By Lisa on Friday, October 20, 2000 - 11:43 am:
Hey everone,
Well, I won't even go there as far as the LeBlanc post is concerned. I believe that sensible people will take it for what it's worth.
I wanted to touch on a few things from the meeting that Charlie was talking about.
I went to the meeting and was surprised at how small the turnout was. This was a meeting that could have cleared up many questions for voters.
I would like to clear up one misconception that has been put out though, and that is the fact that the referendum would not affect the zoning in the rest of the county, and that it would just be for the Mt. Bohemia project. Not so. This is a change to current RS zoning. It will allow under permitted uses, a ski hill and all other buildings such as restaurant, maintenance buildings etc. It was brought up several times that some people do not believe the county did the right thing by allowing this under permitted uses and it should have been under special uses, that would have required hearings etc.
It was also brought up that a map should have been sent out with the proposal, so the people who are not able to figure out all the coordinates in regards to the areas that would be affected on the hill in regards to this change. That would have been a real good idea.
Jane Pelto answered alot of the questions that had to do with the zoning ordinance, and in my opinion cleared up alot of gray areas in regards to what the ordinance will and will not allow under certain classifications.
I certainly have a new respect for this woman she has a tough job in this community, and is finding it hard to do her full time job, as well as the zoning admins job. My hat off to her, she answered all questions put to her in a professional, patient manner. Even when in my opinion some of the questions were made in a accusatory manner. Not to mention the fact that she had to listen to people tell her and other memebers of the zoning board as well as the commisioners, that they didn't do their job and that they have let the community down.
Now I do not agree with the fact that the boards have not met, and I believe that alot of this could have been avoided if they had just defined the zoning in the begining. But from what I saw, I do not wish to be in their shoes for anything in the world. Like I said I may not agree, or like the fact that they have not met etc, but I will give all of them the respect that they deserve as officials of this county.
It's very easy as a person to point fingers and say they should have done this, and should have done that, but you know the old saying about walking in other peoples shoes.
I also noticed a very passionate concern about the situation with IP selling all their holdings in the area, everyone is very worried about this situation, I just hope that it is not left as long as this issue before action is taken.
It was also brought up that this issue was proposed along time ago and it was approved by everyone. Funny that it is having such problems now.It seems to me that some factions truly want to have a say on the development in this county, as not to be over run etc, but some just want to control all the development, especially Crosswinds development.But hey, just my opinions.
Hey have a good day.