
Keweenaw Issues: Responsible Opinions: 2001: September
An archive of previous comments

alicia on Friday, September 28, 2001 - 10:51 pm:

Here i am again looking for someones ancestors for a woman in Norway.
Looking for The SANDSTROM FAMILY that lived on Boundary st in Calumet/Laurium.The parents were Peter and Anna who died in the early 1930's.Children were, Auriel,Palmer, Sigmar,Peter,Clara and Davey.Clara married here but married name unknown.Found the parents buried in Lakeview Cemetery.Where did the children move?
She is most anxious to find them.
Please email me if you have any information.
Thank you,

By Michele on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 01:14 am:

See the Keweenaw Issues Land Use Forum for another story on how your letters helped convince the Trust Fund Board to approve the Keweenaw Tip proposal for funding. Read also why it's not yet a "done deal." Thanks to Charlie Hopper for allowing me to publish this story on

By Charlie Hopper on Saturday, September 15, 2001 - 02:03 pm:

Here's the direct link for the story about the Keweenaw Tip purchase.

By Charlie Hopper on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 10:49 pm:

Amid all the sad news the past two days, this evening on the Pasty Cam it was our pleasure to introduce a positive story you might find of interest regarding the tip of the Keweenaw.

By Jean McGrath on Wednesday, September 5, 2001 - 07:49 pm:

I am also sorry at the loss of KT, this was a great asset for the people of the Keweenaw and those of us who love this wild and beautiful land. I hope that this void can be filled in some other way, the Keweenaw Issues is a great forum that I am sure will pick up some of this need. Thanks Charlie for this site.

By Lynn Torkelson (Ltorkelson) on Wednesday, September 5, 2001 - 10:26 am:

I'm sorry to see the demise of KT. Surely it's better to have more sources of information in a community than fewer. Folks can always use their own judgment to evaluate what is reported. In my opinion, Michele does a fine job of reporting and I certainly hope to read more from her in the future.

I suppose, as always, the question is how to make this type of service financially self-sustaining. This has been a problem for print media over the past few decades too.

By Charlie Hopper on Wednesday, September 5, 2001 - 07:53 am:

This morning it came to our attention that Keweenaw Today has been discontinued. We will soon be removing the defunct links to KT at the bottom of these pages.

While not associated with Keweenaw Today over the past 12 months, prior to that time was included among the 120+ domains hosted on PastyNET. In September of 2000 KT and Pasty parted ways, but we have followed with great interest the articles and news compiled by Michele Anderson and so many of our neighbors here in the Keweenaw. The demise of KT leaves a void in the grass roots news infrastructure of this region.

We will observe, with just as much interest, how that void may be filled in the days ahead.

Charlie Hopper
Still Waters / Pasty Central / PastyNET

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