By Old Timer on Wednesday, December 19, 2001 - 07:41 pm:
Area sportsmen and women should find the article in Field and Stream by George Reiger interesting.
Reiger tells us that the money we have spent on licenses, as well as other moneys we have spent, has been misused . He says, "the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) is no longer meeting its wildlife management obligations to sportsmen under the Pittman-Robertson and Dingell-Johnson (P-R and D-J, a.k.a. Wallop-Breaux) acts.
The article, titled:
The Myth of Wildlife Management
by George Reiger
Quote:As experienced oversight workers were replaced by people who didn't care about‹or were even downright hostile to‹hunting, state and federal conservation administrators found that they could use, with increasing impunity, P-R funds for purposes other than game management. A few years ago, the General Accounting Office found that the USFWS had diverted between $40 million and $50 million of these earmarked monies to other agencies with little or no stake in wildlife management. Most scandalous of all, the people in charge had paid themselves substantial "bonuses" for doing so. But because accountability is increasingly rare in public service, no one was punished.
can be read in full at