
Past-E-Mail: Cam Notes - 2006: March: Mar 25-06: Saturday-What'sUP
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Charlie at Pasty Central (Chopper) on Saturday, March 25, 2006 - 08:42 am:

One of the more emotional aspects of editing the Pasty Cam the last 8+ years has been the interaction with residents, and eventually having to bid them farewell. Ray St. Peter was one of our original Pasty Central participants at Still Waters, a very active man who loved long hikes and cross country skiing. If you could see him on pasty-day, he was not so much peeling the potatoes, but more like whittling them. Ray was always there for bingo, music, or coffee time in the dining room, and always expressed appreciation for his comfortable home at Still Waters. Ray passed away in July of 2001.

If you follow the link on the previous line, you will read a true story of an experience I had at Still Waters when I was the administrator. One of those amazing coincidences as I opened and read a letter (with photograph) from a happy visitor to - to learn moments later that she had just died in an accident.

It has been more than just a 'picture-a-day' over these past 8 years... It has been a journey, an adventure, a voyage through time with people and places we will never forget.

more tomorrow


tom ghering (Tomgheringtcmi) on Saturday, March 25, 2006 - 08:10 am:

Good Morning from Traverse City
First Post

By WishingIWasInDaUP (Sur5er) on Saturday, March 25, 2006 - 09:24 am:

Good morning...or should I say good night, as I am headed to bed, after having worked throughout the night ;) Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend :)
Charlotte, no snow last night. However, when I headed into town, earlier this morning, there was some type of precipitation coming it couldn't decide whether to snow or rain...or do both ;)

By Deb S. (Usedtobeayooper) on Saturday, March 25, 2006 - 09:37 am:

I hope I'm still that spry at that age.

By Smfwixom (Trollperson) on Saturday, March 25, 2006 - 09:47 am:

Morning everyone & have a good weekend!

By Deb S. (Usedtobeayooper) on Saturday, March 25, 2006 - 10:28 am:

Hey everyone, Going back to last weekend, you can go to the Gazette's website to read an article by someone who wishes it was still called the Copper Country. Interesting read. Her name is Myrtle Barrette, page 2C. It's called vintage ads conjure memories.

By Margaret, Amarillo TX (Margaret) on Saturday, March 25, 2006 - 10:47 am:

Morning, enjoying the stories.

By Michael Du Long (Mikie) on Saturday, March 25, 2006 - 12:00 pm:

If this is the Ray St. Peter from Hubbell he used to ring the bells at St. Cecilia church. In meetings during my working years I would say I came from Gods country where St. Peter rang the church bells.This was always a good start to my boring lectures.

By kosk in Toronto (Koskintoronto) on Saturday, March 25, 2006 - 10:21 pm:


I loved your story about Ray. Even though my
work is mostly with children, I have lots of
family and friends who were elderly and have
died. They were a part of my life while I was
young, when I was an adult, and even now, as
part of the "COMMUNION OF SAINTS," they are
still important to me. Memories matter. I tell
that to the kids in my class often. A good
memory of a loved one can lift you up like a
balloon and swirl you in the sky. We all need
to remember that what we do might become
someone's memory. Let's be among those
who lift people up!

By Jim Bergren (Jimbob) on Saturday, March 25, 2006 - 10:27 pm:

Grace and peace and to you. I am hoping someone from the Old Apostolic Lutheran Church (or anyone that uses this device)might be able to answer my question or direct me in the right direction. The Lutheran church I attend in Brush Prairie, WA is wanting to expand our ministry to our elderly shut-ins who cannot come to worship services on Sundays. Members from the Old Apostolic Lutheran church in our area talk about something they have at their church called "The Patch". This allows members of their church to call a phone number on Sunday mornings and they are patched into the sound system so they can hear the service. Members of the Old Apostolic Church would love to share that they have this feature, but would love to not tell you exactly how it works, or who you could reach at their church to learn more about it. If anyone has knowledge on this Phone Patch and could let me know, I would be forever grateful....and so would our shut-ins who so badly want to be part of our worship services. Thank you and God bless. Jim Bergren,

By Beverly, San Jose (Beverly) on Sunday, March 26, 2006 - 02:45 am:

The skis that Mr. St. Peter is using look like they might be Finnish hand made. (They look similar to the skis that my dad made for me.)
Good morning Sur5er...are you up? :) Glad you like the jokes. ;)

By WishingIWasInDaUP (Sur5er) on Sunday, March 26, 2006 - 03:09 am:

Hi Beverly :) But of course I am up...still working on this court case. Yep, the jokes give me a chuckle...and are much appreciated :) Besides, they give me a nice break from the paperwork...and remind me not to be soooooo darn serious all the time.

CindyMay, Thanks for the nice email. Hope you have a safe trip home...and the thought that you donated your mom's legal pads to a police department crime victim program, really made my day. What a beautiful and thoughtful gesture on your part :)

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