If your pasties were scheduled to ship today, the package may be in this picture. These are just a few of the boxes which made their way through the Laurium branch of the post office. (normally they leave through the Calumet location, but holiday mail was very heavy) |
This morning about 5am as we looked out over the lake from the Pasty Cam's bedroom window, the Northern Lights appeared as a velvet curtain flopping in the mild December breeze. PC's weak night vision could not do justice to the awesome sight. Our thanks to Michael Dolan for his brilliant presentation of such scenes on The Aurora Page. |
Pandemonium broke out in Laurium today when Beanie Babies arrived at Leo's Drug Store and Gift shop. Actually, the pharmacy moved over to the Hospital (now known as Keweenaw Memorial Medical Center - KMMC), and now they're strictly gifts. (as you can see, it's cold today...
Blinding sunshine late this afternoon. The picture window at Peterson's Fish Market reflects the Houghton Valley sunset. Notice there's plenty of firewood ready for the winter. (now all we need is winter) |
Shoreline erosion is evident at McLain State Park. As the Pasty Cam strolls along the Lake this afternoon, notice the total absence of ice. (not the usual scene in December) |
Part of the charm of the Copper County are the buildings from the mining era. This is an old brewery warehouse circa 1846. (although sunny, the cold temps have definitely returned to the Keweenaw) |
Mist and fog give way to the colder air this morning in Hancock, as seen from the Houghton side of the canal. The tall copper-colored building to the left is D&N Bank, which announced plans to merge with Republic Bank this week. (snow fell briefly in the area today) |
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