January 2001

Past-E-Mail: January 2001
*** Newer messages appear first.  You may add your message in the current month. ***
Editor's responses are in blue text

Rich Sterken, Hudsonville MI on Monday, January 29, 2001 - 09:27 pm:

Hello folks at Pasty.Com....
Thanks so much for the great shots of the Copper Country. It's been a while since I've been up in the U.P. Just wondering... do you folks take "picture requests? If so, I'd like to see a PastyCam winter shot of US41 between Eagle Harbor and Copper Harbor where the trees overhang the road like a canopy.
Again, Thanks so much for the beautiful pictures!

By U. St. Peter, Il. on Monday, January 29, 2001 - 07:24 pm:

Hi Stillwaters, just wanted to say hello to my brother Ray at the Home. Really enjoy Pasty.com. Regards to everyone.

By Jack Kumpula Minn. on Monday, January 29, 2001 - 06:07 pm:

Thank you for the interesting web site.I was raised on a steady diet of pasties and have one left in freezer which will be gone soon, I like them fresh out of the oven better.Keep up the good work

By Gus Chambers Missoula Montana on Monday, January 29, 2001 - 01:54 pm:

I'm a television producer for Montana PBS and I'm thinking of making a documentary on the History of the Butte Pasty (Butte Montana). Where does a person find lots of "general history" on the pasty. I'm just beginning this project, so any assistance would be welcome.

By Jan Wis on Monday, January 29, 2001 - 10:46 am:

Your not alone John, was wondering the same thing.

By JOHN L. WIS on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 11:30 pm:


By Chris from Sheboygan on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 06:00 pm:

I was perusing some of your earlier emails and Chuck(January 9)said we need an updated photo of the snow thermometer. My thought exactly - at present there's a photo of a pickup driving by with almost no snow on the ground. I can't refer my Southern friends to such a lame photo - so please put an update on the pastycam site that will make us proud (^_^) Then I can refer those wimps in Florida to a photo that will really make them homesick, eh!?
Your site is great - hard to beat fun in da U.P.

By alicia marshall,michigan on Saturday, January 13, 2001 - 01:01 pm:

Hi Cheddar John,
I made my own "pasty" baby food when my son went on solid food.I mixed gravy with the pasty and put it in a blender.Needless to say, he is now nine years old.His favorite food is ...mashed potates and gravy.I wore that blender out in one year!

By Jan Medved Wis on Friday, January 12, 2001 - 11:17 pm:

Hi Still Waters'
Have my calender on my computer desk. You
really did a grand job with this one. Every
picture is a winner. I've kept last years
for the pictures. When I am really feeling home sick, I just look through the pictures and evrything is right with the world again.
Thanks Still Waters

By Julie, Indiana on Thursday, January 11, 2001 - 05:06 pm:


I am a yooper in Indiana and would like to know if the pastycam shots are available for sale, say a large print size???? These are beautiful shots and make me homesick for God's country. Thanks to the photo guys for keeping us long lost yoopers in touch with the beauty of the area!


By CheddarJohn, WI on Tuesday, January 9, 2001 - 01:59 pm:

Today our future pasty muncher is three months old. No teeth yet, or he'd be munchin' those pasties. He's over 13 pounds and has a healthy appetite. Still haven't found Gerber's Pasty baby food yet. Is it available in the UP? Maybe at Fraki's?


By chuck on Tuesday, January 9, 2001 - 11:29 am:

How about a snow thermometer update pic love your site

By Olivia, Michigan on Monday, January 8, 2001 - 03:04 pm:

To all pasty lovers/makers:
Is anyone going to participate in the U.P. Tourism Conference planning committee's People Choice competition?
Pasties are the food to be judged this year.
If you are participating can you please e-mail me. I am writing a story for the Daily Mining Gazette on this competition.


By Ellen, Florida on Sunday, January 7, 2001 - 11:26 pm:

Hei Alicia, you are very welcome!

By alicia,michigan on Sunday, January 7, 2001 - 09:15 pm:

I can't thank you enough for the Korpuu recipe!!Now i just have to pick a day and attempt to make it.My bag of Trenary is almost gone.

By Tom Cat Wisconsin on Sunday, January 7, 2001 - 01:42 pm:

Do you ever put cheese in your Pasty?

By Ellen, Florida on Saturday, January 6, 2001 - 11:52 pm:

Aha! Thank you Jack D. for the email address info! Learn something new everyday. Appreciate it.

By Jack D. MI on Saturday, January 6, 2001 - 09:19 pm:

Just click on Alicia's name for her e-mail address

By Ellen, Florida on Saturday, January 6, 2001 - 12:15 am:

Hi Alicia, in Michigan! Yes, I have a recipe for korpuja, the cinnamon toast. Even my husband loves it, and he's from Alabama. My email address is FLAFINNEC@AOL.COM. Send me your email address and I will send the recipe to you. Ellen

P.S. I've added my email address to a couple of messages I've sent to this message board, but I never see it posted. Is it just me? I had a reply from KSB today, so she must have seen it. Just curious.

By Alicia, Michigan on Friday, January 5, 2001 - 01:06 pm:

Does anyone have a recipe for korpuu, some spell it korpuija, finnish hard toast?No one on my Finnish genelolgy site will share the recipe with the rest of us!!Darn selfish of them if you ask me.I guess it because they have a thriving business of shipping it out, they are based in the East.I love the Trenary but would like to try and make my own.

By Joseph W. Daoust, Wis. on Friday, January 5, 2001 - 12:16 pm:

Have any of you yoopers learned to make pasties the true cornish way? If your in the dark about a real pasty it is only meat, potatoes and onions. I understand that anything else is strictly an Eastern UP.version I should know. My Dad, Mr Lyman Daoust was Pasty King for over 40 years. He had one of the bigest Pasty shops in the Midwest. That was "Daoust Pasty Shop" In Hurley Wisconsin. He used to move over a 1000 pasties a day.

By Ellen, Florida on Friday, January 5, 2001 - 12:38 am:

Hi KSB in Florida, yes, there is an annual Yooper picnic at Wickham Park in Melbourne, Florida in the beginning of March. I don't have the contact numbers offhand, but if I can find them I will put them on this message board. If you live near Melbourne, the Florida TODAY paper advertises it in small sections such as "Milt's" column. There may be other annual Yooper picnics around, but I know people come from all over for this one. Hope I've helped. Ellen

By KSB on Thursday, January 4, 2001 - 06:22 pm:


I live in Florida but was born in Laurium. I had heard that there was a picnic in Fl. once a year for yoopers. If anyone has any info please let me know dates and such. Thanks

By Lisa NC on Tuesday, January 2, 2001 - 10:40 pm:

I live in North Carolina now but I grew up in Houghton. I have thoroughly enjoyed looking at your Web site. Especially the pasty cam. You have some great photographers there. My son is there now visiting so I was just checking into the ski conditions at Mt Ripley. Why are they not updated? Get on their case.

Thanks for being there. I make my own pasties or I would order some of yours. They look great...

By Stan Kotajarvi, Holt, MI on Tuesday, January 2, 2001 - 11:11 am:

Happy New Year, Charlie!
And the same for all the workers and residents at Stillwater. I have kept up with the pasty cam pictures and the e-mails almost every day for the past year. I really enjoy seeing the scenes and reading the comments. Great work. Keep it up.

I believe my aunt, Irene Aitta, is a new resident at Stillwater. I would like to wish her a Happy New Year also, and hope that we will be able to see her this summer.

By Fritz Owens, New Orleans, Louisiana on Monday, January 1, 2001 - 04:11 pm:

To All:

I am a professional pianist, composer, recording artist and
piano teacher. I started playing the piano at age three, started
lessons at age five, have a degree in music and have been
playing professionally since the age of 16. My Dad started me
teaching popular music in his studios in Honolulu, Hawaii in
1946 at the age of 12 . I played five shows a night, six nights a
week for 35 years, 25 of them in New Orleans which is where I
have lived for the last forty years. I am an extremely good and
experienced piano teacher.

I will be teaching popular piano lessons LIVE ONLINE via the
Internet in the next couple of months so I am looking for trial
students. The purpose of the test run is to make sure that all
of my equipment is functioning correctly and that no serious
flaws in the teaching plan are present.

I need people who really want to learn to play the piano. I have
no objection to intermediate or advanced students, but really
prefer beginners who have very little or no experience since they
will be the true test of this program.

They must have a piano or an electronic keyboard with at least
61 notes and a sustain pedal IN THEIR HOME. The failure rate
amongst students who do not have the piano in their home is 98%.

Their computer must have a web cam which can be located where
it will show the student sitting at the piano. A microphone has to
be hooked up to the computer and placed close to the piano so
that what the student is playing can be heard.

The student must be willing and able to practice the piano a
minimum of 10 to 20 minutes every day. The key is EVERY DAY.
Anything less is almost certain assurance of failure.

The student must agree to the use of his or her name and age in
any advertising I do in the future. No other information will be
published about the student unless permitted by the student.

When the program starts, I will be charging $150.00 per month
for the lessons plus $15.00 for the book "The Owens Magic
Method of Popular Piano Playing", written by Frank Owens, my

I need at least four test subjects who will get 4 free lessons plus
a free book for participating in this trial. If they wish to continue
after the first four lessons, They will get a 50% discount on the
lessons for as long as they wish to continue. My policy for many
years has always been to charge students the same price for
lessons which they paid when they first started. As a
consequence, I have students who are paying $40 a month all the
way up to $80 a month depending on how long they have been
taking lessons.

My reason for writing to you is very simple. You are listed in
many search engines as having a web cam site. Perhaps you have
run across the very people I am looking for. Anything you can do
to help me find these trial subjects would be greatly appreciated.

This is a one time message. You will not be contacted again unless
you respond to this query.

Musically yours,

Fritz Owens
Fritz Owens Studios, Inc.
4819 Walmsley Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70125
Phone: 504-865-7027
Fax: 504-865-9630

Web Site: http://www.owensstudios.com
E-mail: fritzowens@home.com