By John Griffith on Monday, November 5, 2001 - 09:29 am:
The opposition to Planned Parenthood and the attack on the Twin Towers are not unrelated. Both feature the expression of fundamental religious beliefs at the expense of human life (although, ironically, such beliefs contradict the teachings of the religious prophets Jesus and Mohammed).
How crazy is it that "right to lifers" are willing to kill doctors or mothers to make their point?
The point at which a fetus becomes a human being is a moral and religious opinion, not a discernable legal fact. Therefore, it would be wrong to grant full rights to a fetus. However, there is nothing more precious than a wanted pregnancy, and there should be a penalty for killing what is inarguably a separate living thing, which has at least the potential to become fully human.
Mr. Sachs correctly points out that the problem is not abortion per se, but a lack of either abstinence or birth control. Let Mr. Snyder and the others address the former, and Planned Parenthood address the latter.
If one truly believes, as do the protestors, that from the moment of fertilization, an egg-blastopore-embryo-fetus is a fully human being, then abortion is murder. However, such a belief is just that -- a belief based on personal moral and religious values -- and as such cannot and should not be thrust upon others of differing beliefs.
Freedom, which we all have been recently reminded must be held near and dear, includes freedom of religion and freedom of CHOICE.
Protestors, I respect your beliefs, but they aren't necessarily mine, and your attempt to legislate you beliefs tramples our hard won freedom.
By Jeff Buckett on Friday, November 2, 2001 - 12:47 pm:
Here’s a pair of links to two good columns on why Islamic moderates and American officials need to step-up, strengthen and further craft the PR campaign which will define this War on Terrorism for both ourselves and the over 1 billion Muslims worldwide:
One War, Two Fronts by Thomas Friedman
Yes, This Is About Islam by Salman Rushdie
ps: Thanks to the Yanks and D-Backs for the most exciting World Series since 1991!