June 2000

Past-E-Mail: June 2000
*** Newer messages appear first.  You may add your message in the current month. ***
Editor's responses are in blue text

By klt, Minnesota on Friday, June 30, 2000 - 09:00 am:

Does anyone know which towns are having fireworks on the 4th of July? Also, are strawberries available anywhere yet? Am coming home for the 4th!

By Anonymous on Friday, June 30, 2000 - 08:33 am:

The Mendota Lighthouse is on the Channel from Lac La Belle into Lake Superior. They have a website: www.mendotalighthouse.com.

By Anonymous on Friday, June 30, 2000 - 08:02 am:

Can anyone tell me where the Mendota Lighthouse is?
How about a picture of the Jacobsville Lighthouse?
Former Lake Linden Resident now living in Florida

By Connie Messner Pizzitola on Thursday, June 29, 2000 - 01:26 pm:

Last Friday you showed a large ship going through the canal. The Big Picture showed that it is the American Mariner. Here's a link to another photo of the American Mariner and a link to a site where you can view the positions of all ships on the Great Lakes. It is one of my favorite sites.


Then my favorite (2nd to pasty.com, ofcoarse) is: http://reef.atmos.colostate.edu/drummond/GLSHIPS/

By Mark Peterson on Wednesday, June 28, 2000 - 10:08 pm:

The children of Gordon and Eleanor Peterson are trying to lessen the impact of their recent fire; If you know of any handicap-friendly (i.e. not more then 4 steps) Lake, riverfront, House/cottage rental for appox 8-12 weeks, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Mark Peterson
hm ph # 425.822.5076

June 27 - 2000
...as it appeared on yesterday's Pasty Cam

Renee from IL on Wednesday, June 28, 2000 - 06:00 pm:

I was looking through some of the older pictures and was wondering where the aerial shot from Aug. 13, 1999 is from?
Best wishes,
Renee in IL
PS I would love to see more lighthouse pictures too! :-) They make great wallpaper! :-)

That was taken at about 5,000 feet over Eagle River

By Anonymous on Wednesday, June 28, 2000 - 01:31 pm:

Thanks for the class reumion information. I found it, of course, thanks to you.

By Tricia, Bedford OH on Wednesday, June 28, 2000 - 12:47 pm:

A couple weeks ago, you had a shot of the Lac La Belle marina, and metioned that the Landing was closed indefinitely. What happened to it? Is it still closed? Is the Lac La Belle store still open?

Concerned, visiting Lac La Belle in the next couple weeks.

By Anonymous on Wednesday, June 28, 2000 - 09:40 am:


By Anonymous on Wednesday, June 28, 2000 - 08:04 am:

Can you tell me where the Mendota Lighthouse is? I presume it is in Mendota but havent the foggiest notion where that is.
Former LL Resident

P.S. I looked for the High School Site which was said to be at the bottom of past-e-mail but couldnt see anything like that.

By Anonymous on Wednesday, June 28, 2000 - 03:23 am:

The freighter on 6/23 won't enlarge, what's up? Thanks.

Thanks for bringing the error to our attention! It works now, try again. Please let us know anytime you find a broken link on Pasty Central. With over 2,000 images, mistakes are bound to happen... proof that we're only human.

By Renee in IL on Wednesday, June 28, 2000 - 02:20 am:

Hello! I have been enjoying all the recent pictures from the UP and wish I were up there again. Looking at the pictures will be as close to it as I will get this year tho so I am really gratfully to all who work on/contribute to this web site.
Now for a question: I have heard that there is supposed to be an underwater Lake Superior web cam. Not sure what it's location is tho. Does anyone know of such a thing and know the url to it? Thanks!
Best wishes to all!
Renee in IL

By Anonymous on Tuesday, June 27, 2000 - 09:58 pm:


By Connie Messner Pizzitola, Colorado on Tuesday, June 27, 2000 - 05:15 pm:

I know this is really really asking a lot but it would do some of us transplants a big favor!!! Could we please have a list we can sign up for to be emailed when the bridge is going up so we can jump to the bridge cam and see it? If anyone sees that thing up there, please email me at cpizzitola@ttseagle.com. I NEED to see the bridge up and would also like to see the Ranger going under it if possible. Somebody stop me before I ask for the moon!!! Thanks!!!!!

By Darren Gawlik on Tuesday, June 27, 2000 - 12:01 pm:

Hello to everyone in the Copper Country. After living in Los Angeles for only one year, I have decided I need to move to a place where people still have some morals and you do not need to wear a bullet proof vest to go to the market. My mother was from Calumet her name was Kathleen "Tina" Rowe she always wanted to retire back in Calumet but past away from cancer before she had the chance. I have some of my best childhood memories from Calumet and Sedar Bay. I am looking to relocate my new family in the Copper Country and I was wondering what the job prospects look like up there? I have 17 years experience in excavation and truck driving if anyone knows of anything drop me a line at ddgawlik@hotmail.com

By Anonymous on Tuesday, June 27, 2000 - 09:24 am:

I recently downloaded a lighthouse photo from March 15, 2000, and one from July 1, 1998. Can anyone tell me where these lighthouses are? I have looked at all the lighthouse pictures I can find on the web and found quite a few from Michigan but no others from the CC. Id love to see more.
Former LL resident

The March 15, 2000 photo is in Eagle Harbor and the July 1, 1998 lighthouse is the Mendota Lighthouse.

By John, Michigan on Tuesday, June 27, 2000 - 02:27 am:

Does Tony's Country Kitchen in Larium have a website or email address where by the Poviticas can be ordered? -John

By JMB, Grand Rapids on Tuesday, June 27, 2000 - 02:24 am:

What has happened to the "Frame from mid-day snapshot for perspective" of the Portage Canal Lift Bridge live Webcam? The viewing area is also smaller. Thanks for your help! -JMB

By Michael from Illinois on Monday, June 26, 2000 - 06:22 pm:

I visit the Pasty Cam everyday. My wife and I first vacationed in the UP in '96. Her grandfather
is from Houghton and her father grew up there. They still have the same farmhouse just north of Houghton. We hope to be moving there permanately

By John, Michigan on Monday, June 26, 2000 - 04:53 pm:

What are Poviticas? Never heard of them. Thanks! -John

The word is pronounced po-va-TEE-za, a Croatian nut bread, sometimes called walnut cakes. Poviticas are available locally in Calumet (Laurium) at Toni's Country Kitchen, 906-337-0611, and they will ship them. Toni's also makes an excellent pasty, if you are ever in town, they are right next to the Laurium Post Office.

As seen on the Pasty Cam

Simon Litle, Tacoma, WA on Monday, June 26, 2000 - 02:35 pm:

I love the Pasty Cam, and am hooked, checking everyday. I was born down south in Saginaw, and lived in a little town called Kingston, but we came up to the UP every once in a while. My most distinct memory is of camping in the "porcupine mountains", or as my mom, who grew up in the Rockies called them the "porcupine bumps". I saw a shot about three weeks ago from there. Could you get some more shots of that area?

By Charlie Cloutier on Monday, June 26, 2000 - 08:06 am:

I checked with a long time friend, Giovanni Fontecchio who was born In The Boot and wound up being one of my fraternity borthers, Tri Mu, at Northern back in the 50's. His translation of that email is as follows:

I am sending you this e-mail from Italy and precisely from Pont Canavese in the province of Turin. I am a daily visitor to your section Pasty-cam. Every day I see the new photographs on Pasty-cam with my mother Ersilia Ceresa, who was born in Ahmeek in 1916. Hoping to see some new pictures of Almeek, or of the Lake View Cemetery where my grandmother and my aunt (the Ceresa sisters-in-law are buried. Could you ask your photographer (Mr. Dan Urbansky?) if he could help me? I know that in Calumet and in the nearby towns there are many Italians originally from Pont Canavese, Ribordone, and Locana and I believe that these Itailians would be happy to see pictures of the towns they originally came from. These photos may be viewed at the following sites:
www.misper.it/paesi/pont and at
You could also put a link to these sites. I apologize for being bothersome and hope that you can supply an answer to my e-mail.

Distinguished saluations (+Yours truly)
Lanfranco Chiolerio.

I'm still looking for a source for that 'Yooper Packer Backer' baseball cap. Help, please, someone.

Charlie Cloutier
9207 Woodland Drive
Onekama, MI 49675-9745
231 889 0863

By Daryl Laitila on Sunday, June 25, 2000 - 02:13 pm:

I've translated and earlier posting to the best of my ability. I speak Spanish and French, but not Italian. So please forgive me if I've made errors here:

I'm sending this email from Italy, Pont Canavese, in province of Torino.Sono. I'm an every day visitor of Your Pasty Cam. Every day I look at the new photographs on Pasty-cam with my mother, Ersilia Ceresa who was born in Ahmeek in 1916. We are hoping to see some current photos of Ahmeek, or of the cemetary called Lake View where my grandmother and my aunt are buried (Ceresa Brothers-in-law); Ask your photographer (Mr. Dan Urbansky) if he could do this for us. I know that there are lots of Italians here from Pont Canavese, Ribordone, Locana and believe that they would love to see photographs of their countries where they were born. We would like to put a link to these photos on these sites-

http://www.misper.it/paesi/pont and http://www.misper.it/paesi/ribordone

I apologize for not using English and I hope that my email will be answered by someone about this.

Distinguished greetings,
Lanfranco Chiolerio

Caro Lanfranco,

Grazie per la vostra lettera. Già siamo stati ai posti ch'avete accennato, ma proveremo a ritornare un momento presto.

Avere una buoa vita,
Charlie Hopper

P.S. Se qualunque persona Anglofona legge il questo ed i email me una lettera in Italiano, vi trasmetterò un regalo.

By Marie, somewhere in TN on Sunday, June 25, 2000 - 01:41 pm:

Charlie, maybe one of your residents either reads/and or speaks Italian. If someone only speaks Italian, you could read the e-mail to them.Also, Italian is very similar to Spanish so there is another possibility. And last but not least, you could try French as well. It's worth a try!!

By Anonymous on Saturday, June 24, 2000 - 07:31 pm:

Regarding the Italian message, I hope someone can translate for you. I only know a little Italian so I'm not much help, but it seems that Sr. Chiolerio visited this site with his mother whose name is Ersilia Ceresa. She was born in Ahmeek in 1916. They would like to see picture of Ahmeek (possible taken by Dan Urbansky). I think he also said he would like info or photos of Lake View cemetary where his grandmother and aunt are buried. He is from the Pont Canevese in the province of Torino. He listed a web address for a reply. I know this is not a very good translation but if no one else comes through maybe it will help a friend from across the way!

By JIM ELLIS on Saturday, June 24, 2000 - 05:19 pm:


By Trish Percy, Gunnedah, Australia on Saturday, June 24, 2000 - 01:10 am:

My dear friends in Calumet send me pages from this site regularly, the PastyCam is wonderful!!
I dream of one day visiting your beautiful region and meeting my Yooper mates!!
Greetings to all from the Aussie "bush"!

By Lanfranco Chiolerio on Friday, June 23, 2000 - 09:03 pm:

Spettabile Signor Charlie Hopper,

Le invio questa e-mail dall'Italia e precisamente da Pont Canavese in provincia di Torino.Sono un visitatore giornaliero della Vostra sezione Pasty -cam. Tutti i giorni guardo le nuove fotografie su Pasty-cam con mia mamma ,Ersilia Ceresa che e' nata ad Ahmeek nel 1916 sperando di vedere delle nuove foto di Ahmeek, o del cimitero di Lake View dove sono sepolte mia nonna e mia zia (Cognate Ceresa); potete dire al vostro fotografo (il Signor Dan Urbansky ?) se puo' aiutarmi ?. So che a Calumet e nei paesi vicini ci sono moltissimi Italiani originari di Pont Canavese, di Ribordone, di Locana e credo che questi Italiani sarebbero contenti di vedere delle fotografie dei loro paesi di origine; queste foto le potrebbero vedere nei seguenti siti: www.misper.it/paesi/pont e www.misper.it/paesi/ribordone .Potreste anche mettere un link a questi siti. Mi scuso per il disturbo e spero che mi possa dare una risposta a questa mia e-mail,

distinti saluti,
Lanfranco Chiolerio

Could someone help me with the translation? I must brush up on my Italian :o)

By Darin, Texas on Friday, June 23, 2000 - 05:01 pm:

I grew up in Laurium. Now living in Dallas. These Texans just can't quite understand when I talk about the Gay Bar!! If the pasty cam gets a chance could it please make a visit to the south shore and the nice town of Gay and get a shot of the Gay Bar.


Darin Moyle

By Betty Houston TX on Friday, June 23, 2000 - 02:05 pm:

A very kind lady sent me a note to give me Toni's phone number and address and I am going to give Eric (owner) a call! Yes, I can smell those povaticas just thinking about them.

By Anonymous on Thursday, June 22, 2000 - 01:27 pm:

I grew up in Laurium and discovering this site has been the highlight of my month! With my husband in the military and living away for over 10 years, it is like a view of home. Thanks for this wonderful site!

By Betty Burg, Houston on Wednesday, June 21, 2000 - 07:47 pm:

Regarding Les's 6/19 note about Poviticas: Is there any bakery up there who makes them and ships them to us "hungry-for-Poviticas" customers?
They are so hard to find although Wolfermans from Shawnee Mission, KS does make a package of 3 and ships them. Wolfermans' URL is: www.wolfermans.com.

Wish someone up in the Copper Country would make them though. Nothing like goodies from the
Copper Country!

Someone wrote that Poviticas are available at Tony's Country Kitchen in Laurium! Can you smell them?

By John, Grand Rapids, MI on Tuesday, June 20, 2000 - 05:13 pm:

How dynamic have the Northern Lights been in the U.P. this spring. This was to be a great year for them. How often do they occur? Please let me know as I'd like to come up and take some pictures. Too much light pollution down state. Thanks! -John

By Les in California on Monday, June 19, 2000 - 09:48 pm:

Hi. I've just returned from a short visit to my homeland - the Copper Country! And yes, I remember the "Purest Air" sign.

While visiting I got to eat the delicious foods of my childhood including juustoa, Vollwerth's skin-on wieners, and of course pasties! On this trip I found two delicious Copper Country food items that were new to me: povateca and cudigi. Cudigi was at the Evergreen in downtown Calumet: an Italian sausage. The povateca was from Tony's in Laurium. It's Croatian we think - a bread somewhere in between baklava and a cinnamon roll. I have tried without luck to find something on these things on the internet. If anyone out there can help me find any information, recipes, proper spellings?, etc. I would appreciate an email at lilcante@uor.edu. Thank you very much.

PS - When you are in the Copper Country visit my cousin Pete Nissila's greenhouses. They are in Ripley. Hi Pete and Jill - if you see this.

By JMB, Michigan on Monday, June 19, 2000 - 08:50 pm:

The size of the webcam image of the Portage Canal Lift Bridge has decreased in size! How do I get the larger image back? Please help as I could count the vehicles crossing the bridge before! Thanks! -JMB

By Nancy the kite lady on Monday, June 19, 2000 - 07:12 pm:

Great photo of the colombine flower taken by Dan Urbanski. If you like Dan's work be sure and stop by his shop it is in Silver City on M64 on the way into the Porcupine Mts. State Park. The name is Silver Image Studio. And the answer is no I am not related to Dan, I just love and own a few of his pictures.

By Pat Hillebrand, Howell, MI on Monday, June 19, 2000 - 01:11 pm:

Thank you, Mr. Bammert, for the location of the "air" sign. That's where I recalled it being. I remember that sign very well, having seen it for many summers when coming up to Laurium to visit my grandparents (Joseph & Mary Butala).

By jmb on Monday, June 19, 2000 - 06:56 am:

Is the Portage Canal Lift Bridge working? I never I never see it lifted for boats to pass under. Thanks for your response! -jmb

There has been very little activity lifting the bridge lately, because of the construction. Perhaps after the 4th of July we will see more action. Stay tuned!

By Alene Papineau on Saturday, June 17, 2000 - 12:58 am:

When I was a little girl in the early 50's living in Tacoma, Washington, my grandmother made pasty's for our family about once a year. I never really knew that there was a story behind them until just last year.
My grandmother was born Lorraine Cora Hosking in Hancock in 1904 and lived there with her family until her mother died in 1918 and her father moved the family to Washington State. My Great Grandfather was Joseph Martin Hosking and I was told that he was a stone mason and built a lot of the buildings in Hancock & Houghton plus all of the sidewalks.
My grandmother died in 1984 but left me with her pasty recipe. I have made them twice in my life, I'm not really a cook, but recently met a woman I worked with that also knew about the pastys and makes them often for her family. They are the "greatest" and I will be placing an order now to be sent to my aunt in Spokane, Washington for her birthday. Keep up the good work and don't let Pasty's ever die.

By mm on Thursday, June 15, 2000 - 11:25 pm:

I agree with Lin (June 14 message) - the June 12 picture of the falls is great

By JMB, Grand Rapids, MI on Thursday, June 15, 2000 - 08:42 pm:

No one has told me why the pickup truck is always sitting in the same position on the south side of The Portage Canal Lift Bridge. Why isn't it impounded? It has been there for months!

By Lin,Lower MI on Wednesday, June 14, 2000 - 10:24 pm:

Can I vote now for June 12th "Falls" picture to
appear in next years calendar? I have other picks already, but this one is one of my favorites so far!

By Mary Wolter, Wisconsin on Wednesday, June 14, 2000 - 11:16 am:

We will be coming up to Calumet with our children (ages 13, 11, 9, 3) for the fourth of July this year. What's the best town for parades, fireworks, carnivals & games, food, etc?

By Jo Kurlonko on Monday, June 12, 2000 - 07:24 am:

What has happened to the pasty cam. No update since May 28th?

Every day a new picture is added to the Pasty Cam, but some older browsers need to be "forced" to load the new page. You can do this by holding the left shift key and clicking "Reload" or "Refresh", whichever appears at the top of your browser.

The Pasty Cam has not missed a day of updating since it began in the winter of '97-'98

By CheddarJohn, WI on Monday, June 12, 2000 - 02:33 am:

The Grand Hotel brings back memories--flying from Milwaukee to Mackinac Island for a day, buying fudge, and flying back to Milwaukee (there is an airstrip on the northern end of the island!). Great flight! Great island!

Does anyone know what movie was set at the Grand Hotel? (Hint: the lead actor now is a leading advocate for spinal injury research).

By Bill Penprase-- Los Angeles on Monday, June 12, 2000 - 12:16 am:

Les Bammert is correct.The sign was just after the airport entrance on the right hand side of the road as one traveled from Hancock to Calumet--between the entrance road and the motel. My sister-in-law from Boston,Ma.hated that sign because she didn't agree with it. Another smaller sign with the same words was/is at the Harbor House in Copper Harbor.

By Les Bammert on Sunday, June 11, 2000 - 08:32 pm:

Correction on that statement. It should be on the right hand side of the highway.

By Les Bammert Buffalo, N.Y. on Sunday, June 11, 2000 - 08:29 pm:

The sign stating "you are now breathing the most vitalizing air on earth" ,if I'm not mistaken was on U.S. 41 on the left hand side of the highway near the turnoff to the Hancock airport.That is going from Quincy Hill towards Calumet.I used to pass that point daily in the 40's.

By Ken Austin on Sunday, June 11, 2000 - 07:43 pm:

I received my dozen pasties AOK. I "baked" one, per your instructions, and then decided that it was enough for two meals. I used a little catsup and a fork and ate the whole darned thing. My daughter was in the pasty business in Anchorage,AK for about year,seventeen years ago. She had a full bakery and working alone produced about 400 a day. One of her secrets was the addition of about 1 tsp of Maggies liquid seasoning mixed into the "fill" of each pasty. You might want to try this. I'll be buying more from you for sure.

Your web page is super and should do much for the UP.

By CheddarJohn WI on Sunday, June 11, 2000 - 12:26 am:

Hey, der, I justa remembered dat Vater's Day is comin' up. I better git dat pasty order in afore it's too late fer pa t' git his pasties by Vater's Day, eh?

By Lisa Walters, Ypsi, MI on Friday, June 9, 2000 - 10:53 pm:

The last time I saw the "purest, most vitalizing air on earth sign" was a couple of years ago in Copper Harbor. However, I seem to remember it outside of Houghton when I was a child. I have a post card of it, if that counts as a picture. In fact, a friend once complained that I sent him that same card every single summer when I visited the Keweenaw. Hey, I liked it! I am a post card collector with ties to Lake Linden, and I have at least 600 different post cards of the Keweenaw, Houghton and all points north.

By Robert H, Colorado on Friday, June 9, 2000 - 05:47 pm:

I have a Pasty Cam request. I've told a geologist friend of mine about the roadside stands selling native copper in the Keweenaw. He was amazed; could you get a picture of one of those roadside copper stands?

By mike m kalamazoo on Thursday, June 8, 2000 - 07:41 pm:

The "live web cam" links to Houghton (MTU) and Eagle Harbor on the Snow Thermometer page have not been working for a long time. I enjoy seeing "current" conditions in the Keweenaw, something the bridge cam doesn't show very well. Otherwise I enjoy your site and visit often.

By Tina Moody, South Texas on Wednesday, June 7, 2000 - 04:06 pm:

I enjoyed your site. We lived at KISawyer AFB for 5 years in the 80's, and your site brought back a lot of good memories. One thing I was sure to bring from the UP was my pasty recipe, and every once in a while we spend a day making them and remembering our Yooper years. I'll be checking back for some fall and winter pixs because I really miss the tree colors and snow.

By Dave on Wednesday, June 7, 2000 - 08:22 am:

Hi there! Thanks for the lovely shots of da UP, helps me stay sane, I've only been gone 5 days, it's getting tough already! Is there any chance you could get a shot from Quincy Mine (the trains) as I never had the chance to get photos from there. Keep up the great work!

By Alice Neilson, California on Tuesday, June 6, 2000 - 07:01 pm:

I was looking over the Pasty Cam one and two years past and saw the lovely tree shaded road between Delaware and Copper Harbor(?). It also reminded me of the Covered Bridge road which was so heavily covered so as to be almost dark, even in the daytime. Any chance of a picture of that?

By Stan Kotajarvi on Tuesday, June 6, 2000 - 01:42 pm:

I seem to remember seeing a heavy wooden sign reading "the purest, most vitalizing air on earth" on the roadside somewhere between Houghton and Chassell. Being a former Copper Country kid, removed to Troll Country as a boy, I looked forward to seeing that sign each time I visited my old home towns of Hancock and Laurium. Somehow, I believe I breathed easier seeing that sign. I usually begin to feel right again once I crossed the Big Mac, but not totally so until I reached that sign.

By Carol from Clare,MI on Tuesday, June 6, 2000 - 01:38 pm:

I remember not feeling like we were officially in the Copper Country until we read the "Purist Air" sign. Thanks for the memory!

By L. Hart, Santa Catalina Island, CA on Monday, June 5, 2000 - 07:29 pm:

In response to your invitation to write if we remember the "purest, most vitalizing air on earth" sign: I do have memory of my Aunt Faith's experience once while driving by the sign on her way North. She had baby twins at the time and at the very moment they passed the sign, she was changing some not-so-pure-and-vitalizing dirty diapers! (She strongly felt the irony.) I also remember how we used to look for that sign as a trip marker-spot en route North. Thanks for all the ways you tickle our memories. Still watching faithfully.

By Grady from the LP on Saturday, June 3, 2000 - 04:18 pm:

Used the beautiful photo of lady slippers as my wallpaper on the computer at work. It helps us get through the day.

By Anonymous on Saturday, June 3, 2000 - 11:24 am:

First of all, thanks for making pasties available for those of us out of the area!

I check the pasty-cam shot *everyday* and appreciate the beauty in the everyday scenes "back home". Truly hope the camera and the photog are healed.

I'm hoping to purchase my first digital camera --- what is the pasty cam (make/model/resolution)?

Again thanks for the "connection" to home...

By Jackie in Alaska on Saturday, June 3, 2000 - 04:42 am:

I was wondering if you could get a picture of the Tobacco River ...or the sign? Thanks!

By mi on Friday, June 2, 2000 - 09:29 pm:

to jim ellis if u know josenphine knaus husband name i can send u her address or phone

By U.St.P. on Thursday, June 1, 2000 - 05:46 pm:

Hi Martha, enjoyed meeting you at Stillwaters last week. Please tell Ray St. Peter we got back to Il. ok, and will see him after the fourth of July. Best regards to all at the home. U.St. P.

By JIM ELLIS on Thursday, June 1, 2000 - 03:52 pm:


By Charlie Cloutier - Michigan on Thursday, June 1, 2000 - 09:09 am:

Good Morning From Portage Lake At Onekama, MI
I'm still looking for some input as to where I might find a baseball cap that reads: 'Yooper Packer Backer'. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Charlie Cloutier
9207 Woodland Drive
Onekama, MI 49675-9745
231 889 0863

By Charlie H, Pasty Central on Thursday, June 1, 2000 - 06:53 am:

We continue to meet new friends through this project - and several new contributors to the Pasty Cam. It has eased the workload for Jonathan, Daryl and myself in doing this daily feature. Steve Brimm had a great rainbow over Copper Harbor on the last day of May, and Dan Urbanski continues to amaze us with shots which seem to come alive. Here's a closeup of some U.P. creepy crawlies which Dan emailed this morning.

Do you have some interesting U.P. or pasty related pictures? Send them our way, and they may end up on the Pasty Cam :o)