioned there were "two new projects set for bidding this year [that] include a 4.2 million plan..."

Interesting, isn't it, that apparently before bids were taken, word was spread how much money would be spent? Having had the chance to bid (read gambled)on numerous potential jobs over the years, I look at that aspect of the upgrade and shake my head. It would have been great if before I bid I knew how much money was in the wallet. Have the projects been completed? Or even started?

I suppose there might not be a danger from the sewer run-off to us humans. But maybe there is an animal or two downstream potentially influenced by it. Shoot, on certain days, with the right atmospheric conditions, you can hear Chibboy's jack-•••(donkey) braying up the hill at Hee-Haw Junction. Bad water?

And what about kids with their mucous membranes, virtual breeding grounds for germs. I suppose tar ditches present better opportunities for kids to experiment with putting stuff up their noses?

Or what would be wrong with making people aware of a problem and letting them decide if they should be concerned about it?

By Walt Anderson on Monday, October 16, 2000 - 05:43 am:

Over the months of debate concerning the ski hill it is interesting that opponents of the ski hill have chosen to believe Crosswinds, or Lonnie, as they fondly refer to the opposition, believe him when it is convenient to do so.

For example, when a starting wage was told, the opposition readily pounced upon that answer, readily believed that answer, and quickly argued that it wouldn't be enough to feed a family. It was pointed out that there actually are families feeding their families on such wages.
It has been pointed out that maybe if there are more jobs in this area, then maybe the job seeker can begin to ask for a higher wage.

There are many people in this area who haven't made more money they ever need to survive and would welcome more opportunity, more alternatives.

Another example of the opposition's willingness to believe Crosswinds, or Lonnie, as they lovingly call Mr. Gleiberman, has been the argument that plans were never shown to them. I had heard the opposition argue that snowmaking equipment will not be available for five years and how does the opposition know that, how could they possibly know that, if plans were never known, well, because Lonnie had lunch with someone and told them so, and that they believe, that snowmaking equipment won't be in place for five years they believe.

I've heard another argument concerning the ski hill--that being that the ski hill will continue the trend of us losing access to the land.

Who wants to keep who off the ski hill?
Was there "No Trespassing" signs posted by the protestors?

The ski hill will be one area open to the public, one area that the keep out signs will not be placed.

By Janet Shea on Sunday, October 15, 2000 - 11:37 pm:

Hi, Rich
We had a GRAND day with our signs, lots of "thumbs up" and "honk no" responses to our messages. We had quite a few people pull off to talk to us about the issues and why we were asking them to Vote No on Proposal B, giving us a chance to voice our concerns about uncontrolled development/growth. We were all Keweenaw COUNTY residents, from Copper Harbor to the county line. We are a grass-roots movement, we meet once a week in Lac La Belle, and we would invite anyone to join us who is interested in the issues.
We were not as scary to people coming down the hill as the gentlemen who ran over four of the signs, swerving off the road toward a group of us to do so, also stopping in front of each of us to glare and mumble incoherently. THAT was scary, and our sheriff took action.
I agree, the view from the 8-foot-less-tall Mt. Bohemia is beautiful. What's being built On is is not. I look forward to the meeting on the 17th. Please spread the word, maybe Lonnie will answer our questions this time instead of answering questions with questions. I've called as many Copper Harbor residents as possible in order to present their views, but I would be more than happy to hear from anyone that would care to send me an email before Tuesday.
Thanks, Janet

By Rich-Eagle Harbor on Sunday, October 15, 2000 - 09:05 pm:

Hi Lisa;

You are right, the view from the top was quite magnificent. I can't wait until they start their summer programs as I am too chicken to try those runs on skies.

You were also right about the protesters, or should I say "Kohs's Robot's". It looked as though many of them had to be brought from accross the bridge. Kind of sad to be stuck with tunnel vision, isn't it.

See you on the 17th. Rich

By Lisa Trevathan (Lisa) on Sunday, October 15, 2000 - 05:20 pm:

Hey everyone,

Well, I just got back from the open house at Mt. Bohemia.
I can not even begin to describe the views from on top of that hill. Breathtaking, awesome, I have never seen a view of the Keweenaw such as I viewed today.
I have to say the ride down was very eye opening.
Greeted by the remainants of the fall colors, awashed by seasonal drizzle, my father and I were also treated to nailed signs that were on trees along the roadside. Not to mention picketers in rain gear bearing signs that read "vote no" etc.
I had a conversation with one lady who said it was kind of scary that those people were actually picketing.
The traffic hazzard created by cars parked on both sides of the road by these people was not appreciated especially on rain slick roads.
I know my father told Ms. Anderson that he didn't understand why when these people were so concerned about the environment why then were they putting nails in trees, that loggers, property owners, do not appreciate it. They present a real hazzard to anyone that may use a chain saw to cut these trees down.
There seemed to be alot of out of towners in that picket line for what few there were.
But enough about them, I can't again tell you how awesome the hills is, I had a very nice conversation with another lady that went to the top with us by the name of Anne from Eagle Harbor, most of the people that were there (and there was quite a turn out considering that the good lord didn't exactly give us great weather) had similar comments to make. I must say I didn't expect to be so impressed. Wrong again honey!
I am waiting patiently for Ms. Anderson and companies views on the hill. As several I saw took the tour themselves, but I'm sure it will be more of the same.
Anywhooo, I hope to see some of you at the meeting on the 17th. Rich it was very nice to finally put a face with the name. I enjoyed talking to you. I missed out on meeting your wife though.
Well, I'm going to try to warm up now as my southernized blood is not used to the little chill in the air here. I will some how have to manage though.
It's so good to be home again, and I must say the colors here and on the way here are still great, Ltorkelson, you did good!
Talk to you soon.

By LTorkelson on Sunday, October 15, 2000 - 01:16 pm:

Jean McGrath,

I'm familiar with the mg abbreviation as in mg/l (milligrams per litre) used for the measurement of stuff in water. However, when measuring the overflows that occur when a storm sewer overwhelms a system, it seems to me that measuring the volume to one one-thousandth of a gram might be just a little bit too fine.

For example, the 0.1844 MG overflow that was reported for 9/12/00 would not be of much concern if it were truly less than one one-thousandth of a gram. And even the 59600 MG reported for 8/7/00 would be of much less significance than what one hunter might do in the woods if the CSO's volume were truly less than 60 grams.

I suspect that MG represents a somewhat larger volume than does mg. If not, I don't think we have much to worry about from the CSOs that have been reported for Houghton County.

By Jean McGrath on Sunday, October 15, 2000 - 12:20 pm:

Lynn Torkelson (Ltorkelson) The mg. is used to abbreviation for milligram, I hope this helps.

By Walt Anderson on Sunday, October 15, 2000 - 11:41 am:

Last week, I suggested that a ski hill/ski resort must be a
permitted use, since it wasn't listed specifically as a special
use in the zoning regulations.

However, in Section 2.2, under General Provisions, on
Page 5, there is wording that implies there are other special uses
though they may not be listed specifically under the different
zoning classifications.
Item #5, in Section 2.2, on page 5 says in part: "…any development within five hundred (500) feet of the existing rights-of-way…and within fifteen hundred (1,500) feet of their existing interchange…shall be deemed to be special uses."

So…? So does the above mean, then, that any proposed development (ski resort/cabins…) within 500 feet of the LacLaBelle road would be a special use? And does this mean that the proper place for the language specifically listing ski resort/cabins/ski hill…would be under special uses and not as item #12 permitted uses in RS-Resort Service District?

I don't know. What would be your take on it?--given that the zoning board will not be defining low intensity, or whatever it is that the zoning administrator has asked of them because of the uncertainty that everyone is aware of by now, given that an interpretation will not be coming before the people vote--what would be your take on it?

Does this information help anyone? I'm not sure where the proposed building sites are located. Are they within 500 feet of the right-of-way?

Mr. Torkelson,
I don't know about the MG definition. Milligrams? maybe? I recall seeing another page somewhere devoted to informing the public about the condition of their drinking water. That page had an entire page or more dedicated to defining the various terms that describe the many kinds of "thingys" found in water.
Maaybe someone else can help?

By Jim Pearce on Sunday, October 15, 2000 - 11:19 am:

Did you know that there is currently a 4 million dollar project going on in Calumet, to seperate the storm and sanitary sewers. It is costing us {the users} money, but at least the township recognizes the problem and is taking steps to correct it.
I would like to commend you and Jeff, seems you 2 are the only ones accually reading and trying to make sense out of the zoning. Seems most people are basing their decisions on others views and not making their minds up for themselves.
I find it hard to believe 40 students from ysi would be registered to vote since they only have about 100 at the present. 40% of their population being of voting age is hard to believe.Also I believe teaching them civic duties is part of the program, especially since it is a presidential election year.

By Lynn Torkelson (Ltorkelson) on Sunday, October 15, 2000 - 10:46 am:


In the volume given for the CSOs, does "MG" stand for "millions of gallons"? No matter what the units actually are, it seems that there has been a huge variation in the size of the discharges (unless someone has left off a decimal point from some of the reports).

By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Sunday, October 15, 2000 - 09:41 am:

For those not familiar with LacLaBelle, most of the shoreline at the foot of Mt. Bohemia is currently privately owned. Unless those owners choose or are forced to sell their property, it is doubtful any new cabins could be built on the shoreline by Crosswinds. The more likely location would be along the ridge or behind it, but this isn't condusive to the ski-in, ski-out concept Crosswinds favors.

By Janet Shea on Sunday, October 15, 2000 - 09:33 am:

Jeff & Walt: Re RS and the location of cottages:
With a yes vote, you will find cottages in BOTH
places, lake & hill. Lonnie agrees it would be
more ecologically & economically sound to put them
in cluster developments rather than scattered
through the woods. The crucial question: HOW MUCH
DEVELOPMENT? We don't know, we've not been privy
to Xwinds' plans or studies...thus unplanned,
uncontrolled growth, with no input from the
citizens. Vote NO on Proposal B.

By Walt Anderson on Sunday, October 15, 2000 - 08:39 am:

The intent of this post is to make people aware of a potential health risk. Earlier this year the Gazette ran several articles related to sewers and septic systems. You may recall a color photo on the front page of the North Houghton County Water and Sewer Authority treatment site near Calumet, to the left of M-203 after you pass the cemetery on your way to McLain State Park.

On the back page of the Gazette one article informed us that "local government officials must report any sanitary sewer overflows to the state by July 15." Overflows would be posted on the DEQ website by October 1, 2000.

I believe those overflow reports are now available at: http://www.deq.state.mi.us/swq/

The following is taken from that site:
The CSOs are overflows from sewer systems designed to carry both domestic and storm water loads. The CSOs usually occur under very wet weather conditions, and thus are diluted with storm water.
A combined sewer is a sewer that is designed to carry both sanitary sewage and storm water runoff. A discharge from a combined sewer system occurs in response to rainfall and/or snowmelt because the carrying capacity of the sewer system is exceeded. These discharges do not receive all treatment that is available and utilized under ordinary dry weather conditions (normally during dry weather conditions the wastewater is transported to a wastewater treatment facility where it receives appropriate treatment prior to discharge). Both the combined sewer overflow structure and the discharge from the structure are referred to as "CSOs

The Gazette article informed us of two new projects to improve the M-203 site, projects that would reduce the combined sewer overflows.The article also mentioned two overflow stations put in place in 1996. The article did not say where the overflow stations are located.

When I looked at the DEQ site http://www.deq.state.mi.us/swq/ I learned that there have been at least 17 overflows reported by the M-203 site, 17 overflows between 6/24/99 and 9/12/00. Rain seems to be the cause of the overflows--both rain runoff and sewage travels the same pipe.

The overflows haven't all happened over on M-203. Rather, they have happened near the Bicentennial Arena and near Florida Location. The overflows have apparently found their way to Douglas Creek and St. Louis Creek. I have a topographical map of this area and neither creek can be found listed on the map. The creek what the Douglas Houghton Falls are on is Hammel Creek. There is a creek on the map that parallels Gas Plant Road. Most of the smaller creeks in this area eventually find their way into the Traprock.

Should we be concerned? Probably. Until I read the overflow information on the DEQ site, I assumed any overflows of the M-203 site happened near M-203.

The Village of Lake Linden wants to improve its water system. The village purchased property, more or less downhill from these overflow sites. I've done some work on Pepin Road, downhill from these two areas, and the water table where we dug holes for a pole barn was high. In fact, if you drive Pepin Road, you will see that most of the new construction appears tall. I believe the high water table is responsible for some of this high-rise construction.

Sure, if the Village of Lake Linden is able to build a new water system the water will likely come from deep within the ground. But a hole needs to be made to get to it. Maybe the water will be safe. Water runs downhill, or down the drain, or down around the pipe that goes down to the water you drink. Likewise, everyone downhill from the mentioned areas, unless they are on a municipal water system (and I don't think any of them are), gets their water from within the ground and a hole had to be made to retrieve it. And if there is a combined sewer overflow up the hill every time it rains, then each time the overflow runs downhill there is a risk.

How many people downhill from the overflows are aware that these overflows exist? I wasn't until today.

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