By Mary Drew at Pasty Central (Mdrew) on Friday, December 28, 2018 - 10:37 pm:
Some of my favorite photos that have appeared through the years on the Pasty Cam are those of critters that people have shared with us. Today we have a shot snapped by Donn de Yampert back in 2004. He captured these ducks in flight, taking off and maybe heading south for the winter even.
E. Neil Harri shot the second photo in 2010, of a trio of moose he spotted from his plane. He looks close enough to just hop out of the plane to join them. Must be a good zoom lens, as the moose don’t seem bothered at all by a plane overhead, so he must have been far enough above them that they didn’t even hear his engines.
The last photo had me smiling when I saw it. Ashlee Harvey snapped this one in 2011 when she brought her kids and their dog sledding. This was actually a series of shots going down the hill and that playful four-legged friend followed their sleds as they went down the hill. He sure got his exercise that day.
Kids are always excited when we get enough snow to have a “snow day” off from school. We have a Pure Michigan video today, saying that it’s a snow day just about every day during the UP North winters, as there is so much fun to be had outdoors in the snow around here
By Uncle Chuck (Unclechuck) on Saturday, December 29, 2018 - 12:32 am:
Since the Cats are not at the GLI's again... I'm rooting for Tech to win the Tourney!!
By FRNash/PHX, AZ (Frnash) on Saturday, December 29, 2018 - 01:54 am:
Urban dictionary: (click →) phased.