Past-E-Mail: October 1999 By Scott from Tennessee on Sunday, October 31, 1999 - 03:08 pm:
By Anonymous on Wednesday, October 13, 1999 - 08:31 pm:
I now live in Florida where I was brought down when I was in the third grade. Still have some family in the UP. I come home as often as I can but not enough for me. Still think of the UP as home, not Florida. I check this site almost daily, it makes me feel good to see things I remember as a child and again as an adult thank you for the great memories, until I can get home again. thanks
My parents still reside in Houghton. I love your site and checking on conditions in the Keeweenaw. Nice Job!!
What a great job of taking pictures! Spent quite a while filing through all to see how the CC is doing. We have lived in Tacoma, Washington longer than we did in the UP, but we still think of ourselves as Yoopers, and Michiganers rather than Tacomans or Washingtonians. The trees in town change color and with great variety because we have a lot of plants due to our temperate climate, but the native plants in the mountains only seem to show a bit of yellow among the evergreens. Thanks for posting these wonderful shots.
I would like to order some pasties, but your secure order form does not work. Let me know if you get it fixed. Thanks, Judy
Love your site. When I feel homesick I just take a look. How about some pictures of Ontonagon, the Porcupines,Dodgeville, and No.2 location? Oh, you know, I'll just keep looking. I'm sure you have covered some of these areas. Thanks.
Most of my family is still living in Wisconsin and we are from Port Washington, WI originally. My mom, sister and I moved to the Los Angeles area 37 years ago but the memories never fade, even though I'm 50 something now. The pictures of the UP bring back FOND memories of many greats times at our Smith family home and fisheries in Keweenaw. Seeing the pictures this week of the colors makes me want to pack and run home for a visit! Thanks for this web-site. It has been many years since I have had a pasty so maybe on my next visit I can find one, again!!!
Thank you for the wonderful pictures!! Even though I'm not from your area, my co-worker is. He helps explain the pictures and their locations. They help make our day a little better. One of these days, my co-worker says he'll order some pasties so I can find out what they taste like.
Great photo of the last game at Tiger Stadium. Any chance a photo of the first game at Comerica Park will be posted next Spring? |
Thank you for posting the beautiful pictures of home. I love the fall and winter seasons in the U.P. My husband is in the Air Force, and being stationed in Hawaii where the only season is summer, makes me really miss the seasonal changes that you get in the Copper Country. I look forward to seeing more photos of Upper Michigan.
Hi! What a great site. A good friend of mine just told me about it. Im looking for a good friend of mine from school. Her name is Judy Wiitala. Does anyone know where she lives? I would really appreciate it. It would be nice to talk again. Thanks.
The Pasty Cam helps a lot when I am homesick for the Copper Country. I moved to Cheyenne, Wyoming in 1992 with the Air Force. I'm still out here, even though I'm out of the service now. Thanks for the pictures of home!!
Hi Charlie,
We love your website! We "stop" by every evening to look around. It's fun to check out the live cams to see what the weather is like and the colors, and are looking foreward to the snow this winter. Your pictures are great. My husband lived in Calumet when he was in grade school while his dad had a Western Auto hardware store there in the mid 50's. We have visited the Keweenaw many times and it's fun to see all the familiar sights. Keep up the good work. You are very much appreciated!
Hi, we were in Calumet for a few days this past week, stopped in to visit Stillwaters. What a delightful place, everyone was so warm and friendly. Was very glad I stopped.
Hey Charlie,
Hi Charlie
Just wanted to say this is a great site!!!!!!
Some photo suggestions: From the Calumet Golf Course you can see Mt. Bohemia to the Northeast and the Huron Mountains to the Southeast. The view from Gas Plant Rd. looking out over Traprock Valley is nice in the Fall. How about some giant Lake Superior waves breaking on the Calumet breakwaters or Big Traverse pier? I look forward to checking your new photos every day! Thanks!
Hi, I love this website and check it out every day. My mother is from Lake Linden. How about a picture of the Lake Breeze Hotel in Eagle Harbor? I've only been to the Copper Country in the summer and love seeing your winter shots.
Talk about good luck! I just checked the site, as I do daily, walked in the kitchen and said "What's for supper?" She said" I'm making pasties."
you had a live cam site from the soo of the locks but i dont see at your site anymore? are you going to have it, or what is the address?
I just ordered my pasties and can't wait to get them. I love your website and all the photos. The Copper Country is in my heart and it's home to my family even though we live below the bridge.
Thanks for sharing October with us! The color in the Keweenaw came late this year, but it has been well worth the wait. We enjoyed bringing you some of it on the Pasty Cam. By the way, we welcome any emailed photos of the U.P. which you have taken. Many of the shots you see were taken by our visitors.