Local businesses
This is the lumber mill of Ed Ulseth, a prominent Calumet business man.
Though the Economy Store has long vanished, this building is still standing.
Taken at the north end of 5th Street, Keckonen's Hardware was located where the old Erkilla's garage is located today. The Bosch store, burned in 1990, is on the far left.
The exact location of the Operette is unknown, and any help would be appreciated. But what a great looking bar!
This great old building is still standing, and was the home of J.C. Penney for many years.
This is Sivert Olson's Furniture and Undertaking business (what a combination!). Located on Scott Street between 5th and 6th, this is now the home of a video rental store. You can still recognize the triangular roof treatments today.
Cheers! The saloon in this photo is unknown, but there is an ad for Schuerman's Bock Beer, plus the calendar on the right is from the First National Bank of Laurium and is dated 1913. Anyone recognize this scene?
A good view of the Calumet Brewing Company, located on the outskirts of town, plus a couple of old labels from their brews (below).
Thank goodness they were brewed "without drugs or poison" !!
The owners of this local meat market are unknown, but I am sure this must be the family.
Below is the Ryan Store, about 1900, located on 5th Street. What a fantastic interior scene.