By Greta Armata (Gretania) on Wednesday, December 27, 2006 - 07:32 pm:
Cindy - it's never easy to put down an animal. I've always had cats that were "pre-owned" - so I had the pleasurable assignment of taking care of them in their later years an putting them down. My Siameses lived the longest - Cooper was about 23, Cecelia was 15; then Fluffy, a long-hair, was only 10 but I did mouth-to-nose and CPR after she had a sudden heart attack, to no avail; Bailey was half-Siamese/half-tiger striped and lived to be 11; the last one I put down was 2 years ago the day before Christmas - a 14 year old Siamese named Baby, who came to live with me when she was already 11. Now I have 2 litter mate sisters that have never been separated - even when getting spayed. Foo-foo and Too-too just turned 12, and I've had them since they were 3. I imagine that when one goes, the other won't be far behind. I still miss Cooper and he's been gone since 1988.
By David Hiltunen (Davidcorrytontn) on Wednesday, December 27, 2006 - 10:40 pm:
Gerald R. Ford our Nation's 38 th.President is gone but not forgoten.
By Cindy Pihlaja Russell (Gone2long) on Thursday, December 28, 2006 - 08:02 am:
Thank you all for your kind words about my sweet kitty. I am feeling much better knowing that she is not suffering anymore. It is sure different without her around. >^..^<