October 1999

Past-E-Mail: October 1999
*** Newer messages appear first.  You may add your message below. ***
Editor's responses are in blue text

By Scott from Tennessee on Sunday, October 31, 1999 - 03:08 pm:

Greetings from Tennessee! I check this site each day to catch different glimpses of da U.P. Enjoyed a week in the Keweenaw last August while vacationing in Houghton and visiting with my wife's folks in Atlantic Mine - hate to leave every summer! A few more years to retiring from the Air Force and we'll be back in the Keweenaw to stay.

Here's a photo taken just outside of the Superior View Restuarant on Lake Superior in Freda, MI, near Houghton - it's one of my favorites as it includes a monument to some local war vet heroes. My wife and I enjoy your site tremendously, keep up the great work!

Regards -
Scott H., Capt, USAF
Arnold AFB, TN

Scott the U.P. biker

By Marian from Michigan on Friday, October 29, 1999 - 08:48 am:

Hi again,
thanks for fixing the bridge cam. Wish I would have known you were going to Marquette. I woke up this morning thinking it would be nice to see a picture from Big Bay, maybe the lighthouse or Thunder Bay Inn or the view from Gobbler's Knob. (watching "Anatomy of a Murder" is a fall tradition in my house) Also the mine tower thingys in Ishpeming. Maybe even a shot from the old air base, KI Sawyer where I spent a lot of time visiting my sister and her family when they lived there, sigh, those were good times.

By John from Wisconsin on Thursday, October 28, 1999 - 11:37 am:

Yooper riddle

Here is a Yooper riddle. Guess it correctly and e-mail me, I'll send you a copy of Jeff Harkin's "Grace Plus Nothing." The answer will be revealed tomorrow, so get your answer to me as soon as possible (but don't send it to Pasty Central!).

Two copper miners come out of the mine. One has an immaculately clean face, but keeps taking out a handkerchief and wiping his face.

The other miner's face is filthy dirty, covered with mine dust. But he doesn't touch his face.

Explain why these two Yooper copper miners are acting this way.

The answer follows...

By John on Friday, October 29, 1999 - 01:39 pm:

The answer to yesterday's Yooper riddle?

Each Yooper did not have a mirror. They looked at each other. One saw his friend's face and thought, "Wow! I must be really filthy." Thus he was continually wiping his face.

The other, of course, saw his friend's clean face and thought, "My face looks clean."

No one answered the riddle. But I hope you all enjoyed it nonetheless.

By Marian, and the collie and kitty crew from Michigan on Wednesday, October 27, 1999 - 08:55 am:

is there a problem with the bridge cam, it seems to be stuck on Sunday. I check the site everyday, sometimes several times a day, it's kind of a mini-vacation. I didn't make it up there this fall as one of my collies had some scary health problems and we had to stay home and wait out the crisis, plus the vet, the grocery store, and health food store got all my travelling money, (luckily it was something we could treat with nutrition, etc, instead of drugs with bad side effects) and the good news is she is ok now. Maybe we will come up later, we're not afraid of winter. Sure wish we could spend more time up there, I have a strong interest in the history of the area, plus I just love visiting a region where there is a strong sense of community. We really don't have that where I live. And I guess I shouldn't forget to mention it's just plain gorgeous up there, the recent pictures have been wonderful, loved the quote from "Hiawatha."

Thanks for pointing this out to us... The Bridge Cam is now working just fine. We appreciate it so much when regular visitors are so observant and take the time to help us correct problems :o)

By Jim & Lana Hughes Gro, Mex on Sunday, October 24, 1999 - 12:16 pm:

Hola from Ixtapa,Mexico to everyone in the Keweenaw.Enjoy reading all the messages and seeing all the pictures.We are shoveling sand instead of snow!HA HA!We'll see you in spring when the ground is GREEN.

By MARK FROM RHODE ISLAND on Saturday, October 23, 1999 - 10:11 pm:



Hmmm... potatosausage.com ?

By Lyndelle Brower Chiomenti/Frederick, Maryland on Saturday, October 23, 1999 - 05:47 pm:

Your October 22 picture of the bridge surely made me homesick. On the same day, while traveling the roads of the town where I live in Maryland, the local radio station played Gordon Lightfoot's song about the Edmund Fitzgerald. Talk about a double whammy! This is the worst time of year for missplaced Trolls and Yoopers. How we miss the brilliant autumn foliage, the breakers crashing along the shores of the Great Lakes, and the fresh smell and taste of that first snow fall! Thanks for keeping us connected!

By Anonymous on Saturday, October 23, 1999 - 05:12 pm:

Anyone from the Houghton High class of '60 check in on this site as often as I do???

By Al,from NE Ohio on Saturday, October 23, 1999 - 03:03 pm:

Hi Charlie. How about including Kent OH (44240) or Newton Falls OH (44444)into your grand list?

Al keeps on coming back

This week we'll try to update the Zip Code map... And they tell us the back-ordered flags will soon be in :o)

By Toivo on Friday, October 22, 1999 - 12:54 pm:

Can you get some pics of the village of Red Jacket?

By Nancy Kress on Friday, October 22, 1999 - 12:02 pm:

MY COMPLIMENTS TO THE CHEF!!!! I just received my pasties. Unfortunately, because of airbourne, they were a day late. I was a little concerned on condition of them when they arrived a day later than expected. Because of you GREAT packaging. They were still cold and they SMELL SO GOOD. I Have to go heat up oven. THANK YOU AGAIN PASTY CAM for being there for us to enjoy.

By Jan Medved, Wis on Friday, October 22, 1999 - 11:02 am:

Hi Charlie, after visiting pasty cam again today, I decided to take the the big red water tower in Swedetown my own page, when I open up my computer there it is and it sure looks good. I can visit my hometown any time I want to now. Thanks for the picture.

Jan Medved

By pml- Oklahoma on Friday, October 22, 1999 - 08:43 am:

Hi to Roger,Lisa, Amber and Lindsey in calf.
Think of you all often and glad to see you have an e-mail address. This is a great site to see what's going on in the u.p..Upgroup.com is another. Thanks to the pasty cam for the great photos and to the folks at stillwater. I covered the Stillwater opening when I was in radio up there.Live in Tulsa,OK and ordered pasties and looking forward to them. You can have the snow. I like Tornados, they're predictable.

By Judy Quantz, Castaic, CA on Thursday, October 21, 1999 - 09:34 pm:

I love your web-site! I am Michigan born and raised, transferred to L.A. five years ago. Your pictures take me back to many camping trips taken to the U.P. My sister-in-law is an MTU grad and my best friend has family in Calumet. I visit this site often to get my Michigan fix.

By David C. Meissner; Jacareí, SP Brazil on Thursday, October 21, 1999 - 03:34 pm:

Excellent pictures these past three days: Oct. 19th, 20th and 21. I don't know which one to save on my desk top.

By Carmaleta Stoh, Vermont on Thursday, October 21, 1999 - 10:14 am:

A friend of mine just introduced me to your Website and it has been a pleasurable experience. Even though I live in an area similar in seasons to the Upper Penninsula, I still miss many of my old classmates, friends and family who still reside there. I was wondering if you have any pictures available depicting the Sacred Heart Church before it burned down. I have often mentioned to my children what a beautiful and warm church it was. Many of my childhood friends also attended that church and may enjoy seeing any pictures you may have of either the inside or the outside. I have many wonderful memories from my childhood and appreciate growing up in such a beautiful and safe place. Thanks for the memories!

By Thompson's in Florida on Wednesday, October 20, 1999 - 09:04 pm:

Pasties arrived Wed, October 20 at 12:30 PM. All were in good shape and still frozen --even in this warm fall Florida sun. Usually they are a little thawed out when they come in the torrid summer heat and often they arrive on Thursday --- never later. But---even then---it has never detracted from the delicious flavor. If the juice has seeped into the surrounding cover during the thawing and there is a delay in serving them, we simple re-wrap them, re-freeze them . When we are ready for the feast, we defrost them and just add a slight sprinkling of water to moisten them before we pop them in the oven.

UMMMMM!! I think it's time for that right now!

We love the pasties and we really enjoy the entire web site. It is surely one of our favorites. Thanks again for all your dedication and efforts.

Dr. Bill and Darrol
Negaunee and Bradenton, Fl

By Penny Homontowski ----Florida on Wednesday, October 20, 1999 - 02:15 pm:

I love to visit pasty cam because that is the only way I can visit the area, since I live in Florida. I use to live in Ewen and miss the U.P. so much!! We have lived down here for almost 11 years now and I hope we can go back and visit soon, but as long as you keep putting these pictures online I can pretend I am really there!! Thank you so much!

By Lorraine & Wally Eagle, Livonia, Michigan on Tuesday, October 19, 1999 - 08:32 pm:

We just spent a great week in the Lac La Belle/Copper Harbor/Calumet area. The colors were wonderful. The drive to Copper Harbor on Hwy 41 is breathtaking. Pictures don't do it justice. We enjoyed good weather until Sunday, Oct.17. On our way home, downstate, on Monday, we saw snow on the ground near Ishpeming. Over the years we have seen many of the views you post and enjoy them all over again with your pictures.

By Sandy LeFevre, AZ on Tuesday, October 19, 1999 - 08:10 pm:

Loved the photos--makes me feel like I never left though I live in Phoenix and my brother is in Albuquerque. We both ordered pasties and pecan rolls-can hardly wait for our food fix. So glad we found your site. Take more photos with local people in them-folks who have been part of the scene for decades--maybe do a section now and then of "..catching up with..." Keep the winter photos coming, people in the southwest are amazed by them.

By KAREN MCMULLEN on Monday, October 18, 1999 - 11:22 am:


By N. Kress, Michigan on Sunday, October 17, 1999 - 07:50 pm:

I can't begin to tell you how much I have enjoyed your website... My father was born and raised at Princess Point on Bootjack Road. I have some family in Lake Linden also. I myself was raised and stuck here in Detroit. I have visited your site daily. I have spent hrs looking at your daily Pasty Cam pictures, each one more astounding than the next. When I saw picture of moose on wall over door and you asked "Do you know where this is?" I certainly did! Then to see picture of Dreamland. Left me speechless. I have stayed there several times. My father past 5 years ago. I just wish I could show him this, for modern day technology is WONDERFUL!!!

PLEASE KEEP UP THE WONDERFUL WORK. You take me mentally, where I wish I could go, physically every day... thank you again.

Nancy Kress

Mr. Moose at Dreamland
We are happy to be able to bring all of these sights and memories... and still amazed that the nationwide interest and demand for our U.P. style Pasties makes it all possible
Pat, Tennessee on Saturday, October 16, 1999 - 07:19 pm:

We ordered some pasties last week, but could not use your secure form, had to use your older form. Notice some other people having this problem. We can't use secure forms ANYWHERE! This is driving us batty, as they have always worked before. Someone did suggest that we try Netscape Navigator, and WALA it works perfect everywhere! It is INTERNET EXPLORER that will not work through AOL, it will not work on straight (non AOL) access either! We have just installed AOL 5.0, and this seems to be when the problem began...maybe the browser needs to be 'updated'also. Does anyone out here know or have suggestions on this?

Last week we moved to a new server, so we appreciate your feedback and will do some testing with the new AOL 5.0. We mostly use Netscape, and you're right... it does work fine. WALA. (Or as the French would say Voila')

By Charmaine Chopp Kneevers on Saturday, October 16, 1999 - 08:26 am:

Hello to Pasty Central and Thurner Bakery People! My cousin from Illinois told me that you have the BEST pasties, and I would like to know the cost so that I, too, can order some. I would order these by snail mail using a check, so please email me the cost and postage so that I can order these. Also, I understand that you have a very interesting book, Calumet Copper and People by Arthur W. Thurner, cost: $13.95. Is this book still available, and again, what is the cost plus postage for mailing it to me? My grandparents, Joseph M. and Maria Chopp, lived in Calumet in the early 1900s when he was a miner, and I am interested in anything historical about the mining country. I've seen some excerpts of the Thurner book, and it is very detailed in describing the life and times of mining families. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you!

To order pasties CLICK HERE and to order the Arthur W. Thurner history book CLICK HERE

Bruce Pankratz on Saturday, October 16, 1999 - 08:24 am:

Pasty People:
Thanks for the wonderful pictures. They make great Windows wallpaper backgounds.

By Chris K, IL on Saturday, October 16, 1999 - 03:21 am:

Hi, Charlie,

Is the B&B Holly Manor still operating in Calumet? It was (is) on the main street of town.

Keep up the good work.

By Anna, CA on Friday, October 15, 1999 - 11:30 pm:

My husband and I grew up in the Copper Country and we love to see pictures that remind us of home. Everyday I log on just to see the new picture of the day. I can't wait for the snow to arrive so I can see winter scenes. It's hard to believe but I actually miss snow. We are requesting a picture of the breakers and lighthouse at McLains. We would love to see it.

By John--Wisconsin on Friday, October 15, 1999 - 01:17 pm:

Just a suggestion--take it for what it's worth--how about during the upcoming Christmas season you feature different churches in all their Christmas finery?

By Mike from Grand Rapids, MI on Friday, October 15, 1999 - 07:00 am:

Well it is FINALLY cold and rainy here in southern half of the lower peninsula. The rain on the colored leaves against the cold gray sky makes the colors even more vibrant. It all reminds me so much of fall in the Keweenaw, what a perfect time of year for "copper country crusin' ". I was looking at the "one year ago" pasty cam picture and it was a PastyVision of the Phoenix church. This reminds me a lot of the Jacobsville church, where my wife Jennifer and I were married two years ago. What are the chances that you could post a picture of that church on PastyCam? Thanks!

Mike French, EIT

We'll dispatch the wandering Pasty Cam to Jacobsville someday soon. :o)

Jeanie, Michigan on Thursday, October 14, 1999 - 07:46 am:

In Pasty.cam the Big Picture, Oct. 14--I would love to walk along that beach today. Bundled in a warm jacket. This looks like it will not be long before the snow flies in the UP. Please have a walk for me.

Just returned from that walk... nice to come back in by the fire. It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it:o)

By Anonymous on Wednesday, October 13, 1999 - 08:31 pm:

I now live in Florida where I was brought down when I was in the third grade. Still have some family in the UP. I come home as often as I can but not enough for me. Still think of the UP as home, not Florida. I check this site almost daily, it makes me feel good to see things I remember as a child and again as an adult thank you for the great memories, until I can get home again. thanks

By Green, Fl. on Wednesday, October 13, 1999 - 10:40 am:

My parents still reside in Houghton. I love your site and checking on conditions in the Keeweenaw. Nice Job!!

By Helmi Vachon Courtade, Traverse City, Mi on Tuesday, October 12, 1999 - 02:41 pm:

I'm heading up to Pasty Country this weekend to pick my Mom up in Toivola & take her to a wedding reception in South Range.
(an 800 + mile trip) :0
I'm not crazy about road trips but looking at the Pasty Cam pics make me anxious to get packing! There's no place like home. Thanks for the inspiration!

By Jenness Joque, WA on Monday, October 11, 1999 - 10:39 pm:

What a great job of taking pictures! Spent quite a while filing through all to see how the CC is doing. We have lived in Tacoma, Washington longer than we did in the UP, but we still think of ourselves as Yoopers, and Michiganers rather than Tacomans or Washingtonians. The trees in town change color and with great variety because we have a lot of plants due to our temperate climate, but the native plants in the mountains only seem to show a bit of yellow among the evergreens. Thanks for posting these wonderful shots.

By Judy, CT on Sunday, October 10, 1999 - 01:48 pm:

I would like to order some pasties, but your secure order form does not work. Let me know if you get it fixed. Thanks, Judy

We have received numerous pasty orders today through the secure form, which would suggest that it IS working. Try again, and if you see anything unusual please email webmaster@pasty.com with any messages or feedback. Thanks!

By Alice Neilson, Ventura, CA on Saturday, October 9, 1999 - 12:26 pm:

Love your site. When I feel homesick I just take a look. How about some pictures of Ontonagon, the Porcupines,Dodgeville, and No.2 location? Oh, you know, I'll just keep looking. I'm sure you have covered some of these areas. Thanks.

By Sherry Bouma, California on Friday, October 8, 1999 - 09:55 pm:

Most of my family is still living in Wisconsin and we are from Port Washington, WI originally. My mom, sister and I moved to the Los Angeles area 37 years ago but the memories never fade, even though I'm 50 something now. The pictures of the UP bring back FOND memories of many greats times at our Smith family home and fisheries in Keweenaw. Seeing the pictures this week of the colors makes me want to pack and run home for a visit! Thanks for this web-site. It has been many years since I have had a pasty so maybe on my next visit I can find one, again!!!

By Dean Axtell, Wyoming on Friday, October 8, 1999 - 01:43 pm:

Thank you for the wonderful pictures!! Even though I'm not from your area, my co-worker is. He helps explain the pictures and their locations. They help make our day a little better. One of these days, my co-worker says he'll order some pasties so I can find out what they taste like.

By Wis-John-Sin on Friday, October 8, 1999 - 12:27 pm:

Great photo of the last game at Tiger Stadium. Any chance a photo of the first game at Comerica Park will be posted next Spring?

Pasties at the ballpark
Maybe Mike and Andy can cover that for us
By Rebecca Houghton, Hawaii on Thursday, October 7, 1999 - 09:51 pm:

Thank you for posting the beautiful pictures of home. I love the fall and winter seasons in the U.P. My husband is in the Air Force, and being stationed in Hawaii where the only season is summer, makes me really miss the seasonal changes that you get in the Copper Country. I look forward to seeing more photos of Upper Michigan.

By KP MI on Thursday, October 7, 1999 - 01:30 pm:

Hi! What a great site. A good friend of mine just told me about it. Im looking for a good friend of mine from school. Her name is Judy Wiitala. Does anyone know where she lives? I would really appreciate it. It would be nice to talk again. Thanks.

By Mark Shevy, Wyoming on Thursday, October 7, 1999 - 10:31 am:

The Pasty Cam helps a lot when I am homesick for the Copper Country. I moved to Cheyenne, Wyoming in 1992 with the Air Force. I'm still out here, even though I'm out of the service now. Thanks for the pictures of home!!

By Mrs. Butch Rutila, Traverse City MI on Wednesday, October 6, 1999 - 09:45 pm:

Hi Charlie,
Thanx for the nice web site. Every time we go by Stillwaters (which is generally during the first week in August), I think of the wonderful, busy folks making pasties. What a great thing.

I have been visiting Laurium at least yearly for the past five years and wish I could more often. I am one of those "troll" people, but my husband calls me an honorary yooper. He is a native of Laurium and mom still lives there.

Keep up the good work.

PS. If there are any '52 grads of Calumet H.S. out there, send an e-mail this way. My husband was one and though I haven't gotten him to surf the web yet, I will be glad to relay the messages.

By Ruth Ann & Scott Meierhofer, Illinois on Wednesday, October 6, 1999 - 09:25 pm:

We love your website! We "stop" by every evening to look around. It's fun to check out the live cams to see what the weather is like and the colors, and are looking foreward to the snow this winter. Your pictures are great. My husband lived in Calumet when he was in grade school while his dad had a Western Auto hardware store there in the mid 50's. We have visited the Keweenaw many times and it's fun to see all the familiar sights. Keep up the good work. You are very much appreciated!

By Jan Medved, Wis. on Wednesday, October 6, 1999 - 08:08 pm:

Hi, we were in Calumet for a few days this past week, stopped in to visit Stillwaters. What a delightful place, everyone was so warm and friendly. Was very glad I stopped.
The weather could have been better, but we enjoyed our stay. Keep the pics comeing, love'm.

By Gary A. Michigan on Wednesday, October 6, 1999 - 03:30 pm:

Hey Charlie,
I am looking for pictures of Copper City. My Neighbor grew up on Crawford Street in Copper City and would like to show off his home town.
The way he talks about it. I would love to see it.

Gary A.

By Winston Tucker on Wednesday, October 6, 1999 - 09:37 am:

Hi Charlie
Just a quick note to let you know how much I enjoyed your website -- the pictures are wonderful
-- made me homesick for God's country.I'm looking
forward to some good pasties. Our best to all.
Win Tucker

By Gerald Cronenworth on Tuesday, October 5, 1999 - 05:10 pm:

Thanks for the picture of No Name Dam(Pond).
As young men in the 50's, my brother and I rode our bikes and later our yu-ka-de(49 Ford with the body chopped off,-early version of the Fourwheeler Eh?)from Mohawk to that spot many times to fish and hunt.

By Ron Blau on Tuesday, October 5, 1999 - 02:03 am:

Just wanted to say this is a great site!!!!!!
Keep up the good work

By lkangas, Brighton,MI on Monday, October 4, 1999 - 11:39 am:

Some photo suggestions: From the Calumet Golf Course you can see Mt. Bohemia to the Northeast and the Huron Mountains to the Southeast. The view from Gas Plant Rd. looking out over Traprock Valley is nice in the Fall. How about some giant Lake Superior waves breaking on the Calumet breakwaters or Big Traverse pier? I look forward to checking your new photos every day! Thanks!

Calumet Breakwater
Just a few days after this note was posted, this photo was received. Pasty Cam watchers are the greatest! Thanks to Peter C. from MD

By Lisa Walters, Ypsilanti MI on Monday, October 4, 1999 - 10:26 am:

Hi, I love this website and check it out every day. My mother is from Lake Linden. How about a picture of the Lake Breeze Hotel in Eagle Harbor? I've only been to the Copper Country in the summer and love seeing your winter shots.
Thanks again.

By R.Somero:CA on Sunday, October 3, 1999 - 08:52 pm:

Talk about good luck! I just checked the site, as I do daily, walked in the kitchen and said "What's for supper?" She said" I'm making pasties."
Good things do happen.

By Anonymous on Sunday, October 3, 1999 - 11:06 am:

you had a live cam site from the soo of the locks but i dont see at your site anymore? are you going to have it, or what is the address?

By Lisa Rantanen Sabo, MI on Saturday, October 2, 1999 - 02:32 pm:

I just ordered my pasties and can't wait to get them. I love your website and all the photos. The Copper Country is in my heart and it's home to my family even though we live below the bridge.

We've heard how good your pasties are! I've told myself that it's about time to make them (using my grandma Helen Dahlgren's recipe) but just have not had the time. What a treat we'll have on Thursday!

I have two great aunts that were residents of Still Waters- Xenia Palmer and Gertrude Karlson.

By Paul, NC on Friday, October 1, 1999 - 08:22 pm:


Are the people remembered at the end of each month people who died during that month? (i.e., those remembered in October died in October). I'm just curious.


That is our intention

By Charlie at Pasty Central on Friday, October 1, 1999 - 07:13 am:

Thanks for sharing October with us! The color in the Keweenaw came late this year, but it has been well worth the wait. We enjoyed bringing you some of it on the Pasty Cam. By the way, we welcome any emailed photos of the U.P. which you have taken. Many of the shots you see were taken by our visitors.

...end of October '99 Past-E-Mail! Go To current month to post your message.
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