The Copper Country has numerous sites that were once busy places of business such as mining, like in our first archive shot today from 2002. The color photo of the dredge where it sits now on M26 near Mason, was snapped by Taka Aoki, with the black and white inset shared by Jim Haralson, showing what the Torch Lake dredge looked like when it was still in use back in 1957. You can just see the tip of the other dredge sticking out of the water just off the boom. And below that is the tug tied up to the pipe line. Neat to see the both photos together like this for comparison.
Another place that still has the buildings there, but is not in use, is the former Radar Base at Mount Horace Greeley. It was also used as the Keweenaw Academy, but in this photo from 2012 it was sitting vacant like a ghost town, with long grass uncut and growing up through cracks in the pavement. It isn't sitting there entirely unused though, as Pasty.NET's relay for the broadband wireless has its home there, along with the Maritime Tracking radios that power our Lake Superior Traffic Report over at
The bottom photo comes from the Eagle River Museum and gives us a look at the Eagle River Fuse Factory. Charlie Hopper made a visit to the newly opened museum in 2013, where he snapped the photo and had this to say about it: This photo caught my eye in one of the displays upstairs in the new facility. We have previously shared views of the old fuse factory, but none with the perspective from above Eagle River Falls. This shot looks like something J.T. Reeder would have done from a boat behind the dam.
Our video today was also done by Charlie, showcasing the area where the Fuse Factory was located and the stone plaque that marks the spot.
By Alex "UP-Goldwinger" (Alex) on Saturday, September 9, 2017 - 07:54 am:
Love it...that stop was always a must on the Wing. Thanks for the memories.
By Richard J. (Dick_fl) on Saturday, September 9, 2017 - 07:54 am:
Thanks, Mary and Charlie. I sure enjoy these memories. I haven't been to Eagle River in a very long time. I think it's time for a trip. But I'll wait a couple of weeks for "good" weather and beautiful fall colors.
By D. A. (Midwested) on Saturday, September 9, 2017 - 06:26 pm:
I just love browsing Marine Traffic. Each ship or boat can enter their destination into their radio reporting system. In light of the current hurricane situation, I was exploring around the south of Florida. On one cruise ship waiting to dock in Florida their new destination stated "Safe Waters". On another one it said their destination was "Cruise to Nowhere". Someone has a sense of humor. I pray everyone stays safe.
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