Stacey Flood shares a beautiful bouquet of summer flowers with us here today. Some that I’m not sure I labeled correctly in the photo titles, but I gave it my best shot. The third photo and the fifth photo I have no clue, so please chime in if you know they’re names. One thing I know for sure, they’re colorful and they made me smile to see them all. Stacey brings them all in close for us to check them out. My favorites are #4, the Foxglove and #6 the Globe Thistle. What are your favorites from today’s assortment?
To go along with a nature theme, we have a 906 Outdoors episode about Late Summer Mushrooms. It’s a little longer video at just over 22 minutes, but worth the watch if you’re interested in picking mushrooms.
By Alex "UP-Goldwinger" (Alex) on Saturday, August 27, 2022 - 09:08 am:
Nice bouquet on this Saturday!
By Donna (Donna) on Saturday, August 27, 2022 - 09:38 am:
Beautiful flowers. Vid is awesome. That man knows his stuff!
By Deb S. (Usedtobeayooper) on Saturday, August 27, 2022 - 11:19 am:
Wow! Gorgeous! I never tire of flowers. Thanks so much for sharing these.
By jbuck (Jbuck) on Saturday, August 27, 2022 - 12:22 pm:
The blue flower may be a hydrangea and the white one may be a peony.
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