Dec 22-23

Past-E-Mail: Cam Notes - 2023: December: Dec 22-23
Hancock Township Lit UP    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo by Isaac Diener
Northern Lights Reflections    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo by Isaac Diener
Lighting the Way    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo by Isaac Diener
Lights from Laurium    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo by Barbara Bouwkamp
Mutiny at Fort Mackinac to play video
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Mary Drew at Pasty Central (Mdrew) on Friday, December 22, 2023 - 04:50 am:

Isaac Diener is a pro at capturing the Auroras around the Keweenaw and today’s first three shots prove that without a doubt. He captured these in Hancock Township last week in the wee hours of the morning (3 a.m.) when most of the rest of us were tucked in bed. Outstanding with the reflections and the city lights, too. In his third photo there’s a stream of light shooting up on the right side of the photo. Not sure what that’s from, but it reminds me of a sundog.

The fourth photo was snapped by Barbara Bouwkamp from her Laurium bedroom window. She said it was too cold to go outside. I’m betting that she may not have gotten as much of the lights if she had, as the trees may have blocked it, standing lower on the ground like that. The trees are what I like in her photo, how they’re framing the Northern Lights peeking out around them. Nice job!

We’re heading to Mackinac Island with Chuck and Poppins, the Restless Viking, for a walk and talk to Fort Mackinac where they will unveil the story of the Forgotten Rebellion on Christmas Day in 1829. A Restless Viking Christmas story from 200 years ago.

By Donna (Donna) on Friday, December 22, 2023 - 09:58 am:

How beautiful! I'm so sound lights here
anymore. sniff. Those are so beautiful...

I love the Restless Viking vids. They do such
interesting stuff..this is awesome!!

By Deb S. (Usedtobeayooper) on Friday, December 22, 2023 - 12:29 pm:

What breathtaking shots!!

By Alex "UP-Goldwinger" (Alex) on Friday, December 22, 2023 - 01:32 pm:

Every time I see these pics I’m amazed
because this is what shields all life on earth
and without this protection we wouldn’t
be here to enjoy their beauty.
It brings to mind a verse:
“He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.”
(Psalm 91)

By D. A. (Midwested) on Friday, December 22, 2023 - 03:00 pm:

I totally agree Alex. Mars has none of this so it's atmosphere was blown away by these Solar winds.

Yet so many people want to travel there...not to just visit but to live. They'll need to set up utilities to provide not only food, water and sewer, but also provide oxygen.

By Uncle Chuck (Unclechuck) on Friday, December 22, 2023 - 10:46 pm:

First off, incredibly beautiful pictures, so vast
and they take up the whole sky, amazing!!

The video was also fantastic and quite the story
teller. I really enjoyed listening to the Restless
Viking and Poppins! Nice beard too!! lol

By Kathyrn Laughlin (Kathyl) on Saturday, December 23, 2023 - 09:04 am:

The last time I saw the northern lights was at a
summer beachfire at our cabin near Cheboygan. We
were outside after dark anyway. Note, they were
pretty faint, white rather than the nice color

The video was interesting. I agree we should spare
a thought for service members who can't be with
their families. Yesterday I heard a poignant
version of "I'll Be Home for Christmas" with taped
comments from military people unable to be home
included in the song.

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