Today's look back into the past 19 years of archive Pasty Cam photos had quite the diverse subjects, but all having to do with people in Upper Michigan. We start off back in 2000, with the late Daryl Laitila who was then in St. Ignace walking the Mackinac Bridge for the annual Labor Day Bridge Walk, the only day of the year you can walk the 5 mile span. This year's walk which takes place today is one that will go down in history, since it's the first time the Mackinac Bridge will be closed for the 5 1/2 hours the walk takes place. The Mackinac Bridge Authority, at the request of the State Police and Homeland Security, decided to close the bridge to traffic, for the safety of the walkers. The Coast Guard has also closed the bridge area to recreational water traffic. Some folks think this is a bit extreme, but in light of the recent terrorist attacks where large crowds are gathered, it is a good precautionary move. The closing has been highly publicized, so travelers can plan accordingly and there are rest stops planned for those that will be waiting to cross the bridge. You can read more about it here: Mackinac Bridge Closing alert.
The next archive shot is from William Pekuri, during a 2009 trip to the western end of Isle Royale at Windigo. William and fellow hikers were actually there Geocaching, along with their hiking the Island trails, enjoying the peace and quiet of one of the most remote National Parks in the United States.
The third "look back" archive photo was snapped by Charlie Hopper himself, right there on the beach at Eagle River. He was at the wedding of Josh and Kelly Treganowan on what looks like a perfect day with the sun shining and Lake Superior calm in the background. What a beautiful setting to "set sail on the sea of matrimony".
Our video treat today is taking us all to Isle Royale for a day, from sunrise to sunset, complete with all the peaceful sounds you get to enjoy there, like lapping water on the shore, birds chirping and if you watch and listen all the way to the end, the eerie call of the Loons, echoing across Lake Superior waters at the Island.
By Donna (Donna) on Monday, September 4, 2017 - 09:00 am:
I wonder how many of us watched that video all the way thru, with a cup of coffee in our hands? :) Such wonderful photography - PEACEFUL! Love the soft noises! And no human chatting but only our Lord's nature symphony <3
By Capt. Paul (Eclogite) on Monday, September 4, 2017 - 10:39 am:
Glass of ice tea for me, but yes I watched the video start to finish...
By Alex "UP-Goldwinger" (Alex) on Monday, September 4, 2017 - 03:42 pm:
WOW...did someone say WOW? PEACEFUL...did someone say PEACEFUL? My cup of TEA...did someone say TEA? I enjoyed it with a Neurontin pill and a glass of water. Did anyone else get into the bugs? What a find, someone knows how to do it.
By Pat & Glenda (Gormfrog) on Monday, September 4, 2017 - 05:10 pm:
Things hoped for have a higher value than things assured.
With my creaky ol' carcass no longer up to the task, a visit to Isle Royale has regretfully moved from my "round tuit" list to my "shoulda doodit" list. 😞
But I loved the video! As my "altered" ego, Elmer Fudd ("wetiwed" former nimrod) … … might say: It was "vewwy wewaxing" (including the few "Loon-y Tunes")!
By Thomas Baird (Thomas) on Tuesday, September 5, 2017 - 04:31 am:
Good for you, Thomas. I've only done it once, but I sure enjoyed the experience.
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