By Sandra Britton (Sandy) on Sunday, June 3, 2001 - 02:42 pm:
I read with interest Michelle's excellent article on KT covering Phil Musser's talk regarding KC. By and large I think he's right on the money. As to the Mountain Lodge, I've mentioned this idea before, but here's one thought. Perhaps the County Board could contact 2 or 3 of the professional resort management companies for proposals to upgrade and operate the Lodge. It is truly a treasure, and with the right marketing, should be a valuable asset. After all, it wouldn't cost anything to ask and might be very profitable.
As to the motel referred to in the Anonymos section, I have a few thoughts. I've known Rick Olson since 1992 and he is one of the VERY few who actually grew up and lived in LacLaBelle all his life. He's a straight shooter, knows and loves the area, and would I'm sure not put in anything garish or intrusive. The old Wilerness site has been in his family for years, and is about the least-worst spot to put such a motel. It is within walking distance of the store and restaurant, and is kind of in an out-of-sight corner. This is a long-held dream of the Olson's, and if they can put it together, I wish them luck. Someone asked about jobs created. It would take a staff of 6 to 8 (3-4 housekeepers, 1-2 maintenance, 1-2 office) to operate. As to wastewater, I would think that one of the new on-site treatment systems, which are very compact and equally efficient, might be a solution.