April 2002

Past-E-Mail: PastyMail 2002: April 2002
*** Newer messages appear first.  You may add your message in the current month. ***
Editor's responses are in blue text

Terry Jo Hill Bates on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 04:42 am:


Whatta great site! Just reading all the
messages and perusing the website gives
me a very pleasant, nostalgic feeling. It's
going on 3 years since I've been home and
the thought of having a genuine pasty made in
da good ol' U.P. makes my mouth water! I'm
going to order some!

By Frank C, NE Illinois on Thursday, April 25, 2002 - 12:46 pm:

Matt, a google search on "natural wall" found http://www.copperrange.org/natural.htm. Unfortunately, a link to the first photo is broken.

By Matt on Thursday, April 25, 2002 - 12:01 pm:

I have been trying to find the "natural wall" located somewhere on the keweenaw. Does anyone know the directions or coordinates of this site?????? Please help. Send me an email: mjturnqu@mtu.edu

By Evelyn Christner, Ohio on Friday, April 19, 2002 - 07:41 pm:

Hello from Columbus, Ohio! I used to live in Calumet back in the early 1980's. Tonight, my sister and I were sitting around and craving pasties. I teased her that we should look up "pasties.com" on the web and sure enough, there you were. We made our first order. We can't wait to taste them again. Thanks.

I'd like to say "Hello" to a couple of my old friends: Bob Bedore and Hunter and Patty Watson.

By bj-milford on Friday, April 19, 2002 - 04:50 pm:

It Must be Spring.....the bridge is up!! :-)

By Gus Line on Thursday, April 18, 2002 - 01:45 pm:

Have you worked at Bay Cliff Health Camp at any time??? You may want to add your name to the Bay Cliff former workers list at hppt://www.classmates.com Just Click on WORK PLACES then use the keywords BAY CLIFF HEALTH CAMP

By Dolly Musich Fife on Tuesday, April 16, 2002 - 07:07 pm:

Surfing the Pasty.com messages from Calumet High students and haven't run into anyone from the class of '46. I know you're out there! I can't be the only alumni that's this old!
Hope to hear from some of you. Live in the Chicago area and miss the beautiful U.P.

By Charlie at Pasty Central on Monday, April 15, 2002 - 06:13 am:


Do you have any pictures of that giant pasty? We would love to show it here at Pasty Central.

By Dave Ryynanen, WA state on Monday, April 15, 2002 - 02:05 am:

Hi, fellow Yoopers!

It's great fun to visit this website! I'm the youngest son of the last owner of Star Bakery in Hancock, Edwin Ryynanen. That's where I learned to make pasties in commercial quantities. In '66 (or '67?) the Star Bakery was the scene where a bunch of us Suomi College students put together "The World's Largest Pasty," a 500 pound giant that (unfortunately) never got eaten, but it did get some footage on WLUC TV.

By Joy Popke Fl. on Friday, April 12, 2002 - 01:14 pm:

Hi Pasties just arrive smell wonderful have people over for dinner tonight Thanks for the good service

By Brian Birk, Eastern Yooper! on Friday, April 12, 2002 - 12:03 am:

Hello You!
I love your site, and I'm a Pastie lover from WAY back. My grandfather, Albert Hill from
Laurium, worked in virtually every mine in Kew-
eenaw County. He was from Cornwall himself, and
was married to the best Pastie maker on the face
of the earth!!
My grandmother's sister taught in the first
one-room school in Eagle River, Emma Sibilsky.
I hope to visit your shop this summer, as I
think I'll be bringing my 88 year old mother up to
her Calumet/Sacred Heart reunion.
Keep up the good work! The Copper Country is
a world apart!!

By Les Bammert Buffalo,N.Y. on Sunday, April 7, 2002 - 12:19 pm:

In response to Ray Hosking as to the street cars. I remember the street cars as my Mother used to take me to Calumet and to Florida Location, Laurium on the street car when I was a toddler. Her family lived on the corner of Franklin Ave and I believe it was Scott street in Florida location. The street car ran by the house. The "Car Barn" was just a few blocks up from their house. We would get on the street car in Ahmeek at the"Station". That building is still there on U.S.41 having been operating as a gas station over the years. As to Electric park, I recall my parents talking about going there in their courting days. I don't recall when the street cars stopped operating but as more households bought automobiles I'm sure caused their demise.

By Jack B., lower Mich on Monday, April 1, 2002 - 04:11 pm:

Monday morning I followed your "Click Here" link on the April Fools' pasty Cam page, and it showed all of the versions of Pasty Central back to 1996. This afternoon, it's not working. What gives?

By Hans the Hacker on Monday, April 1, 2002 - 07:15 am:

Hello to all who tuned in on April 1 !! I hope you checked out the WAYBACK MACHINE to see how Pasty Central has changed over the years.

April Fool