May God Bless America! |
Hi. I'm Barb and I've put lots of links here, Christian as well as regular links, lighthouse links, free e-zines, some great search engines, and poetry and stories written by some of my friends. Also on this website, I've included my own testimony of how I came to be born again. |
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God.
What's on my site?
new Christian resource link
Bruggeman's Testimony
Lowe's Inspirational Writings
My very own photo album!
Send me some email. I'd love to
hear from you.
Sitting in a church will no more make you a
. . . than sitting in a hen house will make you a chicken.
First, remember that not all links are on the
My best link of all is to the One who is Lord of all--Jesus Christ.
Before you touch that mouse again, please stop and Praise Him!!
~Taken from http://www.HymnSite.com ~
The Reverend Billy Graham uses Acts 4:12 as one of his
favorite evangelistic messages. He once said, "The only way you can be
converted is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and
Savior. You don't have to straighten out your life first. You have tried that
and failed many times. You can come 'just as you are.' The blind man, the
leper, and the thief on the cross -- each came just as he was. You can come to
Christ right now just as you are, and the angels of heaven will rejoice."
The simplicity of his message is compelling. Also the simplicity of the message
of the disciples was compelling: "There is no other name under heaven . .
. by which we must be saved!" (Acts 4:12). Period!
Interesting Places to Visit on my Website...
is like a rocking chair. |
Taken from Christianity Today Magazine:
"Yet if Wisdom starts with fear, it does not end there. As I walk with the
Lord, I discover that God poses an ominous threat to my ego, but not to me;
that He stands over against my delusions, but not against the truth that sets
me free; that He casts me down, but only to lift me up; that He sits in
judgment of my sin, but forgives me nevertheless. The fear of the Lord is the
beginning of wisdom, but love is its completion" ’Äî by W.D. Eisenhower (not
the General Eisenhower)
Send me some email.
I'd love to hear from you.
Created June 24, 1998 . . . Last edited February
24, 2009
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see a live cam of the Houghton/Hancock lift bridge,
order pasties (YUMMM), see how they're made,
or check out any of the webpages that pasty.com sponsors.
Justice is when you get what you deserve
Mercy is when you don't get what you deserve
Grace is when you get what you don't deserve
Feed your faith and your doubts
will starve to death!
--Holly J. Wolfe
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This saying was always on my Dad's desk ...
I know you believe you understand what you think
I said,
but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Thank you for visiting my webpage,
and may God richly bless you.
You can contact me at this email address.
I'd love to hear from you.