By Ken ja Mimi from da UP (Kenjamimi) on Friday, January 20, 2006 - 12:00 am:
Marsha,Genessee,Aura, the word is HEIKINPÄIVÄ. EACH letter is pronounced, Hei = hay, kin = kin, pä (the ä sounds like the a in cat, hat, rat, etc.), i = ee, vä = va (like the first syllable of vacuum) Hay - kin - (pä - ee) - vä. That 'päi' is only one syllable. Heikki = Henry, päivä = day. Translates to Henry's day.
Who is Heikki? Why, Heikki Lunta, of course. When is snows, the Finns celebrate, it's inn to be Finn, and it's Funn to be Finn. You don't have to be insane to jump into the freezing water, but it helps! :o)
By Deb S. (Usedtobeayooper) on Friday, January 20, 2006 - 07:15 am:
Hey Kenjamimi, I remember living in the Copper Country and listening to the "Heikki Lunta Snow Dance Song" on the radio. It was so darn funny. But when you lived there you figured you always had enough snow. You sure didn't need to sing for more. lol My friend's husband used to sing that with his band when we'd go out dancing. Sure enough, it'd be snowing when we left. (I think it was just the fact that it was the Houghton area that it was snowing and not the fact that he sang the song.) Have a good one!